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Pregnancy plus obesity equals danger

Pregnancy plus obesity equals danger

It has always been known that obesity is detrimental to health. A small excess in the normal weight can already cause diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. This is all the more true if the obese person is actually pregnant.

It puts both mother and child at risk of complications. Therefore, before it is too late, you may want to take some precautionary measures to avoid such a threat to your health and her life.

A person is considered obese if their weight is 30% higher than the ideal body weight. This is measured with a scale called the Body Mass Index that compares your height and body weight to a number from 18 to 40. The ideal range is 18.5 to 25. You may already be a little overweight for your height if it falls below 25 to Rank 29.9. Also, if you fall past 30, you are positive for obesity. Several factors can cause this state, such as idleness, lack of activity, poor diet and bad eating habits.

Over the years, the number of obese people has increased significantly. This is true for both men and women. However, there has been greater concern for women of childbearing age due to its adverse effects on reproductive health. It puts both mother and baby at risk and negatively affects fertility. This is so because the greater the amount of fat stored, the greater its inhibitory effect on the level of sex hormones produced by the body.

The probability, then, of becoming pregnant decreases. If and when you become pregnant while obese, many possible complications can arise. One of them is preeclampsia which causes high blood pressure, fluid retention and, in effect, swelling. This condition can decrease blood flow to the placenta, posing a serious danger to the baby. Another is gestational diabetes, which is a specific type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. This prevents the body from breaking down the sugar. Indeed, the baby in the womb can gain so much weight that it puts it in clear danger. The health of the baby inside the womb may not be properly monitored and detected because ultrasounds of obese mothers are usually not very accurate as layers of fat get in the way. Also, the baby’s labor can be unusually long, eventually requiring a C-section.

After childbirth, obese women are also more prone to developing infections, making recovery much slower and more difficult. In addition, babies born to obese mothers are also more likely to develop obesity by age four. Being aware of these dangers should significantly encourage you to do something. If you plan to get pregnant, you should be vigilant about losing weight and be more observant of your health. You may want to reevaluate your diet, eating habits, and physical activities. If you are already extremely obese, you may want to consider surgery.

Remember, however, that you should not try to lose weight when you are already pregnant, as this can deprive your baby of necessary calories and nutrients. Instead, you can control her weight gain, make it more gradual, and push it back a bit until the third trimester. Exercise is something you can do continuously during pregnancy, but make sure you’ve checked with your doctor about the activities involved. However, a simple regular walk around the block won’t hurt.

It is also important for women to stay informed about obesity. Not everyone is armed with the right information, leaving them at a loss when they experience the problem, and even worse, when it’s too late. It remains true that prevention is better than cure. Right now, there are several communities you can join that address these types of issues and issues. Personally, you should also be more attentive to your health. It is true that life today is hectic, but health should always be among your priorities. Remember that no one else is responsible for your well-being except you, so take good care of yourself.

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