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Category Archive : Health Fitness

Why Whole Foods can help your child avoid childhood obesity

You’ve heard it before: you are what you eat. And while this is just a statement, it is surprisingly true. What we feed our children will impact them for the rest of their lives. If we feed our children healthy food, they will grow up to be healthy. However, if we feed our children fatty foods, they will become obese. If your child is on the path to childhood obesity, start changing the way he eats now! A whole foods diet can help your child avoid childhood obesity. To find out how, keep reading this article. Throughout the article, we will discuss the many ways a whole food diet can keep your child at a healthy weight and in a healthy state.

If we want to know how a whole food diet can help prevent childhood obesity, we must first understand what factors contribute to weight gain. Let’s talk about some of these factors, starting with calories.

As we all know, when we are on a diet, we are supposed to count our calories. This is because if we eat too many calories, they will be converted to fat. How? Our body uses calories to create energy. But when we consume too many calories, the excess calories that aren’t used for energy are turned into fat, causing us to gain weight.

Carbs are another thing we want to avoid if we’re trying to lose weight. Just like calories, carbohydrates are also used to fuel the body with energy. When overeating, the body is unable to convert all carbohydrates into energy, and the remaining carbohydrates are converted into calories, again causing us to gain weight.

Finally, if we want to avoid weight gain, we should also avoid eating fatty foods, especially those that are high in saturated and trans fats. High-fat foods cause a redistribution of fatty tissue in the abdomen, leading to increased body weight. This redistribution occurs even if we are monitoring our calorie intake!

So, if we want to control obesity, we should avoid foods that are high in calories, carbohydrates, and fats, but are there any foods that we should eat that contribute to weight loss? Yes! Foods that are rich in fiber are the best foods to choose for weight loss solutions. Fiber is a component of food that helps with weight loss because when it enters the stomach, it expands. This expansion makes us feel fuller, faster, and longer, allowing us to eat less and therefore take in fewer calories.

What foods are high in fiber as well as low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat? Whole-grain foods! Whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, contain all the vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy body, while also containing fiber to help you lose weight. The best part? Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are low in calories, carbs, and fat, so you can eat as many as you want without dealing with the consequences!

Start learning more about how a whole foods diet can help your child today and send your child on a healthy path to adulthood!

Eating pistachios helps increase testosterone and cholesterol

I’m sure you wouldn’t believe this if I didn’t come out of a great university like Penn State, but it’s true. To the researchers’ surprise, the low-fat diet had no effect on LDL cholesterol levels.

Most “health” organizations and associations reap the benefits of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. But, as we’ve seen in other research, the healthiest diet of all is a high-fat, low-carb eating plan, which actually increases testosterone, growth hormone, and other “vital hormones.”

The participants spent the first two weeks of the study eating the typical American diet. After this, they spent a month on a low-fat diet without pistachios. The following month, they followed a healthy diet that included a daily serving of pistachios. And in the last month of the study they continued their healthy eating habits, but this time they ate two servings of pistachios a day. All diets provided the same amount of saturated fat and cholesterol, but different amounts of unsaturated fat provided by pistachios.

The results showed that the participants’ LDL cholesterol levels fell when they ate pistachios. LDL cholesterol was reduced by 9% during the month the participants ate one serving of walnuts and by 12% in the month they ate two daily servings. The drop in cholesterol levels wasn’t enough to put the participants’ LDL cholesterol in the optimal range, but it was enough to move them out of the borderline-high category.

This is just another piece of research showing that low-fat, high-carb diets are actually less beneficial to your heart health than a high-fat, low-carb diet.

Remember to stick to whole natural foods, get plenty of protein and fat from animal sources, avoid processed carbohydrates that spike insulin and increase the rate at which you age and feel old.

How and when to take whey protein

Whey protein is a byproduct of the cheese production process. Whey is a “complete protein,” meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids needed for bone, organ, and muscle repair. Whey comes with many benefits including:


Decreased triglycerides

Help in the treatment of cancer

It plays a vital role in increasing muscle mass.

Increase your power in sports

Increase the functioning of the immune system.

Decreased recovery and symptoms associated with overtraining

Lower total cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels

Reduce symptoms of HIV

When to use serum

You should use protein when looking to reap the benefits that come with it. You can use it as a snack at work or when you exercise. By eating it as a snack you should slow down its digestion so that you can feel full for a long time. You can do this by taking it as a smoothie where you combine it with some nuts or fish oil. When taken while exercising, it should be taken 30-60 minutes after exercising.

How to use serum

How you use the serum depends on what you are looking to achieve. If you are looking to lose weight you must make a great smoothie. Here you should mix the protein powder, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and a mixture that can be milk or water. You can also take the nutrients before and after you exercise. When you take nutrients before you exercise, you should drink them 30 minutes before you start exercising.

According to experts, when you take protein before you start exercising, you prevent your muscles from breaking down. It is also recommended to eat them after exercising so that your body can recover easily. Experts have also shown that consuming the nutrients immediately after training increases protein synthesis and, in the process, strengthens muscles.

For ideal results when using protein, you need to consider the type of protein you are using. There are mainly three types of these nutrients on the market that you can choose from: there are isolated, native and hydrolyzed. Isolate protein is usually processed to remove lactose and fat. Because of this, protein contains bioactive compounds that improve health. The protein content by weight is usually 90% or higher.

Hydrolyzed protein, on the other hand, is usually predigested and partially hydrolyzed. This makes it easier for your body to digest it. Native protein is the purest form as it is extracted directly from skimmed milk, not obtained as a by-product of the cheese making process. The protein is characterized by being low in fat, bioactive compounds and lactose.

Whey protein is great, but you have to be careful when using it. Studies show that it often leads to digestive problems like fatigue, headaches, cramps, gas, and bloating. You should avoid taking too much protein as you risk damaging your kidneys.

How many calories do you burn swimming?

The number of calories you burn swimming depends on your stroke, effort, speed, distance, duration, gender, weight and ability. Since most people swim with a combination of strokes at various intensities, it’s difficult to calculate the exact number of calories.

For example, a 150-pound athlete burns about 272 calories swimming 1,500 yards in 30 minutes; swimming butterfly for 30 minutes burns 38 percent more calories, breaststroke burns 25 percent more and breaststroke 12 percent less. Compare that to a 120-pound athlete burning just 218 calories swimming the same 1,500-yard workout (60 lengths in a 25-yard pool).

Generally, the faster an athlete swims, the more calories they burn in an hour. For example, if the 150-pound swimmer above swims one more length per minute, he burns 102 more calories in the same 30-minute period, but it works out to be almost half a calorie LESS per length. This anomaly occurs because it swims more efficiently.

The following table lists the approximate calories burned per hour for a person weighing 150 pounds:

Swim moderate effort 272 calories
Swimming ocean, river, lake 408 calories
Swim without lap, leisure 408 calories
Swim span, moderate to light effort 476 calories
Backstroke 476 calories
Swim crawl/freestyle, 50 yards per minute 544 calories
Side Stroke Swimming 544 Calories
Synchronized swimming 544 calories
Fast swim, vigorous effort 680 calories
Swimming breaststroke 680 calories
Swimming butterfly 748 calories
Front crawl/freestyle swim, vigorous effort, fast 748 calories

Your weight affects the number of calories burned, and heavier people spend more than lighter people doing the same exercise. For example, a 100-pound person burns 1/3 fewer calories, so multiply the numbers above by 0.7; a 200 pound person burns 1/3 more so multiply by 1.3.

Because most people can’t do the butterfly continuously, the front crawl or freestyle is the most effective swimming stroke, burning between 540 and 750 calories per hour.

Inexplicably, elite swimmers have an average of 5% more body fat than their running counterparts, even though they burn the same and sometimes even more calories with their high-intensity interval training than the more consistent pace of distance running.

It’s also interesting that women, regardless of their skill level and weight, typically use fewer calories per mile than men due to their higher body fat percentage. They stay afloat naturally without having to burn calories doing so.

Swimming non-stop for half an hour is realistic for a beginner, but push yourself for an hour. Vary your strokes. For example, warm up by doing 4 lengths of freestyle, 4 lengths of breaststroke, then get your heart rate up by swimming 4-6 lengths of freestyle at a faster pace. When you feel tired or out of breath, switch to breaststroke or backstroke or even skateboard, and when you catch your breath, go back to freestyle.

If you can, incorporate butterfly. Flip rotates too; they ensure continuous training without the need to pause between lengths.

If swimming appeals to you, but you’re not strong enough to swim for an hour, consider wearing fins along with the kickboard in front of you. Because your head is out of the water at all times, breathing is not a problem; while your legs and buttocks get a fabulous workout.

Despite being surrounded by water, you sweat when you swim. Be sure to prevent dehydration by drinking water before and after your session, even if you’re not thirsty.

Swimming is an excellent aerobic exercise, using a large number of muscle groups and burning as many calories per hour as running or cycling at the same intensity. Increase your heart rate throughout, you breathe harder and work your whole body.

Swimming strengthens the heart muscles, thus improving oxygen supply to all parts of the body, improves physique, flexibility, endurance and balance. If you do other exercise, swimming serves as an excellent cross trainer, lengthening and strengthening your muscles.

Mentally it relaxes you and frees you from tensions; socially you can enjoy it with friends and family to develop a spirit of competitive camaraderie.

Swimming doesn’t put stress on connective tissue or joints, so it’s safe for the overweight, the elderly, people with lower back and leg problems, and those whose joints can’t handle it. high impact sports. Since water supports the body, swimming is recommended as a rehabilitation exercise.

Ideal for pregnant women, swimming strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, allowing them to better carry their extra weight. High blood pressure, joint stiffness, and discomfort commonly associated with pregnancy can be relieved by gentle exercise in the water, although you may want to check with your doctor beforehand.

Whether you splash around burning 400 calories per hour, or spend 748 calories per hour perfecting your butterfly stroke for tough competition, swimming burns calories. In fact, whatever sport you enjoy is the one that will burn the most calories in the long run.

Understanding Male Psychology: Why Ignoring Your Ex-Boyfriend Works

You’ve heard the same advice over and over since the breakup. You are supposed to ignore your ex boyfriend if you want to get him back. At first glance it makes no sense at all. How can ignoring a man make him decide that he wants you back? The opposite seems much more likely, doesn’t it? Inwardly, you feel like right now would be the perfect time to pick up the phone and call your ex boyfriend and suggest that they try to work things out. But everyone is yelling at you not to do that. You are confused, you feel hopeless and you worry that you are going to make a mistake that will cost you the man you love. Before you do anything, you need a short and concise lesson in male psychology. There is a very good reason why you should pay attention to those who tell you to forget your ex boyfriend’s phone number, address, and place of work.

Right now you are not in control of your failed relationship

After a breakup, the individual pursuing their former partner is not in control of the future of the relationship. As women, we often wish we could live our lives in the pages of a romance novel. We imagine that moment when our ex-boyfriend picks up the phone to tell us that he can’t live another day without us. The problem is that, in reality, that is not likely to happen if he is chasing you non-stop. Your actions really do speak louder than your words on this stage and your actions are screaming a message that loudly declares, “I’m desperate and I don’t care who knows.”

He is in full control of what happens next. If he chooses to ignore you, he instinctively knows that you are going to step up your efforts and go after him even more. Basically, you’re telling him that the more he ignores you, the harder you’ll try. His life revolves around him and that feeds his ego. Most men in this position don’t rush to give their ex girlfriend the time of day because they want to see how far she will go in an effort to win him back.

You must change the dynamics of the relationship so that you are the one in control of the future. The best way to do this is to change your own behavior. In fact, you’ll be surprised how quickly he’ll decide he loves you when he suddenly thinks you don’t love him anymore.

Ignoring your ex boyfriend involves more than not responding to his text messages

One mistake many women make when changing the relationship before they start no contact with their ex-boyfriend is telling him of their intentions in such a way that he realizes it’s little more than a game. If you announce to your ex boyfriend that you are no longer talking to him and you do it while you are too emotional, he will see it as a ploy to win him back. His competitive spirit will go into overdrive and go his own way to ignore you. Before you know it, weeks or months will have passed and you will both be too stubborn to communicate and connect with each other.

You’re much better off letting yourself fall off the face of the earth. The best advice you can follow is to decide at one point (now is good) that you are not going to talk or try to get back together with your ex boyfriend for at least a month. Don’t let anyone know you’re doing this, as mutual friends love to gossip and your ex boyfriend will realize once again that you’re using no contact as a tool to remind him how much he needs you.

Over the next month, do your best to shift your focus to something positive and nurturing. It’s very tempting to sit back and wallow in memories of when the two of you were together, but that won’t accomplish anything productive for you. This should be a month where you rediscover who you are, as a woman, and get in touch with what you want from life.

Redefine what your life goals are as you distance yourself from your ex

A couple of pleasant surprises await you when you begin the journey of ignoring your ex boyfriend. First of all, you will be surprised how he responds. Usually, a man will want a woman who doesn’t want him anymore. Once her ex-boyfriend realizes that he has stopped her endless search to win back her love and devotion, he sets out to win her heart back. It’s amazing how that works. Men are known for wanting things in life that are beyond their reach. When one of those things becomes an ex-girlfriend, a man will put her charm into overdrive in an effort to win her back. Basically, if you take away from him the knowledge that you love him, he will start to question who you love. Once that happens, he’ll come running back to you with all his might, trying to get you to explain what’s changed.

The other, more welcome, benefit of ignoring your ex boyfriend is that you can finally decide, in an emotionally ordered way, if getting back together is really something you want or need. Things look and feel very different a month after the breakup. Your emotions are settled, your future is less defined and you are open to a whole range of possibilities.

Giving yourself a chance to take a break from your ex boyfriend is one of the best gifts you can receive. You will finally be able to decide what is best for you and if meeting him is really the best way to make all your romantic dreams come true.

Should you trust the scale?

It may come as a surprise to many people when they are told that the scale has caused more people to abandon their weight loss journey than any other problem. Weight loss is a mental game and not a physical one.

Contrary to popular belief, most people are motivated enough to start exercising and eating better in hopes of losing weight. All these efforts are carried out in the hope of seeing the numbers fall in the balance.

But what if the numbers don’t change?

They then become disappointed and feel that their efforts are in vain. Some people make the monumental mistake of weighing themselves daily hoping to see weight loss.

By doing this, they are getting on an emotional roller coaster ride that wreaks havoc on their mental game. On a day when they see a drop in numbers, they are ecstatic. On a day when the numbers go up a bit, they hate their lives and feel like quitting.

Don’t trust the scale
The truth of the matter is that a scale NEVER gives the whole picture. She may have lost a pound today and the next day find it back. What you think is a pound of fat could just be the body retaining water that day.

Your body weight fluctuates all the time due to a variety of factors. Ideally, you should only weigh yourself once a week, and even then, you should take your numbers with a grain of salt.

If you’re training hard and doing weight training, your body could gain 2 pounds of muscle over 3 weeks while losing around 5 pounds of fat. However, on the scale, he will only show a 3 pound drop.

You’ll feel down because after all your hard work, all you’ve lost is a measly 3 pounds. What you don’t realize is that you lost 5 pounds of fat and gained muscle, and that’s fantastic.

If you judge your progress based on the numbers on the scale, you won’t have the full picture.

Patience is a virtue
Beyond that, during the first 30 days, your body is still adjusting to exercise and diet. It will take time for the weight to come off. Obsessing over numbers will put unnecessary pressure on you to see quick results.

No hurry. You are trying to make a lifestyle change and not just a weight change. Give yourself at least 90 days to stick with the plan. 90 days of caloric deficit, clean diet and a regular training program.

You will be surprised how you look after 90 days. Depending on your weight, you may be thin and looking good by then. If he were morbidly obese, he would have lost a great deal of weight and would look and feel much better.

Look towards the future
You may still be overweight, but that’s okay. You’ve made a lot of progress. Give yourself another 90 days to lose the rest. Continue until you reach your goal weight.

The scale should only act as a general mileage marker on your trip. It shouldn’t decide if you stay the course or not. You don’t even need a scale.

As long as you eat right and burn more calories than you take in, weight loss is inevitable if you continue. Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself. Stay on the road.

Choose whole grains instead of refined grains

A whole grain is a grain that consists of all of the original components that were present when it was grown in the field. Refined grains, on the other hand, have had some of the components removed to give them a better texture and longer shelf life.

These refined grains are used more frequently and find their way into our diets more often. However, recent studies indicate that it may be better to skip refined grains altogether, in favor of whole-grain alternatives.

parts of a grain

The grain begins its life as the seed of a plant. It consists of an edible seed surrounded by an inedible shell that protects it from the dangers of nature. The core itself is made up of three parts:

* Bran is the outer skin of the grain. It contains a lot of dietary fiber and B vitamins, as well as protein and starch.

* The germ is the part of the grain that is the embryo of the seed. It is rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, as well as fat and protein.

* The remaining part, the endosperm, is the part of the seed that provides energy to the germ. It increases safe storage times, but has little else to offer when it comes to nutrition.

refined grains

When it comes to refined grains, the bran and germ have been mechanically removed. The main reason for this is to make them last longer before breaking down. Neither component is particularly strong, so removing them creates a product that will stay on shelves much longer. Refined grains also have a finer texture, which some people prefer.

Many of the grain’s health benefits are removed during the refining process. With no germ or bran, grains do nothing more than provide us with energy. Studies show that sticking with whole grains can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Another type of grain available in the market is the enriched grain. Various nutrients, such as iron and riboflavin, have been added to these grains to restore some of the nutritional value lost during the refining process. While enriched grains are healthier than other refined grains, they are not as beneficial as their whole grain alternatives.

Looking for ways to add more whole grains to your diet? The next time you go shopping, consider choosing whole-grain bread, rice, and pasta over the enriched or refined alternative.

When shopping for whole-grain products, it’s important to check the nutrition facts panel and review the ingredients. Even if the label says multigrain or something similar, it may not be made with whole grains.

Always make sure “whole wheat” or “whole grain” is among the first items listed in the ingredient list. That way, you can be completely sure that these products will provide you with the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy diet. There really is no better time to add the versatility of grains to your menu!

Budget Tips for Eating Healthy After Weight Loss Surgery

After gastric bypass, gastric banding, or gastric sleeve weight loss surgery, we know that we must follow a healthy, high-protein diet to lose weight and maintain weight loss. In these tough economic times, it’s natural to worry about the cost of a specialized diet. Follow these helpful tips to maintain your weight loss surgery diet without breaking the bank. By going the extra mile when planning, shopping, and preparing meals, it’s easy to save money and follow a nutritional program to benefit our health today and in the future.

  • Make a weekly dinner menu. Focus on protein dishes that can be repurposed as lunches. Side dishes should be fresh vegetables and fruits in season or frozen vegetables that require minimal preparation.
  • Plan two or three “routine” breakfast selections. Most WLS patients have a lower tolerance for food upon waking and eventually find a few things that consistently settle well in their stomach pouch first thing in the morning. Keep these routine picks on hand at all times to avoid starting the day with a bag of bad moods.
  • Follow the weekly grocery sale announcements and take advantage of special offers and coupons. Use grocery store loyalty cards for extra savings. Avoid sales of processed simple carbohydrates (junk food) because these foods are called “slippery foods” and often cause weight gain in WLS patients. Remember, a slider food for sale is still a slider food.
  • Buy items that can be used in multiple recipes and for different foods, such as canned beans, eggs, and quick-frozen poultry and fish parts. Stock up on sale items and repackage bulk purchases for individual meals or individual servings and freeze to avoid waste.
  • When shopping, follow the “protein first” rule and select protein first. Look for fresh lean beef, pork and lamb in the meat department. Add poultry and fish from the meat department or frozen meats section. Buy low-fat dairy protein and select low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, as well as eggs. Add plant-based protein to your diet with canned beans, dried beans and vegetables, and tofu products.
  • Take advantage of locally grown produce available seasonally at roadside stalls and farmers’ markets. For an exercise bonus, gather your produce from “pick-your-own” farms and orchards to save money and burn calories.
  • Eliminate expensive beverages from your diet in favor of filtered tap water. It’s less expensive and better for the environment. Flavor the water with a few drops of fresh lemon or fresh ginger. Add frozen berries for a refreshing treat. Make sun tea from tea bags instead of buying manufactured tea drinks. You will get a purer drink and save money too.
  • Prepare your meals at home instead of eating out. You can control ingredients and avoid things that interfere with your healthy dietary goals after weight loss surgery.
  • Leverage their expertise each week to become a health and budget savvy shopper so you can enjoy a healthy life after surgical weight loss.

Build muscle fast by activating your high-threshold motor units

Okay, you’re probably muttering to yourself right now… “What the heck are high-threshold motor units?” Well, they are your best friends if you are looking to build muscle, strength, and power quickly. Your muscle fibers work together in groups or units to perform movements. Like an army platoon, these groups of muscle fibers are packed into tight formations to perform their functions. High-threshold motor units (HTMUs) are the strongest muscle fiber groups in your body. They lie waiting to be used for only the most difficult muscular tasks.

But here’s the rub… Many weightlifters and muscle-building enthusiasts don’t engage these motor units correctly, if at all. They go to the gym or work out at home, rarely pushing themselves at the level of intensity necessary to recruit these high-threshold muscle fibers. Or, if they do engage them, they do so randomly without the consistency or planning necessary to build real strength and size.

Remember that… coherence and planning. For muscles to grow, they must be repeatedly challenged by the same training stimulus for a specified period of time until adaptation is achieved. Consistency and following a long-term plan for your training is key… Not jumping from one workout routine to another like most people do. So make the training regimen I describe below a part of your yearly plan.

How to exploit your HTMUs to increase your strength and size in the shortest amount of time… Lift for several weeks with max weights for all your multi-joint exercises like barbell squats, deadlifts, barbell bench press, shoulder press with barbell, lat pulldown, incline barbell row, etc. The best time for this training is to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Make sure you don’t train more than two days in a row. For this type of training, it’s best to do a split between your upper and lower body.

If you split upper and lower body, try to split AM/PM on the SAME DAY. For example, on Monday morning you could do a 30-minute upper body workout. Then in the late afternoon or early evening, do the lower body exercises. If you can’t fit that split into your schedule, just do 3 intense sessions a week, alternating upper and lower body sessions. Be sure to alternate between doing two upper body sessions (and 1 lower body) one week, and the following week doing two lower body sessions and one upper body session. This will ensure that you are exercising your upper and lower body equally during each two-week period. You can also do the upper body and lower body split workouts above on Monday (upper body), Tuesday (lower body), Wednesday (rest), Thursday (upper body), and Friday (lower body).

Loads, sets, reps and rest periods… Start with 80% of your 1-rep max in week 1, then use 85% of your 1-rep max in week 2 and finally in week 3, use 90% (or more). ) of your one-rep max. Do 4-5 sets of each lift, resting 3 minutes between sets. For this type of training you need a complete rest between sets. Regarding reps, you should do about 8-10 reps for 80% of your 1 Rep Max; 5-7 reps for 85% of your 1 Rep Max; and 3-5 reps with 90%+ of your 1 Rep Max.

Each week, you’ll be engaging more of your high-threshold motor units as the weight increases, and your body responds by recruiting more fibers and thickening existing ones to handle the loads. In less than a week, you will notice a definite increase in strength. For example, for her third workout (Friday), the weight used on Monday should “feel” lighter than when she lifted it on Monday.

This is your body’s adaptive response that becomes more efficient by lifting a specific weight for a specific exercise. Over the next few weeks you will see your strength increase again and your muscle mass will also increase due to your increases in strength. Keep in mind that gains in muscle mass lag behind gains in strength. So once you have increased strength, it will take a while for muscle mass to develop.

After this 3-week cycle, do everything again, except this time, use dumbbells for all of your lifts except the squat. This will really test your high threshold fibers because they will be forced to stabilize heavy weights more than you do when using a barbell. Don’t be surprised if you make some personal bests on your big lifts like the squat and bench press. Of course, this strategy assumes that you are eating well and getting enough rest and sleep. If not, your hard work will be in vain and you will gain nothing except muscle pain and a lot of disappointment.

The benefits of activating your high-threshold motor units… Scientific research and lifters doing this type of training have shown that you can increase your strength in a matter of days and your mass in weeks…not months! And with increases in strength come increases in muscle fiber thickness and muscle fiber number, both of which make you bigger and stronger.

Strength and size are closely related to each other, although the relationship is not 1 to 1 (meaning that for some strength increases, you won’t have a corresponding size increase). These gains can only occur if you engage your HTMUs in a methodical and consistent manner. Don’t do this type of training without a good plan or you could end up doing more harm than good. After 6 weeks of this type of training, you can take a break, 5-7 days, to let your body fully recover and grow, grow, grow!

6 common mistakes when doing gymnastics

1) Have an “All or Nothing” mentality

“Without pain there is no gain”

“Give him ALL you’ve got”

“Feel the Burn”

“If you’re not sore, you’re not working hard enough”

“110% effort all the time”

Some of you may make good progress with this mindset, and some of you may need to think this way to break through plateaus or make it to the gym. But if you constantly live by these quotes, or something similar, you’re likely to stall with your lifts, your weight loss/muscle building progress, or just hate lifting weights (because most people don’t like being heavy). sore 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) .

This doesn’t mean you should never press hard. There will be days when you have to give 110% in the gym. But I am mainly referring to those who leave the gym and are not able to sit down, climb stairs or raise an arm without pain and discomfort after each session. You know who you are.

It is possible to burn out very quickly if your goal is to go all out in every gym session.

You must find a balance for yourself, physically and mentally, when you go to the gym. Some days may be your “all or nothing days” while others may be a day to work out and not kill yourself.

2) Thinking you need to be in the gym every day (or you need to do cardio every day)

You don’t need to be in the gym 7 days a week to reach your desired fitness goals.

Most people get great results with just 3 days in the gym (as long as they put in the necessary work). However, if you like to be in the gym 7 days a week and it’s not a problem for you, go 7 days a week. It’s just that sometimes people force themselves into the gym when they know for a fact that they don’t want to be there because they’re too tired from all the other gym days, which will only create an unhealthy habit. Or maybe they just don’t have time, but keep telling themselves they “need” to go to the gym, which will continue to stress them out because they missed that extra day they “planned” to go. .

As for cardio, if you do it every day for fun, keep doing it. However, if you have created this thought that the more cardio you do in a week, the better and faster the results you will get, you will be disappointed. Very disappointed. Not just because you’re spending a ton of time doing cardio and you hate every second of it, but because cardio isn’t the best option for fat loss. You’d be better off using that time to design a better diet that suits your lifestyle and fitness goal while using a combination of weightlifting and conditioning instead of cardio to cut down on the time you spend in the gym and improve your workouts. results.

Also, our bodies are pretty amazing at adapting to stressors (cardio, weight lifting, etc.). So if you do cardio continuously for long periods of time, several times a week, you will adapt and become more efficient.

What does that mean?

Well, if you started out doing 50 minutes of regular, steady cardio burning 200 calories (this isn’t exact, just an example), your body will get “better” at doing cardio and you’ll burn fewer calories for the same amount of cardio. This is pretty annoying because your goal is to burn calories, right? So you will have to do more to burn than you used to. When using a conditioning weightlifting program, there are multiple ways to change the stressor (increase weight, reps, sets, decrease rest, etc.) so that the body doesn’t adapt and become so “energetically efficient” when compared to regular low-intensity cardio.

3) Being afraid of gaining muscle or getting “too big”

Increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass is what everyone praises. They just don’t know.

This creates what some call, “toned, curvy, lean, etc…”.

To increase muscle mass, you must lift weights. You should also increase the amount of work you do over time.

You can increase the work by increasing the weights you’re lifting, increasing the total number of reps you’re doing (increasing the reps per set or keeping the same reps and increasing the number of sets), or a combination of both.


3 sets of 10 with 100 pounds

We can increase the amount of work we are doing with these 3 options (colored in red):

3 x 10 with 105 pounds = 3,150 pounds

3×12 with 100 pounds = 3600 pounds

4 x 10 with 100 pounds = 4,000 pounds

If the goal is to build more muscle, I would personally choose the 4×10 option due to more overall reps and work being done. However, if you’re short on time, I’d suggest options 1 or 2.

By increasing the total work you can do (we refer to this as “volume” = weight in pounds in the example above), you’ll expend more energy (calories). You will also expend more calories at rest with more muscle mass compared to if you had less muscle mass.

More calories will be expended to fuel more muscle mass and do more work. You will be able to consume a higher number of calories while dieting for fat loss compared to someone who is not lifting weights or doing a good amount of work. Would you complain about eating more while bending over?

“Getting Too Big”

First of all, you need to seriously engage in training, programming and diet in order to grow. Most gym goers generally don’t have the desire to put in the amount of mental and physical work to get “too big.” But then again, everyone has their own idea of ​​what “too big” is.

So I’ll just say this:

If you think you’re getting “too big,” all you have to do is drop out of the gym a little or eat a little less. You’re not going to get stuck with huge muscles.

4) Do exercises to lose fat in specific areas

You want your abs to show.

You want your lower arm to not be so flabby.

You want your love handles to disappear.

You want definition in your thighs.

“We get it, you want to peek out.”

Doing crunches will not show your abs.

Doing triceps extensions will not reduce sagging under the arms. (It’s a mix of your triceps muscle hanging down with a bit of fat covering it, so it will never go away completely)

Wrapping a waist trainer will not reduce fat around your love handles. (But it will temporarily make you look slimmer)

Leg extensions will not define your thighs. (We will because you will build quad muscles)

You cannot target certain areas of the body to lose fat mass unless you have liposuction. Please don’t go down that road.

I need you to get creative for a second and imagine fat as a single giant cell surrounding your body (this is just an example). There are certain areas of the human body that store more fat than others. For example, we tend to store more fat in our midsection compared to our calves. So there may be 1 inch of fat in the calves but 2-3 inches of fat in the midsection. When we lose fat, that single fat cell gets a little smaller. You can’t target where it gets smaller, it just gets smaller everywhere. So now you can have ½ inch of fat in your calves but 2 inches of fat still in your midsection.

YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. So it’s best to keep doing what you’re doing when you hit the gym and stop worrying about targeting specific body parts for fat loss.

5) Expect results without paying attention to diet

Most people think that going to the gym is enough to get the desired results.

Some people will find that they CAN get away with it and not have to worry about what or how much they eat.

Most other people will find that they CANNOT get away with it and fight back. They will try to do more in the gym, and often end up thinking that since they did more, they also deserve more “rewards” (food, ice cream, wine, you know what I mean). This causes them to consume more calories than they were already consuming and prevents any kind of fat loss (if that was your original goal). Then they keep fighting or think “nothing works” and give up.

Don’t be that person. My advice when starting in the gym:

Spend your first 2-4 weeks making a habit of going to the gym. It can be 2, 3 or 4 days a week, as long as you are realistic with your lifestyle and don’t create any issues with your schedule.

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of sticking to a regular gym schedule that doesn’t affect your lifestyle, spend some time educating yourself on the science of fat loss.

Once you understand how fat loss happens, you can look at different diet methods that suit your lifestyle.

* Please note that this is not a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change. If you are going to try a diet “temporarily”, you will only get temporary results. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, you need to understand the process of how fat loss works and create a change in your eating habits to fit your goal and lifestyle.

*Try not to take the gym and diet at the same time. This will stress and overwhelm him very quickly.

6) Not having a gym plan

Lastly, having a gym plan makes all the difference in the world. Have you ever gone to the gym, warmed up on a treadmill, and then wondered, “so what should I work on today?” So maybe you hit some arms, some ab machines, then stretch and voila.

What are you doing next session? What weight did you use on the ab machine in the last session? How many reps were you able to do?

Sure, this can be fun for a while and I definitely don’t expect a newcomer to jump right into an exercise program. But having a program will give you direction and give you something to improve on. Tracking his workouts, sets, reps, and weight will show you the progress he’s made over time. It will also give you an idea of ​​the areas you’d like to focus on (such as increasing your squat or deadlift) and help you better plan your next lifting session. You don’t have to follow a super complex schedule or record every little move you make. But keeping track of workouts here and there and going to the gym with a plan will help you a lot more than going to the gym without a plan.


– You don’t have to kill yourself every session. But don’t be a fag and don’t force yourself.

– It is not necessary to force more days of gym to obtain good results. But if you enjoy it and it’s not affecting you mentally or physically and it’s not ruining your lifestyle, then do 4, 5, 6 or 7 sessions a week.

– Don’t be afraid of muscles.

– YOU CANNOT choose where you want to lose fat. So stop trying to target specific body parts with a fancy workout you saw on Instagram and start focusing on getting stronger and getting more work done.

– Some of you can get good results just by going to the gym with no change in diet. Most of you will need a plan for both the gym and the kitchen. Don’t expect crazy results if you’re not doing the necessary work.

– Having a training plan will give you better results VS not having a training plan. So plan.