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Tantric lovemaking and the art of kissing

Tantric lovemaking and the art of kissing

Kissing is one of the most important aspects of lovemaking and can often make or break a relationship.

A kiss is usually the first intimate physical contact you have with a potential new lover or partner. From a kiss, a person can often tell what kind of lover you are, or at least some say they can. Some people can reach orgasm kissing alone. Not wanting your partner to kiss you can be a sign of relationship problems. If a kiss feels wrong, many women will just say goodbye to the guy.

Unfair you say. Well, maybe not. You see, from a tantric perspective, kissing is a powerful way to arouse, arouse, and arouse your lover. Becoming a great kisser is truly becoming an artist with your tongue and mouth.

Now I know this may sound pretty easy. I mean, after all, most of you have been kissing one way or another for years and there are many variations on this theme. But what I am referring to here is the art of kissing to release the nectar that resides within the subtle tantric body, as well as the electrical current that runs from the mouth to other erogenous zones.

Making kissing a daily ritual will boost your relationship and rekindle your passion. There are many different types of kisses: slow, wet, fast, deep, hard, soft, breathy, and then there are tantric kisses. Kiss your lover at least twice a day and experiment with these different types of kisses. (Dr. Ava Cadell)

1. the tantric kiss – In this kiss, you are actually breathing your partner’s breath. They are not using tongues or any kind of movement, but are sharing breath together. This kiss is very intimate. What could be more intimate than sharing your lover’s breath? This kiss can bring you into a state of harmony and fluidity with your partner. You forget about time and space and you are just inhaling and exhaling with each other. To start, sit down jab yum or lie face down facing each other. The legs can be wrapped around each other or in whatever way is most comfortable. Then, simply touching lips, exhale into your lover’s mouth as they inhale your breath. So your lover exhales while you inhale. It may take some practice to get the flow flowing smoothly, but once you do, it really is a kiss from heaven. Keep in touch with your lover by maintaining eye contact at least once in a while. I have found that I usually close my eyes and just get lost in the rhythm of our breathing.

two.butterfly kisses – Begin by kissing your partner’s face very lightly and gently, exploring their chin, cheeks, nose, eyelids, and forehead with your lips. Take your time and build the energy. Like the wings of a butterfly your lips move over your lover’s face. Gently kiss your partner’s lips. Take your tongue and gently brush over them. Then just gently kiss your partner’s lips from corner to corner, sweet and flickering.

3. libation kiss – To release the nectar from your partner’s subtle body, take your tongue and gently rub it along the inside of their upper lip. The nectar is not saliva, but it is warm and watery and stimulates the release of a “sexual spray” that pours down the body from the crown or top. chakra. In tantra remember that you are not only working on the physical body but also on the energetic and subtle bodies.

Four. The slow and deep kiss Now put your heart and body into a slow kiss alternating pressure from light to deep with your mouth slightly open.

5. the bite kiss – Kiss your partner and gently nibble his lower lip. This will send an electric shock directly to a woman’s nipples or yoni and a man’s lingam.

6. sucking kiss – Wrap your lips around your lover’s tongue and suck passionately, alternating your speed from slow to fast.

7. exploratory kiss – Explore the inside of your lover’s mouth with your tongue running in small and large circles.

8. Quick silver kiss – Move your tongue in and out of your lover’s mouth quickly and then slowly as if you were having sex. Remember to use your whole body and make all those wonderful love sounds.

9. Melted Kiss – Begin kissing gently. Then she relaxes her lips, opens her mouth a little and goes deeper. She allows her mouth to merge with her partner’s and her tongue to relax. This kind of kiss is truly my favorite. No one is directing you, and you and your partner can just flow with each other.

Remember to be creative and find out if you like to try chocolate, spirits or fruit while kissing, it can be a bit messy but so delicious.

The art of kissing requires a lot, a lot of practice. So create time with your lover or partner to kiss often. Kiss when you walk down the street together. Kiss when you’re waiting in the elevator. Kiss when you are walking the dog, cooking, washing, when you wake up and when you go to sleep. Practice practice practice. Try all of the above and come up with some of your own kissing techniques. And remember to have fun.

If you want to further study the art of kissing, why not try a kissing class at Loveolog University?

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