
Powering future

When are you most productive? How to maximize your productivity

When are you most productive? How to maximize your productivity

When are you most productive?

I am most productive first thing in the morning, right after I finish breakfast and sit down at my computer with my first cup of coffee.

I have my day all planned out. I divide my work day into 6 to 8 one-hour blocks of time, assigning a specific task to each block. I do this the night before. So I am fully organized for maximum productivity.

So even before I walk into my workspace, I know exactly what I’m going to do that day.

Are you impressed?

You should be, because I really do this every day as part of my work routine.

There is only one problem. Even though I have more energy in the morning and have all these tasks lined up, somehow I don’t always follow my plan.

My biggest blocks of time are for content creation, whether it’s writing an article, writing a blog post, or scripting a video.

The problem is that while sitting in front of my computer, I have an unexpected case of writer’s block. I know the topic I want to write about, but the words just won’t come.

So, to avoid being unproductive, I decide to make a couple of posts on my Facebook page. Good idea! Good?

Well, Facebook can easily start you on a slippery slope when it comes to productivity. I’m sure I don’t have to explain how this can happen. There are too many tempting distractions.

The other weird thing I’ve discovered is that despite having the most energy in the morning, I also seem to have the most distractions.

I know what I want to accomplish that day, but my mind keeps jumping from one interesting topic to another.

As I go about my day, doing a few things related to my business, running a few errands to cope with the usual demands of daily life, I soon come to the end of the day’s hours.

After dinner and an hour or two of television, I settle back into my workspace to plan my next day.

But this is when something strange happens. Suddenly, I have an idea in my mind about some content I want to produce, I start taking some notes, and before I know it, I am furiously typing as thoughts and ideas flow through my mind.

When I look at the time, it’s approaching 2:00 am and I still have a few more lines to complete. Now I’m physically tired, but I feel like I have to finish the content I’m working on.

When I’m done, I have two articles written, plus a blog post or some other piece of content I’ve been thinking about.

So what is going on here?

Apparently some of us find that we can be more productive and even more creative late in the day or late at night.

I am by no means a “morning person”, nor a night owl, it just happens that my creative energy, drive, desire and joy to work come at various times of the day.

This can be very unnerving and very hard on your carefully laid daily work plans. It used to bother me a lot. I thought that he was not only weird, but also lacked discipline and organization.

Then I read a comment from a super successful online marketer who confessed to having days where he couldn’t get motivated in the morning or the rest of the day and had to take the day off.

Interestingly, he commented that he was not alone, that everyone who worked from home had this experience quite often.

The secret answer he said was to make the most of those periods, day or night, when everything started to flow, and do as much as the energy lasted, even if it meant going all night.

So that’s what I do now, and I no longer feel guilty when mornings start out slow.

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