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Category Archive : Health Fitness

The Little Emperor – Part 3 – The Role of Television and Junk Food

Why is childhood obesity on the rise?

If we look at the end-of-the-year photographs of our school days, chances are that only two or three children in a class of forty children look overweight or obese. But if you do the same thing with your child’s class, chances are the number will be double or even triple that number. This is because our children are exposed to the two scourges of modern life: junk food and television.


Due to the hours of television children watch and their involvement in the program they watch, it plays an important role in their lives in more ways than one. The hours of television are considered to be directly proportional to the levels of childhood obesity. The reasons for this are-

  1. Hours of ‘couch time’ are reducing the level of physical activity and this includes games played on mobile phones, computers and other on-screen activities.
  2. Eating in front of the television is common and leads to eating too much or too little without thinking about the content of the plate and the taste of the food.
  3. The content of television advertisements also influences food choices. Children from 2 to 6 years old cannot distinguish between programming and advertising. Consequently, they choose food based on the advertisements they see on television. These ads are very often for non-nutritious, high-calorie snacks.

There are extreme cases where morbidly obese children have become so addicted to watching TV that they have soiled their pants instead of going to the bathroom and missing their favorite show.


1.) The products featured in TV commercials are high-calorie snacks and non-nutritious beverages, often with misleading information. A catchy jingle, a favorite cartoon character in the ad, a free gift all result in children being conditioned to reach for these foods in the supermarket or refrigerator, even when given a choice between different foods.

2.) Obesity levels are higher in children who watch more than two hours of television per day. For every hour of television, food consumption increases by almost 50 kcal/day (a third of the calories needed to be obese).

3.) On average, kids and teens spend 30-50 hours each year watching ads for unhealthy foods. Those who suffer the most are children between the ages of 7 and 12, who are at a crucial moment in their lives in terms of eating habits and eating patterns that will mark the rest of their lives.

In our country, the lack of regulation of advertising content implies that parents and teachers play a fundamental role in guiding the correct decisions in this matter.

JUNK FOOD – A curse of modern life

A study of 4,000 Scottish children conducted by the University of London showed that children raised on a diet of junk food compared to freshly cooked food had significantly lower IQs. This study also showed that the effect of junk food on IQ occurred at the age of three, as peak brain growth occurs at this age. Therefore, all parents, including those with children of normal weight, should be careful about junk food.

Researchers have found that junk food produces an addiction similar to that seen in heroin and cocaine addicts. The consumption of these foods releases a chemical substance (neurotransmitter) called ‘dopamine’ that is associated with the production of a sensation of pleasure. The affected person soon gets so hooked on this pleasurable feeling that he continues to eat these foods. Soon, the sight, thought, and memory of these foods will create a craving similar to that of addicts, producing behavior that results in repeated purchase and consumption of these foods.

Interestingly, this phenomenon is observed not only in obese people, but also in fit people who have obese parents.

Modern parenting is fraught with more challenges than our previous generations (who never had to deal with junk food or watch TV) had to deal with. Television is an integral part of our lives and will continue to be. But the hours and content of our children’s viewing can be changed. Junk food is unhealthy and addictive. So how often we let our children eat junk food is also an issue that families need to discuss together. But the fact is that overseeing the decisions we let children make affects their futures in more ways than one.

Using Process Goals to Improve Your Exercise Program

One of the most important steps you can take when developing your exercise regimen is to set SMART goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. They are a great way to create a foundation for a successful long-term exercise program. However, when it comes to the goal setting process, I have an additional suggestion. Begin with process goals instead of Go out goals. You are probably most familiar with outcome goals, which focus on specific achievements. For example, “lose 10 pounds in the next 8 weeks” is an outcome goal. So is “running a 20-minute 5K road race at the end of the season.” Other examples of outcome goals include “reduce my body fat percentage by 10% in the next 6 months” and “reduce my LDL cholesterol by 20 points in the next year.”

Clearly, performance targets are very important. When they are written using the SMART criteria, they can give you a useful goal. However, in my experience, when people fail to reach their results goals (which is common because many of us set unattainable goals), they become demoralized and abandon their exercise regimen. The goals of the process focus more on the implementation of your exercise program. For example, a good process goal would be to “exercise 4 times this week for at least 30 minutes per workout.” You have more control over achieving this goal and it will help you get into the habit of exercising. Some additional examples of effective process goals include the following:

* Walk 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

* Find an exercise partner in the next 3 weeks.

* Buy a fitness journal and log my workouts daily.

* Run a total of 15 miles a week for the next 4 weeks.

* Fix my old bike and ride it twice a week for the next two months.

* Bike 40 miles a week for the next 4 weeks.

* Swim 3 days a week for 30 minutes each workout.

* Measure my daily caloric intake and record it in my exercise diary for 14 days.

* Complete a physical fitness assessment within the next 30 days.

Process goals like these provide a very effective means of starting a training program. I am not suggesting that you avoid outcome goals. They play an important role and can be very useful, especially for experienced athletes and competitive athletes. I simply suggest that you also incorporate various process goals.

How to start a vegan diet, without losing your mind

Thinking of starting a vegan diet but don’t know where to start? A vegan diet means you don’t eat animal products: meat, dairy, fish, and even eggs.

However, for many people, the thought of cutting out all dairy and meat can definitely be overwhelming, especially if you like to eat out and aren’t a whiz in the kitchen.

One option that works for many people is to start gradually. The following 8 tips will make the transition easier and smoother, so you’re more likely to stick with the change:

1. Start by eliminating red meat

The first step has to be quite easy. And for many people that starts with cutting out the red meat (we’re not as attached to it as we are to our cheese, it seems).

Start by eliminating all pork, beef, lamb, and other red meat from your diet. Still allow yourself white meats like fish, chicken, and shellfish.

You can also start trying meatless versions of bacon and other meats that you can find at your local supermarket or health food store, just to see which versions you like. When you start to feel comfortable not eating red meat, you can move on to the next stage.

2. Chop the chicken

Eliminate the chicken, but still include shellfish and fish like tuna, salmon, shrimp, etc.

You can also start trying to make some vegan meal recipes (you can find many online, and many times they are also reviewed by other vegans, so you can find the ones that REALLY taste good).

3. Eliminate shellfish and fish

At this point, you are practically in the vegetarian stage. Congratulations! Now is the time to cut out the shellfish and fish, but keep trying other meat alternatives like soy-based patties, etc.

Your protein will also come from vegetables like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans. There are also whole grains, vegetarian ground beef, vegetarian empanadas, some other meatless products like vegan bacon.

4. Say goodbye to cheese

Well, this could be the most painful part for many of us. We love our cheese. But there are cheese alternatives like rice cheese and tofu. You’ll have to experiment here to find what kind of cheese works for you.

For example, I can’t stand tofu, but there is a rice-based cheese I can buy at my grocery store that is fantastic, it even melts like real cheese!

5. Eliminate the eggs

This can also be a bit of a challenge, mainly because eggs are used in so many baked goods and recipes.

But there are plenty of egg alternatives that you can use to bake your treats. Some people use mixtures of gelatin and water (which is fine for recipes that use less than 3 eggs).

Other options include applesauce and egg replacement powders which can often be found at many specialty health food stores.

6. Eliminate cream and butter

Again, this can be a challenge as cream is often used in coffee, and butter is often used in recipes for baked goods.

But the good news is that there are excellent vegan alternatives. Coconut oil is a great replacement for butter in recipes (it’s basically a 1:1 replacement ratio). You can also use olive oil if you are cooking dinners like stir fry dishes.

And for cream, there are great alternatives to non-dairy cream like soy milk, coconut milk (very thick and creamy), or even coconut butter.

Look around your grocery store, as there are specially formulated non-dairy creamer options in the health food section. (Sometimes regular coconut milk or almond milk separates in your coffee – these creamers I will not do it separately in your coffee).

7. Let go of milk

This may seem difficult, but you have a LOT of options here, so it’s really not that bad (in fact, I found cheese much more difficult!).

Vegan alternatives to milk include rice milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and nut milks such as almond or cashew milk.

You can also use these milks for baking or cooking, eat them with your cereal, or you can just drink them from a glass.

8. Find the best vegan recipes and restaurants

Good news: you are now completely vegan. But you still have to live your life without being chained to your kitchen.

And you need to maintain a social life, which means eating out!

Now is the time to start finding more recipes you love (so you can make them up and keep them on hand all week). I usually pick a day like Sunday and prepare all my food for the week, freezing the meals that will be used towards the end of the week.

Also, start researching what you can drink at restaurants. Depending on your area, you may be able to find a vegan restaurant or cafe.

Not sure what you can eat at a certain restaurant? Most places have their menus online so you can look up what’s on the menu. You can also call ahead and ask what they might have that you can eat. Many restaurants are more than accommodating if you let them know (after all, they want your business).

Those are 8 steps on how to start a vegan diet without losing your mind. Some people like to go gradually.

However, if you prefer to get involved with both feet, another option is to use a vegan food delivery service for a month or two. This will ensure that you eat delicious food (so the transition isn’t too difficult) and can slowly learn the lifestyle at your own pace.

Going vegan can be a challenge, but there are ways to make it much easier. I hope these tips have helped. In no time you will feel healthier and stronger! Good luck and here’s to your health!

Tom Venuto eBook Holy Grail Body Transformation Program Review

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program has answered my prayers. Finally there is a program that can lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is a bit tricky. It’s not really at the same time. It’s actually within the same time frame. For example 2 weeks, 1 month, 7 weeks.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program takes everyone’s goals into account. Everyone has different fitness goals, so Tom Venuto has created 4 goals for you to choose from:

  1. Focus on fat loss
  2. Focus on building muscle
  3. Focus on fat loss with a secondary goal of building muscle.
  4. Focus on building muscle with the secondary goal of losing fat.

Cyclic diet and nutrition timing

The main focus of The Holy Grail is cyclic dieting and nutrition timing. I know you are probably confused with these terms. Cyclical dieting is simply cycling your diet. A normal fat loss diet would have you in a caloric deficit for the entire diet. The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is all about cycling your diet so that you are in a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus for shorter periods of time. Depending on the goal you choose. Different goals will take different amounts of time in a surplus or deficit.

The nutrition timing section focuses on when and what nutritional aspects of your body need to be fueled, such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Expected results

The results you can expect with this program depend on 4 factors:

  1. How long you have been training: The longer you have been training, the slower your muscle gain will be. Beginners will gain muscle much faster.
  2. Your muscle memory: It is easier to regain muscle that you have lost than to build new muscle.
  3. Your Genetics – This has to do with your body type. Some body types will gain muscle faster and others will be more gifted in the area of ​​fat loss. We are all different, but some people are just gifted in these areas.
  4. Drugs will also play a factor in your results. Some people will take medications such as steroids to increase their muscle gain or other medications to speed up fat burning. This is definitely NOT the way to go. You can do everything without drugs.

If you really want results and are determined to get them, then none of these 4 factors should stand in your way of getting the Holy Grail body transformation you want.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program also includes:

  • Cardio and resistance training information and recommendations.
  • The lifestyle factors that will affect your transformation.
  • A Q&A section with questions from the Holy Grail Transformation Program 1.0. Tom answers the best questions he ever got to help clarify what’s on the show.
  • Carb cycling meal plans.
  • A calorie cheat sheet. This is to calculate how many calories you should consume.
  • A food database with its calorie and nutrient information.
  • A one week training program.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is a program that teaches you the nutrition that is necessary to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. This is not a book about workouts and exercises to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days – with this diet plan

The best way to lose 10 pounds in 10 days is not to starve yourself, but to eat more food. Eat more food and change it every day, calorie shifting is a way of dying that has been used for a long time. Many bodybuilders have used this method to get in the best possible shape and let me tell you, it works. So if you’re still skeptical about losing 10 pounds in 10 days, don’t be because there is a solution. The solution is to switch calories!

You might be thinking that if bodybuilders were to use this form of diet to get in the best shape possible, then it should be hard. In plain language, the answer is NO. The diet is easy to use and all you have to do is change the foods you eat from day to day. Calorie shifting doesn’t interfere with your lifestyle and you can do it virtually anytime in your life. The purpose of this diet is to speed up your metabolism, which is responsible for burning fat. The better your metabolism works, the more weight you can be sure to lose.

This is what you should do;

  • You need to eat 4 times a day or more.
  • You need to eat differently every day
  • You must mix the caloric content of your meals each day (this confuses your body and increases your metabolism)
  • Avoid; Junk food, fast food and processed food. You will be able to eat these foods again on your cheat days.

Well, there you have it, that’s really all there is to the diet. As I mentioned earlier, calorie shifting confuses the body and helps speed up metabolism, which is in charge of weight loss. The more confused your body is, the better. That’s why you have to change your meals every day so that your body doesn’t have a chance to adapt. Eating less food actually slows down your metabolism, which is why 4 meals are recommended. They are not actual full size meals, but rather portioned meals. When you eat more often, the body is forced to use energy to make fuel from meals. This is another way to start losing fat.

This diet is for everyone. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what day it is. All you need to do is start switching calories and you’ll start losing weight up to 10 pounds in 10 days. Some people have reported better results within 10 days, while the average is 5 to 7 pounds on the calorie-shifting diet.

Why is hot food important?

Hot food is important because it changes the food we eat. It has both historical and current significance.

The heat created during cooking is an agent of a chemical process called denaturation that changes the proteins in food, breaking down the molecules and altering their physical and chemical properties. Depending on the proteins cooked, this causes them to decrease in solubility or hydrophobic proteins to bind together to reduce the total area exposed to water. Denaturation affects the feel, taste, appearance, and smell of food. A fried egg clearly shows denaturation and is a good example: white, liquid egg white (albumen) reaches a fixed consistency and turns opaque white when heated. As with many denatured proteins, the process cannot be reversed, meaning you cannot go back to the raw egg once it has cooled.

The denaturing process may be desirable because foods look, taste, and smell better when cooked, and the chemical changes may allow the creation of new foods such as meringue. To create a meringue, you need to break the chemical bonds between the egg molecules so they can recombine with the sugar molecules.

Cooking has another function because it also kills bacteria, parasites and viruses, making the food we eat safer. Bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli can cause serious illness in humans and, at the very least, cause an unpleasant stomach upset. In the worst case it can cause death. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and immunocompromised individuals are at higher risk for serious illness from foodborne illness, and thorough cooking helps make food safer for them.

The heating process also softens food and makes it easier to digest. Cooked foods contain the same number of calories as raw foods, but require less energy to digest. Cooking makes starches more digestible. Starches are not soluble in water, so they must be heated to break them down (a process called gelatinization). When they are broken down, it is easier for them to reach the digestive juices in the stomach. Starchy raw foods are also generally unappetizing and tough (think raw potatoes) and cooking them makes them tasty.

Hot food also helps us warm up and is comforting. It is much better to come home in winter with a hot stew than to come home with a bunch of raw vegetables.

We prefer to have hot food as part of our diet. That’s not to say that raw food doesn’t play a role as well, it’s just that humans like a mix of both and it benefits us to do this.

The ability to heat food was one of the things that helped humanity evolve into the dominant species it is today. Cooking allowed us to digest some types of food more easily and we were able to eliminate bacteria and parasites, giving us safer food. Without the discovery of fire and the ability to cook food, we would not be in the position we are in now, and this means that the addition of hot foods to the human diet was a very important step forward in our evolution.

Types of shot glasses

The quintessential shot glass, used for 200 years in Italy, and also during the Prohibition era, is one of the most popular drinking devices in any bar. Although these glassware items vary in size, the most common holds an average shot of 1 1/2 ounces. An archetypal glass is made of very thick glass, especially at the base. This is to ensure that the glass can withstand the impact of being knocked (which happens most of the time) on any surface after its contents are consumed.

There are several types of shot glasses available in the market. Here are some examples to help you make a worthy purchase:

1. Standard glasses contain 1 1/2 ounces of alcohol. This shot glass has a very thick base and walls. It is mainly used to drink a single dose of whiskey or rum.
2. Another slight variation would be the “short shot” or “pony shot” glass that takes about 1 ounce of liquor. It is a little smaller than a normal shot glass.
3. The base of a fluted glass is grounded and, when placed on a hard surface, a crystalline ring emanates.
4. The molded shot glass usually has designs embedded in the base and usually comes with embossed labels.
5. The barrel shot glass is unique: the circumference is shaped like a barrel and made of a heavier glass.
6. Cylindrical shot glasses are naturally taller than their predecessors. Shaped like a cylinder, this glass is popular for making “shooters.”
7. Flared shot glass has a raised height of 3″ with a flared body that measures 2″. Their walls are thin and quite a few have molded interiors.
8. A tonic shot glass is usually shaped like a megaphone. Quite interesting to see. The name tonic is a derivative of the larger tonic vessel. It can be said that this is the dwarf version.
9. A cheat shot glass simply has a thicker base that tricks people into thinking it contains more alcohol than is actually being consumed.
10. Edible shot glasses are all the rage these days. They come in flavors like candy cane, chocolate wafer, and mint to name a few. In fact, this is a great way to eat and drink at the same time, and a wonderful and fun novelty for the party.
11. Have you ever heard of a shot glass chess game? Well now you have. A shot glass chess set can be made of glass, silver, or even pewter. Those made of silver and pewter are not recommended as barware due to the lead content. However, playing chess has never been so much fun with vinyl shot glasses. With each capture, you will be rewinding its content.
12. Shot glass wedding favors are an exceptional way to celebrate with guests. There are many beautifully crafted ones ready to buy, complete with photos and words to suit any occasion. They can be made of ceramic, glass, or even votives.

The best way to get back on track after a cheat day

1. Avoid boosting insulin for most of the day
First, what is insulin: Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows your body to use the sugar (glucose) from the carbohydrates in the food you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use.

(In detail) Insulin transports calories that are not burned by activity to be stored as body fat. As such, you should avoid consuming foods that encourage insulin release when you don’t need that fuel to fuel your workouts or provide nutrients to rebuild muscle tissue and speed recovery.

Let’s take a few steps: Avoid sugar, fruit juices, and processed foods like bread and pasta most of the time, especially when burning body fat is your goal. These foods increase insulin, dull metabolism and make fat loss difficult.

The only thing you can do to avoid insulin spikes is encourage them at the time of your workouts. Because insulin is a driver of the calories you consume, it will deliver these nutrients to muscle tissue when you’re training. In effect, it will provide your muscles with additional energy and provide the raw materials to support muscle repair and growth when you consume protein.

Tip: You can have a small amount of natural sugar, but keep it to 20-25 grams of total carbs post-workout. You should also avoid fats and fiber before and after your workout, as they will slow down the absorption of the nutrients your muscles are thirsty for. Your protein should be taken immediately after your workout. Approximately 45-60 minutes later, we suggest eating carbohydrates such as rice cakes.

2. Try intermittent fasting (the best way to lose belly fat)
It’s less useful for people looking to add muscle mass, and especially those who already have a fast metabolism.

There are many different ways to do intermittent fasting (don’t panic), consume all your calories within a few hours each day and avoid high-calorie foods for the rest of the day. This window can be quite long, like up to 12 hours, or rather short, like about six hours, depending on how your body feels with limited calorie intake.

Choose a time that works best for you, but make sure you don’t break your fast with foods that increase insulin. Start with slow-digesting protein sources, high-fiber foods, or those that are moderate in dietary fat.

You should do a weight training session at your meal window, so you can perform well during your weight training and recover afterwards. And finally, after working out, she has a high-protein snack, like casein shakes, about two hours before she jumps into bed to sleep.

The dangers of fast food

The fast food industry has added every possible chemical that they can legally get away with to get people addicted to their food. In fact, if you eat fast food and stop eating it, you actually experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s like a drug. Not only that, condoms are so high in these fast food burgers these days that the product doesn’t even break down. Fast food has been linked to increased obesity in both adults and children. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country, particularly in children. Here are some starting stats to consider:

65% of American adults are overweight

30% of Americans are obese

According to the American Obesity Association, 127 million Americans are overweight, 60 million Americans are obese, and 9 million are “morbidly obese” — weighing 100 pounds more than they should.

In the last twenty years, the rate of obesity has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents and adolescents.

As of September 2004, nine million American children between the ages of six and eighteen were obese.


A KILLER Obesity-related diseases will kill an estimated 400,000 Americans this year, about as many as smoking. Americans have gotten so big their coffins have to be gigantic!

Related diseases caused by obesity:

High cholesterol

high blood pressure

Heart disease

breast cancer

colon cancer






In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one in three children born in the United States in the year 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes. The life of a ten-year-old with type II diabetes will be, on average , between seventeen and twenty-six years shorter than that of a healthy child. Diabetes can cause heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage in the lower legs, which can lead to amputations (82,000 such cases occur each year). Diabetes is currently the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

fast food is everywhere

The rise of the fast food industry plays a critical role in why our country is plagued by obesity. Fast food is everywhere: in big cities, in small towns, in shopping malls, at the airport, at the bus station, in schools, and even in hospitals.

There are 31,000 McDonald’s around the world, nearly 14,000 of them in the US.

People are eating a lot of fast food

Fast food has become cheaper and easier to buy. In 2004, Americans spent $124 billion on fast food. That same year, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a study showing that the percentage of fast food calories in the American diet has increased from 3 to 12 percent in the last twenty years.

Fast food culture was introduced to other countries around the world in the 1980s. In countries like Japan and China, people have abandoned traditional healthy diets in favor of fast food, and as a result, the rate of obesity and other diseases has skyrocketed.

Fast food restaurants serve more

Not only is fast food everywhere, but fast food companies encourage the consumer to eat more by offering super-sized burgers, extra-large servings of fries, and buckets of soda.

Products like The Whopper, The Big Gulp and Super Size contain a huge amount of calories, sugar and fat. Let’s take a closer look: the Double Gulp soda at your local 7-11 contains 64 ounces of soda, that’s a half gallon! Contains the equivalent of 48 teaspoons of sugar. A typical hamburger at a fast food restaurant weighs six ounces. In 1957 it weighed an ounce. According to a nutritionist, your average fast food meal is more like three meals.

The average meal at McDonald’s has 1,550 calories.

Fast food is not good for us

We are eating more foods that are not nutritious. Most fast food foods are high in fat, sugar, calories, starch, salt, and low in fiber and nutrients. Because fast food lacks nutrients, after eating it we are not satisfied. That makes us hungry for more soon after.

Why children are at greater risk

Our children are exposed to an avalanche of fast food advertising. Fast food chains spend more than $3 billion each year on television advertising. They intentionally campaign for children to become customers for life. These are known as cradle-to-grave advertising strategies. Researchers have found that children can often recognize a company logo, such as the golden arches, before they can recognize their own name.

In a year, the typical American child sees more than 40,000 television commercials. About 20,000 of these ads are for junk food: fast food, candy, soft drinks, and breakfast cereals. This means that your child sees a junk food commercial every five minutes when he is watching television.

To further motivate kids to eat fast food, companies like McDonald’s have Happy Meals with free toys. McDonald’s gives away more than 1.5 billion toys each year. Nearly one in three new toys given to American children each year comes from McDonald’s or another fast food restaurant.

To combat these calculated advertising strategies, it is paramount to educate our children about healthy eating habits that are easy, fun and tasty. By teaching our children how harmful fast food is and how to eat healthier, we empower them to make the right choices.

Fast food is full of chemicals and preservatives.

Fast food doesn’t spoil. This is because it is loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Of course there is the great video on YouTube called The Bionic Burger that illustrates this in a fun and informative way.

The link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYyDXH1amic

The video is based on a true story. In 1991, this software engineer from Burlington, Vermont (he prefers to remain anonymous) was out with friends in Boston for New Year’s Eve, stopping at McDonald’s on the way home. He bought a couple of cheeseburgers, ate one and put the other in his coat pocket to eat later.

He forgot about the hamburger in his pocket. A year later, she pulled her coat out of the closet, put it on, and discovered the cheeseburger in her pocket from New Year’s Eve. She looked exactly the same. He was absolutely blown away. He told his friends and family, but no one believed him. He then decided to start a hamburger museum to prove to everyone that these cheeseburgers and hamburgers were literally indestructible.

He started collecting hamburgers, one every year. By the fall of 2004, she had amassed quite a collection:

The original ’91 McDonald’s cheeseburger from that New Year

’92 McDonald’s Cheeseburger and Big Mac

Burger King ’93 Burger

McDonald’s ’94 Burger

McDonald’s Cheeseburgers ’95-’03

He kept them on the shelves in his outdoor living room. These burgers look exactly the same. The bun, the meat, the cheese, the special sauce, the marinade, even the lettuce. They have all retained their shape and color for over a decade!

Food is supposed to spoil.

Food is supposed to be the most biodegradable of all products. How come these burgers haven’t gone bad? down? Turn into mold?

My friends Len Foley and Rebecca Gauthier weren’t convinced. They thought maybe there was an exaggeration, or it just wasn’t true. So they went and bought a hamburger at the local McDonald’s in Burbank, CA in February 2007.

They put it in their outdoor garage and left it there. Once a week they would go out and “check out” his burger. He would continue to look and smell exactly the same. No animal, insect or bird touched it. After a year, they began featuring it at various health exhibits along with some of Matt’s burgers from his burger collection. Since then, they have added a Hostess Twinkie, a cupcake, and other burgers to his collection. As of April 2008, no changes in feed composition have been observed.

If you don’t believe me, try it yourself! Go spend a dollar and buy a hamburger. (By the way, this is the only time I’m going to tell you to do something like this!) Put it in your garage, or wherever, and let it sit there. I think it’s important to see this for yourself so that you know on a deep level the implications of what this means. Food does not spoil, therefore it cannot be natural.

We brought the Bionic Burger Museum to a recent health event to demonstrate how fast food is made from low-quality chemicals, preservatives, dyes, and ingredients. Hundreds and hundreds of people saw hamburgers that were between one and eleven years old. None of them had broken down. Adults and children were surprised. When people see firsthand that fast food is not food, it has a powerful impact that can lead them to make the right choice: choosing to eat healthy, nutritious foods instead of a cornucopia of chemicals, preservatives, fat, and salt. . .

This video I just described has been viewed by 1.3 million people on YouTube. It has been translated into 7 different languages ​​and appears on 50,000 blogs. This shows that people want this information, they want to be informed because the information allows us to make the right decision. You choose what you are going to put in your body every day. Make the best choice and put foods in your body that help you, not hurt you.

When you put live foods into your body, they contain enzymes that naturally break down the food. The fruit ripening process, for example, is an enzyme-controlled process. And those enzymes eventually, if that fruit is not eaten, they will cannibalize the fruit. Then the fruit will eat itself.

Well, these burgers don’t eat themselves. They are here twenty years later because there are no enzymes present. These burgers are so loaded with preservatives that they’re like a sealant, like they’re made permanently, like you have a painting glazed, framed, and put on your wall. It’s not food, it’s something else. What that something else is, we don’t know, but I’m totally amazed that people can survive eating it.

Now I have also seen the hamburger that is nineteen years old, some that were fifteen, sixteen years old. It looks like we now have the technology to build the world’s first bionic burger! I recommend that if you are serious about your health, AVOID fast food AT ALL COSTS! There are so many healthy alternatives out there that can not only satisfy your cravings, but also provide you with the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for peak performance. Read all about delicious superfoods, superherbs, and other top health foods in one of our many other special reports at http://www.thebestdayever.com.

Understand the basics of how to lose weight

The basics –

We meet some people who do not gain weight even though they eat whatever they want. At the other extreme are people who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat. As a result, some stay slim effortlessly, while others fight hard to keep from gaining weight.

Essentially, our weight depends on the number of calories we consume: how many of those calories we store and how many we burn. But each of these is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The interaction between all these factors begins at the moment of our conception and continues throughout our lives.

If we consume more energy (calories) than we expend, we will gain weight. Excess calories are stored throughout our bodies as fat. Our body stores fat inside specialized fat cells (adipose tissue), which are always present in the body, either enlarging them or creating more of them.

To lose weight, one would have to create a calorie deficit. A good weekly goal is to lose ½ to 2 pounds per week or about 1% body fat every two weeks. The number of calories one eats to achieve this should be about 250 to 1,000 calories less than the daily calorie burn. We can do this by increasing daily activities with more daily steps or other non-exercise activities. Standing and walking burn at least 2 to 3 times more calories than sitting for the same length of time. A deficit of 250 to 1,000 calories can also be created by increasing training time or intensity and decreasing food intake by about 200 to 300 calories per day.

Despite our sincere efforts to lose weight, sometimes we fail due to specific reasons that get in our way without us realizing it.

Reasons not to lose weight

Lack of sleep – Lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. Experts speculate that lack of sleep may affect the secretion of cortisol, one of the hormones that regulate appetite. When we are tired due to lack of sleep, we may skip exercise or simply move less, which means we burn fewer calories.

Chronic stress – Stress and weight gain go hand in hand, although some of us are not aware of this fact. Chronic stress increases cortisol production, which not only increases appetite, but can also cause additional fat storage around the abdomen. It causes cravings for foods, which are high in sugar and fat. So-called comfort foods make us feel better. Also, we skip workouts because we feel too stressed to exercise.

Eat excessively Researchers have found that most of us underestimate how much we eat, especially when eating out. Careful scrutiny of our diet is the only way to know how much we’re really eating. We need to space out our meals in such a way that we don’t stay hungry for too long. Or we may overeat at our next meal. We should try to eat smaller portions and eat more often.

Exercise – Exercise is another crucial element of weight loss, along with our daily activity levels. If we’re not losing weight, we need to increase the time and intensity of our training to match our weight loss goals or we need to change our weight loss goals to match what we’re actually doing. To lose weight, we need to build lean muscle by doing some type of strength training in addition to our cardio. The more muscles our body has, the more fat we will burn.

sedentary clothes – Any prolonged sitting, such as at a desk, behind a wheel, or in front of a screen, can be detrimental. In addition to exercising, we should try to be as active as possible. We should also limit our screen time. Therefore, we should take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. If we spend more than 8 hours sitting, it could be one more reason why we have a hard time losing weight.

weekend treats – Eating a few treats once in a while is fine, but mindlessly indulging in treats on the weekends will hurt our weight loss goals. The trick is to plan our indulgences so we can have fun while staying on track toward our weight loss goals.

Unrealistic goals – There are many factors that affect weight loss that, again, cannot always be measured or accounted for with the tools that we have. Our body may be undergoing changes that cannot yet be measured with a scale or tape measure. Experts agree that a realistic weight loss goal is to focus on losing about 0.5 to 2 pounds per week. As much as that, we would have to cut our calories so low that it may not be sustainable. Rather, we may be losing inches even if we are not losing weight. If we’re not getting the results we expect, it’s crucial to find out if it’s because we’re expecting something from our body that it simply can’t deliver.

Trays – Almost everyone hits a weight loss plateau at some point. As our body adapts to our workouts, it becomes more efficient and therefore doesn’t expend as many calories doing it. Some common reasons for this include doing the same workouts every day, not eating enough calories, and overtraining. We can avoid plateaus by trying something completely different at least once a week and changing our frequency, intensity, duration, and type of training.

A medical condition – This is especially important if you’re doing everything right and haven’t seen any changes on the scale or in your body after several months. There may be a health issue or some common medications that require our weight loss efforts. One should consult their doctor to rule out such a possibility.

The bottom line –

There are endless diets, supplements, and meal replacement plans that claim to guarantee rapid weight loss that we come across in the media. But most of them lack scientific evidence. In fact, many gullible people fall prey to them and some also have to deal with their harmful side effects. However, a good understanding of the reasons why our efforts would later positively impact our weight loss program.