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Things to consider when choosing apostille services in India

Things to consider when choosing apostille services in India

There are several important things to consider when choosing apostille services in India. If you want to apostille your important documents like birth certificate, degree certificate, etc., you should choose the best apostille service provider. The following points will help you make the best decision.

1. Approved by MEA

The first requirement of a good service provider is that the company must have the mandatory approval of the New Delhi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The MEA is the leading body handling apostille in India. Ask for the agency’s registration number and verify it at the MEA before moving in.

2. Punctual services

A good agency with a high-quality service is always punctual and its service is delivered exactly on time. When you make your first interaction with them, you will know their professionalism and experience when it comes to time. This is very important, especially for entrepreneurs who have a very busy schedule. Good companies stick to the deadlines they give them.

3. Professional contacts

The best companies usually have contacts with the HRD / GAD / HomeDepartment / Chamber of Commerce authorities of various states in India. This will aid in faster processing of your apostille case and reduce processing time.

4. Reasonable service charges

Good service providers have a reasonable service charge that is tailored to each applicant’s budget. Do not get carried away by very high service charges, thinking that they will be good. Good services are not always expensive, you must remember.

5. Privacy of your information

Always ensure that your agency enters into a nondisclosure agreement with you regarding the full privacy of your personal data, such as birth certificate details, marriage certificate details, etc. There should be no relaxation of either party.

6. Track Record

Reputable companies always have an excellent track record in providing accurate services. Check the company’s history. You can speak directly to previous clients about their experience. Ask the service provider to provide you with customer emails, phone numbers, etc.

7. Special services

Today, famous companies offer specialized apostille services to their clients. Example: XYZ Delhi company specializes in apostille of degree certificates. Therefore, whenever you require the apostille of a degree certificate in Delhi, you should always contact XYZ.

8. First-class customer service

Reputable agencies always have excellent customer service that is available 24 * 7 and open 365 days a year. Check the accessibility of customer service. Always opt for multiple means of communication such as in person, email, phone, etc., to avoid any difficulties.

9. Quality of staff

You need to make sure that the service provider you are relying on has to have trained and experienced staff. They must answer your queries and they must be knowledgeable. They should always be up to date with the latest in apostille services.

10. Good follow-up services

Nowadays, all famous agencies provide tracking services for your shipment, such as when it was sent to the HRD, what day and time the HRD authentication was completed and when it arrived at the MEA and when the apostille was completed.

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