
Powering future

Month: October 2021

Bonus subscription challenge

This is a real case that was handled by our bail bond experts … insane! See what you can do with it.

The facts:

  • This is a performance assurance request for a multi-million dollar subcontract

  • The applicant / director is a long-established company.

  • They have successfully completed projects of similar size

  • The company has a modest net worth, but is following a profitable trend. The proportions are fine.

  • Shareholders’ personal financial statements add more equity to the picture

  • The company is owned by a father and son. Son is the main shareholder.

  • We notice that your SS numbers are separated by a few digits.

  • Father has a substantial net worth. They are has a small net worth as stated in his personal statement.

  • The applicant has initiated the subcontract.

  • The GC / creditor has a very strict, mandatory bond form. Effectively, it turns it into a forfeiture bond (obligee completes the job and sends you the invoice).

  • The father has a living trust

  • Son also indicated that he has a confidence

Many moving parts. What are the problems?

  1. Low company net worth. Too low for the requested link size.

  2. “Close” SS numbers imply that these people are immigrants (they received SS numbers around the same time). Are they US citizens?

  3. Subcontract started. Why were they allowed to start without a link? Degree of completion? Acceptable work? Bills paid? Do we program?

  4. Do we want to write a forfeiture bond form (financial guarantee?)

  5. What assets are in the trusts? Can they give compensation? Will we trust the compensation of a trust?

– Think about your possible solutions –

This is the approach developed by our subscribers:

  1. Low company net worth. We do not prefer to demand guarantees because it can be counterproductive, making it difficult for the client to complete the project. Instead, the client agreed to add capital to the business, an investment in its future. The funds could be a subordinated shareholder loan or a more robust method: additional paid-in capital. The latter is more permanent and therefore desirable. The client agreed to permanent capital that would be verified in writing by their CPA and supported by a current interim balance sheet.
  2. Close SS numbers. Why should we ask for someone with a social security number? It is because the self numberf does not prove citizenship, nor does filing a US tax return Non-citizens authorized to work in the US can obtain a social security number. “Tax residents” are permanent residents and green card holders who are not citizens and are required to pay US taxes. All bonds are cautious when taking personal compensation from a non-citizen. They can easily flee the country to evade their obligations. For this reason, we determined that the father and son were immigrants, as we suspected, and naturalized US citizens.
  3. Subcontract started. This would be clarified by obtaining our Letter of All Good from the obligee, indicating the relevant facts of the project (degree of completion, punctuality, without problems, etc.)
  4. Bad link form. We had previous dealings with this important CG and negotiated a bond modification that made the bond work more normally. They agreed to use the link mod again.
  5. Trusts. It turned out that there was only one trust. The son was the beneficiary from the trust of the father, not from the trust separated from his own. A review of the father’s trust showed that signing the severance agreement was not prohibited. However, living trusts are revocable, which means that terms can be changed and assets moved, making them unreliable indemnifiers. And it contained the most important asset, the father’s residence. How to overcome this last hurdle? Our solution: We will place a lien on the property giving us access to changes in the trust.

There you go. Did you come up with solutions to match ours? It was a difficult / complicated case, but we worked hard to solve it.

We will work hard to solve your bail cases as well. Bonus offer, fulfillment and payment, and also site and subdivision!

Include us in your bond production efforts. We can make it happen.

Empowerment: is it a scam or a real hit?

So you’ve created your own website, great. You’re ready to get your name out there and quit your lousy nine-to-five job and work for yourself. It seems like a lot of people are doing it successfully these days, so why can’t you? The problem is, you don’t know how to drive traffic to your website and generate successful leads. You search for information on the internet in hopes of finding the perfect way to optimize your site’s search engine and you come across Empowerism. After reading the information on their website, you take a chance and pay for their service.

Empowerism was developed to help consumers get the most out of their Internet business by guiding them through the process step by step and establishing a seamless income generation plan. Empowerism claims that for a small fee, you can easily set up a website to generate traffic for your business. But is this a genuine offer to success or a one-way ticket to getting scammed?

A recent study of these types of programs was conducted online and the results are quite surprising. Federalreviews.com conducted an empowerment test along with other similar programs that claim to improve their automated database marketing system. In fact, they spent more than $ 100,000 to give these programs a fair trial and provide the most truthful reviews. Empowerism charges its users a base fee of around $ 25 to get started. Generally, the best way to know that you are not being scammed is if you get back the money you originally invested.

Empowerment came with great success! According to federalreviews.com, “Empowerism has empowered literally hundreds of people to be successful at NetMarketing since its inception in 1998. Since May 2004, it has paid out more than 7.2 million to affiliates in commissions. This is more than many other marketing programs. combined affiliates.

People can even earn residual monthly income by hiring new members for Empowerism. Typically you pay a $ 20 first start bonus along with $ 7 per month to introduce a new member. Even if you don’t introduce a new member to your downline, the company will pay $ 1 each month for each member in your parent. “

In fact, it is highly recommended that newcomers to internet marketing use the services of Empowerism. It’s very easy to use and set up to help even the most amateur internet marketers succeed. Empowerism even provides its users with a support system with a surprisingly fast response time. And you don’t even have to spend all your time searching for potential customers. According to a review on web-source.net, “Although recruiting new members will help you increase your profits, it is not a necessity. That is one of the best things about Empowerism. You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money. Not all of the The world wants to recruit new members and Empowerism understands that. “

Building a successful online business is no different than opening a physical business location in some ways. It takes time and effort, and it probably won’t be a success overnight. But with Empowerism, all the guesswork is removed from the equation and you’re left with nothing but a clear path to success. With such a small investment and the ability to control your business growth, you can’t go wrong with Empowerism at all.

Door handles: an evolving study

Door handle is an ambiguous term and includes door latches, bars, and knobs. Depending on the geographic location and their place in time, they vary in design, shape, and materials. The only constant is its function: an accessory used to open or close a door.

Knob and handle functions

The first existing doors are approximately 5000 years old. Door handles, as devices for manipulating a gateway, became a necessity shortly after the invention of the pivoting mechanism. For most pivots are simply referred to as hinges, however there are almost as many hinge designs and configurations as there are handles.

The simplest handle is a pull or push projection on the opposite side of the hinge. The location of the handle is generally where it will provide optimal mechanical advantage; most doors function as second-class levers. Doors with center handles or rings, or a pivot point at a location other than a door edge, use first or third class lever principles.

Representations of door handles in paintings dating back to the 1st century AD are centrally placed hinged rings. The modern door knocker is a holdover from this primitive door handle style. The doors were generally secured with bars and brackets to prevent them from being opened intentionally or by accident.

Knobs with latches and bars

Over time, the large cross bars used to secure a door were supplanted by sliding bars, operated by a handle secured to the bar and projecting through a slot in the door, or as a pivot bar, often called a latch. , which could be dropped into a matching slot in the door jamb. In colonial America, the operating mechanism for a small revolving bar was a latch string that was threaded through a hole in the door near the handle. There are, probably apocrypha, accounts and references that imply that this mechanism was a solution for the heavy taxes and an edict of the crown that forced the colonists to use only latches or locks imported from England.

Around the middle of the 18th century, handles and locks were integrated into a single unit, the earliest known examples being the levers that operated the latch and served as a handle to open the door.

Knobs and handles

The handle, as it exists today, is a relatively new invention dating back to the mid-19th century, with the first US patent dating back to the 1850s. Handles and knobs underwent a massive period of growth and development throughout the Victorian era (1830-1900). Thousands of variations on the door handle theme, in combination with modern production methods, made door handles accessible to virtually everyone. Latches lost popularity and use, relegated to service in barns and similar outbuildings where their simplicity and design function trump outward appearance.

Manage value-added features

Today, these identifiers serve multiple functions. These functions can include lock and key mechanisms, electronic locks, mechanical or electronic pushbutton access, high security features, and many other applications other than a simple push-pull device to open or close a door.

For most Americans, the terms handle and knob are synonymous. In Europe, however, door levers make up the vast majority of door handles. Due to their usefulness and accessibility, door levers are gaining popularity in the United States. They are much easier to operate for a person with physical problems from arthritis, illness or injury than round door knobs. While exterior and large door handles will eventually be supplanted by automatic opening mechanisms, door handles will continue to be required for smaller doors on interior doors, cabinets, and other furniture for centuries to come.

Natural Supplements and Considerate Medical Treatments

What about all the recalls of medical devices, medical treatments, and natural supplements? Is anyone really doing their job? Is enforcement too lax or too burdensome for companies to cheat for minimal profit? Under regulation, over regulation, corporate malfeasance, criminal behavior, class action lawyers – what’s up? Not long ago, this turned into a discussion conversation in our think tank.

One tanker thinker mentioned that there were some pretty unfortunate hip replacement recalls a few years back. Yes, I have heard of the hip reminders you talked about and have seen a YouTube video graph of the problem. Terrible, I mean, how can they remember a hip? Oh. I have a steel rod in my leg from a motorcycle accident many years ago; It basically ruined my running career, even if my high-performance athletic days were practically over by then.

The downside is that it’s obviously pre-existing and I never took it out, because I couldn’t waste my business downtime and be self-employed, well I never had time to take it. outside, now I don’t even know if it’s safe too, plus I’m terribly worried about MRSA and I don’t trust hospitals anymore, not to mention the costs, the skyrocketing health insurance, etc. Anyway, what I’m saying is that I can relate to the problem aspect of your “problem-solution” concept.

Well, if that sounds bad, consider the challenges with vitamin supplements. Even if the FDA enforced regulations in that space, I still see the challenges with the FDA and supplements and the controversies there. I am also concerned that too many supplements are being made in China or with ingredients from there, that scares me, and the FDA only has one office in all of China. If so, the vitamin industry would die and people would be left without it.

I asked one of our think tank members if he was concerned that with the lengthy approval process for things, natural supplement companies might slow down the delivery of all of that to Big Pharma and therefore eliminate the consumer options, if all. Did natural supplements have to go through the FDA?

One member suggested that certain natural supplements be examined for special cases, such as a natural lubricant or a mix of natural supplements with various medications or in addition to treatments, because I see this as a very wise thing, especially as we learn more about enzymes, proteins , and we just need a little boost somewhere for the patient to get over the hump of their ailments so the body can take over and correct it again. Think about this.

Channel letter signs

Channel letter signs, which are also known as halo lit letter signs or backlit letter signs, are signs that are generally neon lit.

Business owners often use channel letter signs to display information to their customers. One type of channel letter signal is the channel letter signal mounted on the pipeline. The letters on these signs are attached to a box called a pipeline, which is a long rectangular box. This box helps to mount the letters and also serves as a housing for all the wiring, electrical components, and transformers necessary for the light to function.

Channel letters within a raceway are generally easier to install on a sign than letters that are mounted individually. Also, channel letters are easier to wire inside the wall because it only requires pushing a few wires instead of several.

Channel letters can also be mounted directly on the wall. Most people prefer the way individually mounted lettering looks better than the ones on the raceway. When mounting these letters individually, the person hanging the letters must place a mounting pattern directly on the wall where they are to be added. Then, holes are drilled for the letters and for the electrical components. Since this process takes a little more time, it is usually more expensive than those installed with ductwork.

Another type of channel letter sign is the open face channel letter sign. These signs are constructed similarly to standard channel letters, although they can be mounted on a raceway or individually. Open channel letters are not really “open”. Rather, these letters have a light face rather than a colored plastic face.

By having a clear face, this type of channel letter sign allows the neon tube to be seen. This makes the signal even more noticeable and nocturnal. Channel letters with a colored face tend to outshine the brightness of neon light.

Channel letters can also be reversed. Reverse channel letters have metal faces, as well as returns on the sides of the letters. These channel letters also have a clear plastic backing and are designed to mount just one inch from a wall. As a result, these channel letters tend to have a lit halo look at night.

Regardless of the method used, channel letter signs are an effective means of advertising and capturing the attention of a potential customer.

© 2007 RightNow Communications, Inc.

Georgian Poetry and James Elroy Flecker

Georgian poets received their name from the reign of King George V, who was crowned in 1910. The first volume of Georgian poetry appeared in 1912, proposed by Rupert Brooke. Four more volumes were published, the last in 1922, edited by Sir Edward Marsh. Georgians are the poets who wrote the preludes and swan songs before the Great War of 1914-18, and some of them are also known as war poets, whose later verses were altered under the impact of that war.

Georgian poetry from before the war is typified as dreamy, romantic and escapist compared to the harshness of war described by the royalists. The most enduring Georgian is Flecker, who introduced Orientalism in his verses and died young, although the most famous is probably Rupert Brooke, who outlived Flecker by three months and died patriotically on St. George’s Day, which is also his birthday. of Shakespeare. Forgotten Georgians are those who continued along the lines of the picturesque descriptions of the field of late romanticism.

The main Georgians are Lascelles Abercrombie, Hilaire Belloc, Edmund Blunden, Ruert Brooke, William Henry Davies, Ralph Hodgson, John Drinkwater, James Elroy Flecker, Wilfred Wilson Gibson, Robert Graves, Walter de la Mare, Harold Monro, Siegfried Sassoon, JC Squire and Edward Thomas.

An absent name is John Masefield, who wrote earlier and lived longer than most Georgians. He is best known for Salt-Water Ballads (1902) and for his narrative poem The Everlasting Mercy (1910). John Masefield was a Poet Laureate from 1930 to 1967.

James Elroy Flecker was almost exactly a contemporary of Rupert Brooke. They both died in 1915: Brooke on a transport ship bound for the Dardanelles and Flecker in a Swiss sanitarium. Both fantasized about death, Flecker more because he was diagnosed with consumption in 1910. The following quote is taken from Flecker’s Golden Voyage to Samarkand and reappeared posthumously in his verse work Hassan (1922) for which Edward Elgar composed a score; and Elgar’s music could be as lush and seductive as the verse.

We who with songs deceive your pilgrimage

And I swear that Beauty lives even if the lilies die,

We poets of the proud ancient line

Who sing to find their hearts, we don’t know why,

What will we tell you? stories, wonderful stories

Of ships and stars and islands where good men rest,

Where the sunset rose never pales again,

And the winds and shadows fall to the West.

And how are you fooling yourself? Death has no rest

Warmer and deeper than the sand of the East

That hides the beauty and the brilliant faith of those

Who made the Golden Journey to Samarkand.

(The Golden Journey to Samarkand)

This golden journey, as Ezra Pound pointed out, was carried out simply on paper, but Flecker still enjoys a popularity that other Georgians have lost or missed. Looking at his brief life and works in more detail:

Flecker’s father was a clergyman and principal at Dean Close School, where Flecker was a day boy. He attended Trinity College, Oxford and also Caius College, Cambridge, where he studied Arabic, Persian and Turkish before joining the diplomatic service. He served as Vice Consul in Constantinople (Istanbul), Smyrna (Izmir), and Beirut from 1910 to 1913; however, his health was poor and he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. When World War I broke out, he was not exactly 30 years old and unfit for military service. He died five months later in a sanatorium. His grave in Cheltenham, England, bears the epitaph “Oh Lord, restore his kingdom to the dreamer.”

Flecker’s verse has a lot of sensitivity and often little meaning. The Dying Patriot resembles Rupert Brooke’s The Soldier in that it urges the living to pick up where the dead left off, but lacks the curious English that Brooke insists on.

There is a house that the British entered, long ago,

Where now the springs of the ocean fall and flow,

And the dead dressed in red and sea lilies on their heads

Sway when prolonged winds blow.

Do not sleep, my country: although the night is here, far away

Your morning children cry out for war:

Fire in the night, oh dreams!

Even though she sent you like she sent you long ago

To the south to the desert, to the east to the ocean, to the north to the snow,

West of these sailors colder than the Hebrides I must go

Where the fleet of stars is anchored and the young star captains shine.

(The dying patriot)

What are these dead dressed in red if not the noble ancestors who have undergone a radical change? The verse is like a trance and lullaby, a mixture of amniotic fluid and the tranquility of amnesia. Those (patriots) who have gone before and the country itself requires that the young (children of the morning) go to the ends of the earth in Imperial service. Meanwhile, the dying patriot himself (why not herself) is about to become part of a constellation in heroism, to glow warmly forever in the cold night sky. The soul heads west along the path of the dead. ‘Hebrides’ sounds a bit strange, as if the Hesperides don’t quite fit together, and geographical objections about the cardinal points have no place in poetry, but it is not strange when the word ‘British’ is considered. This is good native stuff superimposed on Greek myth. It is the poetry of 1914 and “finished at Christmas” and encouraged the August Oxbridge volunteers for whom a war was but a distant prospect and an excitement and a blaze of glory as a firefly.

Paleo Diet Beginners – Read This Guide To Get Started!

One problem many Paleo Diet beginners have, and beginners at just about anything, is the tendency to fall into the habit of waiting until the moment is absolutely perfect before taking the first step toward something new. It’s natural; people are afraid of change. How often have you heard yourself or others say things like, “I’m going to wait until the holidays are over, then I’ll start exercising and eating right.” Or another of my favorites: “Eating healthy costs too much, I’m going to wait until I can pay for it.”

The problem with that mindset is that there is no deadline to do anything. The timing will never be perfect. The planets will never align and present you with the sign you are looking for. The best way to get started is to do exactly that, get started! The most effective approach will always be to jump in and get both feet wet early on. Don’t worry so much about being perfect. We all know that perfection is unattainable anyway. Here are some simple steps you can take today to set yourself up for success and a lasting change with the paleo diet.

Step 1

Cleaning out the fridge and pantry: When I started the paleo diet, I was a hungry and broke college student. So naturally I found this step absolutely stinky! I tried to find reasons to hold onto everything, thinking it would be a waste of money if I threw out my side dishes for sandwiches, hot pockets, canned soups, ramen, and peanut butter – all breakfasts of champions! (not really) My initial thought was to finish all the unhealthy food I had and then I would start. Well, the problem with that line of thinking is that it does not provide the impact to your system (metaphorically speaking) that this change in your life can actually mean. You can even see it as a symbolic gesture. By cleaning the house of all the things that are not aligned with the paleo philosophy, you effectively say to yourself: “That’s it! I’m done putting all that junk in my body!” Go ahead, take off the band-aid. Don’t get carried away, just go crazy and do it! By diving in and experiencing the growing pains now, you will set yourself up for a much better transition later. Remember, the hard way is usually the easy way. Here is a simple list of foods to keep and foods to discard to help you get started:

Foods to preserve

  • grass-fed meats

  • fish and shellfish

  • fruits

  • vegetables

  • eggs

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Healthy organic oils (olive, coconut, macadamia, avocado)

Food to throw away

  • cereal grains

  • vegetables

  • dairy products

  • refined sugar

  • white potatoes

  • processed foods

  • Salt

  • refined vegetable oils

Step 2

Now that you have cleaned the house of anything that is not on the approved food list, take a quick trip to the store and fill in whatever gaps you now see you have in your refrigerator and pantry. Have you noticed that you lack fish and shellfish? or healthy fruits and oils? Fix it now. Don’t overthink things right now. Many beginners to the paleo diet think too much and not do enough. You can always make further adjustments later. It’s just about taking the first step.

So there you have it, two steps to get you going when you start the paleo diet. You have cleaned up all the bad things and replaced them with really good things. Of course, this is a bit simplistic, but it really is all you need to get started.

Best of luck!

5 reasons why houses could be organized

Homeowners and their real estate agents are often faced with many relevant decisions and / or options. One of them is deciding when it may be necessary to organize a home and when it may not be necessary. This is a balancing act, especially when using the skills and experience of a professional set designer, due to the expense / costs involved. Therefore, the decision should not be made lightly, because, for most, your home represents your most important financial asset. In my more than a decade, of being a licensed real estate salesperson, in the state of New York, I have witnessed the incredible benefits, the quality of the staging, has delivered, as well as I have realized, of the circumstances in which the staging was not worth it. This short article will review 5 reasons why selling a home could benefit from a staging.

1. It doesn’t feel good: The reality is that some houses look much better than others. Sometimes the way it is already decorated works well. Maybe it just needs a little mess or moving around. However, there may be cases where certain rooms or areas require a potential buyer to have a bit of imagination, which could benefit from staging. I once listed a beautiful house, and at first I was unable to assemble it because there was a tenant in it. When the tenant moved in and got organized, it was sold the first weekend!

2. Rooms of strange sizes or shapes: Is there something in a particular room that could make it difficult for a potential buyer to appreciate it? Is the size and / or shape a challenge? So, it’s time to look, at least some kind of partial staging!

3. Heat a space: Does the house have any space that negatively affects the beauty of the rest of the house? How could this space be transformed from a negative scenario to a positive one or, in the worst case scenario, neutral? Some areas of a house only need something to heat, the space!

Four. Unimaginative buyers: Although wise buyers possess the imagination and talent to envision what could be and prioritize what we call the bones of a house, many do not have this quality! Staging is an important tool to combat unimaginative shoppers!

5. Attract more buyers: The real estate agent has held several open houses and there have been several visits, however, the house has not been sold and many of the comments talk about some cosmetic feature of the property. Doesn’t it make sense, one could enhance the possibilities, and attract more buyers, after a professional staging!

Home Staging is not for all situations, but it is often a valuable tool. Discuss this with your real estate agent.

Michael Jackson – His legend is found in the anagrams of his name

I grew up watching Michael Jackson appear robotically during my teens and then the moon made its way through most of my adult life into what now appears to be an untimely and mysterious ending …

… But this writing is not going to be about my own emotional memories of Michael Jackson …

… This writing will reflect the mysterious and disturbing anagrams that I found living between his name.

Anagrams that surely contain the lived existence of his life and the legend he left behind.

Now, although MJ has received many complaints about his unique appearance changes, no one anywhere has had the gall to negatively alter his dance moves.

Because there is no argument, just like the anagram of his name MICHAEL JACKSON tells us that he was indisputably SLICK IN EVERY JAM.

In case you don’t know what an anagram is, this is the explanation from the American Heritage Dictionary:

an · a · gram (²n “…- gr²m”) n. 1. A word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain. Now let’s continue.

From his robotic moves that began with his performance to the hit single “Dancing Machine” to his slippery slides showing off his white socks and loafers when Moon walks up to Bill Jean, the LA J anagram, SOCK MACHINE quite accurately describes his creative dancing ability. and the select attracts that looked distinguished and unforgettable.

And if you are ready to read the other amazing anagrams I found of his name MICHAEL JACKSON, I am eager to share them.

Now tell me that the following two anagrams of his name JEL HACK MOCCASIN and O! JAM CHIC TOKLES does not support the evocative image of MJ in shorts that expose white socks that highlight his ankles that helped him glide across the stage while wearing loafers (which are almost the same design as a moccasin) that are continually found on stage. by MJ. & video performances?

When I do anagrams of people’s names, I also like to take a look at the location of their stars at the time of their birth. Oh, and by the way, the phrase PEOPLES NAMES anagrams in UNOS SUEÑO MAP that when mentally unraveled tells me that there are truths hidden within all of our names. This knowledge makes me think that no matter what we humans may invent to facilitate communication, the real truth of our own being is always underlying anagrams.

For example, the name GENE SIMMONS is universally equal to SOME MEN SING and OTIS REDDING is universally equal to I DIED STRONG. But to understand this anagram of Otis Redding, you should know that Otis Redding died in a plane crash right after his song Dock of the Bay hit the top of the music charts.

Now back to Michael Jackson’s birth stars,

What I found quite peculiar is this …

… when Michael Jackson was born, the planet Neptune, which (among other things) is the planet of demons, ghosts and horror, measured 212 total degrees of celestial longitude, which is the same number as the date 12/2 when his famous Thriller video premiered on MTV in 1983.

Now I want to share some more hauntingly tangible observances of Michael Jackson’s anagrams that seem to scream the catapulted success he acclaimed after 47,000 people watched his solo performance of Billy Jean when the 1983 Motown 25th anniversary celebration was televised.

And if you creatively sequence the anagrams, they’ll lean to the beat of a poem, just like the anagrams POSES ME PLANE and N POEM PLEASES of the verb phrase PEOPLES NAMES tell us what we could do.

The legend of Michael Jackson’s musical success was written in his name and the anagrams below prove it:



This anagram of N JAM A SLICK ECHO surely conveys to me all the people who wanted to make their own interpretation of the moonwalk with the hit song Billy Jean, and

This anagram of JACK HELMS A ICON is just another way to communicate your position as the King of Pop.

So if the truth of his success and the legend he leaves behind lives anagraphically hidden in his name, then it must be the truth of those ridiculous charges of hurting the little people he suffered.

And although I intuitively never believed in those charges, it was a great emotional relief to find such reassuring anagrams of those charges in his name. More about those relief anagrams can be read in a full article on the subject of Michael Jackson’s anagrams at Haunted Anagrams.

Rest now Michael and thanks for the Music.

Tips to make your website more visible in 2016

Things change pretty fast online. What worked 6 months ago may not work now, and what works now may not work in 6 months. It is important to stay in the know, so that you can keep your business website front and center. In this article, I’ll share some tips to help your website stand out in 2016.

Here are some tips you can start using to help your website stand out more in 2016:

  • Up date. I see it all the time, where people are linking to your existing site for some reason. Maybe Cousin Eddie built it for a case of beer one weekend in July, or maybe you made it yourself. Whatever the reason, stop. A website can and should have numerous reviews throughout its life. Ultimately, it’s all about conversions, and if your site is that outdated, it just won’t convert like a more modern design site would.

  • Make sure your site is mobile friendly. In late 2015, Google launched Mobilegeddon. Basically, if your site was / is not mobile friendly, chances are it won’t rank in mobile searches. This is important, because more than 70% of all searches are now done on mobile devices. We all do it, just grab a phone or tablet and Google something. It’s quick and easy, and that trend will only continue to grow.

  • Socialize. If you are not using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube, you should consider getting started right away. Profiling settings on these sites help you protect your brand and give you a nice backlink from a high DA (Domain Authority) site. Share your links in Tweets, posts, and videos as often as possible. This will help your site get more exposure and traffic, which is a big part of the game.

  • Optimize yourself. If your site doesn’t clearly tell Google what it does and where it does it, it will be difficult to reward you with good rankings because they just won’t know. Google reads what you provide, so use it as an opportunity to do some basic optimization on the site. If you are a Fresno dentist, be sure to include that information in important places, such as the URL or the site title. If you don’t have them there, make sure you have them in your content somewhere!

There you have it guys. These simple tips can help your website perform better for you in 2016. The question is, will you accept and use the tips, or will it stay in your hands?