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Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda or Urticaria

Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda or Urticaria

It is also known as Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda, but some people call it ‘Nettle Rash’ or ‘Urticaria’. It is a very agonizing disease when the patient has eruptions all over the body, there are raised red spots that may have white margins or in other cases, the spots are whitish but circumscribed by red margins. At any stage, the itching is so severe that the patient is forced to scratch frantically. There is heat, redness, swelling, restlessness, symptoms that are aggravated by exposure to cold or heat or even humid winds, perspiration, irritation, although there is no fever.

The most recent medical opinion revolves around the fact that some type of allergy is the basic cause that is attributed to allergy to fluctuating discharges of thermal conditions, food items, such as beverages, beer, spices, condiments, fats, vegetables, fruits , milk and its bi-products. , fish or meat, oils, aromas, smells, chemicals, gases, etc. In summary, anything under the sun can cause allergies, with the appearance and appearance of urticarial eruptions.

Ayurveda believes that one or all of the humor, when vitiated, could cause hives. Some of the known situations are drinking cold water after exercising or exposing the body to cold in hot weather, parasite infestation, mental excitement, etc. But, the most likely cause is when pitta vicia and kaphavayu aggravates.

Ayurvedic treatment Ensures purification of the blood, for which a TSP of Haldi (turmeric) can be mixed with a glass of milk 2-3 times a day. Another well known remedy of yesteryear is gem gairik (red ocher) 5 grains three times a day with water / honey, or five grains of Arogyavardhini Rasa and suta shakhar Ras should be taken, three times a day with honey. Constipation, if any, should be eliminated by taking 1 teaspoon of Triphala with warm water at night.

Specific remedies

  • Arni root powder (3g) should be taken with 12g of pure ghee twice daily.
  • Haridra Khand (4 g) and Rasa Sindur (80 g) should be taken together with water, three times a day.
  • For local application, prepare a paste of turmeric, Chakramarda seeds and Sesame, Kooth and massage the affected portions. Once or twice a day.

Intestinal worms are also said to cause hives, thus eliminating the worms, as is constipation. Remember, where there is dirt and constipation, the worms in the intestines are bound to hatch and cause hives along with other complications.

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