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Unsweetened rice milk and candida problems

Unsweetened rice milk and candida problems

I got a question from a reader. I wanted to know about unsweetened rice milk. She was aware of unsweetened soy milk, but was looking for rice milk instead.

Well, you could try it the same way we make nut milks. To make nut milks, simply soak the nuts overnight, toss the nuts and milk into the blender, and then you have the nut milk. Perhaps rice milk was made the same way.

Or you could just get Rice Dream.

Unfortunately, Rice Dream is sweetened, making it bad for those with candida issues. It may not say anything on the box, but it does contain sweetener. They usually use brown rice syrup, or organic malt syrup or cane juice or maltodextrin, etc. If you only include brown rice, then consider using brown rice syrup. If it tastes sweet, it is sweetened with something. The nutrition label will list the amount of sugar it contains in the carbohydrate section. If it has more than a couple of grams of sugar, it is sweetened with something.

There is a website with tons of recipes to make your own rice and there are some unsweetened rice milk recipes. However, white rice can also be a problem for people with candida.

Sally Fallon, the author of the Nourishing Traditions cookbook, just gave a lecture and felt it was difficult for bodies to process soybeans. Therefore, it might be a better idea to switch to rice milk. But knowing that unsweetened rice milk is hard to find, you can try diluted coconut milk. Coconut milk is expensive, but a can will last several days if diluted and, in addition to being antifungal, it tastes much better than soy.

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