
Powering future

Month: March 2023

Xbox Project Natal comes true

“This is a pivotal moment that will bring with it a wave of change, the ripples of which will reach far beyond video games” – Steven Spielberg

So Nintendo introduced the world to motion based gaming with the introduction of the Wii. This revolutionized the gaming industry in a way that many thought was impossible. The Wii is so successful not because of its technical hardware capabilities, but because of its ability to get the whole family involved. This break with the stereotype of the gaming target market opens the way to the future for gaming companies.

This is where Microsoft comes in… Project Natal was announced last year and seems to be full of promise. For my part, I thought it looked more like a prototype, a prototype that would take years of fine-tuning. However, Microsoft is almost ready to release this game-changing breakthrough in late 2010.

So what is Project Natal and why is it so cool?

In the words of Microsoft, “it is a glimpse of a future where the Xbox 360 console is the centerpiece of any living room, and games, social interaction and communications are controlled with the movement of one hand.” Basically, Natal allows users to play games and interact with their Xbox with hand/body movements. This is a huge step forward for a console, as one of the main factors that non-gamers find so intimidating is the controller. The introduction of a more natural control system immediately opens the doors to a broader target market for Microsoft.

Project Natal is a small device that you plug into your Xbox 360. It has a video camera that tracks where your body is and what you’re doing with it. He also has a monochrome camera (using infrared) that has depth perception (determines how far away his body and components are) and a highly specialized microphone that can pick up voice commands. Along with all this hardware, you have a bunch of software that tells the Xbox how to find the various joints in your body (it tracks 48 of them), how to keep track of multiple players at the same time, how to tell your tie-dye T-shirt apart from the colored wallpaper behind you, and so on. Microsoft even did an acoustic study of living rooms, so Project Natal can tell when you’re talking, when your teammates are talking, and when someone in-game is talking, so it knows who to take voice commands from.

The resulting awesomeness is incredible, for example, when you approach your Xbox, it recognizes your facial features and automatically logs you into your gamer profile. There’s so much potential for Microsoft’s new toy! We have collected some examples that show how Natal can be used in the future.

Lucid dreaming allows full control of the law of attraction

No apologies and no excuses:

You know what you need to know. It’s all there. Let me remind you that in a lucid dream, you are in control. This is your dream. The Law of Attraction will give you what you ask for and what you expect. – You may have heard that before. You may not be entirely sure that it is true. Maybe you are looking for evidence…

We see this on blog sites all the time. It’s so easy to doubt… Your Ego depends on it. Your Ego will cease to exist if you get a block in the Law of Attraction and you become a blissful and spiritual human being. Like in a lucid dream, you can have whatever you want to have. Therefore, your Ego will fight against this in every possible way. Beware of doubt. This is the biggest mistake most Law of Attraction practitioners make. As soon as you start doubting, that becomes your reality: doubt. We are here to show you why you will never need to doubt again. But in the meantime, a story…

Yesterday some guy on a blog went back to the early 1900’s to argue that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. This when New Thought was really new, and Thomas Troward and Wallace Wattles, and Charles Haanel and William Walker Atkinson, and all the rest of them were being inspired to write about the Law of Attraction, and probably inspired by each other. They didn’t call it lucid dreaming, but they all required the user to meditate daily to control his thoughts. This blogger found an article, by a skeptic who lived during that period, and then pointed out that the Great Depression hit soon after. In his mind, the skeptic accurately predicted the financial collapse.

My guess is that those who work with New Thought, the Law of Attraction or lucid dreaming did not lose money in the crisis. Either they had taken their money out early, or they hadn’t put it in, I guess. Those who lost money expected to lose money. The guy from the blog presented this as proof that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work… Funny, huh?

Do I repeat that? Those who lost money expected to lose money.

They didn’t make a mistake. They were not tricked, cheated or robbed. They expected to lose money and they did. And then they felt justified in doubting the stock market and doubting that everyone could be rich. My grandfather took the money from him 3 days before the accident. Almost as soon as he had a question about the stock market, he took the money out of it. He never expected anything bad to happen to him. He was a practical man who trusted his “instinct” from him, not a philosopher, but he always expected success. His beliefs brought happiness in every area of ​​his life.

It’s all in your head:

Your life is a work of art. No matter what you have in your life right now, it is a true reflection of your beliefs. – Not your conscious beliefs, but your unconscious beliefs. And here is the problem because our unconscious is a recorder that was turned on at birth. I know, it’s not fair because most of what’s on there was put there by our parents and grandparents or by anyone else who spent time with us as babies. And then, each time the predicted thing happened, the tape was validated and the belief was given more power. Now a skeptic would say, “Look. This is how life works. There is no magic. Life is hard.”

Have you heard that? Life is hard. Well, that has a lot of credibility because when you look around you, what do you see? Life is hard. And I’m here to tell you that it’s all in your head. If you believed that life is easy, and some do, then life would be easy for you, and when you look around you, life would be easy for others as well. Now wait a minute. How can life be easy for some and difficult for others, but both beliefs are validated? Is it because what you believe is what you see and you just don’t see which doesn’t validate your beliefs?

No. When I said, life is hard, I meant that if you think life is hard, then it really will be hard, and it will be hard for the people in your life. This is due to something called by Steve Pavlina, subjective reality, which is very close to lucid dreaming, but is done during the day. By A Course in Miracles it’s called the fake world. After Gerald O’Donnell, it’s called the Dark Matrix. Eckhart Tolle calls it the egoic mind.

The terms vary, but they all say that your life experience is totally subjective. How does this work? Think of a dream. In a dream, you are the avatar and all the characters are characters based on your beliefs about how the world works.

You can probably believe that it’s all in your head when you’re dreaming. Now take that to another level. Your life is the same, but it is a lucid dream. Your life is being dreamed by Divine Source/Matrix/Creator/God Consciousness, in partnership with you. When you are in a deep sleep, you can enter Theta, where you program, reprogram or check your unconscious, and then you can enter Delta, where you send your predictions for your life to the Creator. God. Just as easily as you can change events in a lucid dream, you can change your reality. You just need to change the beliefs embedded in your subconscious. This is what we do when we decide to fly in a dream. We are changing our beliefs. We are changing the programming in our head.

Lucid dream:

In a lucid dream, we are dreaming, but we are also aware that we are in a dream. This allows us to make some modifications when it doesn’t go the way we want. that’s exactly how A Course in Miracles describes our life. There is real life, where we are spiritual beings, and real. Then there is the false life where we mistakenly believe that we have separated from God, where we are held in a time/space box. This life you were born into is our fake life, or our dream life, where we think we will die. This life is where we believe that our ego is us, our avatar. The Bible says that Adam fell into a deep sleep and never woke up. Ergo, we, children of Adam, are characters in a dream. Our egos are our avatars. But, we are not our egos.

When we change this to a lucid dream, we will be able to affect the circumstances and our reactions. Many people question the Law of Attraction because it doesn’t work the way they want it to. You are visualizing abundance and you are still receiving something less than that. They do not realize that they are in a lucid dream. They don’t realize they just have to take control. So, they try to improve their visualizations. They add color and sound. They inflate light and feel happy. But, when the visualization ends, they wonder if they did it right or not. They wonder why it “never works” or why it “rarely works”. And, when they dream at night, they have nightmares about bills and collection letters, or about losing their job or spouse.

What can we do?

We can control our dreams. We can learn to lucid dream. We can tell our unconscious or the Holy Spirit to wake us up, especially when things start to go wrong. So when we are aware that our thoughts are taking us in a direction that we don’t want to follow to the end, we take control. We can change our beliefs. This is when we need to visualize. Imagine the wonderful outcome, instead of the dire one we seem to be headed for. Imagine joy and abundance in the present, and don’t allow anything that may seem false to come to your mind.

Jack Finney wrote a book called, time and again which is premised that you can travel back in time if you put on your clothes and food and fill your apartment with the furniture and accoutrements and photos and newspapers of the period you want to be in. This works, the book argues, because you finally convince your logical (conscious, egoic) mind that are really living in this other time.

What is this but another way to alter your mind, to change your dream?

As all Law of Attraction teachers suggest, you have to believe in your visualization. You have to believe that God/Creator/Source Consciousness/Divine Matrix will respond to your visualization and give you what you want… Did I trip you there or did you catch it? god will never It will give you what you want, but it will always leave you wanting. God will only give you what you choose, or what you want, what you think you already have. You have to believe that this is his dream and you are in control.

When Jack Finney’s character became an avatar in another time period, he could leave the apartment building and return to the other time. Before “becoming” a character in that time period, he was stuck in his own. He had to change his beliefs, just like you. When you know It’s true, it will happen to you. This is the Law of Attraction.

On our website, we recommend two meditation products that will help you control your unconscious, whether you are sleeping or awake. If you are interested, the corresponding page will be in the resource box. Just go to the bottom of the page.

Corporate Governance and Compliance – India

Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions that affect the way in which a corporation is directed, managed or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships between the many stakeholders involved and the objectives by which the corporation is governed. The main stakeholders are shareholders, management and the board of directors. Other interested parties include employees, customers, creditors, suppliers, regulators, and the community at large.

Corporate governance has become an important both in India and globally. Stakeholder expectations are extremely high and scrutiny from regulators and investors incredibly strict. As a consequence, Indian companies are proactively implementing measures for the same. Looking ahead, one of the most important challenges for Board members is building a foundation of trust with management, the investment community, regulatory agencies and the public. The stakes are high and the margin for error is low, and as new standards emerge, one thing remains clear: the onus for adopting sound governance practices has fallen squarely on corporate directors and officers.

My favorite is one from Harvard Business School. He found that “ethically-based” companies increased their bottom line by 756 percent, versus just 1 percent for profit-first companies. My message today is that principled economic behavior is a long-term investment in the security of nations. The world cannot afford economic misconduct. Now multinational corporations everywhere to take the world to the next frontier of globalization, through principled codes of conduct that reinforce the rule of law. Not just the letter of the law, not just minimal compliance with some basic code. But instead, something that will really make a difference! Principle-based codes of conduct that respond first to the moral foundations that underpin all rights. Principle-based codes of conduct that set objective and measurable standards. Principle-based codes of conduct that use independent monitoring and require transparent communication with the public.

Essential Principles of Corporate Governance:

o Discipline in operations

o Transparency in transactions and disclosures

o Responsibility to shareholders

o Responsibility for the action of the company

or Social Responsibility

o Improve group dynamics and take advantage of individual talents

o Improve early warning mechanisms for critical risks

o Mitigate liability exposure

o Build credibility and trust with stakeholders

o Incorporate sustainability as a corporate value

What is the Satyam fiasco about?

For me, the Satyam case is a typical example of fraud that is extremely difficult to detect and prevent. The president of Satyam diligently hatched a scheme to defraud his shareholders and gain advantage for himself.

There is sufficient law to deal with this type of economic and corporate governance crime. In a global environment, the principles are important because the rules cannot cover all situations, however, there are the following observations that encourage non-compliance in India:

Businesses never take non-compliance seriously, as there is a minimal penalty for non-compliance.

Minimum penalty of a few hundred rupees

Most non-compliance offenses can be aggravated by paying the fine.

The government department has the appropriate expertise or manpower to detect non-compliance.

The prosecutor’s office also does not have an expert who specializes in this type of expertise, which is why most offenders cannot be prosecuted.

Lack of political will

Typical Indian attitude that is “chalta hai”


Strong punishment, that is, life imprisonment for offenders.

There must be a specialized investigative agency and be allowed to hire the best professionals.

More power for independent directors and they should be allowed to hire the professional to explain the company’s record/accounts.

Effective and continuous training for all employees

The whistleblowing policy will be mandatory for all companies

Principled conduct of multinational corporations is absolutely essential to sowing the seeds of stability and prosperity for all. Multinational corporations account for one third of the world’s Gross Domestic Product and two thirds of world trade. Multinationals can be a powerful influence for good, especially in countries whose governments lack a strong tradition of democracy and the rule of law. Therefore, it is no longer enough for multinational corporations to simply do what is legal. In all cases, multinational corporations must do the right thing, through their conduct, not just their words.

In a speech titled “Globalization’s Next Frontier: Principled Codes of Conduct that Enhance the Rule of Law,” Parrett told world ethics and business leaders, and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and institutions academics that globalization and world security itself could be jeopardized unless multinational corporations engage in ethical conduct that adheres to values ​​and principles rather than simply written law.

Indian legislators feel the need to determine the merits of encouraging a principled approach (as in the case of the combined code in the UK) to compliance, where the nature, size and complexities of a business govern the compliance and disclosures. rather than a standard rules-based approach to universal compliance (as in the US). Companies in India should have the flexibility to determine those aspects that are practical to comply with and others where they can provide logical and adequate explanations for non-compliance. This will allow them to demonstrate their true intent to comply, where practical, and to make transparent disclosures in other cases.

In India, the guidelines for corporate governance are provided in clause 49 of the listing agreement and also in various sections of the Companies Act. Industry experts are of the opinion that once appointed, the performance and contributions of these directors should be objectively monitored and evaluated with peer reviews serving as a means of such evaluations. A stronger corporate governance framework is needed to prevent financial frauds like those of Satyam. There is a need to strengthen regulators and company laws to improve corporate governance, by corporate ministry. A new Companies Bill, which is pending in Parliament, would tighten regulation for auditors. The new bill seeks to revamp archaic laws to help India’s growing corporate sector adopt international best practices and make company boards and senior management more accountable.

What has to be noted is that adequate safeguards are provided in India in the form of various laws, but the stipulated penalty is comparatively low and therefore wrongdoers do not fear punishment. Only if the penalties to be imposed are made more stringent and it acts as a deterrent, can such frauds be expected to be controlled in the future. Furthermore, there is no experience of the enforcement authorities to detect and cure Economic Crimes. It is necessary to create a separate body to examine the issues and implement the laws and other provisions to reduce such crimes. There is also a lack of political willpower to curb such crimes, with politicians taking a lenient view and leaving the investigation and other vital steps in the hands of the CBI, which is not a body created to specifically deal with such white collar crimes. Unless there is sufficient reason for the scoundrels to be afraid of criminal provisions that send a chill down their spines. Such offenses will continue to occur and we will continue to think about ways to address them.

Brother PE Design Troubleshooting – Installation on Windows 7

Brother PE Design is embroidery software that allows users to create custom embroidery designs on their computer, for transfer to their Brother embroidery machine. Over a decade old, the software has seen 9 major updates over the years, the latest being ‘PE Design Next’.

As computers have evolved newer versions of operating systems have emerged, at the time of writing the latest version from Microsoft is Windows 7.

PE-Design versions 5 and 6 will not run on Windows 7 64-bit, but will run on Windows 7 32-bit by downloading a patch from the Brother service and support website.

PE-Design 7 will run on Windows 7 32 and 64 bit as long as you update the software again with a free download patch from the site just mentioned.

PE-Design 8 and PE-Design Next have full functionality out of the box with Windows 7 64-bit and 32-bit.

The most sensible solution if you have an older version is to update your Brother Design software to a version that works on Windows 7 (64-bit). Not only will you have a version that is more stable on new PCs, but you will also benefit from significant improvements in program functionality and some great new features.

As of this writing, you can still purchase a version 8 upgrade, which allows you to upgrade from 5, 6, or 7 to a full PE Design 8. You’ll find version 8 upgrade kits priced up to £100 cheaper than the latest ‘Next’ version upgrade and for most users the features and specifications offer excellent value for money.

Anyone who upgrades from version 6 will enjoy the benefits of upgrade 7 and 8 in one. There is also a printed instruction manual with version 8, whereas the manual had to be printed from the installation CD for version 7. A deeper understanding of the program can be obtained from an extensive .pdf file and help via F1 on the keyboard.

There are 500 embroidery designs included with the program, the stippling stitch is faster and better than version 7 with the ability to use new decorative stitches for a great look.

For the latest version, PE-Design Next, Brother has completely overhauled the interface to look and operate in the style of current Microsoft Office programs. It takes a little getting used to at first for those who have been working with older versions over the years, but the improvements really are quite dramatic once you get your teeth into it. 100 pre-scan fonts are now supplied, you can create mirror effects which are great for quilting and there is also a spirograph function.

The update package is a software upgrade that checks for a previous version on your PC before installing the full program. You will first need to load your old version of PE-Design on the PC, but do not try to open or run it. Just install the new version right away.

You will need Internet access to enter the keycode provided with the software that will “update” the card reader/writer module to work with the latest version.

It is important to note that the card reader/writer acts as a security dongle and once the update has been assigned to the card reader, the software code cannot be used again to update another card reader. Some people have unknowingly bought upgrade kits that have no life and cannot be used, so be careful.

What you can do is load the program on another PC or laptop and as long as you put the card reader on the PC as well, it won’t work. In other words, the software can be used on any PC, but it will only work if you also put the card reader in a USB port.

Steps on how to upgrade from previous versions;

  • Install your current version of PE Design on your Windows 7 computer
  • Don’t run/start installed version
  • Install your update from disk
  • Run your newly installed software

How To Earn More Than $10,000 Per Month Online – Follow These Simple Steps

Internet marketing is by far the easiest business to start, but it is also the most difficult to maintain. This statement is proven by the solid fact that 97% of all internet marketers fail because they lack the fundamentals of internet marketing.

What to do?

Step 1 – To make a profit online, you need a product to sell. You have two options, you can create your own products or you can sell someone else’s product. Both ways are very profitable and can make a lot of money, but it is up to you and which option suits your online business.

Step 2 – It is very important to have your own website. Many people assume that creating your own website is very expensive and that you need to be a computer genius to create one. Well, you don’t have to be a computer genius and you don’t have to be expensive because there are many website builders online that can help you create the website you want.

Step 3 – A must have is an autoresponder. Without an autoresponder you won’t make a lot of money, believe me. Your list is what will help you generate targeted leads. All you have to do is submit your list of a few products and the rest is history. This system is very profitable and I highly recommend you check it out.

Step 4 – Work hard and never give up because hesitation kills dreams.

Removable Wallpaper for Apartments: 5 Ways to Make the Most of Small Spaces

If you’re ever at a dinner party and the conversation drags on, simply switch the subject to small apartments and you’ll probably be prompted for some interesting stories starring the legendary studio. The studio has long held its place between the bedroom and more permanent (albeit rented) residences, and with good reason: a stylishly decorated studio has all the appeal of a cozy cabin in the woods or a chic city loft, just without the high monthly payments. and easily overlooked cobwebs.

Sharing a bedroom may be the gateway, but renting a studio apartment is the best way to hone your smart design skills. Once you’ve signed the lease on your cozy little hideaway, start your decorating engine with these five ways to make the most of small spaces with removable wallpaper for apartments:

1. Turn that small bathroom into a sanctuary of style. Good news: the smaller your bathroom, the less removable wallpaper you’ll need to transform it into the happiest toilet you’ve ever brushed your teeth in. Cover all the walls with removable wallpaper and complete the look with towels, rugs and trinkets. For an even better bathroom, replace the fluorescent light bulbs with buttery ones that bounce colors to give your skin that fresh-from-an-Oscar look.

2. Shine a serious spotlight on your living room bookcase. It’s easy to turn a bookcase into visible storage space, but it’s just as easy to use all those colorful dust jackets and covers. Use removable wallpaper to cover the back or bottom of the shelves and play around organizing and displaying your collection of books, photos and curiosities. Use plastic or makeshift stands to display the covers that look great against your stylish wallpaper background.

3. Redesign your bed, starting at the top. Whether you’re the proud owner of a headboard bed frame or working with a minimal mattress on the floor, adding a removable wallpaper headboard can do wonders for sprucing up the wall on top of your bunk. To create your toothpick headboard, measure the width of the top of your mattress and decide how much wallpaper you’ll need to make a full headboard or emphasize the space behind an existing one. Use scissors to shape your wallpaper and place it where it works best to accent your bedding.

4. Reward your living room with stripes. To design a look-worthy focal wall, cover the largest or most frequent wall in your apartment’s common area with striped removable wallpaper. If you like the existing paint color and can find a wallpaper pattern to complement it, carefully trim each sheet of wallpaper into even strips and apply them in evenly spaced bands along the wall.

5. Break up that blank space between kitchen cabinets and counters. Choose a patterned removable wallpaper, and use a tape measure and scissors to cut the gaps so electrical outlets will show. Make decorative use of the white space behind your toaster and you’ll instantly recreate a room perfect for entertaining hungry guests.

One of the best things about removable wallpaper is its portability. Once it’s time to move in, peel it off the wall to reveal the owner’s original paint job. Before you choose your wallpaper, make sure it won’t damage the wall surfaces below it; You don’t want to spend extra time and money on putty and touch-up paint. If you’ve chosen a reusable brand of removable wallpaper, simply save the original backing and reattach it to transport to your next decorating project.

Easy content planning for social networks, blogs and online marketing

Blogging, article marketing, press release syndication, and social media are all great ways to increase your website’s exposure and establish your credibility. However, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, disorganized, and unsure what to write about. Editorial calendars are effective tools for some; suffocating to others. If you prefer a less formal plan but want to stay on track, try this: use alliteration.

What is alliteration? Dictionary.com defines it as: The beginning of two or more words in a group of words with the same letter, as in the nifty help of proper alliteration.

Using alliteration for content planning

If you’re on Twitter, you probably know about Follow Friday. That is alliteration. Use similar conventions to plan your content for social media, blogging, article marketing, press release syndication, and other online marketing efforts.

For example, if you have a landscaping business, you could build a simple content plan around the following:

  • mulch monday
  • prickly tuesday
  • water wednesday
  • fourth thursday
  • Fertilizer Friday

Now you have a plan! Whatever the day, you have a general theme already defined. If it’s Monday, you could write about organic mulch, synthetic mulch, the benefits of mulch, the dangers of mulch for pets, etc. If it’s Thursday, you could write about pruning olive trees, trimming hedges, yard work and related topics.

It’s up to you whether you choose to announce “It’s Mulch Monday” to your followers. If your alliterations sound cheesy, you might want to keep them to yourself. The main idea here is that alliteration gives you a framework for creating content.

Benefits of this content planning strategy

This content planning strategy gives you immediate direction. Whether you want to find something interesting to share on Facebook or want to write an original piece to post online, you already have an idea to build on.

As you continue to create content around this informal content calendar, your blog and other online accounts will grow around your chosen categories. In a few short months, you’ll have entire collections of articles on mulching, rose gardening, drought-tolerant landscaping, trimming and pruning, and fertilizers. As more time passes, you may have enough material on a given topic to create an eBook or tip booklet.

Also, your readers may eventually recognize your pattern and look forward to your next discussion on a certain topic or your weekly fun Friday insights.

built-in flexibility

This alliteration content planning strategy works for any type of business. A health care provider might have a “Mammogram Monday,” while an exterminator might go for a “Mite Monday.” You can also keep your days broad, like “Tips for Tuesdays” or “Fundamental Fridays.” The way you choose to interpret your theme is also completely flexible.

For example, you might be wondering if you can come up with 52 mammography article ideas each year. You don’t have to write specifically about mammography; just refer to the main idea for the general direction. It can expand to breast health, ultrasound scans for women with dense breasts, follow-up procedures and biopsies, etc.

Content planning using alliteration is easy to get started and easy to follow. Stay up to date and define your content plan today.

A home treatment for head lice

A home treatment for head lice is the easiest way to get rid of these tiny, flat parasites. Although head lice do not have wings, they are easily transmitted from person to person. Lice live on the head by clinging tightly to the hair with their claws. Lice eggs, called nits, attach themselves to the hair shaft using sticky saliva.

Steps need to be taken to remove these eggs from the scalp in your effort to get rid of head lice. Failure to do so could leave you open to repeat lice infestations. Lice are annoying, but you can get rid of them using home lice treatments.

Here are some tips:

  • the simplest home treatment for lice is to use a lice comb. This comb should be available at your nearest medical store. Although laborious, it can be a very useful remedy to treat head lice at home.
  • In your regular shampoo, mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil, and 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil. Apply this solution and then cover your head tightly with a shower cap for half an hour and then rinse.
  • Mayonnaise has been used as a home lice treatment for several years. Apply mayonnaise to the scalp at night and sleep with a shower cap on. In the morning, use a good shampoo and wash your hair to remove the applied solution. Afterwards, check the scalp regularly to make sure there are no lice.
  • Vaseline can be used as an effective cure for head lice. Apply Vaseline to the entire scalp and sleep overnight wearing a shower cap. The gelatin loosens the lice from your hair, but you should work on removing the oil from your hair. You can try using a dishwashing detergent to get rid of grease quickly. You can try using cornmeal before the whole process to make it less tedious.
  • Prepare a solution by mixing 20 drops each of eucalyptus essential oil and tea tree oil, 10 drops each of anise essential oil and lemon oil with 75 ml of olive oil. Apply this on your hair and wait for an hour. Subsequently, rinse the hair with plenty of water to obtain positive results.
  • You can also make a solution of baby oil or any other mineral oil with equal proportion of vinegar. Apply this mixture to the scalp of your hair for two hours and rinse. This solution is an effective home lice treatment as the combination of oil and vinegar fights lice.

It is important that you find a good home lice treatment depending on the nature of your hair and the severity of the problem; otherwise, you may end up losing your hair and damaging your scalp.

Pack of 5 really useful tips

These 6-pack tips will help you build chiseled abs. Now, it takes a bit of time to get ripped, but these tips will minimize that time to a great extent.

So try them. I think you’ll be surprised how much they help!

1. Eat less

OK, if you want to get ‘ripped’ abs then you need to lose body fat. No one will be able to see your abs, no matter how big they are, if you have fat covering them.

And the only way to lose body fat is to eat less. That’s as simple as it gets. Nobody likes to diet, but there it is.

Once you’ve reduced your body fat enough, your muscles (especially your abs) will start to glow. You will look more muscular and sexy, even if you just lost weight.

2. Lose 1-1.5 pounds per week

Lose just a little fat each week. Don’t go on some crazy drastic diet and try to lose a ton of weight fast; you will only be hurting your progress.

Because? Well, if you lose weight faster than 1 or 1.5 pounds per week, you’ll lose about half the fat and half the muscle after that. Which is not a good ratio; Muscle is precious like gold, and you must protect it at all costs!

Of course, this does not mean that it will take you longer to reach your goal. You will be taking the most efficient path to be marked.

3. Lift weights

Lifting weights is vitally important to get a dialed-in 6 pack. Weight lifting will not only build your muscles, but it will also help you retain muscle mass when dieting and burning calories.

Now, your weight training program doesn’t need to be incredibly complicated. Lift weights once or twice a week, if you work hard, that’s fine.

Oh, and for your routine, keep it simple. Don’t overdo it with small lifts, like bicep curls and calf extensions. Sweat up and work hard with some big lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, standing presses, clean and presses, and dumbbell pull-ups.

Abdominal exercises are helpful, but only after you’ve lost most of the body fat you need to lose. That’s the time to start worrying about making your abdominal muscle bigger.

4. Tea and espresso

Green tea and coffee (especially espresso) will help you lose weight. And not for the reasons you might think.

First of all, none of these have calories. Okay, maybe if you have five shots of espresso it will be two or three, but it’s essentially zero. Which makes them so much better to drink than orange juice, milk, or triple-mocha-frapa-latte-whatever-with-three-shots-of-vanilla.

Both tea and coffee also contain caffeine, which helps mobilize fatty acids (so you can more easily burn fat for fuel) and keep you active. Again, this won’t make up for a bad diet, but it will help when combined with good eating habits.

5. Being cold

Being cold will help you lose fat. Not a ton, but some.

See, your body burns a lot of energy each day to keep you at a constant body temperature. If you’re cold, whether it’s turning down the thermostat, taking cold showers, wearing fewer layers, or drinking tons of cold water, you’ll lose weight faster.

Orlando Christmas Vacation 2014: Tips You Need to Know

Christmas traditions and joyous festivities make Orlando the perfect winter vacation destination. Whether you plan to celebrate at the theme parks or prefer a more low-key holiday event, Orlando is sure to entertain the whole family.

Read on to discover valuable “Must Know” tips to ensure a great Orlando vacation without any unexpected surprises.

Events in Orlando

The festivities bring the greatest joy to Orlando, check out all the exciting events happening this Christmas. Plan ahead by learning more about each event:

Macy’s Holiday Parade at Universal Studios: Colorful balloons and floats from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® in New York City fill the streets along with marching bands and Santa Claus.

SeaWorld Holiday Celebration: Waves of holiday spirit fill the park with holiday celebrations alongside Shamu.

Holidays around the World at Disney’s Epcot: Sing along with the candlelight procession with a presentation of the traditional Christmas story as told by famous storytellers.

Grinchmas™ at Universal’s Islands of Adventure: Suess landing is transformed into a whimsical world of Grinchmas™, with a live show starring The Grinch™.

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party: Play in the flurries of snow while watching spectacular fireworks and a merry Christmas parade.

Chistmas Bricktacular at LEGOLAND – Kids will enjoy a 270,000 brick Christmas tree and festive decorations, as well as daily appearances by Santa Claus.

Orlando Theme Park Crowds

When it comes to crowd levels, December is split. The first half of the month sees low to neutral crowd levels, and the second half of the month sees the highest crowds of the entire year!

Vacation time in Orlando

Orlando Winter Weather Forecast: This winter temperatures are expected to be in the 60s and 70s. Our usual coldest month of the year is January, but with average lows only reaching 50 degrees, we certainly can’t call ourselves a snow ski destination. While you can most likely leave the heavy winter jackets at home, it gets cold enough that people don the light to medium jackets. If you’re trying to pack light, bring clothing that can be easily layered.

Travel Tips for Orlando

Although we can’t help you with a plane ticket, we do have a few tips to keep in mind: book early, be flexible with your dates, and be persistent. Travelers have 24 hours to free up their seat, which means that flight you thought was sold out could possibly have a seat available tomorrow. Lastly, reports show that flying during actual vacations tends to be the cheapest way to go.

Orlando Hotel Tips

Look for hotels with a variety of Christmas activities when traveling with your children. This will give you the opportunity to create unique memories during your vacation. Check out our exclusive Holiday Shopping Spree package only at Floridays Resort! This condo-style family community offers activities and events every day. Visit our website at http://www.floridaysresort.com