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Eat Stop Eat Book Review – What Is It And Does It Really Work?

Eat Stop Eat is a revolutionary new weight loss book from nutritionist Brad Pilon. Brad’s program is different in many ways from most typical weight loss programs. The most popular diets and plans today focus on things like calorie shifting, counting every calorie, carbohydrate, and fat particle you put in your mouth. Many are complicated and difficult to follow or involve eating things you hate, or cooking elaborate meals and eating 5 or 6 times a day. Eat Stop Eat is nothing like that.

The diet is basically a system of flexible intermittent fasting and strength training. There are no complicated meals or calorie counting, and you can choose your fasting day on your own schedule.

Most people think that fasting is counterproductive for weight loss due to the detrimental effect on the body’s metabolic rate. This is completely true for long-term fasting. Brad’s program involves a short-term fast (just one day a week) that has actually been shown to have a positive effect on weight loss. Aside from fasting, your metabolism doesn’t slow down at all and, in fact, periods are very beneficial for fat loss when combined with exercise. During the fasting period, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, low-calorie beverages and black coffee.

The other important aspect of Eat Stop Eat is the strength training aspect. It is important that you follow the program correctly and that includes the exercise part. Simply fasting once a week without exercising won’t do much for you.

As long as you follow the diet plan correctly, which is very simple to do, you WILL LOSE weight. Brad Pilon has researched this system extensively and has made it very easy to understand and follow.

4 Tips for Sweet Revenge – Ex Boyfriend Will Cry

Do not do it! Sure, you broke up with your boyfriend and you feel sad or maybe you feel like you want revenge. Unless you know what you’re doing, don’t even think about all those terrible but maybe satisfying things you could do to her. Instead, consider these 4 tips to get back at an ex-boyfriend and yet maintain his dignity and not do anything you might regret later.

Tip #1

Take some action to make yourself more attractive to others. Not only to be more physically attractive to other men, but to be more alive and transmit good vibes to people. It is true that people are attracted to others who seem strong, healthy and happy.

If you immediately get to work with regular workouts and do some yoga or some other formal exercise and wellness plan, that’s a great start. Try a new hairstyle. What will give you more confidence? Sometimes it can be a new pair of shoes or a sexy short dress that makes you feel more desirable. But this has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with strength, self-confidence and being in control.

Tip #2

As you work on your self-image and build some confidence, be sure to meet up with some of the mutual friends you and your ex have. Or if you run into your ex out on the town, that’s great too, but wherever you go, you need to focus on yourself! You need to find happiness with your independence and growing inner strength, and don’t even think about your ex right now. Your friends and their friends will notice this. To avenge your ex boyfriend in the most effective way, you want him to believe that you are getting stronger and happier without him!

Tip #3

At some point, your ex boyfriend is likely to call you, as he is very curious that you seem to be okay or better off without him. When you do talk, don’t bring up your relationship or past problems, and definitely don’t come across as angry or spiteful about the breakup, even if you hate it. Why? The best revenge is not a direct approach with jokes, or hurtful actions or statements. If you do those things, he might get satisfaction from thinking that you can’t function well without him. Men feel especially powerful in this situation and acts of revenge can backfire.

You also don’t want to do or say anything that makes him think your goal is to get back together. Whether it is or not. No, you want to have a nice conversation with your ex like you would with a friend, but leave him thinking that you are completely indifferent to him romantically. The most effective way to avenge your ex boyfriend again is to make him believe that you are strong without him. I guarantee this will really piss him off, whether he wants you back or hates you. You can win either way with this approach.

Tip #4

At this point, if your ex is no longer interested in you, he will probably fade away. Your actions to this point will have dispelled any desire for him to seek revenge. If he keeps in touch with you or “runs into you,” then you’ll know why: he loves you more than ever. If you want him, let him go through all the motions first and even then he responds very slowly and tries to date someone innocent for a while. You are still getting your revenge by being in control and making him wait while you continue to improve and take your time to consider getting back together.

An interview in Satyam

The skies were bluish with puffy cloud pockets scattered everywhere and there was a cool breeze blowing through the city; riding a bike in such a nice environment is a great feeling. I parked my red Honda motorcycle under the great peepul tree (it still stands today in all its glory in the parking lot on the right hand side of the unforgettable Tessar Towers) and took an elevator up to the fifth floor landing. I signed the interview log, mentioned the 10:00 am check-in time, and asked at the front desk for Pavan Bommaraju, the guy from the human resources department I’m supposed to meet.

Minutes later, a glass door swung around and a jovial young person I assumed to be Pavan came out. I had a good feeling about him: just seeing him coming towards me with a sunny smile on his pleasant face. Dressed in a manly combination of white cotton shirt and matching dark gray pants, he filled the entrance hall with the warmth and brightness of a professional who works hard, yet doesn’t forget to smile. I immediately extended my hand to his and shook it confidently.

“Hello, are you Arindam?” Pavan asked, the smile still in place.

“Yes, I am,” I answered.

“I’m Pavan. How are you, Arindam?” Pavan said.

“Hello Pavan. I’m fine. How are you?” I said.

“I’m fine, thank you,” he said, adding, “Arindam, would you be so kind as to wait a bit? It won’t be long before I get back to you.”

“Ah! No problem, Pavan. At your convenience. Please take your time. I can wait,” I told him.

I gave it a little over 15 minutes before it showed up again. I could see that he interviewed several people before me and almost all of them, on average, spent 7-8 minutes in the process with him before being asked to leave, apparently. Only one of them spent a full 20 minutes in the booth with Pavan and seemed like a bright candidate to me, probably fit for some other job. There were still another 2 left when I was finally summoned inside.

A lovely person

Although, it’s a given fact that typically an HR guy keeps the interviewee engaged and excited by asking a few like-minded questions, which quickly “opens up” the interviewee in question for a worthwhile conversation to take off from a balanced keel of give and take. – take association. You take, I give. You give, I take. The feeling is mutual.

In my personal opinion, a human resources officer should, in all circumstances, be calm and formal in the interview process because the goal of any interview is to talk and not just turn it into a boring question and answer session. He/she must be cleverly equipped to know precisely what he/she wants from the interviewees. As far as he knows, some HR people, professionals agreed, end up being stubborn Jacks and Jills, seeking only prepared answers for what their untrained minds are tuned to hear. More often than not, they, due to their critical inertia on their part, mistakenly end up ‘disgruntled’ and ‘discouraged’ with the interviewers. My point here is not to dole out gyaan kitsch, but to try to make a valid point or two. Young HR executives seem easily prone to making snap and half-concluded decisions regarding candidates who might have been wrong for some undeniable reason, but that doesn’t mean they should be thrown out. I sat there in my flesh thinking. Half-hearted ideas like these were taking shape in my stressed mind even as I wanted to remain calm and collected, but it wasn’t entirely possible.

But Pavan Bommaraju seemed thorough, right on point, and was known for his innate professionalism, I found out later at Satyam. He chose his candidates for his interviews wisely and thoroughly enjoyed interviewing them; while at the same time meticulously taking care not to disappoint his top managers when it came to interviewing his selected candidates. Without a doubt, he was conscientious, precise, and diligent, and of course, he never forgot to smile his gregarious and good-natured smile that naturally played on his bright face.

“Arindam, now we come to the last question. I’m sure you know Iridium. We could also talk about Iridium. So, can you tell me something about the new sensation that has broken into the world of mobile satellite connection? And just tell me why what sounds so BIG when Iridium is on the mobile roaming scene Why is it talked about so much these days What’s so interesting about Iridium asked Pavan, the cheerful HR professional at Satyam Computer Services Ltd .

My eyes flickered some more as I found the name ‘Iridium’ which immediately sounded intriguingly familiar. I instantly knew that answering this particular question required me to review the preferential details that I had previously read about somewhere. He was too prepared to answer the best he could. I also found Pavan too eager to listen to him. Then, not forgetting to put a flashy smile on my face, I slowly began with a small description of the potential of such a business in the following terms: “invading the world with new forms of satellite communication and revolutionizing the way we know what communication is” . which, in my opinion, is still in its infancy. Without a doubt, it will forever change the communication dynamics of the world, the world as we know it.”

Our conversation generally bordered on a strong dash of convincing humor and pleasant but persuasive commonalities that we shared. Feeling luckier than usual that day, I went full throttle to ‘impress’ and ‘win’ him to maximum effect with my answers. Fortunately everything worked out for me and he smiled approvingly.

Pavan Bommaraju seemed visibly impressed and my hopes rose a little higher. He then immediately ushered me in for a ‘technical round’ of discussion with a portly man and his youngest member of staff who were at the time seated inside a distant, important-looking booth suitably clad in wooden side panels and clear glass. , in the right corner of the expanding room.

He said excitedly, “I think you should meet GG. Please come over.”

“Sure. Thanks,” I said.

“Very welcome!” Pavan said. And we walked to the cabin of the person he called ‘GG’, with me in tow.

I still remember this: Pavan exhaled with satisfaction after he finished interviewing me and was visibly relieved; as if a great weight had been lifted off him. As for my own thoughts, they were more in line with my desire to come out on top and make a good impression, and right now I’ve moved on to the next rung of the interview process. Taking Pavan’s relief as a sign, I gained a little more confidence and was ready to accept yet another round of questions. As we walked towards the Chief’s hut, I realized that Pavan’s expectations for my potential as a suitable candidate complemented each other and that was the first half of the battle won. And that was a positive sign indeed.

As I followed Pavan to the cabin where the next ‘tech round’ was supposed to take place, my pragmatic sense of observation reached a new level at that moment. Obviously, I observed that a gang of girls, praise heaven! All handsome with fervently perceptive looks on their optimistic faces and resplendent in elegant outfits, glued to their individual computer screens, they were at work. I estimated that almost all of them were human resources personnel. Lucky pavan!

One of them, somewhat thin and well dressed, got up urgently from his seat and went and sat on his neighbor’s desk and began a sensibly silent discussion with her. I immediately recognized the lady in Salwar custom-stitched block print patiala as he knew her well from my college days. She goes by the name: Neetu Scootywali; a posh uptown girl most famous for her repellent aloofness from all that matters by maintaining any social contact or friendly association with known friends or acquaintances who hail from the same town or city in which they lived. I will explain it later. Besides, it won’t do any good to see her face twist into: What is he doing here? Without much ado, I just looked ahead and continued on my way cursing myself with: not to my liking.

Not given to easy distractions, even when there was so much well-groomed grand slam beauty to marvel at and make me proud to belong to Planet Earth, I looked away from the presiding carnival of beauties and calmly shuffled on. my mind focused on the business I had come to attend to. The ‘Judgment Day’ is near!

The practice of hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga is primarily practiced for health and vitality. Hatha Yoga was introduced in the fifteenth century by Yogi Swatmarama. Hatha yoga focuses on the purification of the physical being which leads to the purification of the mind or vital energy. The exploration of these physical-spiritual connections and body-centered practices led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. Today In the West, hatha yoga has become very popular as a purely physical exercise regimen divorced from its original purpose.

Whatever the historical details, Krishnamacharya has become the undisputed father of modern hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya’s first yoga lessons were from his father and grandmother and were passed down through generations of practice.

Hatha Yoga follows that line and thus successfully transcends being particularly rooted in any one religion. This exploration of these physical and spiritual connections and body-centered practices led to the creation of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga has been included in the lifestyle of these traditions. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery.

Hatha also means force or determined effort, and yoga, of course, translates as yoke or union. The very name hatha yoga, a combination of “ha” meaning sun and “tha” meaning moon, denotes the union of opposites. Through the practice of yoga, an individual can gain insight into physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Hatha Yoga represents opposite energies: hot and cold, fire and water following the theme of ying and yang, masculine and feminine, positive and negative. Hatha yoga tries to balance the mind and body. Balance of mind and body is achieved through physical exercises (also known as asanas), controlled breathing (pranayama), and relaxation or meditation.

Pranayama refers to breath control in yoga. In this yoga it is defined as a means to unite or control the breath and the mind using the syllable Om. In this case, yoga has extremes, fasting practices, breath control and postures to transcend the body, and not cultivate it. Asana body postures that are contemplative in nature and designed to align the body and achieve the optimal situation for relaxation.

Traditional yoga is a holistic yogic path and is becoming very popular.

Discover good food and a vibrant nightlife in Mauritius

When you fly on vacation to Mauritius, you’re probably thinking of relaxing on golden beaches, swimming in the clear sea, and generally relaxing in the sun. However, don’t neglect the island’s restaurants and nightlife; after all, you need something to do once the sun goes down.

Mauritius is a popular luxury holiday destination for a number of reasons, including its fantastic hotels. There are numerous resorts where you can spend a week or two in maximum comfort, with everything you might need close at hand.

Visit one of the Beachcomber-managed hotels in Mauritius, for example, and you won’t even have to leave the confines of your resort if you want to sample the best of the island’s cuisine.

Spend your break at Trou Aux Biches, for example, and you can choose from six restaurants serving everything from Indian and Thai food to international cuisine and local seafood specialties. If you’ve booked a honeymoon in Mauritius in the meantime, Hotel Dinarobin is the ideal choice, with Saveur des Iles the perfect place to sample French delicacies with a Mauritian twist in a romantic setting.

Of course, there is nothing to stop you from visiting some of the towns and cities of Mauritius, where you can taste a wide variety of dishes. The dishes of this island nation have been influenced by numerous societies over the years, taking on all manner of Chinese, Indian, Creole, and European flavors.

As a result, you can expect to find wonderfully varied food in its restaurants. Head to La Plancha in Grand Baie if you love grilled dishes, for example, with all kinds of meat and seafood grilled to perfection here. If you’re looking for an establishment with a relaxed atmosphere where you can enjoy sumptuous food and wash it down with some classy cocktails, Cocoloko, also on Grand Baie, will be right up your street. The restaurant serves a variety of international dishes and its tropical garden setting makes it perfect, day or night.

If you want to explore a bit more of Mauritius from your base on the west coast, it’s worth heading to the interior of the island, with Mapou a good option if you’re hoping to enjoy a delicious lunch. La Table du Chateau is a restaurant that serves delicious cuisine, with many of the ingredients grown on the grounds of the chateau where it is located.

As the sun sets, the coastal towns of Mauritius come alive and one of the best places to visit if you’re looking for a bit of everything is Le Caudan Waterfront in Port Louis. Within the complex you will discover a variety of restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as a cinema and casino. Dress up as a nine and take a flutter at one of their roulette tables or try your luck in a hand or two of blackjack.

If you are interested in a late night out in Mauritius, Takanaka Bar and Club in Grand Baie is the place to go if you want VIP treatment. The club is equipped with numerous comfortable seating areas where you can relax with a drink, while there is plenty of room to dance the night away if you wish. It even offers an all night snack menu, in case you get hungry after all that dancing!

How to make small talk: you can do it!

Social communication is a very important part of our social skills. Your ability to interact with others in an easy and free manner, with the other party feeling comfortable as well, can be an invaluable asset to you. From time to time, people find themselves in situations where they have to initiate or participate in informal discussions. This is often referred to as small talk.

While there are some people who seem to instinctively know how to engage in small talk, others lack the necessary social skills to deal with small talk effectively or even at all. Since small talk doesn’t focus on any particular topic, many people find it difficult to handle it smoothly without stopping like a deer in headlights or simply retreating somewhere else, out of sight.

Situations that require small talk

There are certain situations where people will engage in casual conversation. Social settings and events represent the majority of instances in which you will be required, largely by expectations of social behavior, to interact with others.

For the most part, these will be with people you know little or nothing about, other than perhaps their name.

For example, conversation starters will be useful at a party, in an office environment, to strike up a conversation with a member of the opposite sex, and when meeting strangers, whether at a bus stop or while on a flight. In such cases, how well the conversation goes will largely be determined by how well one or the other of you breaks the ice.

Advantages of the talks

The benefits of these conversations and discussions cannot be stressed enough. A talk of this nature can bring many benefits in the future.

In fact, small talk is one of the best ways to meet new people.

Also, through small talk, a new interest can develop, friendships can flourish, networking opportunities can be created, and everyone involved can be inspired, making them better people in the future.

With the benefits that come with such seemingly unimportant (even trivial) small talk, it is important that people learn the social skills necessary for such informal communication.

Tips on how to make small talk

Using the following tips will result in friendly conversations with strangers that are fun, informative, and memorable instead of scary events that are best avoided at all costs.

  • Avoid questions that require yes or no answers: open questions have the advantage of allowing the conversation to flow. Questions that require yes or no answers may end the talk after the answer, leaving an embarrassed silence.

  • Build the conversation: You can ask about the activities or interests that your conversation partner mentions in the course of the conversation. This will help you build the conversation.

  • Stay on top of current affairs: Small talk isn’t based on any particular topic. Therefore, staying up-to-date on various topics will help keep your conversations interesting and informative. Just be sure to avoid controversial topics like religion or politics.

  • Listen to the other person: This is an important communication skill, regardless of whether it is small talk or a deeper conversation. Paying attention will help you be a good listener, which is an equally important skill.

  • Keep your body language in check. Simple things like not crossing your arms, keeping a respectable distance between yourself and the other person, and smiling all help.

  • Practice: being shy does not improve your social skills! However, practice will help you become a better person to converse with.

Still, the next time you’re at the dentist’s office, in line at the bank, at a party or wedding, or any other public event where you meet new people, striking up a conversation shouldn’t be difficult.

With the tips I just gave you on how to make small talk, you should start to find that things gradually get easier.

Narcissistic Spouses: 4 Strategies to Successfully Leave a Narcissist

Divorce is never a pleasant prospect, but it can often be handled successfully, particularly when both spouses are amicable and reasonable about the event. Unfortunately, there is a segment of our population that suffers from a personality disorder that affects interpersonal relationships in a very negative way. One of the most common, especially in men, is narcissism. In divorce, traits of narcissism (lack of empathy, willingness to be exploitative, sense of entitlement) can be magnified and even more damaging. You may be getting a divorce because of some of your spouse’s upsetting and hurtful actions, and announcing your intention to divorce is likely to exacerbate the situation. Here are 4 strategies to divorce a narcissist and protect her interests:

1. Take care of yourself in legal matters. Hire a good attorney who understands the dynamics of narcissism and the fact that your spouse may not reason in the same way as others. Don’t take anything your spouse says “in good faith” as solid. Be sure to follow the legal steps recommended by your attorney to protect yourself. Make copies of all relevant financial records, including but not limited to bank statements, investment statements, 401K statements, loan information, property appraisals, credit card statements, insurance policies, employee compensation, mileage plan statements, tax returns, pay stubs, W-2’s, and car titles.

2. Make some basic emergency financial provisions. Make sure you have a credit card in your name. If you need to apply, do so now, while your and your spouse’s credits are still combined. Open a bank account in your name and put some emergency funds into it, in case your spouse violates court orders and tries to prevent you from accessing the funds. If you don’t want your spouse to know you’re saving money, try using your debit card and requesting amounts greater than the purchase, and depositing that cash into the account.

3. Create records and document anything that may be relevant to your case. This may be particularly relevant if you find yourself in a custody dispute due to parenting concerns about your narcissistic spouse, or if you live in a place where “fault” is considered in divorces. Document times, dates, places and events.

4. Avoid interaction with your spouse and don’t listen to what he or she tells you about yourself. Your spouse is likely to continue to undermine your trust and cause you to question your decisions. Be careful what you share to avoid anything being used against you in the process. If you must communicate with your spouse, try to stick strictly to business, like children. If things get personal, stop the communication or try to disconnect from the content so that you are not influenced.

The Ultimate Cyclic Ketogenic Diet


As ketogenic diets have become big news among ‘civilians’, cyclical ketogenic diets (CKDs) are big news among athletes. Ketogenic diets offer remarkably rapid fat loss with superior muscle retention compared to carbohydrate or gluconeogenic (high protein) diets. Done right, ketogenic diets are absolutely the best diets for fat loss and high, stable energy. Read what we have to say about them here.

There is already much information available about basic CKD and its rationale that is beyond the scope of this article. http://www.ckd.com is a great place to start if you are interested. What interests us here is how to improve CKD.

CKD Overview

CKDs are based on a period of ketosis followed by a period of “loading” carbohydrates. The theory behind CKD is to break ketosis every 5 to 10 days for 1 to 3 days of high carb intake:

Restore muscle glycogen

Restore gym performance

Rebuild any lost muscle (and hopefully add some new muscle)

As a bonus, by loading carbs from a depleted base it is possible to super-saturate our muscles with glycogen. That is to say (in layman’s terms) nearly glycogen (and water) depleted muscles are so starved for glucose that they can be “trickled” into absorbing up to 50% more glycogen (and water) before they realize what it is. what happened. In this super-glycogenated state, our muscles look and feel perpetually ‘pumped’ and swollen. And inflating a muscle cell to the limit is a powerful stimulus for muscle growth.

CKD problems

While the original 5-Day Ketogenic/2-Day Carb CKD works well for fat loss, only the genetically gifted few can gain muscle on it; and even they would have been better off on another diet. The problems are that, even using glucose disposal ‘supplements’:

The zero carb period before reaching ketosis is quite catabolic

It takes most dieters 2-3 catabolic days to achieve ketosis, leaving only 2-3 days of rapid fat loss

Few people can achieve glycogen supercompensation in just 2 days and without excess carbohydrates ‘spilling over’ into fat stores

Protein synthesis takes time, and the few hours of muscle cell hyperexpansion do not take sufficient advantage of this powerful mechanism.

Would not it be nice…?

While the above issues can be partially addressed with longer CKD cycles, say 7-11 days keto with 3 days of carb loading, periods of anabolism are still too short to gain significant muscle but long enough to regain a significant amount of fat. We really want some way to exploit the full carb load condition for a few more days without getting fat.

Continuing to carb load is redundant when the muscles have already overcompensated: excess carbs are converted to fat. Increasing calories in the early days of ketosis is anti-catabolic but does not exploit the unique anabolic environment that we create with carbohydrates.

Fortunately, the metabolic swings of CKD create another natural opportunity for muscle growth.

protein intake

The ketogenic phase requires 70-80% fat intake (otherwise the diet will be gluconeogenic) and carb loading requires 60-75% carb intake; therefore, protein intake throughout CKD is only moderate to low (

Tarot Cards: Predicting Time Intervals Within a Reading

Many people, even very experienced people, have trouble deriving time intervals from the Tarot. Suppose you have cards on the table that indicate that you, or a querent, will be facing a turbulent emotional time, in which you will need the support of your friends. You, or the querent, immediately ask, “When will this start?” and “How long will it last?”

How do you get the answers to these questions? My system will show you how.

I have a Tarot deck that I only use for tenses in addition to the decks that I use for readings, with unillustrated pips and Majors that don’t interest me much. You’re never really going to READ with this deck, so it’s best if it’s a deck that has no meaning to you. During the main reading, if there is a problem where I want a time, I close my eyes briefly, and if I don’t hear my voice come out with a time interval, I will hand the querent the time platform, get Ask them to shuffle it briefly, and then cut it off at the point where the bundle wants to part (rarely in the middle). I’ll look at that card later.

I will start by describing the meaning of minors:-

1) The time intervals are planned in the speed of the suits.

Coins, like the Earth, move more slowly, so they represent YEARS.

Cups, like Water, is second slowest, slightly faster, making it MONTHS.

Swords as Air, it’s even faster, so it’s WEEKS.

Wands, like Fire, is the fastest and most energetic of all, which is why he is DAYS.

Aces through tens are that time interval multiplied by the face value (ie the two coins would be two years, the six wands would be six days).

The pages are eleven of the time unit, the Knights twelve, the Queens thirteen and the Kings fourteen. This already gives the deck a bit of overlap. (If I were using an ordinary deck instead of a Tarot deck, I’d make Jacks eleven, Queens twelve, and Kings thirteen.)

Drawing a Major tells you this, and I often say exactly this to clients: “The Tarot doesn’t know how long it will last. It’s entirely up to you. This card is about {name of main card issue}; when that is resolved and dealt with in your life, then and only then will it happen. If you want it to happen faster, then solve your problems related to this card faster.”


This method DOES NOT WORK if you simply draw a card from the rest of the deck that you already made the main spread with. It also has a history of occasional crashes if you use a second platform that is accused of being used for reads – it will keep trying to tell you things instead of just calculating times. Keep a completely separate cover, one you’ve never read about. I recommend very simple decks – the Marseille style decks are excellent.

Playing cards is also excellent, much better than the Tarot decks you really like or have used for readings, but beware of the court cards: the jack is 11, the queen is 12, and the king is 13. The only problem is that if timing REALLY depends entirely on you getting other important things done first: let’s say, for example, that you’ll never meet the love of your life or get the perfect job until after you appear in court for all of our traffic violations or even for that old rape charge. and solve that, then a deck of cards won’t be able to tell you, but a deck of Tarot will, by presenting you with, say, the “Justice” card.

In short, the cards sync well, but not as well as single-purpose unillustrated Tarot decks that are only used for syncing.

Does black tea stop sweating? The real truth behind black tea

Does black tea stop sweating? It is an easy question to answer. For all of you who have tried this alternative to control your excessive sweating, it just works. Deodorants and over-the-counter medications aren’t the only options for controlling excessive sweating. There are plenty of alternative remedies that won’t burn a hole in your pocket or bring harmful complications.

Black tea contains tannic acid which acts as an astringent to shrink the pores and thus reduces the production of sweat from the glands. You can use it to treat your hands, feet and armpits. It will not cost you much to prepare the solution and it can be easily purchased at any health food store or supermarket. The rest of the materials you will need can be found at home. So the next time someone asks you, does black tea make you sweat? You will definitely know how the answer and even teach them how.

recipe for hands and feet

Boil half a liter of water and add 2 or 3 tea bags. Both the decaf and regular kind work, both are packed with the tannic acids needed to combat sweating. Let the tea bags sit for about 15 minutes and make sure it looks really black. Add 2 quarts of cold water to allow your hands or feet to fully soak in the solution. Completely submerge your hands or feet for 30 minutes and do it once a day for a week and eventually twice a week for subsequent treatments. Don’t be surprised if your feet or hands get a tan. Tea stains wash off easily with soap and water.

underarm recipe

Put 2 tea bags in 3 cups of warm or boiling water. Once the solution cools down, place it on a cloth and place the compress under each armpit for five minutes and let the liquid dry for a good 5 minutes, then wash it off with tap water. Take a shower as usual in the morning. Do this process every night for at least two weeks and the tannic acid will permanently decrease sweat production.