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How to lose weight naturally and permanently and start living your life!

The good news is that you don’t need a diet program to tell you how to lose weight. We’ve really made life difficult for ourselves by allowing ourselves to get sucked into general “diet” beliefs, like counting calories to lose weight, low-fat foods to lose weight, sugar-free foods to lose weight, and the list goes on. But all you really need to know to lose weight naturally and effortlessly is what foods to eat, what exercise to get, and how to change the way you think about food.

What foods should you eat to lose weight?

I once started a 3 month natural raw food diet. The only cooked food I ate was some feta and chickpeas. I lost a lot of weight and felt great! It was very liberating to be on this raw food diet, because I stopped thinking about dieting and losing weight, and just ate whatever I wanted, as long as it was raw and natural. I can comfortably say that you can eat the following in any quantity as long as you stick to what is on this list; the general rule of thumb is that it just has to be any unrefined or unrefined food, so I may have gone. eliminate some foods, but be your own judge.

Food combining (not eating specific foods together) also works well, because it ensures rapid digestion, which influences weight loss.

But the most important aspect of losing weight naturally is eating what God intended the human body to consume: natural, whole foods, free of additives and other toxins. In other words, the best foods to eat are those that go bad in a couple of days. This, of course, does not include canned vegetables that can last for years! Understand that if something has a long lifespan, you have to wonder what was added to it to make it last!

Here is a list of what is good for your body and what will help you lose weight almost automatically:


Squash, peas, corn, onion, garlic, broccoli, marrows (zucchini), cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, squash, pie pans, gems, rhubarb, asparagus, mushrooms, artichokes, beets, celery, cabbage kale, spinach, cucumbers, eggplant, ginger, green beans, kale, leeks, scallions, lettuce, olives, tomatoes


Dill, fennel, arugula, parsley, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme

Walnuts: (must be raw, never salty)

Almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts

Seeds: (must be raw, never salty)

Flaxseeds (preferably crushed or the body cannot take advantage of all its goodness), pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds


Figs, grapefruit, naartjies, apples, lemons, grapes, kiwis, limes, oranges, papayas, pears, pineapples, cherries, plums, prunes, raisins, mango, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, bananas, apricots, peaches, blueberries


Cold-pressed olive oil, cold-pressed sunflower oil, cold-pressed flax seed oil, hemp seed oil

Herbal Teas:

All herbal teas – check that nothing processed (such as flavorings) has been added


Honey, stevia, agave syrup, xylitol


all buds


Sweet potatoes, brown rice, unrefined oats, potatoes

Beans and vegetables:

Black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans, soybeans

Use sparingly, if at all:

Meat, chicken, fish, dressings, sauces, butter, cow’s milk, cheese

Do not use:

All processed foods (sweets, salty snacks, chips, cereal bars, white bread, white flour, fatty meats, processed meats, margarines, artificial sweeteners (aspartame)

What exercise should you do to lose weight?

Different exercises do different things for the body. Ideally, you need a mix of cardio (anything that makes your heart beat faster), as well as weights and stretching. You need to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day, and you need to push your body through these exercises, which means some heavy breathing and sweating!

Changing the way you think about food:

This is key to permanent weight loss. Food must be considered necessary for survival. It should not be used to fill an inner void, or for entertainment when bored, or for comfort. As I mentioned, I was on a raw food diet for 3 months, but I hadn’t addressed the way I related to food, so when I finished the raw food diet, I gained all the weight I had lost and more. If you don’t address this vital aspect, you’re not likely to lose weight permanently.

Once you’ve grasped the simplicity of eating for its nutritional value, along with portion control, your life will be so much simpler, and instead of counting calories in each meal, you can start living your life and doing things much more. more important than measuring calories. grams of fat!

Whiskey, wine and a good night’s sleep: prevent the ill effects of alcohol on your sleep

The late-night drink has a strong following: up to 15% of people use alcohol to seduce the sandman, large-scale surveys show. The sleep-inducing effects of alcohol occur partly because it’s a muscle relaxant (relaxed muscles help you fall asleep faster) and partly because it’s a psychological (or emotional) relaxant, says clinical psychologist Michael J. Breus, Ph. .D., author of Restful sleep: look younger, lose weight and feel good with better sleepthat helps you knock yourself out faster, especially if you’re feeling stressed.

Once your body begins to relax, it continues to relax as you fall asleep. But beware! This is when alcohol throws your body off its normal, healthy course, Breus says. The powerful and rapid effects of alcohol rob some of the other stages of sleep you need. It forces you to stay in the lighter stages of sleep and makes it difficult for you to enter both deep and REM sleep, important stages for waking up refreshed and ready to face the day. This happens later in the evening, when your body has metabolized most of the sugar in the alcohol. Your sleep becomes light and fragmented, and you are prone to waking up frequently (often to go to the bathroom).

You may also have problems with snoring, nightmares, insomnia, and night sweats. (Because alcohol is a diuretic, as it leaves your system, it can affect your body’s ability to maintain a normal temperature.) And if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, be very careful about mixing sleep with alcohol. As a muscle relaxant, it causes the muscles in the back of your throat to relax even more than normal, making sleep apnea symptoms worse. In fact, research from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, shows that men, especially, have longer episodes of sleep-disordered breathing after drinking alcohol.

The next morning

Half of the hangover that hits you in the morning after a few extra glasses of wine is caused by lack of sleep and the other half by dehydration. Will a single glass of alcohol have a negative effect? No, Breus says. It’s when you get to two, three or four glasses that the problems start. And whether you drink wine, beer, or hard liquor (brandy, whiskey, etc.) doesn’t make a difference, it’s the ethanol content of the drink (a generic name for alcohol) that matters. Here’s how the drinks break down: a standard ethanol “drink” is equal to 10 ounces of regular beer (5% alcohol content); between 3 and 4 ounces of wine (12% alcohol content); or 1 ounce of hard liquor (40% alcohol content).

Also, if you’re a regular drinker, say a glass of wine with dinner every day, you’ll build up a tolerance to the effects of alcohol, which means you won’t be as sedated as if you were out drinking on a Friday and Saturday night. only. Basically, it’s better to drink a small amount of alcohol every day than to overdo it on the weekend. In a short time, you will become accustomed to its effects and you will be immersed in a restful sleep that will last all night.

5 smart sleep tips

If you drink, here’s how to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your sleep:

1) Finish drinking at least 3 hours before bed.

2) Don’t overdo your drinking stick with one or two drinks a day.

3) Try not to stay up too long after your usual bedtime; this only increases the sleep-depriving effects of alcohol.

4) Know exactly what a drink means: 1 beer = 1 glass of wine = 1 shot of hard liquor.

5) Follow Breus’ one-for-one rule: Drink a glass of water for every glass of alcohol. This will decrease your alcohol intake and help prevent dehydration. And drink a few extra glasses of water the next morning to help bring your fluid levels back to normal.

Pre and Post Workout Strategies for Kettlebell Training

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Strategies for Kettlebell Training

The correct nutrition plan and the timing of your food or supplements before and after your workouts are some very important components to consider when training with kettlebells. This article will shed some light on these key factors and discuss some nutrition guidelines, so you can get started when you do your kettlebell training. In addition, it will allow you to recover effectively. One key point to consider is that you always plan for a great workout in the kitchen, even before you set foot in the gym.

If you don’t have the right nutritional strategy for your kettlebell regimen; then you are doing yourself an injustice when it comes to achieving your goals. If you’re exercising when you’re in a starved state, you won’t have enough energy to maximize your fitness gains. If you exercise for a long time without eating, you are limiting your body’s ability to burn calories and maintain the intensity of your kettlebell training. Plus, if you don’t fuel your muscles and replenish your energy stores after exercise, you won’t have essential recovery tools in your arsenal.

What should you eat before your session?

As mentioned above, the main goal of the pre-workout nutrition plan is to begin your kettlebell session in a fueled state and to ensure that all the food you have eaten has been properly digested and absorbed. The last thing you want to do is eat a meal that is very high in protein and slow-acting fats, because they take longer to digest and can make you feel sluggish and rob you of energy. When you eat, blood is redirected to the digestive system to help with the breakdown of food. This essentially removes blood from the skeletal muscles; therefore, it reduces oxygen supply and waste removal during exercise. Therefore, the kettlebell session will be a much more difficult job when you have eaten a meal that is rich in fat and protein. Most of the time, stomach ache joins this scenario when training.

To ensure you are energized when you perform your kettlebell session, eat a meal that is approximately 300-500 calories, high in carbohydrates and fast-acting protein, 2 hours before you begin your session. Try having a small bowl of porridge, whole grains, or even a small yam or sweet potato, as these are a good example of some fast-acting carbohydrates. If you have to eat 5 to 10 minutes before exercising, have half a banana or a small tablespoon of peanut butter along with a handful of almonds.

Staying hydrated is essential for kettlebell athletes because without proper hydration, your body will have a harder time getting nutrients to your muscles, along with oxygen and water to your cells. This will lower your energy levels and make the session much more difficult. Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but don’t overdo it before your workout or you’ll feel bloated and sluggish. A good strategy is to drink your water intake gradually and continuously before starting your workout!

Regarding supplements, you can take a whey protein shake rich in branched chain amino acids 1 hour before training, as this will ensure the following:

They are a catalyst for muscle protein synthesis and then bind together muscle amino acids to create a stronger muscle infrastructure.

They increase insulin levels to facilitate an anabolic environment during protein synthesis. This mechanism allows for the proper balance of nutrition, hormones, and metabolic actions that are essential for building muscle and burning fat.

They improve human growth hormone levels and decrease stress hormone (cortisol) levels. Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue to be used as body fuel. This is very bad news for muscle building and weight loss.

A post-workout nutrition strategy

Taking supplements after exercise is very important to aid recovery along with growth and repair. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAS) are again a great option to consume after exercise; the question is why?

Well, BCAAs are broken down quickly and used in working muscle effectively because they bypass the liver. It is this process within the body that stops post-exercise muscle soreness by blocking muscle damage and increasing muscle growth and repair. Additionally, it increases insulin levels after exercise and this induces an anabolic environment which is a major factor in muscle growth and repair.

They should be consumed within 45 minutes of finishing your session and this is a very important time frame as the enzymes and hormones actively repair and rebuild muscle tissue as well as replenish your glycogen stores. This makes your muscle tissues very susceptible to nutrients and muscle building hormones. You should use a simple carbohydrate like maltodexrin because it raises your insulin levels and this will drive amino acids into muscle tissue. This will also increase your glycogen stores and add a banana or orange to boost your lost electrolyte levels as this will promote your recovery.

The latest studies from 2014 state that BCAAs cannot be absorbed without the help of Whey Protein. Previously, we have been consuming BCAAs throughout the day to further enhance recovery. This could be doing more harm than good. Find a good Whey Protein with BCAAs.

The Best Colon Cleanse: Pill or Enema?

Establishing an enema (to remove any obstruction) and absorbing fiber to smooth bowel movement are the two phases of a strict colon cleansing program. Most of our diet consists of very unhealthy foods like French fries, hamburgers, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Our settlers are slowly being harmed in this fast food society.

A healthy colon is important as its main function is to remove water and salt from fecal waste.

If the water is not adequate, the waste will become liquid, causing diarrhea. Nutrients need to be absorbed properly, which won’t happen when it goes into liquid form too quickly. The individual experiencing this will also feel pangs of dehydration and hunger.

On the other hand, the overassimilation of water in the colon also causes problems. The opportunity to block the intestines will occur if the waste matter travels slowly through the colon. This will end in irregularity and swelling.

Although an enema may be considered uncomfortable, it is an effective colon cleanser and is painless. The colon needs to be cleansed of fecal waste and toxins, which is why water is so important. Removal of unwanted materials is not possible if there is not enough water. The results of the flushing procedure of fecal waste and toxins improve with the amount of water you drink while cleansing the colon.

You should use an enema to loosen up fecal matter that has accumulated in your colon before beginning a supplement-based cleanse if you are experiencing symptoms of a clogged colon. To completely cleanse the colon, two enema interventions are generally needed by the user, for each session.

Physical exercises can also be performed if there are still problems passing at least two bowel movements per day. Such exercises include trampoline exercise starts to improve movement of the digestive tract. Core muscles can also be strengthened with twisting exercises if a trampoline is not available. The improvement of the stomach muscles can also help in the cleansing process.

During the colon cleanse, you should increase your fiber intake to speed up the process. Dietitians recommend that the average person take 30 grams of fiber a day. However, US citizens rarely meet this amount in their daily diet plan.

Tips to lose weight naturally

Obesity is a growing problem and childhood obesity is fast becoming an epidemic. Being obese or overweight not only affects your self-esteem but also makes you prone to disease. Taking weight loss drugs and supplements have side effects that can cause more harm than good in the long run. Many people are searching the internet to find out how to lose weight. Losing weight naturally is a safe and healthy way to lose a few extra pounds. The method usually involves making changes to your diet and lifestyle and adding exercise to your daily routine.

If you are looking to lose a few extra pounds, there are several natural methods to achieve this. Here are some ways:

correct eating habits– It is important to have a balanced diet. Base your diet on whole foods, with unique ingredients, and avoid processed foods. It is the best way to eliminate sugar and added fats from your diet. Eating whole foods will eventually lead to weight loss. You should try to have at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits. With this you will get many essential nutrients for very few calories. Add Protein to your diet as it is the king of nutrients. Protein-rich foods not only reduce appetite, but also increase satiety.

Drinking water-Staying hydrated can actually help you lose weight naturally. Drinking water before meals can also lead to reduced calorie intake. Water will be particularly useful when replacing other beverages, which are high in sugar and calories.

exercise regularly– Getting into a regular exercise routine will not only support your efforts, but will also improve your overall health. Try to be more active in your daily life, walk more, and try to use the stairs whenever and wherever possible.

get enough sleep– People deprived of sleep are more likely to become obese. Getting a good night’s sleep will stop poor appetite regulation to help prevent future weight gain.

control your cravings– You must learn to master your cravings and resist eating certain foods that are high in sugar and fat, such as chocolates, cakes, and cookies.

Changes in lifestyle– This is the best way to lose weight naturally. Getting up early, exercising, eating balanced meals and sleeping on time can bring many changes to your body, making it healthy and strong.

Instead of just focusing on losing weight naturally, you should also focus on nourishing your body with healthy foods and nutrients to become a fitter and happier person.

Reduce Offensive Flatulence After Weight Loss Surgery

It is quite common for gastric bypass, gastric band, and gastric sleeve weight loss surgery patients to report an increase in uncomfortable intestinal bloating and the frequent release of foul-smelling and offensive gases. Some patients report that the gas problem is so offensive that they suffer from chronic embarrassment that leads to isolation. By its nature, gastric surgery changes the human digestive process and increases the appearance of gas. Also, weight loss surgery patients follow a high protein, low carbohydrate diet which is also known to cause gas. Understanding what causes excessive flatulence is the first step in implementing therapies to reduce the occurrence and offense of this natural body function.

High protein diet: Weight loss surgery patients who follow a strict high protein diet frequently report excessive flatulence beyond the 14 releases per day experienced by adults with a healthy digestive tract. In digestion, proteins are broken down with the secretion of hydrochloric acid which enables the activation of pepsin, a protein-digesting enzyme. Weight loss surgery patients become deficient in hydrochloric acid or pancreatin when their intestines are shortened or diverted by the surgery. Therefore, gastric enzymes and acids to facilitate complete digestion are deficient and excess gas may be produced. A high protein diet, by nature, is a low fiber diet. The absence of adequate fibrous carbohydrates leads to waste material moving too slowly through the large intestine, resulting in constipation and flatulence.

To reduce the occurrence of flatulence associated with a high-protein diet, stay hydrated by drinking at least 64 ounces of water daily. Water will help move food along the digestive and intestinal tracts, preventing gas buildup. Eliminate processed meat, cured meat, beans, tofu, and soy products from the diet for several days until symptoms of chronic flatulence abate.

Sugar Substitutes: Weight loss surgery patients are strongly advised to eliminate sugar and sweets from their diet. Many people include products labeled “sugar-free” in their diet to satisfy cravings for sweets. Sugar-free products use sugar substitutes, a term to describe sugar alcohols such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol, isomalt, and lactitol, which provide bulk and sweetness to cookies, hard candies, sugar-free gum, jams, and jellies. Sugar alcohols cause a low glycemic response because they are slowly absorbed by the body, making them slow to enter the bloodstream. However, side effects such as gas, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea are so extreme that regulations require food labels to state that “excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.”

To decrease gas associated with sugar alcohols, eliminate or reduce your intake of foods that contain sugar alcohol. Do not exceed the serving size of the package of candies made with sugar alcohol.

Therapies to reduce offensive flatulence: The following therapies may be effective in reducing bothersome and uncomfortable gas and bloating associated with dieting after gastric weight loss surgery.

Beano: A few drops help prevent gas formation. It is not effective in preventing bloating and gas pain, however, it does prevent gas or flatulence.

Chamomile, ginger and papaya teas: good digestive aids, nerve tonics and cramp and pain relievers.

Peppermint Oil: Relieves flatulence and related pain.

Exercise, Lactic Acid and the Importance of Breathing to Lose Weight Fast

The best weight loss plan is one that focuses on your overall goal. You can lose extra pounds with a combined approach; that’s one that successfully combines a healthy diet and a top weight loss supplement. By adding a regular exercise program to the mix, you’ll achieve much more than just losing weight.

Turn a diet into a lifestyle with food choices to reduce weight, a routine to tone and firm muscles, adding the best dietary supplement allows you to improve your overall health and get a little more muscle tone, fat and weight loss. overall weight.

It is not uncommon for breathing to become labored during periods of intense exercise. It’s a common part of cardiovascular exercise and we expect to gasp or even gasp for air at the end of our morning run.

Our lungs are automated wonders, expelling a used breath and expanding to inhale as needed. The respiratory muscles of the chest also expand and contract to accommodate the changing size of our expanding and contracting lungs, and these same muscle groups also control posture.

Breathing is a two-part process. Breathing brings oxygen to the lungs while circulation disperses oxygen throughout the body to where it is needed. Oxygen circulation is made possible by respiratory muscles such as the diaphragm, abdominals, and intercostal muscles. The oxygen we inhale does not provide energy, but it unlocks the energy stores in the food we have eaten. Basically it helps boost the process by which biological energy units (ATP) are released from caloric reserves (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids)

The alveoli in the lungs allow the body to absorb oxygen, and only the oxygen that reaches the alveoli is used when we breathe. Only the oxygen that reaches the alveoli can be used by our body. This is demonstrated by the physical response of someone who is breathing very fast and shallow during a panic attack. The person may lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. People feel a lack of oxygen, but the lack is caused by shallow breathing in which oxygen does not reach the air sacs of the lungs.

This is why proper breathing and ventilation – deep breathing is very important. Your lungs have a certain amount of volume, called “dead space,” that is not involved in gas transfer. Instead, these areas are primarily conduits; larger tubes that carry gases to the alveoli. Because a small part of each breath is used to move gas through these tubes (bronchi), rapid, shallow breathing will decrease the volume of gas reaching the alveoli. Fortunately, oxygen transport is a relatively fast process. It is the transport of CO2 from the blood (carried as lactic acid) that takes the longest and is therefore most sensitive to decreased ventilation and duration of gas exchange. Even without lactic acid buildup, simply hypoventilating will lead to a buildup of CO2 and actually have the same effect of increasing lactic acids in your body from sustained muscle work! (cardio, weight, etc.)

Yes, breathing and more importantly how we breathe is very important. The concentration of oxygen in your body is a balance between the supply of oxygen to the alveoli for circulation and the amount of oxygen your body demands. When you are at rest, balance is easily maintained, but when you exercise, your body demands more oxygen, requiring more breaths per minute to deliver sufficient levels of oxygen to your lungs. During exercise, deeper breaths turn into faster breaths, and eventually the exertion will starve you of oxygen, as your body expends more oxygen than it can absorb.

Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) produced in our body and is also known as milk acid. If you feel the burn during a workout, you can thank lactic acid for that.

Exercise causes sugar to break down producing energy for the muscles. This breakdown of sugar produces carbon dioxide and water in the end if it gets all the oxygen it needs.

Strenuous exercise can cause an oxygen deficit and lead to the production and buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Through a complex chemical process, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles during vigorous exercise. Muscles can contract more efficiently when lactic acid is present, which is why athletes like to feel the burn during exercise. For them, it means that their muscles are being exercised to the best of their ability.

When lactic acid buildup causes your muscle to start to ache, you breathe faster and generally slow down to allow your body to get the oxygen it needs. As depleted oxygen is restored (returning to normal breathing), lactic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and water that is expelled as you breathe.

It is the buildup of lactic acid during intense exercise that creates the need to allow muscle groups to rest and recover on alternate days. Your muscles may be sore the day after exercising and this is due to lactic acid buildup. Resting for a day or two allows the lactic acid to dissipate and the muscle to recover.

How to benefit from sharing workbooks in Excel

Shared workbooks are a great feature of Microsoft Excel. You should set up ‘shared workbooks’ if the participation of many people is required to complete a project. This feature allows you to collaborate with other members of your team quickly and easily. In short, a shared workbook is set up to allow multiple users on a network to edit it simultaneously. In fact, the computer can view the data at the same time. For example, the boss may need to know the status of a project. Many times, if the same group is working on multiple projects, they may also need to know the status of each other’s progress.

How do you set up the shared workbook? One person on the team can create a template or standard workbook where data from different people can be entered based on their expertise. In a tour operator scenario, one person will enter airfare, another will arrange accommodation, and yet another will finalize local sightseeing in a taxi or bus. Once the workbook has been properly formatted, the workbook is saved to a shared folder on the network that is then available to everyone working on the project.

Since some Excel features can be used or viewed but not changed once the workbook is shared, the workbook author must ensure that features such as data validation, charts, conditional formatting, merged cells, hyperlinks, scenarios, pivot table reports, worksheet protection, and macros are carefully built in and configured before sharing is implemented.

Now for the cool thing: if two users edit the same cell in a shared workbook worksheet, a conflict resolution window appears and you can decide which changes you want to accept. Also, every time a team member saves the shared workbook, she gets an update notice. She can also highlight or track changes automatically.

As you can see, you work on a shared workbook just like you would any workbook with the main benefit that the shared workbook improves team productivity by using your experience on a project and you can see who is working on it. workbook at any time. of time.

Omega 3 helps to gain weight naturally – How does Omega 3 help to gain weight?

With more emphasis on losing weight, it’s easy to forget about people who are underweight or too skinny. Just as being overweight can put you at risk for various health problems, so can being underweight. We tell you how fats like Omega 3 help to gain weight in a natural and healthy way.

Fats must form a significant part of your diet if you want to gain weight. This doesn’t mean you start eating junk or greasy food; you need to consume the right kind of fats to ensure a healthy body.

Saturated or trans fats that are present in processed foods and oily things are very bad for your heart. They add to the fat content in your body, but they also increase cholesterol levels which can lead to cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, keep your saturated fat intake low.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the correct type of fat your body requires. They play a fundamental role in building muscle and help in the growth of lean muscles. Omega 3 fats can help you gain weight naturally and also keep hormone production in check.

You need omega 3 fats for the effective functioning of every cell in your body. Omega 3 fatty acids help in the transmission and storage of vitamins in our muscles. They also help in the digestion process and reduce insulin sensitivity. This helps the body convert protein into muscle fat instead of accumulating body fat.

Now that we know these fats can help you gain weight, we need to learn about the dietary sources of these essential fatty acids.

The richest dietary source of Omega 3 fatty acids are fatty cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and hoki. Fish is a rich source of EPA and DHA, the two most essential omega 3 fats.

There are certain vegetarian sources as well. These include green leafy vegetables, walnuts, hemp seeds, flaxseed oil, and canola oil. However, vegetarian sources are not considered very effective when it comes to health benefits.

This is because plant sources of omega 3 are rich in ALA fats that must be converted to EPA and DHA before they can be used by the body. While the body mechanism in healthy people is capable of this conversion, for the elderly and underweight this becomes difficult.

We now know why doctors recommend fish oils for underweight people. The EPA and DHA fats present in fish oil help balance the rate of metabolism in the body and allow for proper absorption of nutrients.

Underweight people require a large amount of omega 3 to help them gain weight. One such omega 3-rich supplement is fish oil extracted from hoki fish. Hoki is a cold-water species found in the oceans south of New Zealand. Hoki has naturally high levels of DHA and EPA.

Coming from ocean waters that have high levels of toxins, fish oils contain some of these toxins and contaminants. To ensure you’re getting a pure product, buy only molecularly distilled fish oils.

Molecular distillation is a refining process manufacturers use to remove all impurities from fish oils and make them safe for regular consumption. Regular consumption of pharmaceutical grade molecularly distilled fish oils will help you gain proper weight and provide many more health benefits.

Lose Weight With 2 Foods That Cost Just 88 Cents

If you have no idea about your diet, I am going to give you 2 cheap foods that are almost guaranteed to lose weight… if you eat them every day. So if you can afford a whopping 88 cents a day and have an open mind, I’ll make you lose pounds in 4 days.

These 2 foods come in a can… and they’re healthy for you. Most canned things are not healthy for you. Anyway, I have a 4 day challenge for you. It is very simple and it will prove to you that you will lose weight by eating these 2 foods every day. Here is the challenge.

Go to Wal-Mart or wherever you get your food. I’ll use Wal-Mart as an example because that’s where I get my food. Now go down the hall that has beans. Are we good so far? Great. Now collect 4 cans of “Great Value” Black Beans and 4 cans of “Great Value” Black Peas. They cost 44 cents a can. You will eat 1 can of each over the next 4 days. I’ll give you 4 reasons why these 2 foods are great for weight loss.

The first reason is because they are high in fiber. A can of black beans contains 25 grams of fiber. That’s the recommended amount each person should have in a day…and that’s in just 1 can of black beans. How cool is that!

Most Americans are lucky to get 12 grams of fiber a day. To be clear…a high fiber intake almost forces you to lose weight. That’s pretty common knowledge these days. The can of black peas contains 17.5 grams of fiber. So between them, you’ll get more than 40 grams of fiber a day. Perfect!

The second reason they are great for weight loss is because they are high in protein. A can of black beans has 25 grams of protein. The can of black peas has 35 grams of protein. 60 total grams. More than half of what you need each day.

By now, you should know that high protein, low carb diets work for weight loss. Sometimes it’s hard to stick with them long term, but I’m not asking you to stick strictly to a high protein, low carb diet. All I’m doing with these 2 foods is pointing you in the right direction.

The third reason why black peas and black beans are great for weight loss is because they are low in carbs and calories. If you look at the back of the cans, you’ll see that each serving has 19 to 20 grams of carbs. But most of them are fiber, so you don’t need to count those grams. You’ll end up with a “net” of 12 to 15 carbs per serving. But take this. There are 0 grams of sugar in those “net” carbs. So you’re sitting pretty.

Now the calories…the labels on these cans are misleading. But in reality they are deceptive for your benefit. The labels actually count calories from fiber. You don’t have to count them as they are not digested.

So a whole can of black beans will only count as 285 calories. The can of blackeye peas has only 385 calories. With all that protein and fiber, you won’t be very hungry after eating. These 2 foods will help eliminate your snacking and “crowd out” the bad calories from other foods that you will naturally eat less of now.

The fourth reason is that they are easy to cook. Put them in a small pot and cook for less than 5 minutes. Ready. They are ready. Just strain the water. Quick and easy. Just what I like. Now here is a simple diet plan to follow.

For breakfast, eat 1/2 can of black beans with 2-3 scrambled eggs. If needed for taste, use a touch of sour cream or barbecue sauce (if you don’t particularly like the taste of black beans). But remember, not too much. Just one touch.

At lunch, have a salad with basically any vegetable you like. Add 1 can of water packed tuna and then throw 1 can of blackeye peas in there. Mix it up and enjoy. For dinner, have a lean meat and the leftover 1/2 can of black beans.

It’s as simple as that to lose weight. Seriously, it is. Try it for 4 days. In 4 days you will have proof that it works.