
Powering future

Month: June 2021

Sale of chicken eggs for profit

Many people with a backyard flock often end up with more fresh eggs than their families can eat. Selling chicken eggs for profit becomes not only a benefit of keeping chickens, it can also help you earn a little extra money to help with bills. Anyone who eats eggs in your area could be a potential customer. There is a real difference between homegrown eggs and store eggs. Backyard eggs tend to taste fresher and the yolk appears brighter and better formed. Customers are often easy to find, once they have tasted the difference and can see the benefits!

If your goal is to sell chicken eggs for profit, start by choosing chickens for your flock that are known to be better egg layers, such as White Leghorns. They produce white eggs in large quantities, which is great if you want more eggs from less birds. If you want to offer something a little different that could help sell more eggs, try breeding Golden Comets or Red Sex Links, both of which lay copious amounts of brown eggs.

To aid planning, consider that most chickens will be 5 to 7 months old when they start laying eggs. The most productive egg-laying period is when the hens are between 1 and 2 years old. The eggs start out smaller when the hens first start laying, but become more normal in size when the layers are about a year old. When they start laying eggs, hens average one egg every three to four days. At seven months, he should probably get about 2 eggs every 3 days. The best layers can average 1 egg per day, at their best, if you’re lucky. For planning purposes, if you sell chicken eggs for profit, you should plan to get 4 to 5 eggs per hen, per week. If you have 10 hens that are good egg layers, they should produce 40 to 50 high-quality farm-fresh eggs per week. If your family needs a dozen per week, you can probably sell the other 2 to 3 dozen eggs.

Daylight is what causes egg production in a hen, not a rooster. For a constant flow of eggs, hens require around 14-16 hours of light per day. This can be achieved with natural light and by adding additional lighting. If the lighting goes down, so does the egg production. Fewer Eggs Equals Lower Profits!

Ideally, if you want to sell chicken eggs for profit, you should collect them at least twice a day. When the temperature is very high or cold, you should try to collect them more often. The eggs get dirtier and more likely to hatch if they remain in the nest box for a long time. Once removed, clean the eggs with a natural egg cleaner, or egg wipes, or wash and dry. Once they are dry, place them in the egg carton. Once in the box, keep the eggs refrigerated until ready to sell.

Do some local research to find out how much other farm-fresh eggs are selling. If you have followed all organic practices for raising your chickens, including feeding certified organic food, selling organic eggs will provide a higher selling price and attract a segment of the buying public who will value and remain loyal to the purchase. of organic products for their families. Set egg prices to be similar to your local market. Specialty eggs, such as multi-colored Araucanas or free-range eggs, can also add value and command higher prices.

Neighbors, relatives, and co-workers are easy customers and a great place to start. As you progress and have enough fresh eggs to sell to a wider audience, you could see if a local farm stand would be willing to sell them on consignment or buy them for resale. A consignment offer gives the farm stall owner a risk-free way to earn money and increase the supply of products to their customers. Other options might be to see if a local market, restaurant or hotel might be interested in buying your eggs.

Lastly, if you have the capacity to produce more eggs, there are egg brokers you can turn to for help selling, as well as egg producer cooperatives that will help sell your members’ eggs. With any effort like this, always check and comply with local laws regarding the sale of agricultural products such as eggs.

You can save time and money with your Backyard Flock by visiting our website for more free chicken coop information, from location to design to sanitation! Now get 2 free chicken coop plans that you can easily build with minimal expense too!

Free chicken coop plans and more!

Why are we going to the caves? Panic under the mountain

Several generations may have shared a cave shelter as a home until it was taken over by a stronger tribe or group. As the cave shelters filled with people, they began to find other forms of shelter, but a good cave was the best home for thousands of years. This is where I think the instinct part comes in, just like you don’t have to teach people or animals some things, they just do it naturally. The instinct that some of us have about caves is for the comfort of being in a cave. When I got into that hole along the river bank, I was not afraid. Even when I fell down the hole that I couldn’t touch the bottom, there was still no fear. Excitement and curiosity dominate any fear that may have been present. Much older now with less excitement and curiosity, he has allowed a bit of healthy fear to creep in. Fear of falling or getting hurt, not of the dark.

Speluncaphobia is the fear of caves or claustrophobia, the fear of nearby places. If I know someone is claustrophobic, I don’t take them to caves. I will only refer to him as John, in the next poem. I think he was just mildly claustrophobic, if that’s possible.

Panic under the mountain

As I lay in tight drag panic, frustration

flushed and overwhelmed with humiliation,

an energy drink and hypertension occurred

a very serious problem, I concluded.

Three hours of climbing and crawling we had arrived
Two hours and two tight crawls or I’d succumb
the five hour loop with parallel trips looked like fun
Until someone leaves it, has done it, enough.

Could you take it through the tightest grip?
He placed it in the middle and prayed it didn’t freeze
He took off all his gear, head first with his feet in the air,
everything was silent as he struggled, I heard him curse.

Little by little it opened up to easy crawling
when I joined him and we proceeded through the little
Mason-Dixon Passage to the Volcano Room
as he spoke to take his mind out of the gloom.

One more drag, the main room is not far away,
on leaving Pettyjohn’s cave he insisted a lot,
a crawl uphill and turns near the end
so your body can make that awkward curve.

Through twists and turns we ran ahead
Not a word said, it’s better not to say it.
When I reached the entrance and climbed into the light,
it was not to be found, in the car, out of sight.

92 Ways A Small Real Estate Investor Can Beat Home Investors

When it comes to the home buying business, the little “work out of the house” can easily dominate the corporate giants through simple creativity. Sure, Homevestors can afford to advertise on every billboard in town and have multiple TV commercials at the same time, but if you follow my strategy, you won’t have to. The amount of overhead they spend EVERY MONTH on the brand makes the cost prohibitive for the newbie. If you want to beat the corporate giants, you must think about Guerrilla Marketing tactics. Also, a limited budget can benefit the true entrepreneur. It will force you to look closely at earnings and how much you buy houses for. The numbers will guide you and you will save money instead of throwing cash at your troubles! Over time, that cash runs out and your problems will continue to exist. It’s amazing how the lack of cash will create an incredible focus.

If you have a lot of cash … I want you to keep it … FAR AWAY … Pretend it doesn’t exist!

The key to wholesale real estate is to attract leads from motivated sellers, AS WELL AS finding tons of people who want to buy these homes at wholesale prices to close the deal.

How do we do this “cheaply”?

Well, I sat down the other day and wrote down all the techniques that I personally use to find motivated sellers and buyers for my offers and thought I’d share them with my readers. Now, I must warn you that these techniques work best when used together. You don’t have to use all a hundred techniques at once, but I DO try to use a combination of at least 8 or 9 for any campaign. Different strategies will work better for different people, and once you find what works, keep shaking it up a bit and TRY TRY TRY …

Please comment and let me know if you have any other cool low cost strategies to grab tons of leads … In the meantime, here are 92 lead generation strategies to help you grow your home buying business in no particular order. …

1. Sales letters to selected neighborhoods

2. Classified Ads in “Freebie Papers”

3. Craigslist

4. Create a simple “Magazine” with information that may be of interest to people trying to save their home / divorce / etc. and put them in neighborhood convenience stores. (It can be simple 2 or 3 page black and white). You can print it CHEAP online (Google)!

4. Flyers in cars: Pay neighborhood kids to go to all the malls and Walmart in your area armed with “We Buy Homes” flyers.

5. Brochure distributors at specific locations

6. Special reports

7. “We Buy Homes” Online Page – InvestorPro.com is an excellent manufactured home, or you can build one yourself.

8. Telemarketing – Search your local property appraiser’s website and learn about properties in a particular area that meet your purchasing criteria. Go to – whitepages.com and enter the address to get a phone number. Give them a call and find out if they are interested in selling or if they know someone who is.

9. Electronic newsletters

10. Traditional newsletters

11. Viral Marketing

12. E-books – Write a book on how to easily sell your home without a real estate agent and link to your website.

13. Magazine and paper inserts

14. Bird Dogs: Have a group of worker bees looking for property for you. Pay them $ 1,500 for each deal you make a profit on — They only get paid when you get paid, so get as many as you can find!

15. Presenters

16. Bandit Signs – Some people are totally against them. I put these bad boys all over town … ๐Ÿ™‚

17. Family and friends

18. Joint Ventures: There are many other investors who want to partner in their agreements in exchange for their work.

19. Radio announcements

20. Public relations: cheaper than television commercials and more effective. Call your local news outlet and get a “Local Real Estate” story. Example: How to avoid losing your home to the bank in such a horrible housing market and recession. – You will find tons of investors looking for partners or buying wholesale properties from you. Visit my website for a list.

30. Take other investors who have been doing this for years to lunch. Do the same for local small bank presidents, probate and divorce attorneys, world-class real estate agents … you get the picture.

31. Attend industry seminars

32. Gather and use testimonials: I usually carry a video camera at closing to get a video testimonial for my website.

33. Offer a free consultation to discuss how to save people from foreclosure. Of course, if you can help the person by moving a piece of paper or obtaining a leniency agreement, you must. Trust me, it’s worth it because you will be known as the expert and you will start getting referrals to offers that pay much higher sums.

34. Offer to pay the person for their time just to get one foot in the door. Yes, it sounds daring … but it works!

35. Host a free tutorial or seminar.

36. Promote an industry event – Have a booth and COLLECT AS MANY NAMES AS POSSIBLE!

37. Support outstanding people

38. Setting up a Squidoo lens

39. Write Articles Online – EzineArticles.Com is great for that. You can link to your home buying site and get a high ranking on Google.

40. Form alliances with other investors

41. Create a gift, for example, calendars, mugs, posters …

42. Write for the local newspaper

43. Distribute a column

44. Create a flyer and pay the newspaper boy to deliver it when he delivers the morning paper.

45. Conduct a local real estate research and present it to the local media. You’ll get credit for the information in a story again, making you an expert in the industry.

46. โ€‹โ€‹Submit articles to those in foreclosure that you find helpful.

47. Advertise on buses, taxis

48. Speak at the local university

49. Panel in professional seminars

50. Write an instruction booklet

51. Make up cards that offer a finder rate

52. Perform pro bono work for charities with real estate ties – Example: Habitat for Humanity

53. Put signs on your car

54. Make polo shirts or t-shirts and distribute them (I prefer polo shirts with a collar

55. Do a publicity stunt – Watch out my friend … ๐Ÿ™‚

56. Cross-promote with other investors – Sign in to get an 800 number and advertising. Divide leads evenly or partner with offers.

57. Take part in a contest

58. Create a contest

59. Direct mail to homeowners who have just filed for divorce

60. Promotions with postcards

61. Business cards

62. Offline networks

63. Online networks

64. Go to exhibitions of the house

65. Referrals

66. Speeches

67. Knocking on the door: Take a list of houses that are in foreclosure and start knocking on a few doors. 68. Social Networking Sites -ActiveRain, StumbleUpon – DIGG – MySpace – Facebook There are tons …

69. Christmas cards

70. Birthday cards

71. Thank you cards

72. Value Added Notes / Paper Cutouts

73. Promotional gifts.

74. Writing articles

75. Online Forums: Think Locally

76. Billboards

77. Gift pens / t-shirts / mugs

78. Loss leaders when selling properties

79. Free teleclasses

80. YouTube

81. eBay

82. Mini-courses: Send a large amount of free content to the people who provide their contact information on your website. Investorpro automates this process.

83. Two-step paper advertisement

84. Rotary club

85. Church

86. Schools: Advertise on the PTA flyer or sponsor a school function.

87. Chinese Food & Pizza Parlors: Pay them to send your brochure with every delivery they ship.

88. Drive through older neighborhoods and locate homeowners who seem to be in need of a major repair, boarded up, tall grass, empty.

89. Code Enforcement Department.

90. Find owners who have property taxes.

91. Locate recent successions – View obituaries

92. Let real estate agents know that you buy houses quickly for cash and to alert you if they have pocket ads.

Prospecting in space

A seeker is someone who looks for mineral deposits. In human history, gold prospectors have searched for gold, drilled for oil, and excavated land in search of various minerals locked in the ore. Seekers are often driven by the thrill of “making (a fortune) big for themselves.” They suffer the consequences of a staggering variety of risks, including costs: training, equipment, land permits, their subsistence, hiring helpers, contracting with refineries, transporting people and minerals, finding buyers, buying insurance (in case of that their work damages property). others or pollutes the environment), the maintenance and repair of health (illness or injury) and the emotional costs of the separation of the worker from the family. Who would want to take all that risk and the peculiar risks of being off planet Earth by prospecting in space? Search the web for the start-up company “Planetary Resources”. Also, read the article, Space mining reaches Earth in the December 2018 issue of Fortune magazine.

The answer is the same as the search engines of yesteryear. Someone could get rich if they persevere and overcome the costs, risks, and consequences of risks. The startup sees mining potential in asteroids. The asteroid belt is located between Jupiter and Mars. The theory that a planet was once (or was supposed to be) there could explain the orbital band of dangerous debris. Unfortunately, the belt is not between Earth and Mars, because Mars is humanity’s first planetary target for human exploration and possibly colonization. We already know that we need an alien launch source: base, water, fuel production, and other resources established as a necessary first step. Why couldn’t the raw material taken from Earth and the manufacturing of the necessary finished products support an effort in space exploration?

Perhaps it is not so unfortunate that the asteroid belt is not closer to Earth. Another theory suggests that the planet Jupiter’s gravity holds most of the space debris from the asteroid field in place. However, occasionally, asteroids collide with each other and sometimes one is ejected from its orbit. An ejected asteroid will keep moving until it hits something else or another planet’s gravity pulls it into a new orbit. So perhaps a mining company could have an opportunistically nearby asteroid if a large one approaches and remains in orbit around Earth or its moon.

The endeavors and adventures off planet Earth intrigue human beings even more than the age of sailing and its exploration by sea. However, the age of sailing was a breakthrough for humanity. The benefits and tragedies of it were staggering. I don’t see why space exploration will be any different. It must progress from an idea to an idea supported by justification with the means to do so. Maritime ships allowed the exploration and exploitation of the ocean in previous centuries. Today’s humanity has the vision, the justification and the means to emerge into the void once again. I agree that prospectors have a necessary role in space exploration. Interesting! What do you think? # TAG1writer.

Dennis Rodman’s story

Dennis Keith Rodman is a retired American professional basketball player. He is one of the controversial NBA basketball players in the United States. Born on May 13, 1961 in Trenton, New Jersey, he played for the San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Lakers, Dallas Mavericks and Detroit prisons. Dennis Rodman’s biography / story is popular with many Americans because he is one of the best players in the NBA. Dennis made a name for himself through his amazing talent, tattoos, body piercings, and hair coloring.

Nicknamed “the worm” and “Dennis the Menace”, he was recognized for his fierce defensive and rebounding skills. Dennis won honors for the NBA Defensive Team seven times and was the NBA Defensive Player of the Year twice. He was the leader of the National Basketball Association for seven consecutive years. Rodman is instantly identifiable due to his many controversial actions such as dyeing his hair, various piercings, having an affair with singers Carmen Electra and Madonna that brought him to court. Dennis Rodman’s early prominence with teams like the Detroit Pistons brought him to fame with both the Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls. As his wild demeanor and frantic movements began to draw attention to the outside world, he began a career at the World Wrestling Championships.

He played power forward, which is a physical position in the game for many years. He was considered the best defender of his time along with Scottie Pippen, Gray Payton and Michael Jordan. In 1986, the Detroit Pistons noticed him and selected him in the second round. In 1989, Rodman was recognized and named Defensive Player of the Year due to his good basketball skills. He helped the Pistons defeat the young Chicago Bulls for the second time, making them NBA champions. In 1990, the Pistons defeated the Bulls for the second consecutive championship. Rodman also won Defensive Player of the Year honors.

In 1991, the Bulls in the Eastern Conference final swept the Pistons. The Pistons bounced off Dennis Rodman and took the lead. However, Rodman raised his level of play and in 1992; he was extraordinary, averaging over 18 rebounds, as he became the winner of the first of seven direct rebound titles. In 1993, Rodman had a second rebound, which was also his last with the Pistons. He joined the San Antonio Spurs during the offseason. In San Antonio, Rodman continued his experience and made many more great scores. The following season, he led 62 victories for San Antonio reaching the Western Conference finals. However, his publicized relationship with Madonna was too much for the Spurs to bear. In the offseason, he joined the Bulls. With Rodman on board, the Bulls improved in 25 games. The team also had Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan and the three formed a fully defensive first team.

After the season with the Bulls, he left Chicago and began to rebuild. Being the best rebounder in the NBA, he certainly made a name for himself. According to Dennis Rodman Biography / History, he couldn’t have lasted that long just from having a criminal record and tattoos. Although he doesn’t see himself as a basketball icon or role model, he benefits from the benefits of the basketball experience.

Things to consider before hiring a web development company

Every day that passes, more and more companies realize the need to have their website on the Internet. Due to this realization, all companies reach the crucial step of creating the website for which they need a professional web design company.

Therefore, there are a large number of web development companies to choose from. This huge set of options can be overwhelming. So how can you ensure that you choose the perfect web development company for your website creation and design?

In this article, I will give you some tips to help you.

Let us begin.

We will divide these tips into two sections:

  1. The main activities carried out by the companys-

# 1. Front and backend development

Developers who only do backend development are similar to building a house without doors and windows. Always look for that web development company that does both front-end and back-end development work.

Yes, there is a big difference between the way front-end and back-end developers do their jobs, but a company that provides both is the company to turn to.

# two. Not just a specialization

There are many good development technologies like PHP, Drupal, Node JS Development, etc. Each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. An ideal web company is one that is proficient in multiple technologies used to develop a website. In this way, they can offer the most suitable solution for your business.

# 3. Understand the need for the project

A good web company is one that does not ignore the deep understanding of the project at hand. Often times, developers don’t care about the big picture, they just focus on their coding style and job delivery without worrying much about basic customer requirements.

Good developers take care of customer needs and provide solutions that help customers produce profitable results for their businesses. Make sure you choose a company that understands what you are looking for.

# 4. Investigation and development

The company that rigorously focuses on its research and development initiatives is the one that stays up-to-date with the latest trends and emerging technologies in industries. Therefore, you make a particular company the right choice for your business needs. Through R&D, developers evolve. Make sure your choice of web development company invests in timely research and development.

# 5. Flexibility

There will be times when you will need to make changes to the work provided by the developer company. This is for many reasons. One of the simplest is that you just didn’t like the job.

The company may suffer from the changes you ask them to make over and over again. Make sure you choose one that can easily cope with unforeseen changes.

As a customer, you should ask how the company handles change requests.

  1. The other essentials that the ideal company should have:

  2. # 1. Performance logs

Choose a company that has a good track record of performance. A company that has a good number of projects that it has successfully completed shows its ability to do its job up to the task.

# two. Quality standards

Always choose a company that maintains your quality standards. You must make the deliverables happen on the assigned date and time.

# 3. Ease of use

The company you go to should develop websites in such a way that any visitor can easily access your website with the least difficulty.

# 4. The developer team

Make sure you meet the company’s development team in person. The company must have an internal team of developers. Make sure they don’t do another agency’s work.

# 5. The design team

An in-house design team is always preferable. In this way, designs are in sync with project requirements. The in-house design team is better able to understand what you, as a customer, want.

# 6. SEO

Your ideal choice shouldn’t just focus on the development part. SEO is an important element of all the activities of a company on the Internet. Developers must understand SEO and how SEO will affect the website.

# 7. Social media

Everyone is aware of the potential of social networks. Ideally, developers should have a good amount of knowledge about social media and how promoting services on social media works.

# 8. happy

This is one of the most important things that drives visitors / customers to your website. It is the main thing that will help you promote and sell your offers online. Make sure you opt for a web development company that has good techniques and tactics for producing content in such a way that it generates traffic.

# 9. E-commerce

E-commerce websites are specifically designed for businesses that want a great return on investment over the Internet. Choose that option that has immense experience in developing good e-commerce websites. An important factor of an e-commerce website is the payment method. Make sure you are dealing with a company that can run the best payment method.

# 10. Subsequent services

The ideal development company is one that can provide you with after-sales service and support, as well as provide regular maintenance.

These are some of the things to consider before selecting the ideal web development company for your business. Remember, the ideal web solutions company is one that offers affordable website design services without compromising on efficiency.

Be smart, patient and conscientious before selecting the company of your choice!

Dealing with tennis fathers

Talk to any tennis coach these days and they will quickly tell you that the biggest challenge in training is dealing with and communicating with tennis parents.

My first tip for coaches is this.

“Master your communication skills as fast as you can.”

The best tennis coaches are great at communicating with their players and parents.


Here are 3 tips that can help you make your job easier and less stressful.

1). Listen with the real intention of understanding them.

Let me explain what happened to me.

Japanese parents are very protective and raise their children for life.

Therefore, you would always have to have these long meetings with them on a weekly basis and you wouldn’t really be listening to them during the meeting!

I started disconnecting them!

Which was bad, but the problem was, I hadn’t even realized it.

Now, looking back at it, I realize that they felt it too.

But here’s the fun part.

When I finally stopped resisting the meeting, I began to listen with a real intention to understand their concerns.

Our relationship improved and we became good friends.

You need to make your parents feel like they are the most important person in the world when you listen to and communicate with them.

Next thing.

two). Harmonize with them.

This is a great analogy for this tip.

Imagine your tennis parents as a fast train coming your way.

That means.

If you stand directly in front of him, he will run you over, right?


That is the key point right there.

Coaches should never do that.

Instead, seek to harmonize with them and delve into their mindset and their world.

3). Redirect them.

After having harmonized with them.

Seek to redirect them to your point of view.

They will often follow suit as well.

Please understand this.

Most parents and people seek leadership.

There are many weak energies out there and the person with the strongest will always need to lead the others in the group.

You must do this in a non-direct way.

It has to be natural or they will figure out what you are doing and resent you.

But do not worry.

With daily practice, you will master this way of communicating.

Let’s go over the steps for dealing with tennis parents.

“Listen with the intention of understanding them, then harmonize with them and their feelings and finally redirect them to see it their way or how is best for the team.”

Do you know something?

After dealing with tennis parents for over 25 years, this 3-step process has helped me enjoy working with tennis parents and will do the same for you.

Goal, warning.

This is not easy, you must be aware and you must also let go of your coach ego or it will not happen.

9 quotes from Silicon Valley’s most successful entrepreneurs

Silicon Valley has become an almost mythological place where the brightest risk takers of the Internet age have made billions of dollars on hugely popular websites and computer technology and software. It is a place where America’s most fundamental designs for freedom and the pursuit of happiness are carried out every day and where the American dream of being a self-made success is tenaciously pursued.

Below is an inspiring list of quotes that speak to the spirit of Silicon Valley and the mindset of the entrepreneurs who said them.

1. Being the richest man in the cemetery does not matter to me … Going to bed at night saying that we have done something wonderful, that is what matters to me.

Steve Jobs – Iconic founder of Apple Inc. and inventor of some of the world’s most widely used and memorable technologies, including Macintosh, iMac, iTunes, iPod, and iPad. After leaving Apple in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT, and then Pixar, which was bought by Disney in 2006. Jobs returned to Apple in 1996 and led the company from the brink of bankruptcy to one of the most recognized and profitable companies in the world. . world.

2. Obviously, everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be seen as very innovative, very trustworthy and ethical and ultimately make a big difference in the world.

Sergey brin – co-founded Google with Larry Page, whom he met at Stanford University. At the age of six, Brin emigrated with his family to the United States from the Soviet Union. He studied mathematics at the University of Maryland and then did a doctorate at Stanford, where he and Page dropped out of school to work at Google full-time. Google’s internet search engine has become one of the most widely used products in the world and Google is one of the most successful companies in the world.

3. When you innovate, you have to be prepared for everyone to tell you that you are crazy.

Larry Ellison – One of Silicon Valley’s most recognizable figures, Ellison is the somewhat controversial founder of Oracle Corp, a leading enterprise software company. Ellison has an estimated fortune of more than $ 40 billion and is known for his exotic sports cars, his competition in yachts, piloting jets and buying as much Malibu real estate as possible.

4. Entrepreneurs are like visionaries. One of the ways they move forward is by seeing what they are doing as something that is going to be the whole world.

Reid hoffman – LinkedIn co-founder, entrepreneur, and prominent venture capitalist. Hoffman first studied Symbolic Systems and Cognitive Sciences at Stanford, then read philosophy as a Marshall Scholar at Oxford University. Earlier in his career, Hoffman worked at Apple and Fujitsu, then later co-founded SocialNet.com, became PayPal’s COO, co-founded Linkedin, and is now a partner at venture capital firm Greylock Partners. Hoffman has said that what interests him most is having a positive impact on the world on a large scale.

5. The biggest risk is not taking any risks … In a world that is changing very fast, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

Mark Zuckerberg – A billionaire at the age of 23, Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook.com, the second most visited website in the world behind only Google.com and in front of YouTube.com. Zuckerberg excelled in many of his studies in elementary school and took an early interest in computer programming. During his undergraduate studies at Harvard, he and his classmates created Facebook as a social network for college students. It quickly gained popularity and now has hundreds of millions of regular users.

6. If you are not satisfied, you must change what you are doing.

Marc andreessen – Co-author of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser, a founder of Netscape Communications Corp, and a co-founder and general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, one of Silicon Valley’s leading venture capital firms. Andreessen also sits on the boards of directors of such prominent Silicon Valley companies as Facebook, eBay and HP. Andreessen’s involvement in pioneering the widespread use of the Internet has made him a billionaire and one of the most recognizable names in Silicon Valley.

7. I think that’s the best advice: constantly think about how you could be doing better and questioning yourself.

Elon musk – An innovator just like anyone else, Musk is the founder or co-founder of several highly successful companies. Here’s a list of their efforts: Zip2 – sold for $ 307 million to Compaq; PayPal, sold to eBay for $ 1.5 billion; SpaceX, whose Falcon 9 rocket replaced NASA’s space shuttle in 2011 for flights to the International Space Station; Tesla Motors, which aspires to be the world’s largest producer of electric cars; and Solar City, which is the largest provider of solar energy systems in the US.

8. Perfect every detail and limit the number of details to perfect.

Jack dorsey – co-founder of Twitter and Square, a platform that allows credit and debit payments using devices such as iPhone and Android. A programmer from an early age, Dorsey created service dispatch software at the age of thirteen. He has expressed interest in one day becoming mayor of New York City.

9. In fact, technology has been the story of human progress for as long as we know it. In 100 years, people will look back and say, ‘That was the age of the Internet.’ And computers will be considered a mere ingredient of the Internet age.

Reed hastings – known primarily as the founder of NetFlix, but also founded Pure Software, which grew rapidly, went public, and merged with Atria Software and was later acquired by Rational Software. Hastings has insisted on a unique corporate culture at NetFlix where pay is often higher than average, vacation days and time off are up to the employees themselves, and where underperforming employees receive a large severance package when they are asked to leave.

Read more great quotes at www.inspirationalquotes365.com

9 current tile options that perfectly match a variety of styles

Choose modern porcelain tiles that have been created with modern technology. They look good in any setting, rustic, traditional and contemporary. However, you need to find the ones that best suit your requirements. The bedroom could use a wood look tile, while the kitchen countertops could use the marble look. The accent wall could use the brick design. The cotto look is great too.

Ample options would live up to any expectation. Porcelain is very durable and imagine the hardwood image printed on it. Inkjet technology prints realistic images of wood textures without the high cost and worry of water exposure. A look at some more wonders!

Livingstyle cream

Succulent and relaxing would be an apt description of this modern decor tile. Many sizes of this matte finish tile make it very convenient.

Livingstyle beige tiles

This one has designs in a matte finish. The classic large-format look fits into open floor plans to connect rooms with different color patterns.

Statuary eden

This marvel reflects the texture of natural marble with the strength of porcelain. Gray streaks on a white background suit accent walls and countertops, bathroom floors, and tub surrounds.

Celeste Taupe

It has a warm look like real wood, with brown knots and grain on a taupe background. Install it in the bedroom along with real wood furniture and neutral-toned bedding.

Ivory Brickstone Porcelain

Combining soft whites with ivory, these tiles look like recycled bricks. Put it on backsplashes and around fireplaces, adding intimate warmth.

Porcelain Watercolor Grigio

If you like tiles with a soft gray matte finish, this is what you need. Accent walls and countertops, as well as floors, would shine with their warmth.

Watercolor Bianco

This tile combines white and cream and suits both neutral and bold tones. Install them to a striking effect around the brass and steel fittings on the shower walls. If installed on the floor, it matches neutral furniture and dark cabinets look good.

Porcelain Nero Turin

Natural aged hardwood is the classic effect of this tile and porcelain brings the power. The black and gray effect works well in damp areas around entryways, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.

Bruno Upscape wood effect

Dark chocolate, if you like! Living rooms or kitchen floors look rich and healthy. Strong enough to withstand high entry and hall traffic. Install in a herringbone pattern on accent walls and floors to attract lots of attention.
Check out the new products page for more information. Porcelains that look like fabric, stone, and concrete may be more attractive.

The huge battle of the best sedans

Sedans have always been a status symbol for Indians and the growing population of sedans in India is proof of that. Even sedans under four meters that are roughly similar to hatchbacks are sold in large numbers just because of their three-box appearance. In this article, we try to name the top 10 sedans in India that have found their way to success.

1. Tata Indigo eCS
The car will always be credited with bringing the concept of less than four meter sedans to India. This homegrown Tata product took the market by storm and became the new affordable status symbol in India. In recent years, the car has hardly undergone any changes and has now been defeated by new leaders in the segment. The car is available with gasoline and diesel engines.

two. Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire
Following in Tata’s footsteps, Maruti also ventured into the sub-four meter sedan segment with its new generation Swift Dzire. The new Dzire with its premium interiors, powerful and efficient gasoline and diesel engines became the new segment leader in no time, leaving Tata far behind in the race. The Swift Dzire is currently one of the best sedans in India.

3. Honda amaze
Seeking potential in the sub-fourteen-meter segment, Honda first prepared a practical sedan with a hatchback. The car was an instant success for the company with its powerful diesel engine and soon became the reason for the reduction in the waiting list of the segment leader, the Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire.

Four. Toyota Etios
Known for its quality and reliability, Toyota created its first entry-level sedan in India, the Etios, which had a conservative look but the confidence of Toyota Engines. Both the gasoline and diesel engines made up for their reserved appearance with their efficient and powerful performance, making it an excellent value for money vehicle.

5. Fiat Linea
The car may not have been very popular so far, but with the new generation Linea, a lot of buzz has already been created in the market. With its spacious dynamics, excellent ride and handling, the car aims to win the hearts of the Indians.

6. Sunny nissan
The Sunny became the first Nissan car in India to post good sales figures. With spacious interiors coupled with a powerful diesel engine, the Sunny proved to be a good choice for those looking for a premium midsize sedan in India.

7. Hyundai verna
The Fluidic Verna has surely become Hyundai’s best Indian sedan car to date in India. The long list of first-in-class features and powerful new 1.6-liter gasoline and diesel engines gave it an edge over all its competitors and even today, after the entry of many new models, this car remains one. of the best-selling cars. In India.

8. City of honda
The City remained the best-selling midsize sedan in India for a long time. He lost his throne only when people found him disabled without a diesel engine. Now the new City is back with many premium features and the much-needed diesel engine. Now it has a good chance of becoming the best sedan in India again with a lot of happy owners.

9. Volkswagen vento
The Vento is known for beating the segment leader, the City, with its solid German build quality and powerful diesel engine. Its premium fit and finish instantly attracted the attraction of Indians and as a result it soon became the segment leader.

10. Skoda Rapid
The Rapid is the result of a crossover badge and is more or less a Skoda version of the Vento with the nose of the Skoda Fabia. The Rapid became Skoda’s most affordable sedan in India and soon gained popularity with its sleek looks and powerful, reliable engines.