
Powering future

Positive attitude: stay in the sunlight

Positive attitude: stay in the sunlight

“Don’t anticipate trouble or worry about what will never happen. Stay in the sunlight.”

-Benjamin Franklin

“Don’t borrow trouble!” My sister, Crystal, used to tell me this all the time. She would call out to her, crying and thinking about something that hadn’t happened yet.

“Don’t borrow trouble, Hope,” she’d say.

‘Yeah, sure,’ I thought to myself.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that I am the worst in the world at worrying about things that almost never happen. And where does that take me? The same place it always takes you, if you’re like me. Nowhere.

See, the real problem with worrying about things that may or may not happen is that you waste a lot of time. All the time spent worrying about the future could be well spent elsewhere.

Keep in sunlight. As Benjamin Franklin aptly put it. And I agree with him.

When you’re in the sunlight, problems seem so much smaller. It’s hard to worry about what might never happen when you have a positive attitude.

It is likely that every day we encounter some kind of test. These trials are sent to us to test our strength, agility, and character. Without them, we will never be able to evolve or become better people. Instead, we would remain stuck in the same boring mindset and live monotonous lives (filled with endless worries!).

What does “keep in the sunlight” mean? In short, stay positive. Whatever happens, no matter how bad things seem, don’t worry about things that are out of your control or that haven’t happened yet. Stay positive.

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