
Powering future

Month: August 2022

Shocking Movie Interviews

My bread and butter as a videographer (especially a Chicago videographer) is shooting interviews and testimonials. I have filmed hundreds of such interviews, worked with other videographers preparing interviews, and seen many more video interviews all over the web. During this time I have learned some important keys to make a good and attractive interview.

First point, be brief. When I schedule a video interview, I usually end up talking to my subject for 30-40 minutes. However, an effective interview video with a subject is 1.5 minutes to 2.5 minutes. When I get a response from my subject that is long, detailed, and sounds like he’s wondering if he has an idea, I let him finish, congratulate him on how good his answer was, and ask him to summarize it in 2-3 sentences. Sometimes it takes a few shots. Therefore, allow 40 minutes for an interview.

Second, make the interview conversational. There is nothing more boring and flat than reading questions on the subject. As humans, we are social beings. Yes, the subject understands that he is ultimately speaking to an imaginary audience and is only being filmed. However, I have seen shy people open up to me when I engaged them in conversations. They forget that the camera is pointing at them and they give me rich and personal content. Sometimes, as a videographer, you can’t or don’t feel comfortable engaging in a conversation, preferring to just pay attention to the crew. If this is the case, it’s worth bringing someone else with whom the subject can talk (and engage).

Always use at least two cameras. Having multiple angles makes editing much easier. You can easily cut the interview and jump from camera to camera during transitions. The court interview shot with a camera creates distracting jump cuts. Also, having multiple camera angles makes the video more dynamic. Sometimes I even add a little slider movement to add a more dynamic feel to a static shot.

The sound quality is huge. In my video production I use high-end lavalier microphones. The lavalier mic is close to the subject and you get a lot more voice signal and less ambient noise. Truth be told, most viewers who watch these types of videos won’t be able to tell the difference between a video shot on a $30k camera and something shot on a smartphone. However, the sound of the bed is immediately noticeable. The sound of the bed screams “amateur” video. If you don’t have a good lavalier mic, you can use a shotgun mic. Ideally, the microphone should be as close to the subject as possible. You can mount such a microphone on a stand and run the cable to the camera. The mix of the sound is also crucial. To get that professional sound quality, you always want to add a bit of compression to the sound, so that the loud parts are attenuated and the quiet parts are turned up. I often use a bit of equalization to remove the low end of the sound spectrum. When mixed with some music, vocals that are compressed and slightly EQed will cut through the mix more easily.

Lastly, for a video interview to be engaging, it needs to have something visual to cut through. This is often called B-roll. B-roll shots are visual scenes that support the story being told by the subject. However, sometimes I use photographs of the subject and build a collage that visually tells the story. When I do this type of collage, I actually prefer photos that are not professionally taken, as they better represent the reality of the person being interviewed.

In summary, video interviews should be reduced to about 2 minutes, should be conversational, recorded with good sound and multiple cameras. When done right, they are one of the most powerful marketing tools for any business, product, or service.

Fifty Fun Halloween Facts

1. Halloween is celebrated on October 31, which is the last day of the Celtic calendar.
2. The custom of Halloween has evolved from the ancient Celts’ belief that the border between this world and “the Other World” thins out on All Hallows’ Eve. People used costumes to disguise themselves and avoid harm.
3. The day after Halloween is called All Saints’ Day. Christians dedicate this day to all those saints who do not have a special day of their own.
4. All saints is another way of saying all saints. All-Hallows-Eve means the night before All Saints’ Day.
5. The first evidence of the use of the word Halloween comes from Scotland in the early 16th century. It was All-Hallows-Eve lingo.
6. The colors orange and black represent Halloween because orange is the color of pumpkins (and fall) and black is associated with death.
7. The tradition of carving a jack o’lantern began in the UK. They were carved on All Hallows’ Eve and left on the door step to ward off evil spirits.
8. The original gourds were carved from turnip or rutabaga.
9. Jack o’ lanterns got their name from the phenomenon of a strange light flickering over peat bogs.
10. Carving pumpkins into elaborately decorated lanterns dates back thousands of years to Africa. They were intentionally brought to the New World through the prehistoric migration through Asia.
11. A record for the most pumpkin lanterns lit simultaneously was set on October 21, 2006 when 30,128 pumpkin lanterns were lit simultaneously on Boston Common.
12. The world’s largest pumpkin was carved from the world’s largest pumpkin (at the time) on October 31, 2005 in Northern Cambria, Pennsylvania, United States by Scott Cully. The pumpkin weighed 1,469 pounds (666.33 kg),
13. Today, the record for the world’s largest pumpkin is held by Nick and Kristy Harp, whose pumpkin weighed 1,725 ​​pounds (782.45 kg).
14. Trick-or-treating is the Halloween custom where children in costumes go door-to-door asking for candy with the question “trick or treat?” The “trick” is a (usually idle) threat to do harm to the homeowners or their property if a deal is not given.
15. Many people believe that trick-or-treating developed from the Middle Ages custom of giving freshly baked soul cakes to children who went door-to-door on All Hallows’ Eve offering prayers.
16. Each soul cake eaten was believed to represent a soul released from purgatory.
17. In Sweden, children dress up as witches and go trick-or-treating on Holy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter).
18. In northern Germany, Norway, and southern Denmark, children dress up and go trick-or-treating on New Year’s Eve in a tradition called “Rummelpott.”
19. In Scotland, children are only supposed to get treats if they perform tricks for the homes they go to. This usually takes the form of singing a song or reciting a funny poem.
20. For several years (in the late 19th and early 20th centuries), Halloween in the US became identical to hooliganism.
21. In 1912, Boy Scout clubs and other community organizations came together to encourage a safe celebration of Halloween. School posters at this time called for a “Sane Halloween.”
22. In an effort to prevent damage to their property, homeowners began offering children candy if they promised not to play “tricks.”
23. By the late 1930s, trick-or-treating had become widespread.
24. Research conducted by the US National Confectioners Association in 2005 revealed that 80% of adults and 93% of children went trick-or-treating on Halloween.
25. The first screen depiction of Trick or Treating was in the Disney cartoon, “Trick or Treating.” In this cartoon, Huey, Duey, and Louie try to trick their uncle, Donald Duck, into giving them candy.
26. In 1964, a New York housewife upset about Halloween started handing out packages of non-food items to children she thought were too old to trick-or-treat. The packages contained items such as steel wool, dog biscuits, and ant buttons (which were clearly labeled with the word “poison”). Although no one was injured, she was prosecuted and she pleaded guilty to child endangerment.
27. In 1970, the New York Times published an article stating that “those Halloween treats kids collect this weekend on their ‘trick or treat’ rounds may bring them more horror than happiness.” He provided examples of possible manipulations. The examples were speculative, but they provoked a wave of fear.
28. In the 1980s, American and Canadian parents’ fear that trick-or-treating kids might endanger candy-eating reached a peak. In 1985, an ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 60% of parents feared their children would be injured or killed due to sabotage of Halloween candy.
29. Aside from one incident, actually an act of premeditated murder by the trick-or-treating parent, there have been no recorded incidents of malicious and deliberate candy tampering during Halloween.
30. In 1970, a 5-year-old boy from the Detroit area found and ate heroin that his uncle had hidden. The boy died after a four-day coma. The family tried to protect the uncle by claiming the drug had been sprayed on the boy’s Halloween candy.
31. In 2008, candy with metal chips and metal blades embedded in it was found. The candies were Valentine’s Day Pokémon lollipops purchased at a Dollar General store in Polk County, Florida. The candy was determined to have been manufactured in China using faulty equipment.
32. In the US, Halloween accounts for 25% of candy sales for the year.
33. In the US, nearly $2 billion is spent each year on Halloween candy.
34. Candy corn is the most popular Halloween candy.
35. Candy corn was created by the American company Wunderlee Candy in the 1880s.
36. Snickers bars are the most popular chocolate bars sold on Halloween.
37. Snickers bars were created in 1930 by the Mars family. They named him after his family horse.
38. Research by the US National Retail Federation found that in 2005, 53% of Americans bought a Halloween costume, spending an average of $38.
39. The first mass-produced Halloween costumes appeared in the 1930s in the US.
40. Originally, Halloween costumes were scary characters like vampires, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and demons.
41. Today, Halloween costumes are often inspired by science fiction, television, movies, cartoons, and pop culture.
42. According to the US National Retail Federation, the most popular adult Halloween costume themes are, in order: witch, pirate, vampire, cat, and clown.
43. In 2009, the most popular Halloween character for adults and children was Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009.
44. In 1966, the Batman TV series was so popular that a fabric company issued patterns for costumes.
45. Apple moving is a traditional Halloween game. The game is played by filling a tub or large container with water and putting apples in the water. Because apples are less dense than water, they will float. Players then try to catch one with their teeth.
46. ​​The apple shake is becoming less popular, possibly because more and more people consider it unhygienic.
47. Girls who place the apple they moved under their pillows are said to dream of their future lover.
48. On February 19, 2008, New Yorker Ashrita Furman tossed 33 apples in one minute to set a world record.
49. Agatha Christie’s mystery novel “Hallowe’en Party” is about a girl who drowns in a vat of apples.
50. New York City hosts the largest Halloween celebration in the United States, known as The Village Halloween Parade. The afternoon parade attracts more than two million spectators and participants.

What I hate about the fitness industry and what is the best form of exercise for you

There’s one thing I can’t stand about the fitness industry:

It’s full of bitches. (Ironically, I’m freaking out now, ha! Hey, if you can’t beat them, join them!)

Regardless, there are plenty of different forms of exercise that you can do. Literally shades.

First of all, you have weight training at the gym. Then that can be further broken down into many “mini-categories”. For example, you have a bodybuilding style of training, you have Olympic lifting (no prizes for guessing that’s what they do at the…*drumroll*…Olympics!). You also have weightlifting as well as strongman type training. Oh, and how could I forget CrossFit too?

And if you want to dig even deeper, you can break these 4 categories down even further.

Anyway, let’s move on from weightlifting. Let’s look at some other types of exercise…

So you also have cardio training, which, like weight training, can obviously be broken down further. You have racing, cycling, rowing, circuit training. Literally too many options for me to even think about, let alone write.

So you have to play a sport.

And there are also things like yoga and pilates.

So the point is this: there are literally MANY ways to exercise.

But the one thing I hate about the fitness industry is that so many people trash talk any form of exercise other than their own. They say it’s “wrong”. They say their way is the best way by a mile.

Do you know what I say to these people?

To shut up!.

Blunt? Yes.

But do they deserve it? Again, yes. Look, the western world is overweight. I don’t need to tell you. So surely we should encourage everyone to do any form of exercise, no matter what it is.

But for some people, seeing people exercise in a different way than they do actually annoys them! Pathetic it is not. I mean, the number of people who train in the gym style of bodybuilding who look down on crossfitters is unbelievable.

Look, I have never done CrossFit in my life. It is perfect? No. There is a much higher risk of injury (especially for beginners) compared to most other forms of training.

But, with that said, does it look fun? Yes!

Does it make people breathe hard and sweat? Yes!

Do you get great fitness results while helping them get toned at the same time? Again, absolutely!

So why do so many people talk bad about it? It is beyond me.

Anyway, to conclude this, I want to say this:

Do a form of exercise that you ENJOY.

That is literally, my friend.

Don’t let Bob down at the gym, Steve next door, don’t even tell me what form of exercise you should be doing.

Just do something you’re going to adhere to.

Of course, if you want to be a bodybuilder, you will have to go to the gym and start lifting weights. Going for long distance runs won’t get you there!

But if you just want to tone up, lose weight, and get in shape so you have more energy and look and feel better, then just do something you enjoy.


FSBO Contract – Paperwork required during home sale by owner

These days, more and more homeowners are taking the plunge and selling their homes themselves, foregoing the realtor. Is that a good idea? The answer to that is yes. However, there is quite a bit of paperwork involved to do so. In this article we will review some of the forms you will need when doing a sale by owner (FSBO) of your home.

The first document you will need is the sales contract. This form will contain all the terms of the deal between you and your buyer. This contract is a legal agreement, so don’t forget ANY of the important details. Of course, it will include the purchase price. Nevertheless; Regarding your protection and the protection of your buyer, it should also contain a contingency clause. A qualifying contingency could be that the buyer is unable to secure financing OR their home fails inspection. If your buyer is purchasing your home “AS IS”, the details of this MUST also be incorporated into the sales contract.

The next form you must have is the Property Disclosure Form. In this document, any defects your home currently has MUST be listed. Quite a few states and countries require that this form be used no matter what type of real estate transaction you choose. If you don’t disclose any of these problems with your home to the buyer, you may be legally liable for the damages and have to pay them a large amount of money. Do yourself a favor: DON’T FORGET THE OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE FORM!

Another important document you should have is an Occupancy Contract Form. This form will state all the terms of the move-in periods for both you and your buyer. If the buyer intends to move out before the deal is secured, they will also need a pre-occupancy agreement. This is important because once YOU move out of your home, your homeowners insurance plan will most likely NOT cover you. So if the house is later damaged and/or you incur losses, you’re just out of luck. So be sure to remember the occupancy and/or pre-occupancy form. A great real estate attorney should be consulted to make sure you don’t forget anything important related to this document.

If your home was built before 1978, you will also need “lead paint records” on a separate form. This form must fully disclose; with written notice to the buyer, any traces of lead paint that was used to build it or later improve its interior. It is a federal law that you MUST have this form. You must also provide your buyer with an EPA-approved lead paint information pamphlet. In addition, the warning form MUST be signed by everyone who will be involved in the purchase of your home. Again, it would be wise to consult your attorney to ensure that you are doing everything in accordance with the law. Otherwise, there could be dire consequences for you later on.

Shirataki noodles: are they a superfood?

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have already heard of shirataki noodles. These noodles were invented by the Japanese more than 2,000 years ago.

Shirataki noodles are made from ground flour from the bulbous root (or corm) of the Konjac plant. This flour is known as konjac flour and is not a carbohydrate like traditional flour. It is 100% soluble fiber that is combined in a ratio of 3% to 97% water to create a solid gel. When left in blocks, this gel is called konnyaku. When shaped into noodles, it is called shirataki, which means ‘white waterfall’. Traditional konnyaku is gray in color from the addition of seaweed to the mix.

Konnyaku and Shirataki are effectively calorie free as the human body is unable to convert fiber into energy. Even if konjac flour were a traditional carbohydrate, a 100-gram serving of shirataki would contain only 12 calories based on the three grams of fiber it contains and the fact that one gram of carbohydrate contains four calories.

Most of the health benefits of shirataki stem from the fiber content. The American Dietetic Association recommends 20-35 grams of fiber per day. The average American only consumes about 15 grams of fiber per day.

Shirataki Health Benefits

One serving of shirataki noodles per day;

  • Helps prevent “spikes” in blood sugar levels by stabilizing them.
  • They are gluten free.
  • They are carb free and ideal for low carb diets like Atkins.
  • It reduces cholesterol levels by around 10% and LDL (bad cholesterol) by 7.2%.
  • Reduces triglycerides by 23%.
  • Reduces systolic blood pressure by 2.5%.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It reduces inflammation and helps prevent the formation of polyps in the colon.
  • Helps in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Increases healthy bacteria in the colon.
  • Helps prevent colon cancer.
  • It effectively contains zero calories making it ideal for weight loss. Compare this to an average of 210 calories per cup for traditional pasta or noodles.
  • Fiber acts as an appetite suppressant by slowing digestion and keeping you full longer.

Disadvantages of Shirataki

  • Contains zero nutrients other than fiber.
  • Too much shirataki can cause diarrhea.
  • Some people may find the smell of shirataki unpleasant. (Simply rinse the shirataki to remove the smell.)
  • Shirataki has a gelatinous texture similar to rice noodles and some people do not like this texture, especially if they hope to replace traditional pasta.
  • Shirataki noodles have little flavor, so they must be combined with other savory foods.
  • Insufficient other foods at the same time as shirataki will result in malnutrition.

Warning: In the 1960s, a Japanese writer named Soichi Ohyake is rumored to have died of malnutrition after eating nothing but konnyaku and shirataki in an effort to lose weight.

So shirataki noodles are a super food. The answer is a definit no!’ The term superfood refers to foods that are highly nutritious. Clearly this does not apply to shirataki noodles as the only nutrient is fiber.

However, when used in conjunction with a healthy, balanced diet, they are ideal for anyone who wants to lose weight and reap the health benefits they provide. Therefore, it pays to make them a regular part of your diet.

Corso Mastiff – Is This The Right Dog For You?

A Corso Mastiff belongs to a group of mastiffs that can be proud of their long and rich history. This breed is considered an ancient and versatile hunting and farm dog. For most of its history, this dog has been used as a farm helper to herd cattle, pigs, and goats.

The Corso Mastiff has also been used as a guard dog to provide protection for farmers’ livestock and other property from poachers and predators. The historical role of this strong and majestic breed continued until the late 1980s. Today, this dog is no longer limited to just farm use, but is also used in many homes as loyal companions.

Like any other Mastiff breed, the Corso Mastiff tends to grow very tall, reaching a height of 28 inches. In terms of weight, it can weigh from 80 to 140 pounds. The coat of this breed is one of its most distinctive features. Its coat is short, smooth and dense in texture. For some people, dense fur is thick and beautiful, while others find it harsh and coarse to the touch. But regardless of your preference, hair was never meant to be smooth, it’s designed to be dense, coarse and shiny.

When it comes to temperament and character, this breed is considered fearless and devoted to its master. What wonderful traits to have in a family pet.

For this reason and many others, buying a Corso Mastiff could be a great decision for you! They make a great pet and companion for work or play! So maybe this beautiful creature could be the perfect addition to your family.

Increase your business efficiency by up to 200% with Teamwork software

Introduction: The Vital Importance of Information Sharing

Proper communication between teammates is of paramount importance to any company, regardless of its size and nature of business. The exchange of information must be done smoothly and securely to prevent any loss of information and allow important information to reach the intended recipient in a timely manner. This will provide a company with a good work environment where all employees are duly informed and have all the data necessary for the proper performance of their duties. The latter ensures that your company is running well to meet customer expectations and generate more profit.

The power of delegation: deadlines and task management

Deadlines are of great importance to every business, due to a fairly simple rule: if you miss a deadline, you lose money. The ability to assign and track tasks is essential to sharing the workload among employees. A boss has to delegate tasks to the appropriate subordinates to meet a project deadline. At the same time, the boss must maintain full control over assigned tasks so that they can be modified immediately if circumstances change.

Email Headache: The Wrong Tool for the Right Purpose

It should be noted that email is not the best way to support communications within a work team because email is quite slow and inconvenient for the exchange of short messages. Instant messaging software such as ICQ and AIM also do not meet teamwork requirements because they cannot control deadlines and do not support task management. That’s why it’s so easy to get lost in the tone of email correspondence and finally forget an important task hidden in one of those messages. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a proper tool that supports teamwork. Below are several key factors that you need to consider when choosing a team building software.

Convenience: smooth user interface

People who talk about teamwork often underestimate the importance of an individual’s comfort in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of the efficiency of a team as a whole. Meanwhile, the efficiency of a team can increase dramatically thanks to the increased efficiency of each individual team member. A good step to move in this direction is to provide a company with a collaboration tool that is friendly and easy to use. A teamwork solution from CuteReminder Labs is a good example of that approach. Let’s take a more detailed look at this. There are several pretty revolutionary things inside the box to give you the right working environment. First, there’s the user interface tightly integrated with the Windows desktop, so the program runs in the background and is always at hand, but doesn’t clutter the desktop. Secondly, the user interface is designed with the main goal of reducing the number of mouse clicks required to operate the program, thus the application saves your efforts while using it. This is very important, since the program is supposed to be used quite intensively. Third, to provide you with a comfortable workplace, the user interface is seamlessly made, which means the program is so smooth that it doesn’t distract you even when reminded.

Personal Information Management: Be Well Organized

Each team member working on a team must be personally well organized to be a suitable partner to the rest of the team. This means that within a teamwork solution, team members must have personal information management software to increase their personal efficiency. “Personnel” means all matters that do not require any explicit involvement of other employees. An employee, who can work successfully on his personal tasks, can also do group tasks correctly, since he does not have to do emergency work thanks to good personal organization.

History: case tracking

Another important prerequisite for efficient teamwork is the ability to keep track of tasks. You should be able to access the history of any particular task in case any questions arise. This will help you find bottlenecks and investigate what has gone wrong on a case-by-case basis to improve your business model. The ability to drill down into history is very essential in uncovering intercom issues and helps in finding out who was instructed to do something important and hasn’t done it yet. This is extremely important in case you interact with a client and something went wrong on the client side (this is, of course, out of your control), and ultimately led to a missed deadline or cost increase. In that case you can always show the client that you have acted correctly, avoid conflict and retain your client.

Installation and Maintenance: Reduce Costs

The specifics of a teamwork solution intended for small teams is that it must be low cost, simple and convenient for your employees. “Low cost” means that you should minimize your expenses regarding the installation and maintenance of a software solution. The software should be flexible and simple enough to eliminate the need to train your staff to use it. Better yet, the teaming solution should be maintenance free. This gives you a good opportunity to lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) and increase your return on investment (ROI). A software solution, which does not have cumbersome controls in the user interface, is easy to use. The convenience of the software contributes greatly to the willingness of employees to use it. This personal factor is of vital importance for the successful implementation of a new technology in your company and increase the efficiency of your business.

Example: practical teamwork solution for small teams

Cute Reminder Enterprise Edition is a teamwork solution, giving you the ability to easily manage tasks within a team, communicate with your teammates, and manage personal information. The teamwork solution is a stand-alone application, which is easy to install and does not require any server software to be installed or an Internet connection. You can easily start using the program after a short interactive introduction, which is included in the product. No training required. Cute Reminder’s user interface is quick to adopt and hassle free.

Conclusion: measure the results

It may seem that it is not easy to measure the results of implementing a collaboration solution in your company. This is, however, a myth. As long as all the key factors remain unchanged (for example, the number of staff members and their rating, the average number of customers, the number of products/services your company sells, etc.), you can easily determine how much you added a teamwork solution to improvement. of your business Simply compare the following figures before and after implementing a teamwork solution: (1) the number of positive comments from your customers, (2) the number of customer complaints, (3) the number of employees satisfied and (4) dissatisfied, (5) the average number of customers served by an employee, (6) the number of positive comments from your partners, (7) the total number of overtime hours put in by your employees, etc. You may find it useful to hire a marketing/public relations company to organize customer surveys to gauge your progress. A good teamwork solution can easily give you a 10% improvement in each of these seven multiplicative business factors, which means the total improvement in business efficiency would be 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1 .1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 = 1.94 = 194%. So, this is the result stated in the title of this article.

PS3 VS XBOX 360 – Why the PS3 Stands Out

As you no doubt know, there are 3 main contenders this year: PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii.

Let’s leave the Wii out of this for now (it’s not Quite in direct competition with the Xbox and PS3 as it offers an innovative ‘phenomenon’ for the whole family rather than a ‘hardcore’ hi-res game console), so if you accept my premise, then we’re left with a shootout direct between PS3 and Xbox. 360.

With so much hype around both consoles, it can be a bit confusing to know which console to buy. Both provide an excellent platform to play on, in fact when you look at the graphics comparisons there’s very little to choose between the two, but when you look a little deeper that’s when PS3 comes out on top in my opinion.

Both have recently received price cuts (Xbox) or modifications (PS3 memory upgrade), Xbox 360 has a new board ready to launch while PS3 has its Home service primed and ready to go, so why choose PS3?

Call me old-fashioned but the hideous appendage that is the Xbox 360’s power brick is still a real turn off, it looks like the device Ghostbusters use to store trapped ghosts, I understand it was necessary for the Xbox console to look great. more attractive (what it is) but still a nasty piece of hardware. Well, that’s a purely aesthetic reason, so let’s move on to more pressing issues, and Blu Ray is one of the greats.

Not only is Blu-Ray shaping up to be the future of home movie entertainment, but the discs themselves can store an incredible amount of information, giving game developers plenty of leeway to Really push the ship out. Xbox support of HD DVD and not Blu Ray has turned out to be a big mistake and either way you have to buy an external hard drive to play the discs. Some reports indicate that HD DVD’s main sponsor, Toshiba, is no longer producing the drives. Oops.

Current rumors suggest that a future Xbox will have a Blu Ray drive or the ability to connect to an external Blu Ray player, but once again, just like when they tried to solve those Red Rings of Death, it’s too late, the PS3 is already there and the Xbox is just catching up.

Did someone mention red rings? So far the PS3 has not been the recipient of any important hardware problems the same cannot be said for the Xbox 360 the dreaded three rings of death follow this console like a digital ebola virus I am fully aware of the Falcon chipset and that Microsoft offers a good repair service which is fast and efficient, but no amount of customer support or a three-year warranty is going to alter the perception that the Xbox 360 is a less-than-reliable piece of hardware. It doesn’t even matter if it’s true or not, it’s ‘out there’, and like most things, myth always trumps truth.

You may think this is all a bunch of professional PS3 mumbo jumbo, if that’s the case take a look at YouTube, it’s yet receiving a significant number of videos offering home repair tips or making fun of the three lights on consoles, not ALL of them can be planted by Sony (or can they?) Whatever the truth, it just doesn’t look good.

Another feature that falls into the “Why didn’t we think of that?” category. is the little detail that PlayStation Network costs nothing, gives the PS3 user a wealth of free downloadable content and online features, while the popular Xbox Live service yet It costs you an annual subscription, if Microsoft bit the bullet and made this service free, it would surely give a tremendous tooth to the popularity of the PS3. Come on, no one expects to pay for anything in the digital age throw us a bone Microsoft!

Finally, there’s the price cut itself, and while it may be unfair to criticize Xbox for presenting us with a very capable console for little money, I still can’t help but think there’s something a little desperate about lowering the price and aside from that, it’s also a bit of a red herring.

The Xbox 360 Arcade is the console that has the blockbuster price of $199.99/£150.00 BUT when you’ve paid for all the add-ons that allow the console to be taken seriously (hard drive, Xbox Live subscription, etc.) it is Quite the bargain a first time buyer can feel they are getting.

That said, Microsoft has enjoyed a massive increase in sales since the price cut, so what do I know? The Blu Ray faux pas, the three-ring fiasco, the online service you have to pay for… for Sony, and issues Microsoft needs to address once and for all.

As Christmas approaches we can all sit back and let the battle begin, competition of this nature is good from a consumer point of view and despite everything, I think the Xbox 360 price cuts can produce some credit crunch-related results for Microsoft, but for me if If I have money, it has to be a PS3…at least for this Christmas.

Chelsea vs Liverpool

I am worried about Liverpool’s path in the UEFA Champions League. We had a lot of mistakes in the defensive system and we also had a lousy attacking system. We were under pressure in the atmosphere of Stamford Bridge. At first, we thought we could control the game, but our players didn’t turn out the way we thought they would. We often passed the ball into Chelsea possession. Chelsea’s inspiration is the key to change, the voice of their fan surrounded them.

Until around the 29th minute, when Chelsea defender Cavalho intercepted Liverpool as they attacked Chelsea. He passed the ball through the Liverpool midfielder and defender to Didier Drogba. Drogba was too strong for Daniel Agger, so he passed the ball into the penalty area and helped Joe Cole, who was running alongside him, score this goal. Chelsea Chelsea often didn’t miss an opportunity. Liverpool was punished with this goal.

After that, the Red Machine started to work, but they still had a lot of mistakes in both attack and defense. Liverpool manager Rafael Benítez feels Jermaine Pennant on the pitch, but it was too late to change anything. Chelsea seemed pleased with this score. That was Liverpool’s diminishing chance of scoring because they fell back to their side just for defending Liverpool.

It could be hard work for everyone in the Liverpool team in the next game at Anfield. Hopefully Rafael Benítez can’t have a mistake in the squad like the previous game. I want to see Liverpool in the final round.

You can visit this blog, http://liverpool-review.blogspot.com/, for updated news and information about Liverpool. You can also leave your comments if you want. Welcome.

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5 important tips for a more pleasant stay in Venice

Since I can remember, I dreamed of visiting Venice. Built on water and home to art and architecture in abundance, this architectural wonder is my absolute travel destination.

Historically the capital of the ancient Republic of Venice, this city was a powerful and highly revered independent maritime power during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In fact, it was only incorporated into a unified Kingdom of Italy in 1866.

Historical magnificence and artistic incomparability aside, there are a few things the modern traveler needs to know beforehand if he wants to make his visit enjoyable.

How to travel by water – Economical

First, when you get off at the San Lucia train station, you will go to the place where you need to go to take a water vehicle to your hotel. Be conscious. If you take a taxi, you’ll have better transportation but you’ll pay, big time. Instead, use the Vaporetto. This is a regular water bus service, and it’s really cheap, fast, and regular. You can also buy weekly (or longer) tickets to make it even cheaper. Ask, in English if you don’t speak Italian, to be told when your stop is. These boats go up and down the Grand Canal and around the outside of the main islands, but do not go up most of the smaller canals that separate the 118 islands that make up Venice.

Book a hotel on the Grand Canal

So, while the myriad of bridges and miles of waterways may offer unrivaled visual comfort, if your hotel is located somewhere far from the Grand Canal front, then prepare for a possibly quite strenuous trek, lugging or lugging your suitcases through tiny streets, across narrow stepped bridges, and basically pushing your way through an endless maelstrom of tourists and street vendors, until you finally arrive at your hotel. My travel advisor had been to Venice and warned me about this. It was very welcome after a long journey, just getting off the Vaporetto at Piazza San Marco and walking the twenty steps to the door of our hotel.

The size is not everything

At your hotel, you are likely to be greeted by a somewhat disappointing façade compared to hotels in other cities and countries. Unfortunately, the buildings in Venice suffer a lot from erosion due to the weather, so it’s not that they don’t care. Once inside, the hotel manager will give you a warm welcome, check you in and hand you the keys to your room. You’ll notice first how small the elevator is, then how small your room probably is, as space is at a premium anywhere in Venice unless you’ve booked a Palazzo, and finally when you open your room window you’ll notice how incredibly close to the building next door is your hotel, possibly just a couple of meters away.

Book in advance

If I could offer a double tip here, I would encourage you to book well in advance and also to book outside of peak season, which is generally seen as late spring to early summer and late summer to early fall. Getting accommodation in these times can be a real challenge unless you book light years in advance.

I could write about Venice forever. But the purpose of this brief report is simply to offer the traveler some useful tips to keep in mind from the beginning, to enjoy his stay there more. With that in mind, I will end by offering my final advice for a pleasant stay in Venice.

Beware of the visit to the glass factory

Your friendly hotel manager will almost certainly offer you a trip to a famous glass factory on the island of Murano. It will be explained to you that this is a favor offered by the hotel, and you will be assigned your own private water taxi, paid for by the hotel. I have avoided using the name of the glassworks here, as I do not mean to suggest that this trip is not worth it, just that there may also be an ulterior motive in the deal.

Let me just say that my family and I went to the glass factory for precisely this ‘deal’, and we ended up buying a 1000 euro chandelier. The silver tongue guide included fast shipping in the price, and everything happened on time. I am very happy with our chandelier and love to stop and look at it. All I would say is if you google this glass factory you will find that a lot of people were not happy with the way they were treated by the guide there, the prices they were asked to pay and basically the whole tactic of pressure used. sell. Some people are also unhappy that the hotel manager is perhaps “dishonestly” exposing them to this experience.

These are my 5 tips for a safer and more enjoyable trip to Venice. And while some of these tips may paint a picture of a less-than-perfect destination, let me assure you that I would go back there like a shot, given the chance. It is an incredibly wonderful place to visit, and I promise you will remember it forever.