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Category Archive : Arts Entertainments

The virtual world of online gambling

If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, you know how fun and exciting gambling can be. What you may not know is that you can achieve the same excitement from the comfort of your own home through the wonderful world of online gambling. With online gambling, you can play all of your favorite casino games 24 hours a day. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection!

Online casinos offer every casino game you can imagine, from slots and video poker to roulette, baccarat, blackjack and keno. You can even play multiplayer games like craps, poker, and backgammon online against other real players from around the world. When you play multiplayer online casino games, you can even chat live and make lasting friendships with other gaming enthusiasts from around the world!

Online casino software emulates real casino games so accurately that when you play online at an internet casino, you might even forget that you’re not actually in Luxor or Caesar’s Palace! All online slots are PC versions of real casino slots and all other casino games are incredibly realistic.

The best part of the online casino experience is the huge jackpots! With internet betting you can make money in your spare time while having fun at the same time! No matter what your favorite casino game is, you can play it online for huge prizes. Progressive jackpot slot machines pay out thousands of dollars and you can win in both no limit poker rooms, blackjack games, craps games and more!

If joining an online casino sounds like fun to you, it’s easy to get started! Once you have chosen an online casino you can start playing in minutes! However, the first step is to choose a casino that is right for you.

The main thing to look for when searching for an online casino site is their game offerings. There are hundreds of casino games, different slots variations, card game variations, and more, and not every online casino offers every game. So you need to think about what games you want to play and make sure that the casino you choose offers all your favorite games. Once you have found an online casino that offers your favorite games, you are ready to sign up.

To sign up for an online casino, all you have to do is download their casino gaming software and you can start playing. If you want to play casino games for money, you will need to make a deposit in order to wager on their games. Many online casinos even offer fantastic offers and bonuses for new members that will match your deposit and others even offer free money no deposit bonuses for new members or free spins on slot machines to help you get started.

Once you’ve started playing online casino games, you’ll immediately understand why internet casino games are so popular. Online casinos are so fun and exciting, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to sign up.

My experience with Jesus Christ

I was born in New York City on May 6, 1931. I grew up on Long Island with a brother who was 5 years my junior and 2 loving parents. Although my father seemed a bit distant from me, I seemed to inherit a love of sports from my father and a compassionate heart from my mother.

However, despite my mother’s heritage, I grew up with a phlegmatic personality. This meant that I was quite shy, reclusive, afraid of people, cautious, trustworthy but never wanting to get involved, an observer of life, and usually did as I was told. As a result of this character mold, other children used to pick on me, which in turn made me fear other people even more. And my church experience at that time was mostly negative, even though my parents were pretty active churchgoers, and I felt pretty close to God.

This phlegmatic personality stayed with me throughout my college career, where I graduated from Roanoke College in Virginia with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1954. However, I felt closer to the church, because most of my friends were students. pre-ministerial. .

Four years after graduating from college, I got married for the first time and started going to church steadily a few months later, where I was probably reborn. My calling at the time was that of an accountant with a degree from LaSalle Extension University in Chicago. However, he was still a phlegmatic.

My transformational experience occurred when I visited a nudist camp a few years later, which turned my life 180º by giving me the freedom (without clothes), for the first time, to really be myself, which made me a person much more sensitive to people. As a result of my new people-oriented orientation, I received my Master’s Degree in Religious Education from New York Theological Seminary in New York City in 1968, became active in politics, began organizing discussion groups, began a ministry in jail and started many other people. oriented activities. It is interesting to note here that as I participated in more and more strip camp activities, I noticed less and less of the nudity (both male and female) of individuals and more and more of their distinctive personality traits.

Eleven years after my marriage, my first wife died in open heart surgery. After this, I went public with my strip camp activity, primarily through my church, and the response was mostly positive among my close associates, though extremely negative among others. But people seemed to grow as a result of this revelation. In fact, a professional writer used me as one of her positive characters in one of her books as a result of my revelation. I also found that mentioning my activities at the strip camp opened others up to being much more honest with each other about their most intimate lives.

I married again four years after the death of my first wife. She is Argentine. After about 8 years living in the United States, we moved to Argentina to be with my wife’s family. Moving to Argentina, I basically gave up my accounting career and started teaching English to adults, which in turn turned into many business and personal counseling sessions, accelerated by my training at Stephen Ministry (counseling). This turned out to be the greatest blessing for me, because I learned many things that I never would have learned if I had stayed in New York. In fact, I felt that this type of work is probably one of the most important jobs one can have in the world because the participants can learn so much more about each other’s culture than they would otherwise. But I also learned a lot about the general business environment. This is what I have been doing most of the time I have been in Argentina. I am now semi-retired and have written a book called “The Church Library of Christian Concerns and Solutions” and it has been published on the internet and can be purchased online through http://www.authorhouse.com/bookstore. The chapters of this book have already been published on the Internet and have received a total readership of more than 15,000 people.

Currently my greatest love, as far as ministry is concerned, is in the Ministry of Reconciliation. I have already done some of this in discussion group settings on Predestination, the Vietnam War, the Purpose of the United Nations, with someone who was wrongly accused of being a communist, and possibly helping my current church and its Board have better communication. skills with each other. They were all quite successful. I now hope that the present book I am now writing entitled “A Discussion Guide to Christian Concerns” has the same purpose. And I owe all this experience that I have had to my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior earlier in my life.

Christmas Sheet Music – A Family Tradition

Back in the days when television didn’t reign supreme, music played a much bigger role in entertaining family and friends. So much so, that every home had a piano and most of the time at least one member of the family could play it. It certainly was that way in our family. And, for me as the designated pianist, I can honestly say that it was a pleasure to do it, although sometimes I didn’t act like that.

Part of the challenge for me was finding sheet music that I liked, especially at Christmas. I always felt that piano arrangements were quite boring and lacked a certain joie de vivre. I think that’s why I eventually started learning improvisation so I could make my own arrangements. And since I didn’t like the standard Christmas print versions, I always acted like I didn’t want to play. That drove my mother crazy.

Mom couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t use my talent more often. But, I know and I hide the truth. I was scared. I was afraid of being judged by others and that I wasn’t good enough. However, the fact is that I was better than most. So what people thought didn’t really matter at all. But it mattered to me at the time and it took me a long time to feel comfortable playing in front of others.

Now, as a professional concert pianist, of course I no longer feel inadequate. Many of my colleagues still do it, but somehow I managed to get rid of that mentality of fear of playing. It wasn’t easy let me tell you, but I did it. One of the ways I did that was finally realizing that when I act it’s not about me at all, it’s about entertaining people and making sure they have a good experience.

For anyone who is thinking of making music a profession that is so important to remember. Many musicians think that it is about them and that they have to sell themselves to an audience. That’s so backwards. The only thing a professional musician should sell to an audience is the promise of a good time. Man, it took me a long time to learn that lesson.

In any case, more than ever I love playing the piano at Christmas. Now that my mom passed away, my dad has taken it upon himself to carry on the family tradition. So much so, in fact, that he built a large heated garage next to the main house that can accommodate a hundred people at a time. He even put the family piano there.

This year 2006 will see nearly a thousand people come to the family hobby farm and I am expected to play for most of them. It’s ok though, I love it. Why? Because I know that a good dose of music and carols will remind you of a good old-fashioned Christmas. Remember, like the ones you had before television?

Men dating women – Facts about women you never would have guessed

Most men who date women have no idea what they are doing, they are just frustrated and angry at women not knowing what is really missing in their love life. These facts are what every woman wants a man to get and understand, and these facts are what most men never seem to understand.

Men dating women today are really misleading, there is a lot of talk on TV, magazines, internet and radio about what works and what doesn’t with women.

The truth is that this information for the most part is just false assumptions made by guys or even girls who don’t seem to understand what women want because everything they say doesn’t really work.

  • The first fact men who date women should know is that women are looking for a good/bad guy.

This will sound very confusing and it is, but it is the reality. You may have noticed this at least once: a woman is going out with a guy who is abusing her and giving her a hard time, but it doesn’t look like she’s going to leave him before her. And a woman who goes out with a guy who is very nice and affectionate but she cheats on him or leaves him.

Well, this is totally normal for women if you know what they want from men.

Women want a bad boy, by that I mean a boy who is mature, daring, aggressive when she provokes him (wow cowboy, don’t hit her for a yes or no, aggressive simply means that it doesn’t make her look ridiculous or downgrade it).

And women also want a good gentleman. Don’t get me wrong here, she wants the same guy, but for her to be able to take on two different roles. For example, he is usually a nice, funny, funny guy, who also decides for her and guides her and when she tests him or gives him a hard time, he is ready to leave her. A woman wants a guy who knows her true value and is clear about what he wants and how she wants to be treated.

  • The second fact that men dating women need to know is how women will remember you.

Sometimes I hear guys talking about women and I realize that they usually have it all figured out wrong. For example, they believe that a woman will remember you more because of the way you dressed or the way you made her laugh. They’re not totally wrong, but it doesn’t work that way with women for the most part.

Women will remember you more if you: SMELL good.

So simple and yet so careless.

For a woman, the way you smelled is very important and she would remember you for a long time just by the way she smelled on you. This should never be neglected by you, from now on choose your cologne very wisely and ask women for their opinions on a great cologne, their help is very important to you, you should also read this article on how to attract women , it will give you great advantages over the other men who have no idea about these things.

skin beauty secrets

Most people like to look good, don’t they? After all, if we know we look good, then we feel good. An attractive appearance boosts your self-confidence and it’s no secret that attractive people are generally more successful in life. In fact, there are many jobs where it is almost necessary to look attractive, such as a pop star, an actor, a TV personality, a sales representative, a receptionist, etc.

We all want to look good, and our most important feature is our face, and healthy skin is an important factor that contributes to an attractive face. To get that healthy glow on your complexion you need to take care of your health in general, but more specifically you should pay attention to the following tips;

o Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day is recommended to help keep skin supple and allow all necessary repair and renewal processes to continue unhindered.

o Eat a healthy and varied diet to provide your skin with all the nutrients it needs. Particularly important are micronutrients such as vitamin A for collagen production and vitamin C. Collagen is the matrix or substructure that helps support the skin, and there must be enough collagen to do this. As we age, our natural ability to produce collagen declines, allowing skin to sag and sag with the formation of wrinkles. Other factors can also negatively affect collagen formation.

o Keep away from the sun. There is ample evidence that sunlight is one of the main agents of skin aging. It causes the breakdown of collagen and therefore wrinkles, and is also responsible for brown spots, often seen on the back of the hands and face. If you are a woman and your face is especially important, you should always use a little sunscreen, even in winter. Most modern makeup incorporates sunscreen, but you should check yours and, of course, stay out of strong direct sunlight in the summer months. In Australia there has been a huge increase in cases of skin cancer in recent decades, which can be directly attributed to sun exposure as people seek to develop a natural tan. For the sake of your skin, you should settle for a fake tan.

o Do not smoke because the combination of heat around the mouth along with muscle movements cause excessive wrinkles with typically deep fissures that eventually appear in the upper lip area. Heat and smoke also cause discoloration of the skin around the mouth that is difficult to reverse.

o Get enough sleep, otherwise your body doesn’t have enough time to repair itself and this will tend to show up on the skin first. You may experience dry, dull skin and flaking of the skin on your scalp (dandruff).

o Exercise helps blood flow and general health, which is reflected in skin health, so it’s important to get some regular exercise.

The condition of your skin is more important than many realize. While we may not consciously recognize a healthy complexion, it is an important part of our appearance. Certainly, we can’t help but notice an unhealthy complexion when we see it, and whether we admit it or not, a person with a pimpled face is at a social disadvantage.

Taking care of your health and the health of your skin helps you achieve your goals in all walks of life.

Pedometer data

What are they?

A pedometer is a pager-sized device that straps to your waist and counts the number of steps you take.

Are they accurate?

Pedometers detect the vertical movement of your hips as you walk. A pedometer is most accurate, studies show, when a person is walking faster than 3 mph. As speed decreases so does accuracy and this is due to the mechanics of walking at a slower speed. People tend to shuffle or move their feet at slower speeds and this results in less vertical movement of the hips than is needed by the pedometer to count steps. Accuracy at 3 mph or more can exceed 96% and at 2-3 mph it can drop to 74%. Below 2 mph, accuracy can be as low as 60%. Needless to say, a brisk walk is what’s needed here.

How do pedometers work?

There are 2 types of pedometers in terms of internal workings. The first type is a mechanical spring lever that has a horizontal bar suspended by a spring parallel to the ground. When you walk and induce a vertical force or motion on the bar, it moves up to complete an electrical circuit. Each closing and opening of the circuit is counted as one step.

The second type is also a beam but with a weight at the free end. At the other end, the beam is connected to a piezoelectric cell. When vertical motion is applied, a pressure is induced in the cell that produces a voltage that is proportional to the applied force. These voltage swings are used to count your steps.

Which type is better?

Piezoelectric type pedometers are more sensitive at lower speeds and tend to be more accurate below 2 mph. They are also not as sensitive to tipping over from their horizontal position as a spring lever type is. A piezo type pedometer may only see a 10% reduction in accuracy when tilted at speeds below 2mph, while a spring loaded lever may see up to a 60% reduction in accuracy below 2mph. So if you are older or overweight and walk slowly, the piezoelectric design is probably the way to go.

Pedometers must be worn at the waist in line with the leg. If you have trouble sticking to your waist, you can stick to your sock. This should give you the same vertical movement needed.

Test the accuracy of your pedometer

When you get your new pedometer for the first time and want to check its accuracy or want to perform interim checks on one you now own, set the pedometer to zero. Carefully count 100 steps to see what kind of result you get. Remember that you are looking for +/-10% accuracy, which means anything in the range of 90-110 steps. If you don’t get it in this range, try changing the position of your pedometer and walking again and see if that makes a difference. Some people have different walks and it’s just a matter of trial and error to find the best position for you.

Boost your brand game

If something has changed a lot over the years, the most remarkable thing would be our way of thinking as consumers. Tons of books have been written on consumer psychology and it is certain that there will be nothing in the world that will stop the appearance of new books on the subject. This is because buying patterns change all the time. There is no secret golden key to solving all your brand problems. The only way is through constant vigilance and keeping an eye out for all the minor trends that customers are buying.

The boom in the mobile phone market has made a significant change in the way things are bought online. We tend to turn to our 5.5-inch screen when we need to order food. The same can be said of almost anything. This is a double-edged sword, as your competition is also one click away from yours. It is a one time kill if your website is not mobile optimized and you are going to lose your customer to another website that is more adept.

The golden rule to boost your brand is to make your audience think of you. Use creative tools to establish your brand as synonymous with the product you sell. When I think of burgers, I think of Burger King. The same can be said of anything. Find your niche and exploit it.

Get that social media edge

There are so many social media platforms waiting to be explored. Facebook and Instagram and reigning over the interconnected empire right now. But it would be foolish to ignore all the others, like Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. Explore all the available options and find out which platform suits your needs best and choose that one. Here are some tips to get social gaming off the ground:

Be consistent – Hustle every day:

Brands usually think their page is doing well by looking at the number of likes or followers. Granted, these numbers are no small feat, but the shoot-to-kill goal should be directed toward actions and engagements. These are harder targets to mark, but just think of the untapped potential this can lead to. Create content that your followers are willing to share with their friends. Using this correctly means that your followers are indirectly promoting your product and that is not a blessing! Social networks don’t sleep and your content shouldn’t either. Keep up with your audience with engaging contests and blogs from Instagram influencers who bring new things to your feed every day.


Dig deeper and find out what works and what doesn’t. Typically, all business profiles for social media pages come with insights features that will help you learn how your posts are performing. Through this, you will be able to find out exactly the type of content your followers enjoy and use it to your advantage. Create more content targeted to your needs.

Not all reviews are going to be suns and daisies:

There will be negative reviews, don’t forget that. A satisfied customer is a silent customer, but a dissatisfied one can even be the end of it. This is an unspoken truth in the digital marketing game. Grumpy consumers often write bad reviews on Google as a way to vent. And, of course, they may have justifiable concerns that need to be addressed. In any case, you should always engage with them and let them know that you are working to fix the problem and try to fix it for them. This ethic and sense of professionalism will be appreciated by people in the long run.

Hit that SEO goal

Search engine optimization is the name of the game and keywords will be your playing field. Have an SEO expert who analyzes all the keywords that must be hit. Using this as a skeleton to build on, engaging content can be written. Every time Google crawls your website, it takes note of all the keywords and this will be your bread and butter. Using the right keywords is a preferred frequency that will catapult your article and website to the front of the search engine results page.

Use authoritative websites to your advantage.

Backlinks, backlinks everyone wants backlinks. This is where a good content writer shines. Writing content that truly educates and helps people is always in dire need. Creating such content and posting it on well-established websites can be really helpful. The key to this is to make sure your website and brand are mentioned on it and that this can lead to redirects to your page. Regular users of the page mentioned above will use that backlink to get to your website and you can get a generous amount of traffic using this method. Another tip is to sign up for Quora and use that method to brand your agency. People are always looking for answers and good ones are always appreciated.

keep your eyes open

Monitor every step of your brand’s online presence. Keep track of the mentions and reviews you receive. Wouldn’t it be great if your website or article was talked about in online forums or on other websites? This is in keeping with spreading the world through word of mouth, but even better because users have direct access to your website via a link and a fancy button. The audience group is large, make a remarkable splash and customers will notice. Some may even write you amazing reviews, and how can that be a bad thing!

There are no enemies, only competitors.

This is something to be taken seriously in the marketing game. Realize that there is a lesson learned from every brand, every strategy and every new tactic they use. Sign up for your competitor’s newsletter and take note of all the different methods they use to promote your product. Then check that against the performance metrics for each of the methods. You can come to a tangible conclusion of all the good methods and adopt them as well. For best results, always be inspired by them and don’t copy them as is. Use the idea and create something unique from it. People always appreciate creativity.

The brand game is confusing and it’s hard to find a trustworthy agency that values ​​your vision and works hard to find you the right place. A good option would be Adhuntt Media as they provide a free consulting solution that helps you identify where you are lacking. If you are satisfied, you can accept any of the multiple packages they offer and find the right one for all your needs.

Computer Work From Home Business: Take The Challenge

The secret is revealed here and it was never out of reach, but things were never properly addressed. With the amount of information available, it was physically impossible to collect meaningful insight. Internet technology has put everything behind closed doors reality. The different options are flying all over the neighborhood. To work from home or office, people have started thinking about it now. The computer work from home business theory is distributing the same number of possibilities.

The online world has more worldwide connections than all other forms of business combined. Experience cannot be considered as a factor of ineptitude. It caters widely to all sectors of society. The best part is that it saves us the routine work of traveling to official places that exist in the exact opposite direction of the flow of things. Time and money are the two most vital components. Also, things are pushed forward in the face of favorable options. People who are looking to start a new business or are at a crossroads, computer work from home can be taken as an equal measure. The kind of impact it has generated has left everyone first baffled and then appreciating later on.

The IT work of business has taken us in a new direction and situations are changing with time. Business etiquette favors equal understanding between employer and employee. Customers can only be conquered later. Writing articles, data entry, online surveys and various marketing techniques, etc. are some of the options commonly discussed here. These may be few in number and three or four in total, however each field has immense potential in itself. In fact, the writing of the article does not end at any time. Just to present the real situation, try to think of everything that was manufactured and on the Internet asking about all the information that will be uploaded in the form of Wikipedia, doing reviews and promoting products online. It seems that even millions of hands or fingers would not reach the target. Computer work from home has created a successful chain reaction. People are supposed to work effectively to capture and reproduce the current.

Computer work from home is taking an innovative approach to everything that is on the shelf for sale or purchase. The creative aspect makes things sell faster. In the case of a retailer, try to promote the products in an exquisite way. The idea is to ‘be and think’ from the perspective of the potential audience. Results can be guaranteed only after applying an in-depth approach. Internet marketing methodology gives evidence of the fact here. It is a very wide field and one can choose the profession of his choice.

michael jackson poem

Came into our worlds light and hot,

urgent delight and hot at the trot,

worthy esteem that we could give,

some seem contemptuously stricken.

Leaving us then, sad but true,

why now, why ever, God only knew,

leaving a hole, one that grew,

now we are obliged to give it its due.

Alive we defend this time we do it,

appreciating the wonder and how life is new,

willing we straddle the tail,

lives in our memory forever crooked.

Finally, paraded, will not give,

separate this world without living,

for us to go back, we only know,

pushes us inspired to go.


Regardless of our opinion of Michael Jackson, he influenced and inspired past and future generations. His legacy lives on. And while we rightly stop in our worship for him before we get to worship, which is due to God alone, we thank God for Michael and people like him; people who take our imaginations beautifully to grateful ransom.

Personally, and I speak for many silent voices in this, people like Michael Jackson, despite the libelous insults, have their place in inspiring us to go to the zenith of ourselves. All these are inspirations placed by God; talented players who model achievement and dedication to their trades.

Michael Jackson, like many of his contemporaries, has left a lasting legacy in the world of music, dance; the performing arts in short.

All of our lives have been greatly enriched by him and others like him. I thank God for them.

© 2010 SJ Wickham.

The stages of coming out

Although there is a difference of opinion about the stages of coming out, it usually goes through the following. As with everything else, academic scholars of gay studies disagree on some of the finer points, but overall the stages I mention here are nearly universal. I have seen theories with 5, 6, 12 and even up to 18 output stages. Some theories try to give each stage a new academic-sounding name, but in my 8 stages each word relates to a well-known and acceptable phase of human development.

  1. The realization stage

The first stage is when you realize that something in you is different. You may know that you have a homosexual tendency, but you still deny it. Rationalizing is a big part of this stage. You can tell yourself that this is just a phase, that it will pass, that you are only slightly in love with one person, that it is normal to love anyone, but that this feeling inside you does not mean that you are totally gay. . You might consider the idea that you are bisexual and that you can still have a heterosexual relationship.

  1. The Recognition Stage

The second stage is where you recognize a pattern within yourself. You realize that you are attracted to members of the same gender and not the opposite. You understand that this attraction is not going to go away and that it is not directed at just one individual. You recognize aspects of your personality and preferences that make perfect sense in terms of your sexual orientation. Suddenly you understand things about yourself that you didn’t understand before.

  1. The stage of individual sharing

Until this point, everything only happened inside your mind, but in the third stage you feel the need to share it with someone else. It could be your mom, a good friend, or a therapist, but you know it’s time to share it with someone. Within you you still have some doubts and that is why it is time to review your thoughts. If the person you share it with is surprised, it may take you back to stage one. That is why it is important that you choose the right person to share it with.

  1. The public exchange scenario

If you’ve successfully completed the third stage, you’ll want to share it with more people, perhaps your family, most of your friends, or someone else you trust. Remember that the closet is always right behind you and there will be some people with whom you will never share it. This is not a problem; no one says you should publish it in the local newspaper. This stage can continue for the rest of your life because there will always be new people to share it with.

  1. The socialization stage

The fifth stage is when you start socializing with other gay people. Some gay people take years to reach this stage because they struggle to meet other gay people and/or are too afraid to go to gay socials, prides, or clubs. Like the proverbial flower on the wall waiting for someone to invite them over, you can sit in your corner waiting for the gay community to come to you. This could be a very lonely time in the life of any gay person and my advice would be to get through this stage as quickly as possible. Do not be afraid, there will always be someone gay with whom you can identify.

  1. The stage of the relationship

After you started meeting other gay people, you could end up in a relationship. The same advice any therapist will give a teen in her first relationship goes with you, too. Nobody’s first relationship is the last. If the relationship goes wrong, it is part of life. It’s best not to walk away from other gay people and move on without regrets. Whatever your age, your first gay relationship means you’re still a teenager in the gay world. Yes, there are people who met a couple and it became a lifelong relationship, but they are the exception.

  1. The stage of self-realization

Self-actualization is the stage where you make peace with who you are. Some people never get to this stage and it’s a shame. Knowing yourself, accepting yourself and loving yourself is a crucial stage in everyone’s life, whether they are gay or straight. It’s not something that happens in your twenties, so don’t fear if you’re not there yet. Self-actualization is something that takes years to achieve in the lives of gay and straight people. If your parents don’t accept you for being gay, it might even take longer, because an important element in anyone’s self-fulfillment is that your parents accept you.

  1. The normalization stage

Self-actualization is the stage where you fully accept yourself. To a certain extent, life begins after self-realization. The seven stages above are all about accepting the fact that you are gay, but normalization is the point where you realize that you are gay, but that being gay is not all there is to life. It is the moment when you integrate into society as a whole. Being gay is no longer a problem, the problem is that you are human, you have a role to play and you can become part of the whole world without thinking, advertising or mentioning your sexual orientation. If someone asks you if you are gay, you admit it and whether or not they accept it is no longer a problem. After all, you are much more than a sexual being.