
Powering future

Network marketing and the iceberg theory

Network marketing and the iceberg theory

In my college days, much of my reading consisted of books related to government, freedom, and philosophy. One of the books I remember from those days was called Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The book was about a futuristic society that was sterile, loveless, and chemically engineered to produce an apparent paradise for the masses. In trying to explain why things worked in this kind of world, the protagonist ‘Mustapha Mond’ explains that the ideal society is built on the iceberg, where 95% of the people are below the surface, invisible and unheard. .

Whether or not an iceberg is a natural or desirable model for a society is debatable, but it is an established fact that most network marketing companies model themselves in this way on results, if not structure. Statistics indicate that only about 5% of people involved in network marketing reach a level of success that they are satisfied with. Why is this? Are there things you can do to become one of the 5% who reaches the tip of the earnings iceberg?

If you’re just starting out or considering getting involved with a network marketing company, you may want to start with a check-up from the neck up first. First, are your goals realistic? Rich affirmations overnight are just that! Just as the largest icebergs take years to reach their formidable size, so do successful Network Marketers. People who are successful in this business have been involved in it for many years. They did not start out being “successful”, but rather they have learned through many years of experience. They are the type of people who attend seminars, listen to tapes, read books, allocate resources, and do many other things that make them one of the 5% who become extremely successful. It’s okay to dream big, but also to understand that it takes time and effort to become a big iceberg.

With that in mind, one of the best things you can do to accelerate your growth in network marketing is to find a ‘mentor’ or role model. It has been said that if you want to be successful at something, find someone who is successful and follow the model. When joining a company, look for a sponsor or person who is actively involved in the company. Leaders are people who will respond to your emails and questions. Leaders are people who will contact you to see how you are doing and if there is anything they can help you with. Heck, leaders can even call you every now and then. The bottom line is that leaders are actively working on their business. Look for leaders and live to become one.

So what does all this talk about icebergs have to do with network marketing? Just understand that when you start recruiting people for your business, you will see the iceberg theory in action firsthand. No matter how big you think your business opportunity is, or how many times you talk to or email them, the vast majority of the people you come in contact with will remain below the surface and out of sight. You just need to understand that you will go through a lot of people and prospects in the process of finding the tip of the iceberg. The good news is that there will always be people looking to see beyond the horizon, and those are the people you want on your team. What you are looking for are the rare people like you who have the same desire, motivation, persistence, and other ingredients that will eventually make you one of the 5% and help you become one too.

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