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What is Autosuggestion and can it help with weight loss?

What is Autosuggestion and can it help with weight loss?

Autosuggestion is not new wave verbiage, it is a psychological technique that has been used for over a century. Autosuggestion harnesses the power of your subconscious mind to influence your behavior, but is it something that can benefit you?

There is an expression that says that you are what you think, we are all the product of the sum of our thoughts. We are only limited by the ceiling that we establish in our own mind. How you imagine and see yourself (self-image) is crucial to your long-term success and happiness. Your behavior and the habits you form are due in part to your thought patterns.

What is autosuggestion?

Autosuggestion works on the concept that to change our behavior, traits, or habits, we must first change our thinking. Autosuggestion is often used in self-improvement programs to help achieve a specific goal, such as:

  • Lose weight
  • Give up smoking
  • Confidence boost
  • Attracting wealth
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Cure a phobia

Autosuggestion involves filling your subconscious mind with positive instructions on a regular basis. Your subconscious mind constantly receives information through your senses, but much of it is negative. Your conscious mind acts on the information that is received through your subconscious mind. One way to do this is by using affirmations, which are positive affirmations that you repeat regularly every day, usually upon waking and before going to bed. These statements will relate to whatever you are trying to achieve. For autosuggestion to work, you need to get rid of negative thoughts as soon as they appear.

Using I Am Statements

Your suggestions should relate to a desired outcome or goal. Positive statements that begin with the words I am can be very powerful. This is because you are making a statement in the present that relates directly to you, for example, if your goal is to lose weight, you can use the following statements:

I am losing weight every day.

I am going to lose 15 pounds.

I eat a healthy diet every day.

I am getting fitter and stronger.

I look better than ever.

Can Autosuggestion Work For Me?

In the beginner, autosuggestion will seem very strange to you and you may feel a bit silly, but don’t get lost. You also need to put some conviction into your autosuggestion program and believe that it is actually going to work for you. Practice autosuggestion every day and start to see yourself as you want to be.

Autosuggestion and weight loss

Autosuggestion can help you lose weight, but you will also need a healthy diet and exercise program. Begin to imagine yourself looking slim and healthy, intensely imagine how you will feel and what you will wear. Build positive images in your mind, backed up with positive suggestions in the form of affirmations. It will help you change your eating habits, exercise habits.

Make your subconscious mind a place full of positivity and harness the power of autosuggestion.

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