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Hydro-Fit hand buoy training

And more advanced water fitness enthusiasts will love how hand buoys challenge their entire body and cardiovascular system. If you’re interested in starting a training program with Hydro-Fit hand buoys, check out the step-by-step guide and exercises below.


Use the Hydro-Fit hand buoys to warm up for your cardio and strength training routine. Start with a knee-high jog. In deep water, hold a hand buoy with both hands in front of your body at the surface of the water. Quickly bring one knee to the buoy and return it to the ground. Do the same with the other knee and repeat alternating legs for one minute. For a slightly more advanced move, speed up the warm-up set by performing a knee-high jog with the buoy held underwater at your side for strength and stability.


Hand buoys are great for getting your heart rate up and burning off unwanted fat and extra inches. A good example of a cardiovascular exercise is the Tuck Jump. Place a Hydro-Fit hand buoy between your legs in chest deep water. Once your lower half is stabilized underwater, jump up and bring your knees to your chest as you would in a tuck jump. Hold the spot for a second and then bring your feet back to the bottom of the pool. Or try Butt Kicks in the water while spinning the buoy around your waist. In waist-deep water, kick your legs back in a jogging motion and kick up and back like you’re trying to kick your butt. As you work your lower body, hold the hand buoy at the surface and swing it around your waist for a full-body cardio workout.


The toning exercise options with the Hydro-Fit hand buoys seem endless. To easily tone your core, stand in chest-deep water, submerge a hand buoy underwater, and hold it at your belly button. From here, move from side to side to really work your inner and outer abs. Work your legs by performing a Mogul Ski exercise. Put a buoy between your legs and stand in water up to your chest. While holding the buoy, jump from side to side, like a ski tycoon. This will help tone and shape the muscles in your lower body. And of course hand buoys are great for strengthening your upper body. Try to find various ways to push and pull the buoy while it is submerged. Its natural buoyancy will continuously work against the muscles in your arms, shoulders, back and chest to produce a great upper body workout.


Flexibility exercises can be done at the end of your workout to help stretch and lengthen your muscles. Try passing the hand buoy behind your back, changing it from hand to hand. Or see if you can submerge the buoy enough to pass between your legs, from hand to hand, in a figure 8 motion. Both of these exercises will help improve your overall flexibility and allow you to cool down after a hard session in the pool.

As you can see, there are several ways to get cardio and strength training with the simple Hydro-Fit hand buoys. Follow any of the exercises above, or create your own creative ways to train. You really can’t go wrong with these versatile training tools!

How to understand nutrition labels

Having a hard time understanding all those difficult terms on Nutrition Facts labels? Fear not because you are not alone. Saturated fats, trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, caboxymethylcellulose, sodium hexametaphosphate, maltodextrin… it’s all too much to digest. We want to help you understand the foods you’re eating so you can tell if you’re eating healthy or not.

People look at Nutrition Facts labels for different reasons. Whatever the reason, it’s always a good idea to know what you’re putting into your body. Before you jump into the ingredients, take the time to read the Nutrition Facts label. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know about Nutrition Facts labels.

Portion size: Start by looking at the serving size, which is the exact measure that all calories, fat, sugar, or sodium belong to. If the serving size is a cup, for example, all amounts apply to that measurement. The 150 calories in that one-cup serving doubles if you eat 2 servings. Most likely, a package, bag, or bottle of something is not a serving size.

calories: The next, and often foremost, thing that people look at is calories. Calorie count translates to the amount of energy you’ll get from a serving of that food. Many Americans consume too many calories as a result of portion distortion. The calorie section of each nutrition label can help people count calories if they are trying to lose weight. In the average American diet, the standard daily caloric intake is 1,800 to 2,200 calories for adult women and 2,000 to 2,500 calories for adult men. These are average estimates that vary based on physical activity and health conditions. Remember: If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to eat between 1,200 and 1,500 calories per day.

Sodium: The average American eats too much salt. Your maximum daily sodium intake should not exceed 2,300 mg (about 1 teaspoon). If you are over 40 or have high blood pressure, it is recommended that you consume 1,500 mg of sodium per day or less. It’s best to avoid as much salt as possible, as excessive salt intake can lead to heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or atherosclerosis. If you add salt to your food, there are natural salts that are better for you than regular table salt.

fats: There are good fats and bad fats. Fats that are not saturated are acceptable to consume, in adequate amounts, of course. You want to put something back on the shelf if it contains saturated or trans fat. These two can lead to increased LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and decreased HDL (good) cholesterol levels. When looking for fats on a Nutrition Facts label, be sure to check the ingredient list as well. Due to a labeling loophole, companies can list 0.5 g of trans fat per serving, even if the product says it’s fat-free. How to review: Check the ingredients to see if there is any hydrogenated oil. If there are any, the product has some trans fat.

Sugars: Sugars go by many names, so check the ingredient list for names like galactose, dextrose, fructose, or glucose. There are also added sugars or sweeteners like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup, which should be avoided. Natural sweeteners like stevia or organic agave are best. Sugars can be in foods unlikely to add flavor. They can be in unhealthy cereals or salad dressings. So watch out for hidden sugars.

carbohydrates: Sugars, fiber, and refined carbohydrates (avoid them) all fall under the umbrella of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a great source of energy if you choose the right ones to eat. Complex carbohydrates, often found in whole grains or fruits and vegetables, are much better than refined carbohydrates. By incorporating fibrous fruits and vegetables into your diet, you can help improve digestion, increase energy levels, and you’ll eat less because you’ll feel fuller.

Vitamins and minerals: Most Americans don’t get enough vitamins A and C. Keep an eye out for these and make sure you get your daily dose. You can also eat fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure, if not exceed, your daily requirement for most of the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for proper health. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron are excellent minerals, some of which are found primarily in avocados, dark green leafy vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, or bananas, among many other foods. You can also take herbal supplements to get the vitamins and minerals you need.

Ingredients: Ingredients are on the label for a reason, and they’re small for a reason, too! Many people overlook the ingredients, some of which can be harmful to health. The most prominent ingredients in the food are listed first. If the ingredient is too difficult to pronounce, we recommend that you stay away from it. Look for short ingredient lists that have ingredients that are easy to understand.

This is a lot to take in, but I hope it has helped you understand Nutrition Facts labels a little better. If you have any questions about what is best to consume/avoid for your health, feel free to email or call us. We are here to help.

Advantages of Sonamasuri Hand Pounded Rice

Go on a diet? Does this mean to stop eating your favorite food, rice? If yes, read on to discover a healthy way to keep rice in your diet. The answer lies in going traditional. Eat what was eaten for thousands of years before machines were invented. Substitute Sona Masuri’s pale hand-pounded rice for the ubiquitous polished rice. Eat rice that has all the nutrients intact. Eat hand-milled rice, just like our ancestors ate it.

Hand-polished rice is hand-picked so that only the tough outer protective layer, the husk, is removed. It is edible and contains all the nutrients nature intended. It is pounded by hand with a mortar and pestle and winnowed to produce a pale, off-white rice. This type of whole grain is a complex carbohydrate and has a slightly nutty flavor. It is full of fiber and may take longer to cook. However, with pressure cookers at hand; It’s an easy task to turn hand-pounded rice into a nutritious and palatable food instantly.

Benefits of consuming Sona Masuri hand-pounded rice:

• With a low glycemic index, it takes a long time to digest, making you feel fuller for longer, which helps keep hunger at bay.

• The presence of fiber helps digestion

• Protein is rapidly absorbed and easily assimilated

• Contains essential nutrients such as Manganese, Tryptophan among others

• Selenium in hand-pounded rice reduces risk of colon cancer

• The presence of amino acids helps reduce fatty liver

• Reduces cholesterol and accelerates fat burning making you slimmer

• Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

• Avoid spikes in sugar levels. It can also be consumed by people with diabetes.

• The presence of vitamin E makes it an anti-aging agent

• Helps regulate blood pressure

• Insoluble fibers help prevent the formation of gallstones

As you plan your diet, combine Sona Masuri with your favorite dal to make a healthy meal. Organically grown without adulteration can do wonders for your health. Produced and cultivated by natural methods, Sona Masuri is rich in protein, vitamin B and vitamin E, and iron along with various minerals.

A diet consisting of hand-crushed white cake will keep you physically and mentally healthy. Interestingly, Ayurveda suggests many rice-based diet plans that are used to treat various imbalances in the body. Eating the right amount of natural, hand-pounded foods with your favorite side dish is a meal that’s easily digestible and provides you with essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein. As you continue on your diet, you will notice a change in your body that makes you more active.

While this is an introduction to the benefits of hand-pounded rice when included in your diet, we’d also like to hear from you about how organic hand-pounded rice has helped you. Any interesting recipes that have improved the flavor and been appreciated are welcome to be shared.

Splendid water cooler dispensers that make life even easier

Today, advances in technology have made life even easier with the introduction of cold water dispensers on the market for public consumption. A water dispenser, as the term denotes, dispenses water easily.

For optimal convenience, there is a water dispensing machine that is a water cooler and hot water boiler in one. This means the need to refill a pitcher of water to chill in the fridge is eliminated. Whenever cold sparkling water is needed, it is available at any time of the day.

Boiling water in the kettle to make coffee or tea is also a thing of the past. Any food that requires boiling water for quick and easy preparation now takes less than half the time to consume.

It is a great relief to give up the hassle of boiling water using a kettle. Such a practice is known to be a safety hazard, especially when children are present. Burns, electrical accidents and damage to furniture are common occurrences. Fortunately, today they are greatly minimized with the introduction of water dispensers. Of course, with children around, parents should teach them to exercise due caution when handling any equipment to avoid any unexpected incidents.

Pure water is still a possibility

A science fiction film that dramatizes the tragic effects of climate change ends with the recurrence of the Ice Age. It represents the way nature acts to rid the world of all its toxicities.

Reality says that the purity of the air we breathe has been manipulated for a long time, largely thanks to the advent of technology. The industrialization of nations resulted in progress through global trade. However, the alarming side effect usually called contamination began to take hold. It has worsened and given rise to life and health threatening circumstances including airborne illnesses.

Babies and young children are the most prone to the devastating effects of pollutants in the environment. Recovering patients are also subject to infection risks when they come into contact with air and water contaminants. Older people who are in their twilight are just as easily susceptible to any disease and the most likely to succumb to the most feared reality of all, namely death.

Health awareness was awakened and people started looking for products and measures that promote overall health and wellness. Any product that claims to be nutritious and is backed by popular endorsements and positive consumer reviews wins more customers.

People also realized that waterborne diseases are all the rage. Tap water that undergoes the chlorination process has aroused people’s mistrust due to its chemical content in the form of chlorine, no matter how small.

Parents, as much as possible, want to provide the safest, cleanest water possible for their children. The general public also shares the same desire and hopes for its realization.

Water technology improves over time

Science has answered the call for cleaner, safer and healthier water that the consuming public has long been waiting for. Purified water is being introduced and boasts of nearly perfect water, free from impurities including bacteria and other dangerous contaminants.

Today, there are well-respected companies that have put a lot of research into creating technologically advanced water dispensing machines. These types of equipment are available in stunning designs that are very convenient for you to use. There are models that can be adapted to specific locations, such as homes, offices, stores, hospitals, factories and school teachers’ rooms.

What is even more important is the fact that the water dispensed, whether hot or cold, is the healthiest and safest drinking water available. Surprisingly, it also tastes great.

Water dispensers are great energy savers and make life even easier. That is the true essence of science.

Water cooler dispensers are great time and energy savers. Its invention and introduction to the consumer market remarkably coincide with the high demands of a modern lifestyle.

Water dispenser designs include a model that is a water cooler and at the same time has a second dispenser for hot boiling water. Water technology has never been more convenient and the water dispensed is healthy, safe and pure for a truly delicious drink.

Weightlifting For Women – Get Those Sexy Curves!

If you are a woman who wants to change your body, you NEED to lift weights

Weightlifting has long been the preferred method among men to build lean muscle mass, help burn extra calories, and change their bodies from flabby and smooth to chiseled and toned, but for whatever reason, women have often avoided weights and have focused primarily on cardiovascular exercises. exercise.

While cardio is effective for burning calories and reducing body fat (which is very important for building muscle definition), it doesn’t help build lean muscle mass. In fact, most steady-state cardiovascular exercise is actually very catabolic. In other words, it promotes muscle breakdown. This is why many people who do a lot of constant cardio find it very difficult to get the muscle definition they want. People often think of this as looking “slim” but not “fit”.

So how do you tone, define and look fit? You add resistance training to your exercise regimen! There are many myths about lifting weights, especially related to women, so the rest of this article will talk about some of these misconceptions and what you need to do to change your body.

Misconception #1: Women will get big and bulky by lifting weights

When it comes to lifting weights, the goal is to build lean muscle mass to increase muscle definition. While resistance training burns calories, especially if you use supersets, compound sets, and Tri-Sets (more on that later), its primary function is to challenge the muscles in your body enough to make them grow.

The process of muscle growth (also known as hypertrophy) is complicated, but one of the main hormonal factors is testosterone. Testosterone is a big part of the reason weightlifting affects men so much more than women. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200 to 1200 ng/dl, while in women 15 to 70 ng/dl are normal. This difference is why women simply can’t bulk up in the same way as men, no matter how they train. Even in men with the highest testosterone levels, it still takes years of intense, strict training and precise dieting to achieve the muscle mass seen in many male bodybuilders. Considering that, when it comes to women with average testosterone levels, there is literally no chance of them getting anywhere near that size.

You may have seen bodybuilders on TV or in magazines with big, bulky muscles. These women are likely taking some type of testosterone or anabolic steroid. Side effects of these medications can be seen relatively easily and include deepening of the voice, redistribution of fat storage to a male pattern, hair on the face and chest, among others.

Truth #1 – Women will see better muscle definition when lifting weights

Women won’t see the same bulking effects as men with weightlifting, however, that doesn’t mean they won’t see increases in strength and muscle definition. In fact, the BEST way to get that fit and toned look is to lift weights, more specifically, HEAVY weights.

There are numerous research studies showing that women who lift heavily during compound multi-joint exercises show impressive improvements in muscle definition and strength, in addition to many other health benefits, such as increased bone density and reduced risks of metabolic syndrome . In other words, if you want more curves, lower the 5lb dumbbell, stop working over 20 reps, and start lifting weights. Here are some excerpts that talk about this:

“In a June 2013 study published in the journal Diabetes, both men and women became more sensitive to insulin after 12 weeks of resistance training, which lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.”

“In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, women who lifted more weight with fewer reps burned nearly twice as many calories over the two hours after training than when they lifted more reps with a lighter weight.”

“The University of Alabama study found that women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep abdominal fat) than those who only did cardio. This not only helps lose belly fat and look better in a bikini, but also reduces the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and some types of cancer.

What qualifies as “heavy” weight? In general, any exercise that you can’t do more than 12 reps of is a good place to start. As you build muscle and get more comfortable with the weight, you can also start mixing in heavier weight with 4-8 reps.

What are the best exercises to develop those curves?

Developing a fit-looking physique requires a combination of resistance training, calorie burning, and nutrition. When it comes to going from fluffy and soft to lean and defined, male or female doesn’t make a difference. He should be doing a lot of heavy weight multi-joint compound exercises. As always, form is the number one priority, especially as he lifts more and more weight. The sloppier his form, the less effective any exercise will be and the higher his risk of injury.

Resistance training takes many forms, including machines, dumbbells, barbells, and many others. To stimulate change as quickly as possible, you want to stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible. This is done by incorporating those multi-joint exercises we talked about earlier. Here are some of the must-have compound exercises that will help build that lean muscle mass:

dead weight

The deadlift is a full-body exercise that works a ton of muscles, including lats, traps, quads, glutes, hamstrings, abs, and more. You can lift a lot of weight safely by deadlifting, so it’s a great exercise for recruiting muscle fibers and building lean muscle mass. Deadlifts are essential for a well-developed body.


Do you want nice, toned legs and firm buttocks? So you need to be doing squats. Squats, more specifically barbell squats, are probably the best exercise for overall leg development. They target the entire upper leg, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. They also effectively strengthen the lower back. If you’re skipping squats, then you’re missing out on some serious muscle definition.

chest press

The chest press is another great compound exercise that works many muscles in your upper body, including your chest, triceps, and deltoids. It also works the core. The chest press is a key exercise for building good upper body strength.


Pull Ups are one of the most important exercises for building strength. They also work the lats, rear delts, and biceps to give your upper back and arms some serious definition. If bodyweight pull-ups are still not possible, try an assisted pull-up machine or use bands under your feet to help.


Like squats, lunges are another quality compound exercise that will take your legs and glutes from soft to toned and firm. Lunges can be done with body weight at first and with heavier weight as you go.

A guide to cardio training

Every person who wants to achieve weight loss wants a cardiovascular program that will help them achieve this goal. After undertaking this program for a while, it is common for each person to wonder if the training is really effective in reaching their goals. If you think your cardio program isn’t as effective as you’d like, it’s time to make some adjustments and take the necessary steps to achieve your weight loss goals. There is no doubt that cardiovascular exercises are one of the best methods to help burn fat from your body. However, most people have no idea what is included in this type of training program.

The vast amount of information available on the World Wide Web can be confusing and make it more difficult for you to find the right training. Unlike in the past when aerobic training was effective cardio training, it should be your last option today unless you’re training to become a professional cross country runner. Therefore, if you want to see effective weight loss and burn more calories, it is important to adopt a high-intensity training regimen to witness real gains from cardio training programs. Adopting these exercises will help you burn two to three times more calories in less time. Anaerobic cardio exercises are beneficial for building leaner muscle mass, which cannot be achieved with aerobic exercises. Building muscle mass is the best way to combat the accumulation of body fat.

For long term benefits, muscle building is vital and this is something that can never be achieved with simple aerobic exercises. Therefore, if you continue with an aerobic regimen, you may be discouraged to learn that the possibility of gaining back all the fat you lost is very likely. This is because such regimens do not provide the stable muscle structure required to defend your body against fat deposits. This is why for anyone serious about losing weight and getting rid of fat, adopting high-intensity cardio training is absolutely vital.

At this point, you probably want to know how to develop your own cardio regimen to achieve your weight loss goal. For beginners, sprinting is one of the most effective and simple cardio exercises out there. Sprint training programs are an excellent method of developing an effective and reliable foundation for adopting more difficult workouts at a later stage. After completing conventional sprint training, you can increase the intensity by including endurance sprint, interval sprint, and hill sprint programs.

In addition to speed training, people can adopt many other high-intensity cardio methods to achieve their desired weight loss. Some of these regimens include polymeric bodyweight circuit systems, agility training, and kills. All of these exercise routines are beneficial in building muscle mass while burning extra fat from your body. Clearly, if you want to achieve real, permanent weight loss, it’s recommended to start your own cardio training program and see positive results faster.

Outdoor Training – Martial Arts Training Outside the Box

WHAT! Is there no boxing in martial arts?

We already have enough boxes. I only ask that you take your physical training outside.

When I focus on a healthy diet, I usually tell students to focus on making 70-80% of their meals healthy and then give themselves 20-30% freedom to indulge. I think you could use the same strategy to train outdoors. This is, of course, if you are not currently in an outdoor training program. Although it can be difficult to spend 70% of the day outdoors, for die-hard boxers, you can reverse the strategy and get 30% of the day, week, month or year: OUTDOORS. The quick fix is ​​to attend one of our camps if your year is full of boxes.

Most martial artists train indoors in a dojo (training room) type environment. I, too, have spent many years enjoying the benefits of a well-equipped martial arts box. However, let’s think about the reality that we already have enough boxes taking control of our lives as is:

The fact is that if you lead a normal life, you migrate from one type of box to another. It’s part of how we prefer to manage our comfort level. When you go to Starbucks, you like the fact that this particular box has what you’re looking for. The same goes for going to the movies, the mall, a hotel, or even a martial arts school. We are traveling from one empty box to another. What is in that box determines its value and level of importance in our now traditionally trained materialistic lives.

My point is that we already have enough boxes in our lives that we could achieve more of a balance (while adding a few years to her life) if we had a few places to visit that were outside of the boxes. Also, since this is a martial arts website, we are going to talk about getting your kicks out there.

You will probably spend some time outdoors if you travel from one box to another. However, this will not be enough time for you to really benefit from an outdoor training experience. It can be helpful if you fully understand the main benefits of training outdoors:

Fresh air comparison

You are more than the skin that shapes your face. Inside that shell, you have more than a trillion cells that require oxygen. The healthier the cells (the parts of you) are, the stronger and healthier you are as a whole. This is the perfect synergy and the fundamental philosophy of the Winjitsu Mental Martial Art System. Parts combined together result in a stronger whole. Consider your finger (apart from the hand) compared to the fist (combined fingers).

We need oxygen to survive, but we also need a new supply of oxygen. If you lock yourself in a box with no new air coming in, you would die from lack of oxygen (and overconsumption of carbon dioxide). Therefore, common sense would say that the bigger your box, the safer you will be. Now consider removing the box completely and it will provide the body with more oxygen. So training outdoors is amazing for your health.

Each of your cells needs fresh air to survive. So, in truth, if you don’t take your fresh air seriously, you’re killing parts of yourself. The math is simple: healthy cells = healthy body.

Now a cell is very much like a box. So let’s say, healthy boxes = healthy bodies. Also, before I mix metaphors and confuse you, remember that this article is about removing the box entirely.

What can you do to have a healthier box? You can take one step closer to being outside. For example, does your training center have windows and are they open? Does your training center have airflow? You need an open window/door on one side of the room and the other.

When you breathe, you are cleansing the body. Clean air in, toxins out. However, if you are breathing old used air, this process is less effective. As if you were going to feed your body old, stale, nutrient-depleted food. Your cells also need to get adequate air.

When you exhale, you release carbon dioxide and other waste. So if you’re in a room sharing oxygen with other people, you’re basically breathing in all this crap over and over again. Breathing old air will not provide your cells with enough oxygen to function at an optimal level.

The more consistent the airflow, the better. Your body, brain, and cells will function at a higher level when given fresh air. So, you can see how important this is for your martial arts education and training. When you train outdoors, you’re maximizing the overall benefits of the experience.

Exercise activates your circulation and floods your body with oxygen; That’s why it’s so important to do any long-term training outdoors (and one of the reasons I founded long-term martial arts training camps in Thailand and California). Are you spending more time in the gym on a treadmill killing your cells when you could be running outside in the park near the trees, by a lake, or across a river?

Outer space and why we need it

If fresh air isn’t enough to get you outside, consider the abundant amount of space an outdoor workout spot can provide. Most of our martial arts classes make use of a large park. Space is key for Martial Science students as we like to have space for sparring and weapons training. Put 30 people in a heavily staffed room and you begin to understand the limitations of even a large dojo.

With a park setting, you have the best martial arts training center one could ask for. You have grass, which is a perfect natural martial arts training mat. Of course, you have plenty of fresh air without the risk of sharing old oxygen. You get an almost unlimited amount of space. You have room to run and warm up or play games that would be a challenge to do in a dojo. We play a sport called “Grapple Ball” that works better with more space.

When we were kids, we played outside a lot, but as we get older, we are conditioned to spend more time inside or in a box. Everything from computer cases to televisions. The typical life of an adult is simply moving from one box to another; sleep in the bed box, take a shower in a box, drive to work in a box, sit in a box behind a box inside an even bigger box, go to dinner in a box, come home from the big box to sit a box in front of the visual box. Rinse and repeat.

Sure, the above changes a bit as we challenge the system: we fly in a single box, we call our friends with a cool new box, and I’m writing this article in a small multibox.

Face it: we love our boxes and we’re not getting rid of them any time soon. In any case, we will probably add more. I really want to go to the book box today and sit on a movie box eating a snack from a junk box.

However, I will balance it all out with a year full of offbeat adventures and martial arts training camps and I invite you to do the same.

What can you do after passing the GED test?

Time to celebrate! You have passed the GED test! She has now legitimately proven that she has the academic skills and knowledge of a high school graduate. The GED credential you have earned is actually worth the same as a high school diploma. What are you going to do after you pass the GED test? Here are some of your options:

  • Keep studying. If you passed the GED test with flying colors, you’ll be qualified to study at an accredited college or university. Most colleges and universities in the US accept GED recipients. However, for some schools, you may need more than a passing grade to be admitted. A GED diploma may not be enough for these institutions. Some colleges will require you to have taken other standardized tests like the ACT or SAT as well. Add to that the possible entrance exams, the essay and the interview that you have to undergo. That is why it is advisable that you take practice tests to hone your skills and become proficient in taking tests. Even if you think your abilities and skills are enough, don’t be too complacent.
  • Submit a job application. You can apply for a higher paying job after passing the GED test. According to Business Insider, there are high-paying jobs available for GED certificate holders, such as power line installers, subway operators, media crew workers, postal administrators, detectives, and business operations specialists, among others. Each of these jobs can earn you a minimum annual salary of $61,000.
  • Qualify for a promotion. If you have been working at the same company for some time, let your employer know that you have passed the GED test. Let them know about your long-term plans to stay and that you aspire to a higher position in the company. Tell your boss about your intention and ability to contribute to the growth of his business. Display an exemplary work ethic and a good attitude in your job and volunteer to perform additional tasks to gain the attention of management.
  • Write down your life goals. Passing the GED test gives you great recognition. It is a significant achievement. After succeeding in this feat, you are now in a better position to reflect on your life goals. What are the compromises you want to accomplish next? See larger image. Outside of your career, how do you want your finances, health, and relationships to improve? Take into account the ones that are important to you and write what you want to achieve. Create a step-by-step plan that will guide you on how to succeed in your goals.

Doors of opportunity await you as a GED diploma holder. Your GED certificate is the key to these portals of better academic, professional and personal achievement. You can take pride in passing the GED test because it boosts your self-esteem, makes you more motivated, and makes you feel good about yourself.

Lose Weight Naturally – Quick and Easy Tips You Can Follow

Are you among those many people who struggle to lose weight? According to a recent survey, there are millions of people around the world who are fighting obesity to become fitter and healthier, but they are doing it in an unhealthy way. Losing weight in an unhealthy way has many downsides, and that’s why it’s not recommended by medical experts and even fitness instructors. If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to do it naturally; here are some tips you can follow that will make you burn fat and calories without putting your health at risk:

exercise regularly

Exercising daily is definitely one of the best ways to lose weight. But always remember that you shouldn’t get involved in strenuous exercise right away, especially if you’re still new to it. Your routine should slowly progress from easy to difficult, and it will take several months to change your exercise routine to a more difficult one. Also, make sure you exercise daily for a couple of hours to burn fat and calories in your body.

choose healthy foods

Unhealthy foods (junk food, canned goods, processed foods, etc.) are among the culprits in people gaining weight. This is why you should always be selective when it comes to the foods you eat. Vegetables, fruits, a controlled amount of carbohydrates, plus other essential vitamins for your body to function properly (eg, protein, zinc, iron, manganese): all of these should be served on your plate every day, but in a balanced way. controlled. By simply exercising and choosing healthy foods, experts already guarantee that you will lose weight in 2 weeks.

drink healthy drinks

Drinking detox juices and infused water is also another way to lose weight naturally. In addition to helping you become fitter and healthier, these healthy drinks help flush out harmful toxins in your body while keeping you hydrated throughout the day. When detox juices and infused water were first introduced to the market, people had a hard time making them, but today, you can easily buy an infused water bottle that allows you to blend fruits and herbs into your drink. effortless. You can check out many infused water recipes on health and fitness blogs on the internet.

cut the sugar

Reducing your sugar intake is also another effective way to get in shape. Try to avoid eating chocolates, candies, sweet desserts and carbonated drinks for 1 month, and you will see the result instantly. Foods with a lot of sugar will not only make you put on extra pounds, they will also cause you to get diabetes, so as soon as now, just avoid them. And if you find it quite difficult to do this, you can always eat sweet foods, but make sure you do it in moderation.

Start losing weight now naturally!

Does Garcinia Cambogia still work for weight loss in 2021?

As of this writing, it’s the first week of January 2021. And as we all know, it’s the time of year when everyone makes New Year’s resolutions to try and become the best version of themselves.

Do you want to know one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions?

If you guess “weight loss”, then you are definitely right.

But here’s the thing, losing weight is an uphill climb for most people. In fact, MANY people struggle to lose weight and are always looking for an edge and this is where an effective fat burner like Garcinia Cambogia comes into play.

Garcinia Cambogia is actually a supplement that is made from a fruit of the same name. The fruit itself has been around for centuries and is used in dishes such as curries and soups in India and some Asian countries. However, it was in 2012 when a famous doctor referred to Garcinia cambogia as the holy grail of weight loss that its popularity began to skyrocket. However, 8 years later, things are a bit different.

So does Garcinia Cambogia extract still work for weight loss in 2021?

To answer that question, we must first know why Garcinia works. Has anything changed?

Well, Garcinia Cambogia extract contains an active ingredient known as Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA for short. This is the main ingredient that gives Garcinia Cambogia its weight loss properties. Scientists have discovered that HCA can help people lose weight in three main ways. Is it so:

1. HCA helps suppress appetite

As long as you take Garcinia Cambogia at the recommended dosage, you can expect to feel full faster and for longer periods after eating. As a result, you will eat less on a daily basis, which will lead to an overall caloric deficit, which is the main requirement for weight loss.

2. HCA acts as a fat blocker

Whenever you eat a lot of carbohydrates (carbs), unless you are very active, most of those carbohydrates will be converted to fat by an enzyme known as citrus lyase and stored. However, HCA has been shown to inhibit the action of this enzyme, allowing you to use the carbohydrates you eat as an immediate source of energy.

In the long term, you’ll find that you gain less weight because you’re actively using carbohydrates for energy instead of storing them as fat.

Keep in mind, however, that in this case Garcinia Cambogia will be more beneficial for a person who tends to eat a lot of carbohydrates on a daily basis. For people following a low carb diet such as the ketogenic diet, Garcinia will not benefit in this case.

3. Garcinia cambogia increases serotonin levels

The #1 leading cause of weight gain is overeating. There’s just no way to say this nicely. If we eat too much, the excess food will turn into fat and be stored. It’s just a biological process. And do you know one of the main causes of overeating?

If you answered eating emotionally, you are correct!

But here’s the good news. Garcinia Cambogia has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain. And without getting into too much scientific jargon, serotonin is a form of neurotransmitter that increases mood to feel good. Simply put, the higher your serotonin levels, the less likely you are to feel depressed and indulge in emotional eating.

This could be said to be a win-win. You feel good more often while getting closer to your weight loss goal.

So, let’s wrap up and answer the question: Does Garcinia Cambogia still work?

And the short answer is yes.

Although several years have passed since the product appeared on the scene, it is still one of the best-selling “fat burners” on the market. HCA is a proven ingredient to combat weight loss and even other products have started incorporating HCA as a main ingredient.

However, there is a caveat. You see, there are many brands on the market, some of which are not worth the ground you walk on. Therefore, you must be very careful to do proper research before choosing a brand to go with.