
Powering future

Lucid dreaming allows full control of the law of attraction

Lucid dreaming allows full control of the law of attraction

No apologies and no excuses:

You know what you need to know. It’s all there. Let me remind you that in a lucid dream, you are in control. This is your dream. The Law of Attraction will give you what you ask for and what you expect. – You may have heard that before. You may not be entirely sure that it is true. Maybe you are looking for evidence…

We see this on blog sites all the time. It’s so easy to doubt… Your Ego depends on it. Your Ego will cease to exist if you get a block in the Law of Attraction and you become a blissful and spiritual human being. Like in a lucid dream, you can have whatever you want to have. Therefore, your Ego will fight against this in every possible way. Beware of doubt. This is the biggest mistake most Law of Attraction practitioners make. As soon as you start doubting, that becomes your reality: doubt. We are here to show you why you will never need to doubt again. But in the meantime, a story…

Yesterday some guy on a blog went back to the early 1900’s to argue that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. This when New Thought was really new, and Thomas Troward and Wallace Wattles, and Charles Haanel and William Walker Atkinson, and all the rest of them were being inspired to write about the Law of Attraction, and probably inspired by each other. They didn’t call it lucid dreaming, but they all required the user to meditate daily to control his thoughts. This blogger found an article, by a skeptic who lived during that period, and then pointed out that the Great Depression hit soon after. In his mind, the skeptic accurately predicted the financial collapse.

My guess is that those who work with New Thought, the Law of Attraction or lucid dreaming did not lose money in the crisis. Either they had taken their money out early, or they hadn’t put it in, I guess. Those who lost money expected to lose money. The guy from the blog presented this as proof that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work… Funny, huh?

Do I repeat that? Those who lost money expected to lose money.

They didn’t make a mistake. They were not tricked, cheated or robbed. They expected to lose money and they did. And then they felt justified in doubting the stock market and doubting that everyone could be rich. My grandfather took the money from him 3 days before the accident. Almost as soon as he had a question about the stock market, he took the money out of it. He never expected anything bad to happen to him. He was a practical man who trusted his “instinct” from him, not a philosopher, but he always expected success. His beliefs brought happiness in every area of ​​his life.

It’s all in your head:

Your life is a work of art. No matter what you have in your life right now, it is a true reflection of your beliefs. – Not your conscious beliefs, but your unconscious beliefs. And here is the problem because our unconscious is a recorder that was turned on at birth. I know, it’s not fair because most of what’s on there was put there by our parents and grandparents or by anyone else who spent time with us as babies. And then, each time the predicted thing happened, the tape was validated and the belief was given more power. Now a skeptic would say, “Look. This is how life works. There is no magic. Life is hard.”

Have you heard that? Life is hard. Well, that has a lot of credibility because when you look around you, what do you see? Life is hard. And I’m here to tell you that it’s all in your head. If you believed that life is easy, and some do, then life would be easy for you, and when you look around you, life would be easy for others as well. Now wait a minute. How can life be easy for some and difficult for others, but both beliefs are validated? Is it because what you believe is what you see and you just don’t see which doesn’t validate your beliefs?

No. When I said, life is hard, I meant that if you think life is hard, then it really will be hard, and it will be hard for the people in your life. This is due to something called by Steve Pavlina, subjective reality, which is very close to lucid dreaming, but is done during the day. By A Course in Miracles it’s called the fake world. After Gerald O’Donnell, it’s called the Dark Matrix. Eckhart Tolle calls it the egoic mind.

The terms vary, but they all say that your life experience is totally subjective. How does this work? Think of a dream. In a dream, you are the avatar and all the characters are characters based on your beliefs about how the world works.

You can probably believe that it’s all in your head when you’re dreaming. Now take that to another level. Your life is the same, but it is a lucid dream. Your life is being dreamed by Divine Source/Matrix/Creator/God Consciousness, in partnership with you. When you are in a deep sleep, you can enter Theta, where you program, reprogram or check your unconscious, and then you can enter Delta, where you send your predictions for your life to the Creator. God. Just as easily as you can change events in a lucid dream, you can change your reality. You just need to change the beliefs embedded in your subconscious. This is what we do when we decide to fly in a dream. We are changing our beliefs. We are changing the programming in our head.

Lucid dream:

In a lucid dream, we are dreaming, but we are also aware that we are in a dream. This allows us to make some modifications when it doesn’t go the way we want. that’s exactly how A Course in Miracles describes our life. There is real life, where we are spiritual beings, and real. Then there is the false life where we mistakenly believe that we have separated from God, where we are held in a time/space box. This life you were born into is our fake life, or our dream life, where we think we will die. This life is where we believe that our ego is us, our avatar. The Bible says that Adam fell into a deep sleep and never woke up. Ergo, we, children of Adam, are characters in a dream. Our egos are our avatars. But, we are not our egos.

When we change this to a lucid dream, we will be able to affect the circumstances and our reactions. Many people question the Law of Attraction because it doesn’t work the way they want it to. You are visualizing abundance and you are still receiving something less than that. They do not realize that they are in a lucid dream. They don’t realize they just have to take control. So, they try to improve their visualizations. They add color and sound. They inflate light and feel happy. But, when the visualization ends, they wonder if they did it right or not. They wonder why it “never works” or why it “rarely works”. And, when they dream at night, they have nightmares about bills and collection letters, or about losing their job or spouse.

What can we do?

We can control our dreams. We can learn to lucid dream. We can tell our unconscious or the Holy Spirit to wake us up, especially when things start to go wrong. So when we are aware that our thoughts are taking us in a direction that we don’t want to follow to the end, we take control. We can change our beliefs. This is when we need to visualize. Imagine the wonderful outcome, instead of the dire one we seem to be headed for. Imagine joy and abundance in the present, and don’t allow anything that may seem false to come to your mind.

Jack Finney wrote a book called, time and again which is premised that you can travel back in time if you put on your clothes and food and fill your apartment with the furniture and accoutrements and photos and newspapers of the period you want to be in. This works, the book argues, because you finally convince your logical (conscious, egoic) mind that are really living in this other time.

What is this but another way to alter your mind, to change your dream?

As all Law of Attraction teachers suggest, you have to believe in your visualization. You have to believe that God/Creator/Source Consciousness/Divine Matrix will respond to your visualization and give you what you want… Did I trip you there or did you catch it? god will never It will give you what you want, but it will always leave you wanting. God will only give you what you choose, or what you want, what you think you already have. You have to believe that this is his dream and you are in control.

When Jack Finney’s character became an avatar in another time period, he could leave the apartment building and return to the other time. Before “becoming” a character in that time period, he was stuck in his own. He had to change his beliefs, just like you. When you know It’s true, it will happen to you. This is the Law of Attraction.

On our website, we recommend two meditation products that will help you control your unconscious, whether you are sleeping or awake. If you are interested, the corresponding page will be in the resource box. Just go to the bottom of the page.

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