
Powering future

Month: October 2021

Different types of team structures: organizational structures that meet specific objectives

There is nothing like a one-size-fits-all concept at play when handling different types of team structures with specific goals in mind. Deep reflection and consideration is required to identify, bring together, and also convince team members to work together on a variety of assignments.

Here are two main team structures that an organization forms to meet objectives.

Functional equipment:

Some teams are like a shadow in the background: they are always there, but not very visible, but they are more essential to running the day-to-day operations of the organization. These teams, for the most part, handle finance, sales, and marketing and are considered the functional part of the entire organization. Such teams generally work under general guidelines and policies formulated by the corporation’s top executives and run more or less smoothly and without much fuss and noise.

In large part, they are left to execute and achieve the great vision of the organization, until it is necessary to take stock of the situation. Those scenarios can arise from market dynamics, such as neck competition, technological changes, and change in regulatory framework or amendments to the Land Law. These teams are recruited with due consideration and deliberation and follow a routine and pattern established in advance by executives. They are more or less permanent and some team members may even outlast the organization.

Project teams:

On the other hand, project teams are completely different animals. They combine to perform certain tasks, achieve certain goals, or achieve a vision in a time-limited way. Once the goal is reached, these teams in most cases dissolve and the team members return to their routine tasks. For example, a specific project team may have a ten percent increase in market share as their goal to reach within three-quarters.

Such a team may include the chief marketing officer, chief advertising officer, financial controller, and operational supervisor, each contributing their respective experience and skill set to achieve the common goal. As soon as the market share goal is achieved within the time frame, they can hand over the reins of maintaining market share to the functional team. Sometimes the goal is too large to be achieved by a single team, so it is broken down into smaller goals and set to be achieved by sub-teams within a matrix of teams.

Market Segmentation for Nonprofits in 7 Steps

Nonprofits can and should adopt best practices taken from the for-profit sector when doing so can help them run a more efficient and productive organization. In fact, nonprofits should take seriously any business or operating practice that can lower costs and further stretch the operating budget. One of those practices is market segmentation.

Market segmentation is the discipline of dividing one’s market or potential target audience into segments, or groups, in order to design marketing outreach efforts that target each segment.

The result of a well-designed and executed market segmentation effort can generate a much higher return on investment (ROI) for your organization’s marketing money, as campaigns aimed at reaching the segments most likely to convert will generate , on average, a much higher conversion rate for every dollar spent.

Managers of companies and nonprofits may wonder if their market segmentation efforts should differ in any way from the segmentation efforts of for-profit companies. Here’s how to perform market segmentation for nonprofits in 7 steps:

1. Identify your business area:

Depending on whether your organization has a local, regional, national, or global focus, your business area will vary in size, scope, and location. It’s important to start your targeting efforts by measuring your business area realistically. You can indicate your business area in a number of ways, including using names of major cities or metropolitan areas, lists of postal codes, states / provinces, or even custom polygon shapes around each of your physical locations.

2. Determine if there are disqualifiers for your target market:

Next, it is time to calculate the total size of the market within your business area. This is generally best done at the household level. Start by calculating the total number of households and then subtract the total count of households that meet any obvious disqualification criteria. For example, if your organization makes eco-friendly home insulation kits made for older homes, you may want to subtract all homes that were built in the last 10 years from the target market size.

3. Find out what descriptive information you can about your existing stakeholders / customers and break it down into categories:

Now is the time to build a model of all your current or recent stakeholders (i.e. customers). The best way to do this is to add relevant data to each one. You can take advantage of any number of methods to do this, including adding demographic information (such as marital status or income) or taking advantage of pre-existing market segmentation systems that take psychographic and other factors into account.

4. Divide your stakeholders into segments according to these categories:

At this point, it is important that you segment your stakeholders based on the different combinations of the categories you created in step 3. For example, a segment could include all households with an average age of 45 to 50 and that have a median household income of $ 50,000 to $ 75,000. Perhaps you will call this Segment A. Another segment might have a median age of 45 to 50 years with a median income of $ 75,000 to $ 90,000. Suppose you call this segment B, and so on. (Note that if you had decided to take advantage of a pre-existing targeting system, your stakeholders will already be conveniently segmented.)

5. Determine which segments have the highest rate relative to the general population in your area of ​​commerce:

Now, compare the percentage of households in each of your stakeholder segments to that of all households within the business area. For example, if 15% of stakeholders are in segment A, but only 5% of the general population of your business area is included in this segment, you can say that segment A has an index of 300 (15 % / 5% x 100 = 300). . Another way of saying this is that households in segment A are three times more likely to become your customer than any randomly chosen household within your business area. This is valuable information to have! Now is the time to apply what you have learned to your marketing and advertising campaigns.

6. Slogan of a campaign to target your best segments:

Isolate those segments that have high index scores relative to households in your business area. These are your best segments. Chances are there are thousands or millions of potential stakeholders who are in your best segments but are not currently doing business with. You need to locate these homes and communicate with them with targeted marketing. You can buy specific mailing lists or television, radio, newspaper, or online campaigns that are designed to reach areas with high concentrations of your best segments.

7. Create messaging and branding campaigns that speak the language of your best segments:

Finally, make sure that the ads and other marketing materials you create reflect the motivations, interests, and habits of your best segments. Tailor the positioning statements, earnings statements, visual images, and language you use in your campaigns to specifically “speak” to households in your best segments.

A smartly executed market segmentation effort is sure to bring your nonprofit a much higher return on your marketing investment by helping you focus your marketing investment on those households that are 3-5 times or more likely to respond to your campaigns.

We all scream for ice cream

We can think of ice cream as a modern creation because it is frozen, but ice cream with ancient flavors dates back to those inventive Chinese, who began to eat their version as early as 3000 BC. C.

Originally it was snow or ice mixed with honey and maybe some berries. And once again, that adventurous explorer Marco Polo can get credit for bringing the idea of ​​China to his native Italy, where the royal court of the Medici family embraced it. These ice creams were the forerunners of our modern Italian ice, sherbet and sherbet. In 1553, Catherine de Medici married the French King Henry II and presented him with icy delight. It was a great success at court, but like so many other specialties, the ice was available only to the elite and the masses were left out.

In the mid-17th century, chefs used dairy products mixed with ice and called it “cream ice cream.” Lacking freezers, some Italian cooks had “runners” who were sent up into the mountains in search of snow, rushing back with their precious cargo before it melted. The frozen concoction was reported to be a favorite of Julius Caesar and his friends. A commoner had no chance of tasting royal delicacy until the first known ice cream parlor, Café Procope, was opened in Paris in 1660 by a Sicilian named Procope. She added eggs and cream to her recipe, and started the world’s love affair with this frozen treat. The Italians eventually created their own version and called it gelato.

The first official account of ice cream in the US appears in a letter written in 1744 by a guest of the Governor of Maryland, William Bladen. The first known advertisement for ice cream appeared in the New York newspaper on May 12, 1777, when confectioner Philip Lenzi announced that ice cream was available in his store “almost every day.” Presidents Washington, Jefferson, and Madison served ice cream at state dinners.

With the invention of insulated ice houses around 1800, ice cream making developed on a large scale. A Baltimore milk merchant worker named Jacob Fussell introduced his city residents to this delicious product in 1851, and as mechanical inventions and technology increased, new ways of freezing and homogenizing milk and cream became possible.

As ice cream spread across the country, drug stores began offering the popular dessert by installing soda fountains. With the invention of the frozen soda, the well-known title “soda” became a household word. When the churches condemned the consumption as sinful, especially on Saturday, the skillful owners of the springs removed the sparkling water on Sundays to appease the clergy and instead served a simple ice cream sundae. One could assume that Sunday was probably the most popular day of the week to enjoy.

Growing up in the ’50s, who didn’t take a little change out of Mom’s bag to bike to the nearest local grocery store for ice cream, a fudgsicle, or a drumstick cone? There was nothing stopping us as we were in love.

Not content with simple flavors, the emergence of gourmet ice cream in the 1970s took its place in the form of premium, high-fat (and high-priced) brands, introduced by Haagen Dazs, Ben and Jerry’s, and many local dairies. Dove Bars became all the rage, after a humble start at a local candy store on Chicago’s northwest side, and had been a neighborhood favorite for three decades before the Mars Candy Company purchased the recipe in 1985. All of which showed that Americans willingly paid higher prices for premium brands and innovative flavors.

So there you have it in a nutshell. Whether it’s an ice cream, chocolate ice cream soda, soft serve, ice cream, a pint of rich premium, or the many novelty ice cream creations in your local grocery store freezer, we don’t have to scream about it anymore. It is everywhere.

Treadmill Vs Treadclimber Vs Elliptical – Which One Is Best For You?

Trying to decide between a treadmill, a treadclimber, or an elliptical trainer? These are 3 of the most popular fitness machines on the market, each with its own unique benefits.

Which one is the best for you?

Here’s an overview of the benefits of each to help you decide.

# 1 The Treadclimber

The Bowflex Treadclimber is an attractive looking machine. Instead of a belt like a treadmill, there are 2 movable belts that rise to meet your feet as you walk.

Treadclimber has great benefits, the main one being that it can burn calories very fast. According to Bowflex, you can burn up to 3.5 times the calories of a normal treadmill.

So you see results really fast, which is always encouraging!

Some of the other benefits are that the Treadclimber is slightly more compact than a treadmill or elliptical (more of a square footprint than a long rectangle). So if space is a bit limited in your home, this is a great option.

The downside to this machine is that you can’t run on it like a treadmill. Plus, the motorized version starts at around $ 2000 and up, so it’s not the cheapest option.

# 2 The treadmill

The treadmill has been around for years and is a great option for both runners and walkers.

You have a much wider range of options than with a Treadclimber, and prices also range from $ 600 to $ 3,000. There are many great benefits to a home treadmill.

First of all, unlike a Treadclimber, you can run on it. So there is a little more versatility there.

Also, there is a new type of treadmill on the market called an incline trainer that gives you many of the same benefits of a Treadclimber. It gives you a 0 to 40% incline.

Walking on a high incline can burn up 5 times the calories like walking on a flat incline treadmill.

Another benefit of the treadmill is that current models give you many entertainment options that you won’t find on a Treadclimber or elliptical.

For example, how about a built-in web browser so you can surf the net while walking?

How about a desktop option so you can work on your computer on the go? Or even a built-in TV so you can watch your favorite shows while working out?

If you want to add some pleasure to your workout, a treadmill gives you many great options.

One of the downsides to a treadmill is that there aren’t many options for working your arms (unless you want to invest in some hand weights and pump as you walk).

# 3 elliptical trainer

Elliptical trainers mimic your running stride without much jarring impact. Also, they usually have movable arm bars that will work the upper body.

So you get a great “total” body workout. You can also move forward and backward to work different leg muscles.

Like treadmills, you get a variety of options at many different prices. In addition, the entertainment options, while not as diverse as on a treadmill, improve every year.

You can get iPod docking elliptical trainers, speakers, built-in fans, and different workout programs.

The downside to these machines is that they can be a bit awkward to get used to. Also, you need to make sure you get the correct stride length.

A shorter walker (like on a cheap elliptical) will feel extremely uncomfortable and might even give you that jerky start-stop motion that many people (rightly) can’t stand.

Here are some of the main differences between a treadmill, a treadclimber, and an elliptical.

Regardless of what you choose to do, remember to take your time and research all of your options so that you can be sure that you are getting the most for your money.

Feminist excuses for the ‘common good’ deny parents’ constitutional rights in family court

The Family Court unfairly uses the ‘common good’ excuse of the ‘best interests of the child’ to invalidate the constitutional rights and protections of the overwhelming majority of parents. His configuration and use of the excuse of ‘abuse’ of the greater good also shows that he has no interest in protecting the rights of a father, but in denying his children and extorting his earnings for the best interest of the mother.

Securing our inalienable (also known as constitutional) rights, including the right of parents, the right to property and earnings, life and the pursuit of happiness, is the reason America was formed. You cannot be denied any constitutional rights unless it is clearly demonstrated that you are guilty of having committed a serious crime or that you are not eligible in the case of parental authority. And the defense of the constitutional rights of one person can never be based on denying those of another when no real harm is done.

There is no “greater good” than our constitutional rights and their protections. Tyrannies use excuses for the ‘greater good’ to justify the denial of fundamental rights to some or all of their citizens.

It is our constitutional rights and protections that the courts, all courts, are intended to protect when adjudicating cases. Any court that denies the constitutional rights of a litigant without the required constitutional due process and justice invoking a legal excuse of ‘greater good’ commits treason and tyrannizes the litigant.

The family court, now a perverse distortion of its original form, daily denies not only the constitutional rights of the litigants – overwhelmingly the father – but the very processes and justice that the possibility of such denials necessarily requires. It does so by invoking the ‘best interests of the child’ excuse without the need to prove a parent’s disability. And it accepts the safe excuse of ‘abuse’ of women by mothers to overwhelmingly deny fathers even more rights without the required due process.

* The scope and settings of the family court show your treason actions:

The overwhelming majority of women file divorce or paternity complaints because of the privileges granted to them by the family court. The family court dissolves the marriage while determining:

1. which parent will have physical and legal custody of the child (ren) – which implies denying the parental authority of one of the parents – overwhelmingly the parent,

2. the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent must pay to the custodial parent, who extorts the non-custodial parent’s property, his earnings, under the euphemism of ‘child support’ for whatever the mother wishes to use .

3. the division of property between husband and wife – an appropriation of property without taking into account the wrongdoing,

4.How much child support should one parent pay to the other – plus seizure of property

Paternity actions determine only the first two above, that is, issues of custody and child support.

The court’s judgment on each of these matters requires that the parents have not committed a crime or proven incapacity. In fact, the installation of the court is characterized by:

* There is no jury trial as the judge acts as both judge and jury.

* It is not necessary to prove any proof of incorrectness or inadequacy. The mother’s insinuations about the father are enough for the judge. Perjury is practically never punished or accepted for prosecution, even when it is evident in family court cases.

* There is no presumption of equal rights for the father and mother, as unequal rights will be granted without an error being shown.

* There is no presumption of sharing parenting equally when no error or inadequacy is proven.

* One of the parents, mostly the mother, will be the custodial parent who will have legal and physical custody of the child.

* The other parent, mostly the parent, will be the non-custodial parent who will not have physical custody of the child and will be seriously deprived of most of their parenting rights. If you share legal custody, the court will largely ignore your opinion.

* The non-custodial parent, who has been denied the right to parent and directly support their child, will have a significant fraction (30% or more) of their gross income, or even imputed income (that is, offset by the judge), extorted from him with the threat of jail to pay what is euphemistically called child support for up to 23 years. Child support does not have to be used to support the child.

* The parent, no matter how ‘fit’ they may be, will be the overwhelming target of being the non-custodial parent.

* Non-custodial parents are reduced to occasional visitors at best, and the court almost never safeguards the clear application of that meager “privilege.”

* If the father is unable to pay the extorted ‘child support’ that was ordered, he is sent to jail for up to 6 months in a row without the due process required to so drastically deny a person’s rights.

* If you owe ‘child support’, the state will deny you state-required work licenses, and you will be denied the right to travel and passport, all due to a delay.

* Federal laws have been passed that prohibit approved ‘child support’ obligations from being waived, no matter how unfair.

The family court imposes these lawsuits that deny constitutional rights without the required substantive due process and without taking into account the maxims of the law that promote fairness in the judicial processes for the litigants. They use the ‘common good’ excuse of the ‘best interests of the child’ illegally, as both parents are fit, unless clearly proven otherwise. When necessary, they also invoke the excuse of abuse of the “greater good.” And finally, they overwhelmingly target parents as the recipients of their injustice and persecution.

Family court judges hide behind feminist-instigated, endorsed and upheld “greater good” excuses that deny constitutional protections for fathers and men for the benefits and privileges they accord to women. That is wrong, constitutionally wrong. These judges constitute the axis on which this anti-paternal tyranny turns. And its rulings denying the constitutional rights of parents have spawned a huge and growing state industry for divorce and domestic violence. It benefits from extortion from parents under euphemistic child support orders, attorneys and other fees that litigants must pay and, of course, tax money extracted from the public under bogus ‘women’s safety’ legal processes. ‘formulated under VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). The propaganda of this powerful industry is selfish and false.

Good excuses promoted and supported by feminists cause fit parents to withdraw from their families and extort and enslave them for their gain for the benefit and privilege of women. This tyranny against parents must be exposed by their destruction of parents, their children, freedom and the family.

Top ten things to do in Namibia

If you want to go somewhere where you can have an adventure without leaving the comforts of the urban lifestyle, you must put Namibia on your list. With so many places to visit, an adventure in Namibia can make your vacation worthwhile. Before you pack your things and go on a big trip to Namibia, here are some places to visit.

1.) Waterberg Plateau Park

Located about 68 kilometers east of Otjiwarongo, the Waterberg Plateau sits about 200 meters above the surrounding area. Wildlife watching would be a fruitful activity on this side of Namibia. This 405.5 km2 reserve is home to some rare and endangered species of antelope and birds, rhinos, buffalo and sable.

2.) Damaraland

Damaraland is home to a wide selection of tourist destinations including the 35m Vingerklip natural obelisk and Namibia’s largest Stone Age petroglyph deposit, Twyfelfontein. Another famous Damaraland attraction includes the Organ Pipes formed by volcanic movements. There is also the 250 million year old Petrified Forest and the Brandberg Nature Reserve.

3.) Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park is the largest game reserve in Namibia. Cover some 22,000 km2 with the Etosha frying pan that is 130 kilometers long and 50 kilometers wide. It is home to about 250 lions, 6,000 zebras, 300 rhinos, 2,500 giraffes, 2,000 elephants, and about 20,000 delicate springboks, as well as pelicans, flamingos, impalas, and other occasional animals.

4.) Cape Cross Seal Colony

Enjoy the sight, sound and smell of thousands of sea lions at the Cape Cross Seal Colony in Namibia. It is located 130 kilometers from Swakopmund. Cape Cross Seal Colony allows you to spend a day with the seals at any time of the year.

5.) Namib-Naukluft Park

Namib-Naukluft Park is one of the largest national parks in Africa. It covers about 50,000 km2 of land in Namibia and also covers the Namib Desert Park, the Naukluft Mountain Zebra Park and some parts of the Diamond Zone. Famous attractions in Namib-Naukluft Park include the Sossusvlei sand dunes and Sandwich Harbor, as well as exotic plants and animals such as Welwitschia Mirabilis, Hartmann’s mountain zebras, and lichens.

6.) Kolmanskop

Kolmanskop is a desert town located in the southern Namib desert, 10 kilometers from Lüderitz. The city provided refuge from the harsh conditions of the Namibian desert for Consolidated Diamond Mines miners, but the postwar drop in diamond prices and the prospect of richer mines in Oranjemund ended its operation, leaving it completely deserted in 1956. Enjoy walking in this relic of Namibia and learn more about the economic and social history of the country.

7.) Swakopmund

Swakopmund is a city 280 kilometers from Windhoek. The city with its Atlantic coastline, cooler temperature and preserved German architecture is one of the top destinations in Namibia. Several tourist attractions in Swakopmund include the Altes Gefängnis Prison, Wörmannhaus, the National Marine Aquarium, a glass gallery and a transport museum.

8.) Skeleton Coast

Be puzzled and amazed by the changing moods of Skeleton Coast Park, dense shoreline fog, scattered shipwrecks, and majestically untouched surroundings. Fly in from the Hoanib and Kunene rivers and see the coastline in its entirety. You can also enter the area between the Ugab and Hoanib rivers and enjoy the magnificent coastal fishing area.

9.) Fish River Canyon

Fish River Canyon is the largest canyon in Africa, measuring 160 kilometers long, 27 kilometers wide and about 550 meters deep. You can participate in an 85-kilometer Fish River Canyon Trail from Hobas to Ai-Ais. You can also take a one or two day trip at various points within the canyon.

10.) Kaokoland

Enjoy the wild nature of Namibia by traveling to the Kaokaland region with stunning mountainous landscapes and natural shelters for animals. The irregular landscape also serves as a home for the Himba tribe who still live off their own tradition and culture. Be captivated by the quiet and serene atmosphere that Kaokaland offers as you enjoy rafting, canoeing, bird watching, and more.

Cash flow generation without cash – Formula 5 "Flip paper"

You’ve heard of moving houses, right? This has become well known in recent years, mainly due to many seminars teaching real estate “gurus”, book writing, selling tapes, and so on. There have even been some negative connotations from various forms of government; Mainly because they don’t understand it, but rather they believe and do what the banking industry tells them to do. I do not mean to go down in a political tribune; However, the type of house exchange that I know and have written about is perfectly legal and, if done right, benefits all parties.

So what about this “Flipping Paper” thing? Well, it’s a lot like moving house. It’s also quite similar to being a bird dog for home buyers, as I discussed with you in one of last week’s articles.

What I am going to discuss with you now is exactly what I did when I first entered the paper business. I attended a seminar given by Mike Meeker, a well-known and excellent teacher, who I believe is now retired from teaching. I also think he lives in Florida, or was the last time I had contact with him.

Anyway, let’s go back to our story. This was in the late 1980s and he had no money available to invest. Here’s the concept: You want to find real estate “paper” (land contracts, deeds of trust, mortgages, promissory notes) that is “for sale” or that will become “for sale.” To keep it simple, let’s call all of these different types of paper “Notes.” You are looking for notes that were created in an owner-financed real estate sale. Due to the current market, these types of banknotes are abundant; however, in any type of market these “private” notes will always be available because many buyers cannot qualify for bank financing and many properties do not qualify for bank financing. To give you an idea of ​​the current market, just take a look at the “Real Estate For Sale” section of any major newspaper and look for the ads that say “Owner Financing”, “No Qualified Bank”, “Special Financing” and so on.

Trust me at this point; Private notes will ALWAYS be available and many of these note owners would rather have a large amount of cash now rather than monthly payments for X years. Furthermore, there are and always will be private investors (and sometimes large corporate investors) who buy these notes. Why? Because almost ALL private notes can be purchased at a substantial discount. Why? Due to the increased risk involved in these non-qualifying buyers and / or properties. In fact, I’ve never seen or heard of anyone paying 100% of the dollar for a ticket.

So let’s start putting this together. Remember, you are going to function as a “middle man”, not unlike the “bird dog” mentioned above. This is how we start:

Find the notes. There are numerous sources; such as Real Estate Agents, Title Companies, Real Estate Attorneys, etc. You can run a short ad in your local newspaper, such as “I buy real estate notes” or “Best price for your real estate note.” If you scan the ads, you may see other people looking for notes. Don’t worry, there are enough for everyone.

You can also look for ads that offer “Owner Financing” to sell a property. Call the person and ask if they might want to sell their note after the sale is closed.

So, let’s say you find a note for sale, now what? You need to have funds available to buy the ticket. Where do we get that from? How do we know how much to pay for the ticket?

Just as we figured out how to find and buy real estate paper, which we will refer to as “Notes,” we will use more or less the same tactics to find someone we can flip these notes to, for profit. Good sources are real estate agents, real estate attorneys, public accountants, financial planners, stock brokers, loan officers, etc. However, the best way is probably the old “newspaper ad” formula. You can advertise with words like “Real Estate Note for Sale” or “Investor Needed to Buy Real Estate Notes.” Check the newspapers and yellow pages for advertisements such as “We buy notes” and / or “Best price for your notes.” In other words, look for the same ads that we saw and used to find Buy and Flip Notes.

When you find an Investor or Buyer of Notes, you should determine the requirements and perimeters of the Buyer of Notes, such as:

What types of properties will they accept as collateral for the promissory note? For example, single-family homes, land or lots, apartments, commercial properties, or mobile homes with or without land.

What types of minimum returns do you want from the notes you buy? This will vary based on many factors, such as the security of the ticket.

Investors will want higher returns on riskier notes. For example, a note secured by a single-family, owner-occupied home (with excellent payment history) would likely require the lowest return, say 12% return on investment. At the other end of the scale could be Raw Land, where an investor can demand 18% or 20%. In this article I am not going to go into how to calculate performance. However, I will recommend to anyone interested in these types of offers to buy a good calculator or financial software.

Examples of other things an investor may require are title insurance, appraisals, credit reports, accident insurance, etc. These things discussed above should be tailored to the investor you may be dealing with.

Okay, now we have found a note to buy on a single family home. The face value of the note is $ 80,000 with 10% interest payable monthly for 20 years. You know that the “on-the-go” investor return requirement for this type of note is 12%, so you could sell it for $ 70,115. So in order for you to make a profit of, say $ 4,000, you bid and get an offer of $ 66,115 accepted. You actually need to get a written contract to buy the landlord’s note, preferably a “Call Option”. You need to consider who will pay for things like title insurance, closing costs, etc. If you are going to pay these costs, you’d better subtract the amount of these costs from your offer to the owner of the promissory note. Investors normally do not pay these costs.

What you are going to do is have a “Double” or almost simultaneous closing in which you will close first with the owner of the note. Then, a few minutes later, you close with your investor that you are buying the note. The seller (s) will then disburse the funds; $ 4,000 to you and $ 66,115 (less title insurance fees and closing costs) to the seller of the note. Actually, I found that it works better if I paid these costs and bought the ticket at a lower price, say $ 64,500. Sometimes when people go to a closing, they feel unhappy when they realize that they are receiving less money than they thought they were going to receive.

I know I’ve covered a lot here that seems complicated, and it’s – a little bit; however, once you’ve made a few deals, it will become routine. I remember when I started testing this. I got discouraged and took a few months to close my first deal; however, since then, I would estimate that I have bought and sold over 6,000 tickets, most of them one at a time. Of course, once my volume increased, I hired people to help me.

The ticket business is a great and very interesting career; Something new or different all the time. One thing I want to emphasize is that it is very important to have that double closing so that you are truly the owner of the note, even if only for a few minutes, before selling it to your investor.

I will publish a book in the future, showing in detail how to prosper in this great business. I will sell the book for a nominal price, which I have not determined at this time. It will depend on how much time you spend on it; however, I want it to be as complete as possible. I will tell you this, if a person enthusiastically enters this business, the business will always be there with excellent financial returns.

These publications are the opinion of the author who is not engaged in providing legal, accounting or investment advice. If such advice is required or desired, the services of competent professionals should be sought.

Does Windows 10 need third-party antivirus?

For basic users, Windows Defender offers sufficient protection against malware and other cyber threats. In other words, Windows 10 has a protection system that is good enough for most users. For these users, it is not necessary to opt for a third-party solution. Let’s find out if Windows 10 requires a third-party antivirus.

Microsoft continues to improve Windows Defender to make it more effective. Today, if you are tuned into the evolution of Microsoft’s desktop operating systems, you may notice that the software giant keeps improving WD.

For example, if you consider the April 2018 update, you know that Windows Defender has been updated to the Windows Defender Security Center. This update provides all the security features you need. You can configure many things such as parental controls, firewall rules, antivirus scanning, and others.

For ordinary users, this is great news, as they don’t need to pay for advanced protection. By default, WD is enabled on all versions of Windows 10. This software program works as a product packed with necessary features, such as real-time protection and frequent updates.

But if you install a third-party antivirus, Widows Defender will be disabled. However, once you remove the third-party alternatives, it will be re-enabled.

Microsoft says a lot of good things about the security features of Windows 10 and WD. In fact, the software giant claims that Windows 10 is the most secure version of Windows. In other words, if you don’t install a third-party antivirus on your copy of Windows 10, know that you are still protected against malware and other types of cyber threats.

Over the past 10 years, we’ve seen the security ecosystem get a lot of support from antivirus developers, especially Norton, Bitdefender, and Kaspersky. And there is a good reason behind this. These solutions offer a powerful malware scanning system. However, some programs offer additional functions for additional protection.

However, the biggest problem was the resource consumption of these programs. As a native security software, WD should have no impact on system stability. And it doesn’t consume a lot of system resources either. Even if you have a smaller amount of RAM, it will do its job quite well without overloading your system.

In terms of effectiveness, WD is an advanced antivirus software that can detect different types of malware. Therefore, it can be effective against many security threats. And the great thing about WD is that you don’t need to download or install it manually. It comes pre-installed with Windows 10. All you need to do is keep it enabled in your operating system and it will do the job quite well.

Windows Defender has become an advanced product that can be a good alternative to many third-party security products for Windows 10. So you can stick with it to make sure your computer is secure. However, if you need advanced features, you can still go for a better alternative, which you will have to pay for.

Great Fiction: The Last Time You Left By Kelly Braffet

Kelly Braffet’s Last Seen Game (2006)

Something that never ceases to amaze me about TV shows like Cold case files and Forensic files It’s how often, over incredibly long periods of time, horrible crimes go unsolved. Most people are familiar with the Black Dahlia case, perhaps the most famous unsolved murder of all. Modernism took a long time to catch up with fiction; Until about twenty or thirty years ago, in the literary genres of mystery and thriller, cases like Dahlia’s never appeared. Even in detective fiction that functions as serious literature, such as Ross MacDonald’s Lew Archer novels, all loose ends are tied up, all I’s are dotted and t’s are crossed at the end of the book. We look for closure and resolution, and we tend to get frustrated if we don’t get it. On Last seen Kelly Braffet offers us a murder and disappearance account that leaves us hanging like a cold file. In an interview with Scott Snyder around the time this novel came out, Braffet spoke about his insight into secrets and the ultimate inability to understand someone else’s motives and behavior.

He also spices his novel with a rather original blend of cutting-edge philosophy and observance of contemporary youth culture, questionable areas of foreign policy and parent-child relationships, and the magnetic appeal that the possibility of danger and harm seems to have for some people. She is as comfortable with Nietzsche and Heidegger as with video games and lipstick.

Speaking of Nietzsche, one of the main philosophical concepts that scholars and researchers have always associated with him is that of Nihilism – a word that seems to have different meanings depending on the thinker with whom we are using it in context. Nietzsche was a metaphysical nihilist, believing that deep down, in the final analysis, life had no meaning and that, in our attempts to understand it, we simply cast psychological projections onto the blank white canvas of the universe. The scientist presents science as the Maximum Truth, the artist presents art as the Maximum Truth, the religious person presents religion as the Maximum Truth; All of these are simply coping mechanisms that humans invent to try to defeat nihilism. Last seen Examine this point sharply, in a passage where we meet a character named Seth, a beach bum, and we philosophize:

In Seth’s real life, the non-summery part that had nothing to do with waiting tables or brushing the sand off her sheets so he could get into bed with her, was a graduate student who read thick books with small print and no characters. . He taught the eighteen-year-olds about Heidegger and Nietzsche. He ate sushi, went skiing in Vermont, and was writing a dissertation on Being and time.He didn’t think any of the girls he knew in that life had dragons tattooed around their navel.

The “she” who has these thoughts is Miranda Cassidy, one of the two main characters in the book (the other is her mother, Anne); the point is that a true Nietzschean – perhaps Seth is, since he seems to truly savor the whole experience – would not divide his life into this life and that life, real life and beach life, work life and life. playful, etc. . – your life is simply an integrated thing, not something you can cut into sections like a fruit. Therefore, Miranda is a representative of a different type of nihilism, which is generally called Russian nihilism, a belief system in which young people despise the beliefs, values ​​and attitudes of their elders. This is pointed out in a later second passage about Miranda and some of her friends:

“They consider themselves creatures of the world, tough, brutal and unshakable. They listen to dark angry music, watch dark angry movies, collect dark angry comics. They read Neal Stephenson and William Gibson and William S. Burroughs and Philip K. Dick and Mervyn Peake: To them, the modern world is nothing more than a pale imitation of the dystopian universes they read about …

Then they wait. Meanwhile, they jealously guard their disappointment and their trappings, because as far as they are concerned, either you understand it or you don’t, and if you don’t, you better not act the way you do. Their disappointment is all they are sure of, and they don’t want it to be used lightly. “

You might ask what are these kids so disappointed in? The answer is the same as the answer to quite a few key questions the book raises: We don’t know. In a way, Braffet follows the kind of strategy used by Paul Auster in the novel Glass city – a crime story, a mystery, that is unsolved and unsolved, all questions and no answers. However, in another way it opens up an equally mysterious avenue of plot and character that depends, for its effect, precisely on our knowledge of it as mysterious: the CIA covert operations in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s. Braffet’s novel, I felt somewhat fortunate to have been acquainted with a major American novel about the CIA in Latin America from the 1980s, that of Robert Stone. A flag for the dawn as well as Tina Rosenberg’s 1991 non-fiction short story Children of Cain: violence and violence in Latin America, which helped me appreciate Braffet’s work much more. Braffet is excellent for taking a look at the horrors that lie beneath the mouth of the volcano. This methodology is attractive to us as readers because we know that the author knows much more than she lets on, that her knowledge of such things is solid enough to allow her to write about them in a minimalist way with confidence and plausibility.

Anne Cassidy is a middle-aged mother living in Arizona, and she moved there from the Pittsburgh area years ago when her husband Nick, a pilot employed by an enigmatic and mysterious company called Western Mountain, falls into his plane while flying in a mission over Central America. and was never heard from again. (Significantly, wreckage from the aircraft is never found.) Her rebellious daughter Miranda originally accompanies her out west, but returns to Pennsylvania as soon as she is old enough to be alone. There, she disappears one night after crashing her car, picked up on the road by a passerby named George, who has an unusual interest in her. She takes a walk with him and somehow ends up in a Virginia seaside town.

Meanwhile, Anne, after not speaking to her daughter for many months, begins to get frantic when her many calls to Miranda go unanswered. The sense of dread and threat is increased several notches by the involuntary mocking salute on Miranda’s answering machine: “You know what to do.” Here, this fairly common greeting goes from being a simple everyday phrase to a reminder of Anne’s helplessness: she no know what to do. After a few days of frantic calls, Miranda’s phone number is taken down and Anne gets on a plane to go find her. She only encounters dead ends, and a detective named Romansky (a holdover from the detective stories of yore, a helpless Sam Spade or Phillip Marlowe, say the name Romansky very slowly to yourself) tells her that her daughter is probably just has moved. no foul play involved. Anne won’t have it, and when she’s granted access to Miranda’s vacant apartment and discovers how to listen to her phone messages, she finds a series of messages from a boyfriend named Jay that become increasingly drunk and obnoxious. Naturally, he fears the worst.

Nevertheless, U.S I know that Miranda is, at least in appearance and for now, fine; After a while, Braffet begins to tell the story in sequences that alternate between Anne’s search for Miranda, Miranda’s slums on Virginia Beach with her lazier friends, and flashbacks showing Anne, Nick, and Miranda. like a family in earlier and happier times. But just as there is a high element of anguish to Anne’s search for Miranda, there is also one surrounding Miranda and the city of Lawrence Beach: a serial killer has been murdering young women in the city, their bodies going washed up on shore, and there are constant suggestions that George might be the killer. Later, we see that George has possible connections to Miranda’s long-lost father.

Miranda and Anne are shown to often disagree, argue, misunderstand, get frustrated, behave differently, and have different perspectives on Nick’s death / disappearance. Braffet highlights this in two striking contrasting passages that symbolize the differences in the “soul content” of mother and daughter. First, about Miranda:

“When he was driving, he liked to think that he was connected to a huge and powerful machine. As in science fiction: the nervous system of the car was joined to his through the sole of his right foot.”

About Anne (who, by the way, works in a New Age store and is interested in all kinds of New Age spirituality and healing):

“She imagines herself in Sedona, standing barefoot on red dirt, with a mysterious energy that resonates through the soles of her feet and spins within her, filling her with something pure and real.”

They both channel energy through your feet, which makes them similar, but one does it through the throttle of the car, the other through the dirt on the ground, which makes them different, incredibly different. Your attempts to establish genuine emotional contact are, perhaps, doomed to failure.

This novel has intensely interesting supporting characters, primarily including a fellow Nick’s pilot named X-ray and Miranda’s juggling boyfriend named Rainier, and it also makes very sophisticated use of scenes that are not really related to the main action but suggest, comment and stand next to him. To take just one example, one morning Anne finds a dead man in her car in the parking lot of the store where she works. He had been a customer the day before, buying a book titled Heal yourself with the chakras. The whole situation is itself absurd, ironic, sad, funny with a very dark humor, meditative and sensually fascinating (Braffet’s writing is very hearing-oriented, it is based on sound), but it works in another way: we give the closing we long for it, but it does so on a wholly incidental character and therefore does not satisfy us at all. It takes some courage to write this way, and Braffet is up to the challenge.

In this novel mood and atmosphere, in my opinion, they prevail over the desire to write a “well done story” in the Aristotelian sense, and it is a refreshing approach that probably more authors should put a spin on. But that’s not to say that it doesn’t succeed with traditional narrative elements like characterization, because it does. And I think a mix of the modern and the traditional, well done like this, is always welcome.

Sexy black ladies – Why Are Black Camisoles So Hot?

Sexy black ladies

Do you know what sexy black lingerie is? Maybe you’ve seen the ads on TV or you’ve seen them in magazines, but you don’t know the difference. This article will explain the different types of sexy black lingerie so you know exactly what to look for when you go shopping for your own sexy lingerie. Black is sexy, that’s what the commercials say, but not everyone wears black. So how are these sexy black cam girls different?

black cam girls

The first difference between these sexy black ladies and regular cam girls is that they are often times smaller and more delicate. They have smaller breasts and their chests may even be smaller than those of their Caucasian counterparts. This can make it harder for them to move around because their chest is much smaller and as a result, their clothing choice must also be smaller. If they are daring enough to wear revealing clothing, it’s usually one piece and/or tank tops.

Another difference between these sexy black beauties and their Caucasian counterparts is that they tend to be on the chubby side. Cam girls can be on the heavier side, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t beautiful. They simply have the advantage of being smaller so they can fit into some bigger clothing choices. While some are blessed with huge, voluptuous breasts, they aren’t gifted with an hourglass shape like their Caucasian counterparts.

Sexy black ladies – Why Are Black Camisoles So Hot?

Some sexy black women do have large, shaped breasts. These women tend to be on the chubby side but have great, perky personalities. You’ll often times see these ladies working in high end clothing stores like Nordstrom’s and such. They are incredibly successful with their personal, professional lives, but they still don’t have the career success that most Caucasian women do. Black women love to dress up and enjoy their bodies, just as much as any other color.

The last thing you should know about black women wearing camisoles is that these pieces of clothing are ideal for those who are very self-conscious about their body’s shape and size. These women should always try to wear the smallest size of clothing that they can. This is because your clothing should make you feel better about your body. It should not make you feel worse about yourself!

Wearing a tight fitting, low cut top and matching lingerie is one of the best ways to flaunt your curves. For more information on black women’s lingerie and how to find the best black camisoles for your own personal use, you can check out our site. We offer a wide selection of the best black lingerie at the best prices, including lots of black hot dresses!