
Powering future

Unleashing the true power of concentration

Unleashing the true power of concentration

Do you know which is the gateway to heaven? It is the latent power of concentration within you. There are caves of power that lie entrenched and unexplored right within you, and if you could be trained to be in command to knowingly use the powers within you, you can achieve much more than you ever thought possible. Therefore, the gateway to heaven is concentration. Until you have built a sanctuary of silence within yourself and have broken down the walls with which your environment has surrounded you, you will never discover the gateway to power. You can shed some light on your perception of concentration by reading books on the subject, but the study of books will not give you the power to concentrate. Our development comes from personal experience.

A small number of people fully understand the meaning of concentration; even fewer men and women really know how to focus. The true meaning of concentration is to gather all your attention on one point, but if your mind is distracted, how can you concentrate? How can you concentrate if your attention is spread over a large area which diminishes its power, but becomes strong when focused on one object? Direct the sun’s rays through a sizable lens to concentrate them into a fine point, the heat is created with such force that it will burn almost anything in its path. Likewise, by unleashing the full power of concentration through scientific techniques, the causes of failures will similarly be burned. Lack of concentration is the root cause of most disappointments in people’s lives.

Spiritual Concentration
Those who want to advance to the inner circle and learn the techniques of concentration and really get an answer from God, must learn how to achieve concentration and then put it into practice to obtain its extraordinary power. The inner circle is made up of those who are constantly steadfast and try day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year to expand their minds and consciousness and discipline themselves. There is not only a spiritual inner circle, there is a spiritual hierarchy that governs and protects this planet. It was the hierarchy of spiritual avatars that so confused the mind of Hitler and his cohorts during World War II with their unseen forces that he mistakenly chose to attack and invade Russia rather than conquer England, drained and weakened by terrible losses. at Dunkirk. For those of you in ‘Rio Linda’, the spiritual ups and downs are not the ones portrayed by Hollywood. When you want to learn about medicine or science, you need a credentialed teacher. When you are in the forest of spirituality or theology, you must have a proper guide to understand the mysteries of God and the science of yoga meditation.

Awesome men and women spend a great deal of time digging deep within themselves to find the true answers to face their problems head on with the right solutions. To be like them you have to be able to put your whole mind on one object at once. Then, and only then, when your attention is absolutely free of thoughts and sensations, can you focus on one thing at a time. When you focus only on God, that is called meditation. That should be the real goal but to advance in meditation you must go deep within yourself; separate your attention from your five senses of touch, hearing, smell, taste and sight that stimulate and arouse thoughts that are your greatest enemies. Most people have no idea how to enter a state of silence, let alone a state of utter stillness. One must have complete forgetfulness of the body to go deep into meditation. As long as you are aware of your body and move even once to scratch, you can break the magnetic field and may have to start over to gain depth.

Spiritual teachers tell us that it is possible to get a real answer from the Infinite and formless God. The teacher explains that God is spirit and usually will not speak in words, but manifests His consciousness as divine perceptions through the understandable vibratory sounds of Om or Aum and that only devotees can understand with heightened concentration in deep meditation together with a steady rise of deep peace that is more restful than sleep. This experience of inner calm is transformed into a feeling of joy that seeps down your spine. Those who reach this level can call themselves “Sat-Chit-Ananda” by definition means always blissfully aware of their eternal existence. This is what true communion with God is.

You may think to yourself “why is it so hard?” The teacher explains to the student or disciple that God will not manifest himself in any way unless he is totally free from the swarms of restless thoughts that flow in your consciousness. Your inattention indicates that worldly thoughts have not been removed from your mind. He won’t respond and why should he if your mind is elsewhere. The teacher describes God as the mourning God that the Romans called the two-faced jealous God connected with doors and gates. A perfect explanation is that the light from it is similar to a candle flame that cannot tolerate the wind of restlessness. Free yourself from all restlessness and his flame will burn incessantly in the sanctuary of your meditation. You have to be mentally alert with sincerity of heart when you offer devotion to the Divine to get a response.

Next is the cultivation of concentration in your spiritual eye. Your eyes should look up, at the center of your eyebrows. The moment your eyes drop, you can fall asleep and lean forward as many do when concentration is not locked between the eyebrows. One of the true signs of breakthrough is seeing cosmic light and that light is right between the eyebrows and if it turns opal blue with a gold ring you are seeing Christ Consciousness. If you see that light in meditation, beneficial changes will take place in your mind. When you have gone far enough to penetrate that light, you will be able to see the five-pointed star. However, to enter the spiritual eye star, one must have mastered the breathless state of yoga by learning the techniques of Kriya Yoga.

To learn Kriya Yoga, you can read the book entitled “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic that explains the actual meditation technique and is given free of charge by Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles California or Yogoda Satsanga Society of India. . in the form of a lesson, mailed to your home.

Most people who start meditating at first only see complete darkness and get so bored that they give up because they see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing and are reluctant to make the spiritual effort required in the struggle to sit up and meditate while remaining identified with the demands. and the comfort of the body when attached to everything.

Remember the words of the prophets “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” What does that mean? The hardworking devotee should grow spiritually on the soil of his meditative life. Very few people will live a disciplined life without interruption and meditate for the rewards of contact with God in this short season of life. If this is you, you need to reconsider your values ​​and realize that you did not come into this world to lose yourself but to find your true self and not because of blind beliefs or an undeserved heavenly visitation or hoping to be in His presence through the merit of life. death can reach the Lord of the harvest. At the end of life, the material man discovers that he does not have the realization of God and the riches of worldly life that he sought to protect and defend.

There are universal laws that we are supposed to learn from our parents, but most fathers and mothers unfortunately do not know the spiritual laws and we certainly will not learn them in school. How are we supposed to be educated spiritually? We must become our own psychologist, psychiatrist, lawyer, and own doctor to understand these laws. The masters warn us if we violate universal or cosmic laws, if we cause ourselves undue suffering by the law of karma or by what the masters call the “invisible controllers” that record our every action twenty-four hours a day. There is nowhere we can run to escape our actions and man would do well to come to terms with universal laws.

Did you know that in the earliest times the sages of yore threatened terrible punishments to whip the dark minds over the universal laws? They had to use threatening words to get people to change. Unfortunately, fear was the only way to move the dark minds. While we look at those dark minds that lived in the past with utter dismay, future civilizations will look at us in the same way. How could we with all our intelligence have existed in such an uncivilized and primitive way?

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