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Pros and cons of a workflow management system

Pros and cons of a workflow management system

A workflow management system allows you to coordinate between a static station at a given location (the “base”) and mobile units, such as vans, in the field. An example of a workflow management system is a 911 operator’s station. First, a call arrives at the 911 emergency response center and the operator is informed of a problem. The operator updates the problem to the computer, which can then summarize the disturbance in a comprehensive report that can be sent to a police unit, fire station, local hospital, or other team that can appropriately address the situation. Although this is an extreme example, you can actually implement a workflow management system within your organization or business, for little cost.

The JobFlow workflow management system allows a company to centralize invoices, manage receipts for later use, and get service vans to their proper destination at any given time. With various capabilities like instant messaging and electronic worksheet signatures, JobFlow makes doing business much easier.

An efficient workflow management system has a few key components that make it a success for thousands of stores around the world. One, you must help manage your people. Staff must be able to clock in and out, and their whereabouts are always known through tools like GPS. JobFlow, for example, has the ability to integrate with TomTom for convenient vehicle tracking. Two, it should obviously help your cash flow. A workflow management system like JobFlow does this by allowing your employees to have customer-supplied digital signatures upon service delivery, instantly. That means if you have a worker in the field from 8 to 5, you can process payments and post revenue generated on the fly, without waiting for the end of the business day when the unit returns to base. Three, you must enable growth within your organization. Whether it’s efficient links to different customer accounts or NICEIC support, you have to work with your business and for the benefit of your business.

A major drawback of a workflow management system, without a doubt, is the fact that it requires maintenance. Any upgrade your business receives that involves technology will inevitably require attention, whether hardware or software, it could mean spending on your behalf. Another minor downside is that there’s a learning curve for anything new, so your staff will need to be trained to use the newly integrated tools. However, the long-term benefits of implementing a workflow management system in an organization that doesn’t already have one far outweigh the opportunity cost of NOT having one.

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