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Technical Writing – Defining Demographics

Technical Writing – Defining Demographics

Definition of demographic

Frequently, a client will specify a target audience when talking about the product. customer profile. This is a way of talking about the demographics of the people in a consumer group. One of the purposes of a demographic is to find out what specific consumer segments exist in the general population. Another is to have enough information about a typical member of a group to provide a kind of mental image of an individual within the larger group. This information enables the development of a marketing strategy and marketing plan.

In ordinary usage, a number of variables are taken into account when we talk about the demographics of a group. Commonly used variables include:

  • breed
  • age
  • income
  • disabilities
  • designated type and number of products in the household
  • Educational level
  • Housing status: own, rent, condominium
  • Employment Status
  • geographic location
  • recreational preferences
  • buying clothes

Each of these variables can be given more or less weight depending on the product or service in question. For example, a magazine publisher might consider a marketing campaign that targets a demographic that includes single Asian men ages twenty-five to twenty-eight employed in the aerospace industry living in the Northwestern US. This is potentially a large segment of the population.

On the other hand, if a company has a product that is expected to attract only Serbo-Croat women between the ages of eighty-five and ninety who have a PhD in Antarctic economics and live with their parents, a demographic study might indicate that the potential market it’s too small for a major marketing initiative.

let’s be picky

Each word has a specific meaning and no two words mean exactly the same. And we still believe that’s true, except when it’s not.

The word psychographicTechnically, it includes all the information in a demographic more much more A good marketing dictionary will define psychographics as a way of dividing consumers into groups based on their attitudes, beliefs, values, personality, purchasing motives, lifestyle, and other attributes.

Technically, demographic data is a subset of psychographs that measures only age, income, and occupation. However, in practice, you will rarely hear the word psychographics in a meeting because most people in marketing don’t know or care that there’s a difference. Demographics has become the industry shorthand that encompasses all elements of psychographics.

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