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The 10 common myths about depression

The 10 common myths about depression

Depression is one of the most disabling illnesses in the world today and one of the most costly. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on medical and insurance costs, unemployment, lost wages, broken relationships and marriages, addictions, and suicides.

Although there are effective treatments available, many people do not seek help due to misinformation and fear of being judged. About 10% of the population struggles with depression, which causes serious mental, physical, and emotional problems at home and at work.

Some people believe things about depression that are simply not true, and this can cause them to fear or misunderstand the illness. These are the common myths about depression and other mental illnesses:

1. DEPRESSION IS NOT A REAL ILLNESS. It is as real as physical illnesses. Depression is a real health problem that requires effective treatment, which may include medication and/or therapy.

2. DEPRESSION IS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS TO OTHER PEOPLE. Everyone is affected in some way by a mental illness, whether it be by themselves or by a family member, friend or co-worker.

3. PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS ARE VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS. Anyone can become violent and dangerous. The fact is that people struggling with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than to be violent themselves.

4. PEOPLE CANNOT RECOVER FROM A MENTAL ILLNESS. People can actually recover if they get the right treatment and get enough support. Depressed people can learn to manage their symptoms and lead productive and engaged lives. Many work full time, volunteer and provide support to others who are struggling because they can relate to their emotional needs.

5. DEPRESSED PEOPLE ARE WEAK AND CANNOT HANDLE STRESS. People with depression often handle stress better because they have spent time learning coping, stress management, and problem-solving skills. They also understand that you don’t show weakness when you ask for help.

6. PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS CANNOT WORK. Workplaces are filled with people struggling with mental illness. Depression often drives people to work and they will put in a heavier workload more difficult just to prove they have value.

7. DEPRESSION IS JUST AN EXCUSE FOR BAD BEHAVIOR. Some people with depression act strangely, however we need to understand that people do not choose to have a mental illness any more than they would choose to have cancer or diabetes. Anyone can make bad decisions and behave badly.

8. DEPRESSION IS ONLY PART OF THE AGING PROCESS. This is not true. If older people are surrounded by a good social network, stay active, and are in reasonably good health, there is no reason for them to be depressed.

9. DEPRESSION CAN BE CAUSED BY BAD PARRING. Depression is the result of a combination of factors such as family history, biology, family environment, and life experiences.

10. CHILDREN CANNOT HAVE DEPRESSION, IT IS FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Young children can experience depression and other mental illnesses just as they can experience physical illnesses.

Learn the real facts about depression and other mental illnesses. They are no different than physical illnesses and we must treat everyone with the respect they deserve. Support your loved ones who are struggling with depression and help them feel important. Depression is a horrible disease when you have no one to help you. We all need love and support!!

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