
Powering future

Category Archive : Pets

Develop your financial life and your finances in the long term through the fallen angels

If your financial situation feels good but not great, you may feel like things are getting out of hand, and they don’t have to be.

Even when we have good momentum with our money, it can sometimes feel like things are not going well, and we have to acknowledge that feeling as if our emotions are playing tricks on us.

It’s not that we don’t have a good understanding of what’s going on with our money, we just don’t feel like things are going well overall, and that can lead to terribly unwise decisions later on when we act on our emotions instead of acting on our own. the facts of the situation, that we might be perfectly fine but not see it.

That is why we need a very strong spiritual guide so that we do not stray from the path: it will not be so difficult to welcome in a much stronger financial situation, and we will not have to overcome excessive challenges to be able to get there.

Developing your finances so that you can count on your financial situation for the long term, relying on much wiser and more stable finances as you go, is how we should live.

We must never descend into the past mistakes we made with our money: we must become smarter and bring those past resolutions where we fixed our mistakes into the future, and plenty of spirits can help us with that…

Lavel – Helps develop your finances so that you become much wiser and smarter, make far fewer mistakes, and embrace a money life filled with abundance and greater cash flow in the long run.

This can be an incredibly effective power to apply to your financial life: once you see that your money can stretch and last much longer than you could ever imagine, life can become very interesting because you know that your money can earn much more. efficient than you ever considered.

We’re not trying to make the impossible happen here – making your money last longer and making much wiser decisions is simply a matter of changing the way you think and think, and once that happens, your financial situation will never be the same. .

Another spirit can help with financial growth in a way most just don’t think of…

Eshaliah – Gets you to fully understand your finances so you can make much smarter decisions with your budget and spending in the future; it allows him to increase his cash flow so he always has extra cash on hand and never spends his money unnecessarily in the future.

We often don’t realize how much of our money goes to unnecessary things we buy that we end up needing and regretting, and that needs to stop.

When you adjust your budget in such a way that your shitty spending goes down and you’re left with more money, your finances will suddenly look a lot better, even if you don’t feel like you’re doing much to improve them, and that can be an initial point where you realize what has happened to your financial situation.

Sometimes we just aren’t as aware of the swings we have with our spending, because our budgets rarely stay the same over the months and years, but when we do have swings we can use; we need to understand what is the best way forward so that our money is maximized and we don’t get screwed in situations that could confuse us.

One of those spirits can help you understand the money changes in your life so you’re never behind or confused about what’s going on with your finances…

Nememiah: Allows you to see exactly what you need to do during confusing financial times so you’re never left behind with your money; he makes you understand and anticipate money problems long before they happen so you don’t have to worry about unexpected things coming up in the future.

In times when you can’t see where your finances are going, it can be a bit scary to make any decision if confusion is taking over and you simply don’t understand what’s going on and how to act.

That is why spirits are very helpful for situations like this: they can guide your thinking and actions so that everything falls into place and you are not left with more questions than answers when it comes to your financial life.

Other times it can be interesting to develop in other ways: how we can improve our lives and financial situations in ways we can’t easily see, and what steps we take so our future never looks bleak and bleak. one last spirit can help us with this…

Achaiah – It allows us to see all the ways we can maximize our money and generate much more cash flow in the months and years ahead; we are being asked to see if starting a business or starting some other cash generating activity is on our way so that we can bring in a significant source of cash for years to come.

This latter power should not be underestimated: we are crossing the line between having money and building abundance and wealth over the long term in ways we may never have considered.

It is no small thing that we are developing and building our financial future in a way that makes us very well in the future, and that is something that very few people can say about their financial life in general; who have such a solid foundation that they can plan a business or other larger financial projects in the future.

We need to adopt much smarter planning and thinking for our money, and the spirits can help us achieve this, as long as we are open to their guidance and willing to make the necessary changes in our lives, we simply cannot go wrong with their help. .

Pension, Inflation and Mars Bar

Some say inflation is good. The principal of your mortgage erodes, while the price of your house goes up, for example! This is an argument in favor of an interest-only mortgage, which advisers do not recommend. Refunds are much less if the principal is not repaid. Let’s take an extreme example: 35 years ago I arranged a mortgage for a lady to buy a house in End Terrace, she paid £8,995 for it and she wanted a 95% mortgage of £8,545 with a deposit of £450. Today the house is worth £160,000 and you would still have a mortgage of £8,545 if it had been interest only. People take out more than that for car financing today!

100 years of inflation has meant that the annual salary of teachers has risen from £176 per year to £30,889 per year on average. Gold was trading at £18.93 an ounce, now above £600 an ounce and still rising.

In 1971 the UK went Decimal – this was a good excuse to raise prices, which many people fear will also be the case if we join the Euro. Inflation can be judged by Mars Bars, which are often referenced in price comparison charts. In 1982 a Mars Bar cost 0.16p, now more than 0.45p. Taking this price increase into account, let’s use amounts of Mars Bars to compare inflation:-

ItemsBars March 1982Bar March 2007

House – 147,775 – 474,053

Porsche 911 – 104,500 – 170,000

Aga Gas Double Oven – 6.218 – 15.121

Washing machine – 1.875 – 560

Gallon Gasoline – 10 – 11

Pint of beer – 4 – 7

Frozen Chicken – 4 – 10

Now let’s take a look at pensions. If you applied for a Personal Pension, as I did, and paid £100 per month from the age of 30, it was projected that you would receive a pension of approximately £12,000 per year or 6,250 Mars Bars per month at age 65. In fact, now at 55, with diminishing returns and having paid off for 25 years, the projection has dropped to £3,000 a year or 555 Mars Bars a month.

So you could say that ‘A Mars A Day – Helps you work, rest and pay’!

Quick tips on how to tame your puppy

Did you know that the number one reason dogs end up at your dog shelter is that proper housebreaking isn’t enough? House training is very important and will be established as soon as one becomes a puppy. House training includes potty training. How to potty train your puppy could be a challenging job for a first-time pet owner or even an owner who hasn’t had a puppy in a long time. The important thing for many dog ​​owners is that the task is carried out as soon as possible and to have the pup at home without having to worry about accidents. Figuring out how to potty train your pet can be difficult, however, by just watching the puppy closely, you can speed up the action of receiving the puppy so you know where to go to the bathroom.

However, the real training won’t start until the pup is five to six months old. Younger pups lack the opportunity to fully understand and maintain what you seek to teach. Puppy potty training will take some dedication and patience on your part, however the rewards will make the bond between the two of you much healthier. Below are some great tips to make potty training truly successful.

The Way to Potty Train Your Puppy Effectively

1. You will need to start exercising every time you bring the puppy home. Keep in mind that at this age, puppies’ bladders are often not yet fully developed, so they cannot be effectively controlled. Expect many serious accidents.

2. One additional thing is to decide and tell the puppy where you would like him to pee or poop. Most young puppy owners have a potty inside, while mature canine owners want their pet to urinate only outside. That’s totally up to you. Decide where the location is likely to be and stick with it. Try and do everything possible so that the puppy knows where the place is and always visit the bathroom. Use the same command word each time he directs you to his potty spot.

3. Feed the puppy every day too. This allows you to establish his grooming routine so you know when to accept the pup outside. Feeding the puppy also every day also gives him security and lets him know his feeding time. Puppies’ bathing habits are influenced by the fluids and food they ingest. They usually go potty within 10 to 15 minutes after eating or drinking, so always consider pottying immediately after meals and right when it’s time for bed.

4. Another effective form of potty training is to use a crate or crate to enclose the puppy. Dogs don’t want to go potty in your current direction, so make sure the crate or crate is just enough for that pup to lie down in. Dog experts say that the puppy’s age in months is directly similar to the number of hours it could remain confined to the crate without going outside to dispose of it. Because of this, a two-month-old puppy can stay in the crate for two main hours without having potty breaks outside of the crate. However, this does not apply if the pup only drank, ate, or woke up.

5. Once your training begins, it is highly recommended that you confine the pup to small, restricted areas where you can have control. This reduces accidents because many dogs do not leave the place where they sleep or eat. Find out for crate training, a small room like kitchen or laundry workplaces. Be sure to confine him to floors that can be easily washed before the pup is fully house-trained.

6. Make sure that the appropriate area for going to the bathroom does not look too much like another room in the house. This could cause confusion and unwanted clutter. Finding out how to train your pup involves showing the pet how to use grass, dirt, concrete, and asphalt. This actually needs to be encouraged with positive reinforcement and otherwise once the pup decides to be an unacceptable space.

7. Providing a gift at the right time is important to administer and secure the teachings. Associate a treat once they relieve themselves with the correct places. Positive reinforcement is the most important tool in teaching your puppy to go potty correctly. Make sure you have consistency too. As long as they make it clear to the pup what is always expected of him and can make the process go more smoothly.

8. Accidents are likely to happen. If the pup urinates in the wrong place, sweat it out with a clap. Make sure you never scare him. Most dogs stop halfway when they start. Pick him up and take him to his potty area. The pup can get the content and finish what it started there shortly after. On the contrary, if the pup was defecting, he must wait for it to complete. Clean it up and try to anticipate another time to remove it beforehand. It is also vital that he watch for signs. If the pup starts sniffing the ground or pacing in circles, he probably should go.

Clear up all accidents immediately and eliminate odors with an odor eliminator. Dogs in most cases eliminate in areas that may have odors. There is a very acute sense of smell. so simply cleaning the surface is not enough.

9. Finally, at the beginning of the exercise, it will be easier if both you and your pup have a similar schedule. Make a pet wake up, eat, play, go outside and sleep too because you. Do these activities together. The first few days will most likely not be easy, but as time goes by, the schedule helps the pup to be aware of how long he should use his potty.

Potty training a puppy is truly a commitment and a task that needs to be seriously worked on. Dogs are extremely social animals and need a lot of interaction, communication, and attention. Therefore, a powerful housebreaking will make your health much calmer and simpler.

On resistance and cats: how much do you resist change?

I had to take my geriatric cat to the vet. He doesn’t like it there and he surprised me by being unusually docile when the attendant weighed him and took his temperature. He remained reasonably affable during the long wait for the vet. However, when he entered the room, everything changed.

The 15-year-old cat, which has lost all but one of its teeth and around a third of its body weight, escaped the attendant’s clutches and made it to the door. There, he fought off all attempts to catch him and place him back on the exam table. He hoisted Hey, he spat. he crushed. he howled. They could hear it down the street! He took two strong people, one with elbow-length protective gloves and the other with a large towel, to catch this sick old man and put him on the table. The assistant had to use her entire body to immobilize him long enough for the vet to draw blood.

Then it took four minutes for the two of them to get him into his carrier so I could take him home. No one was going to tell him what to do!

So what does this have to do with personal change in humans? She was speaking with a fellow trainer in one of a series of conversations about people who are resistant to moving on. While we were talking about clients and resistors, the image of that cat, curled up in a corner, ready to kill anyone who tried to move it, came to mind. I thought about the customers who were fighting kicking and screaming and what it took to get a little moving.

How fiercely we can fight to maintain the status quo. Even when resistance becomes useless and the effort is exhausting, we continue to fight against change. And how exhausting for anyone trying to help!

The next time a wonderful opportunity presents itself, try an anger management technique. Stop and breathe. Before you start spitting, hissing, and jumping at the opportunity, stop and wait for your heart and head to sync up. Communicate, even tentatively. Explore a bit. You still have time to fall back or regroup or do whatever you need to, but keep in mind that sometimes it’s better to fight your way out of your corner than to fight to stay in place.

Game ideas for groups of children (including Bring Me, Pirate’s Treasure, Balloon Burst)

What time is it, mister wolf?
One person leads the game and stands at one end of the room like the wolf, with his back to the others. The other players stand at the other end of the floor and call out “What time is it, Mr. Wolf?”. The wolf then announces the time, say one o’clock, and the other players take a big step towards the wolf. They call again and take as many steps as the wolf calls. However, when the wolf calls “Dinner time”, he turns and chases after the other players who have to make it back to the end of the floor without getting caught. The one who is caught becomes a wolf and the game starts again.

pirate treasure
The children are organized into teams of five. Team members sit one behind the other in a row of chairs, facing the game leader. (for example, 35 chairs arranged in 5 rows deep and 7 wide). The teams are numbered and one child from each team is selected to be the spokesperson. The leader begins, “Row number (x) stole the pirate’s treasure?” That whole line stands up and says together”No sir, we don’t sir…” and the spokesperson ends by saying “Test Row (x).” That row then stands up and repeats itself, and so the game continues until one row messes up by not standing up fast enough or saying the wrong thing, etc. (The more pedantic you make the rules, the better.) Any row that is wrong goes to the final row, while the other rows move up to fill the space, changing their number.

Mrs McGinty’s shopping bag
Boys are placed on a minimum of two teams, but may be more dependent on numbers. A leader should start with the first member of each team giving everyone something that he would buy in a store, ie bread, milk, washing up liquid, etc. once everyone has received an item, the leader goes to the other end of the aisle and sits on a meat. The leader tells a story using the items they just mentioned, each time their item is mentioned they have to run to the leader and tie it back to his seat before the other teams return. The story can be as long or as short as necessary, but everyone must have a turn. It usually ends with everyone running at once.

bring to me
Divide the children into teams and then number them from 1 to 10, etc. A leader then stands at the end of the hall and yells “number 1, bring me a white sock”, so all number ones have to bring the leader a white sock. The item brought in can be anything within the room or in an easily accessible area, ie bathrooms, stage area, and sometimes the kitchen.

Dwarves, Knights and Giants
This game is like a giant version of rock paper scissors. There are actions that are required for this game. Dwarf is crouching, for a knight you have to imitate riding a horse, and the giant action is simply stretching your arms above your head. Dwarves beat giants, giants beat knights, and knights beat dwarves. The group splits into two and each team is assigned one end of the corridor. They meet and decide what action they are going to take (the whole team does the same). The teams then meet in the center of the room. They line up facing each other with a meter between the lines. The leader then yells “3,2,1, GO!” Each team performs its action. The team whose action wins chases the other team. Trying to fool as many people as possible. Those who are caught become part of the other team. The game just repeats itself.

cat and mouse
Make a grid with the children, ask them to extend their arms (touching the fingertips of the neighbours) so that this forms a maze of alleys that the children can run through. The leader chooses a boy to be a mouse and a boy to be a cat, the cat chases the mouse through the alleys until he catches them. As the cat and mouse run around, the leader yells change to the children lining up the alleys. This means that the children have to turn around (90º) to now form vertical corridors instead of horizontal ones.

Indiana Jones
Two children’s rings standing. One inside the other with both rings facing each other, creating a circular corridor. The Earth ball on one side (interior hallway) and a boy playing Indiana Jones on the other. The kids have to roll the ball down the hall chasing Indiana Jones.

donkey bombers
Two teams choose a (leader?) donkey (or two) who sit about 10m apart balancing a plastic cup on their heads. The remaining team members sit in random rows facing “their donkey”. The teams are given a huge stack of newspapers. Teams score a point by knocking over the opposing donkey’s cup. Children must remain seated and can throw paper however they like! – it’s a bit messy but it’s a lot of fun – play loud music during the game too.

living on an island
Give a sheet of newspaper to each team who must have all members stand on it simultaneously with no one touching the ground. They are then allowed to tear off a piece of their sheet and repeat. The team with the smallest leaf wins.

balloon burst
Seat the children in two rows of chairs facing each other. (Number them along each row “1-2-1-2…etc”). Place the captain of team #1 at one end of the row of chairs and captain #2 at the other end. The children must bat a balloon with their hands (remaining seated) towards their respective Captain who is standing with a pin. (ie each child is seated between the players of the opposing team).

blind man face to face
The teams are numbered so that each has an opposite number on another team. The leader chooses a number…they both have to blindfold each other and then get to a squirt gun in the middle of the room (which you can move after the blindfolds have been put on) the teams yell at their own players. The player who finds the water gun and then hits another player wins one point (time limit).

5 tips to remember everything your teacher says

When the teacher or teacher speaks, you have to remember what is said. That is usually done through notes. Although all the notes are, in a sense, good. Some notes are better than others in terms of ease of use in remembering what the teacher said.

In other words, some note-taking techniques and the use of them will lead to better recall and an overall improvement in grades.

What are these techniques?

I’m glad you asked! Let’s start with the first tip.

  • Use colored pencils or colored pens when taking notes. – Using these tools will help because they will add another visual layer to your notes, which will inevitably make it easier for the note taker to remember information. As you work, try using and experimenting with more colors. You may find that some colors can help you remember a little more than others. Also, it will help if you mainly write all your notes in black and then embellish the most important parts with the use of colors.
  • Underline and accentuate the important elements. – Being creative with this is a must. You have to find new and fun ways to really get into note taking. Use some fun shapes, double underline, or draw a star. These little things can encourage active note taking, which will make you more engaged with the notes. Which leads to a better memory.
  • Draw shapes and organize information. – Next, you should try to use figures, graphs, tables, mind maps, etc. to get more involved in your notes. Use them to build relationships between information and link all data comfortably. They also make it easier to take notes on things that cannot be effortlessly conveyed with the use of words.
  • Write your notes clearly – Messy notes sometimes mean that the information that was written was not fully understood. Also, messy notes can make it very difficult to study for midterms or finals.
  • Reread your notes regularly. – Most of the time that people open their notes and study for exams is usually right before an exam. Studying 12 hours before an exam is not the best way to study. Studying this way is a good way to get gray hair early from stress. Instead, review your notes regularly at different times and on different days. Also, if you find yourself doing great on a test, rewrite all your notes in a separate notebook. This will engage you more and force you to review everything you have learned.

Can a search engine consultant increase your page ranking?

For people who have already been in online marketing for many years, having a search engine consultant to work with is a huge relief. This is because the consultants are more knowledgeable when it comes to SEO concerns. They are more up-to-date with the latest changes in Google’s algorithm and know what to do to keep your page ranking at the top.

Small businesses and business owners tend to be hesitant at first, especially if they are just starting out. Well, it is very understandable since not all search engine optimization experts are affordable. Many SEO consulting firms will require you to pay fees beyond your budget, which is why new businesses don’t want to hire professionals. But this should not be the case, since there are still firms that offer reasonable rates with very good results. It just takes a little bit of your time and effort to find them, more than you do when it comes to this part of your business.

Differences between having a search engine advisor and doing it yourself

  • They don’t need to learn the basics or the entire process of SEO, but you do.
  • Search engine optimization consultants can do this quickly and efficiently, while you can’t be sure of getting the same results if you go it alone.
  • Experts know the twists and turns, the ups and downs of the process, while you as a beginner need to learn and experience everything before you can really understand how it works.
  • Letting someone more knowledgeable handle your page rankings will save you time and worry that will allow you to focus on other aspects of your company or business.
  • The amount you pay is really small compared to the benefits that a consultant can give you.
  • No matter how complicated the process is, consultants will surely find ways to make or keep your page in the top results, on the other hand, you will have a hard time doing that for your page.

These are just some of the differences between doing it yourself or letting someone more familiar and experienced do their thing. SEO is a vast and complicated process to understand, not to mention that it also constantly changes from time to time.

Maintain Page Rankings with a Search Engine Consultant

As mentioned above, the process is extensive and complicated. But how well your page ranks mostly depends on how exceptional you make it. If you have a good search engine consultant, there is a 90% chance that your page will be in the top 3 of popular search results like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Apart from that, SEO consultants will also maintain your page ranking if the desired position has already been achieved.

So if you are a small business owner thinking of starting it online or you already have a business and a website that needs a start up, then an expert is what you need. A good page ranking will generate more clicks and possibly leads to your site, which will generate more revenue for your business.

15 ways to become a pack leader

A dog that does not know who is the leader of the pack is a confused dog and may exhibit many unwanted behaviors as a result. Your Great Dane is a pack animal. All dog packs have a pack leader and a social hierarchy in which each individual animal knows its own place.

Great Dane puppies are taught pack behavior by their mothers before they even leave the whelping box. By understanding pack behavior, you can use it to help train your dog.

Pack leadership always involves the strongest animal. In dogs and wolves, this leadership position is usually held by an adult male in his prime with enough life experiences to lead the pack in the business of day-to-day survival. Your dog will need to have a pack leader or he/she will become confused, displaying destructive behaviors and taking her anxiety out on those around her and her environment. A dog’s behavior and your dog’s body language is a good sign that she has a pack leader or is becoming the pack leader. A dog who knows her place in his human pack is a happy, well-balanced dog.

You, your family and your Great Dane make a pack. You or one of your family members will have to take on the responsibilities of alpha male or pack leader, and hopefully the hierarchy will have every human one point above the Great Dane dog.

Here are 15 tips to help you become the pack leader of your dog family:

  1. A pack leader always goes first. First when going through a door, first when going down or up stairs and first when walking your dog. Your dog must be behind the pack leader at all times. When walking his Great Dane, he should lead, not follow. Your dog must be next to you or behind you. Walks like this help release pent-up energy in your dog. This is the #1 way to communicate that you are the leader of your pack of dogs.
  2. When you enter the house or room where your dog is, you should ignore the dog for a few minutes (even if you only leave the room for a minute).
  3. Your dog should always have to work for a treat. A simple obedience command must be given before any treat is given. If he does not follow the command, he should not be rewarded with a treat. The dog should always gently take the treat from your hand.
  4. You must have set times for feeding your Great Dane, feeding the Great Dane should be done on a schedule. Do not feed your dog table scraps (especially Great Danes) Great Danes have very sensitive stomachs and if you deviate from their normal food and treats, you will have a sick Dane.
  5. Just like walking through the doors first, you should always eat first. The leader always eats first. When you feed your dog, eat a small snack first while your dog watches before feeding.
  6. You should never allow your dog to bite or bite anyone at any time, even during play.
  7. Your Great Dane should not sleep in your bed, not only because there may not be room for you, but also because in the dog pack the leader sleeps in the most comfortable place. This is not to say that you can never allow your dog on your bed. You can invite your Dane to lie with you on the bed, but have him stay at the foot of the bed and not get out of the way.
  8. If you make eye contact with your Great Dane, he should look away first. When the dog looks away first, it reinforces his status as pack leader.
  9. When walking your dog, you should never allow your dog to “walk you.” You should have a loose lease, not a tight one. Remember, the leader is always first and leads the way.
  10. One of the basic commands your Great Dane puppies need to learn is “let go.” Whatever is in his mouth, you should be able to take possession of it at any time.
  11. You should never play tug of war with your Great Dane. This is a power play and you can lose, especially if you have a Great Dane, you can end up getting hurt.
  12. When you put your dog’s food bowl down, have him wait until you tell him “Ok” to eat. Stand in front of the food plate and have her sit down first. If the dog does not follow her command, take the food and try again in 15 minutes.
  13. Every game you play with your Great Dane puppies should begin and end with you.
  14. If you have a very dominant dog who has problems with growling, you should stop him immediately and not allow him to lie on the couch. Remember, the leader of the pack gets the most comfortable spot.
  15. The most important rule of thumb for being a pack leader is to imagine yourself as big, powerful, and confident.

Remember, always stay in control and don’t let your emotions show while training your Great Dane dog. If you don’t think you will be able to establish this role, you should enroll your dog in Dog Training Classes. Your dog will be happy, balanced and secure knowing that he has a strong pack leader.

If you want to learn more about the Great Dane or become a leader of the pack, click here. [http://www.greatdane-dog-world.com/pack-leader].

Why do cat urine stains smell worse in hot weather?

Here in the United States, spring has finally arrived. If you’ve had a cat urine odor problem since last fall or winter, and you thought you’d cleaned up every puddle thoroughly, you may discover otherwise now that warmth and humidity have returned.

This article briefly describes the different components of cat urine and why it smells so much worse in warmer climates. This article also discusses the most effective cleaning solution to permanently remove odor and stains.

Cat urine stains are difficult to remove because they contain five different strains of bacteria. Two of these are associated with the cat’s marking odor. The others are in cat spray, urine, and uric acid.

The sticky, sticky part of cat urine is urea. The pigment is urochrome, and then there are the uric acid crystals, which look like salt.

The first two components clean up quite easily. It is the uric acid with its crystals and salt that lingers, causing the continual smell of cat urine. These crystals are insoluble and bind strongly to whatever they land on. This is why you cannot successfully remove the smell of cat urine with regular household cleaners.

Crystals reactivate with moisture. And that’s why the smell of cat urine is stronger in hot weather: Moisture in the air reacts with the crystals, and you smell the cat urine stain again, even though you’ve wiped and wiped down that particular spot.

To completely remove the odor and stain, the crystals must be removed from the surface to which they are attached. The only effective cleaning solution is an enzyme pet cleaner made specifically to attack components of cat urine.

These cleaners are special enzymatic formulas that consume the bacterial components, ultimately eliminating odor and stains. Common household cleaners do not contain enzymes, because most cleaners do not contain uric acid.

There are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners available at your local pet store. Please read the instructions carefully and follow them completely for best results. If the stain is very old, it will take several applications to fully eradicate the stain and odor.

The story behind Cat Stevens "Father and son"

There is no doubt among her many fans that Cat Stevens’ “Father and Son” is one of her most beloved songs. It tells the timeless story of a father who does not understand his son’s desire to find his own path in life and the son’s inability to explain to his father why it must be so. Stevens sang both parts, singing the melody line in lower notes when he was assuming the role of the father and an octave higher when he was singing the role of the son. At the end he sings both parts simultaneously, first with the father in the foreground and the son in the background followed by a reversal of roles. But what inspired Stevens (now known as Yusuf Isalm, after his Muslim conversion) to write the song? Was it based on his relationship with his own father, someone else, and his father, or was it a complete fiction?

It certainly wasn’t about Stevens and his own father. Shortly after the song was released, he told an interviewer, “I never really understood my father, but he always let me do what I wanted, he let me go. ‘Father And Son’ is for those people who can’t break up.” . lose.” And in an interview in the The Chris Isaac HourIn 2009, Stevens recounted of their relationship: “He was running a restaurant and I was a pop star, so I wasn’t following the path that he laid out. But we certainly didn’t have any antagonism between us. I loved him.” and he loved me.”

Actually, the song started as a fiction. Written during his early success in England before becoming well known in the United States, Stevens originally composed “Father and Son” for a musical project with actor Nigel Hawthorne called revolution. It was supposed to be about a boy who wanted to join the Russian revolution against his father’s wish. However, the project fell by the wayside due to Steven’s health. He was forced to recuperate for over a year after contracting tuberculosis and suffering a collapsed lung. However, the song remained in Steven’s repertoire, ending up on his famous 1970 release “Tea for the Tillerman”.

So how did Stevens view the song after he released it? In his own words, “Some people think he was taking the son’s side. But how could he have sung the father’s side if he couldn’t have understood it too? I was listening to that song recently and I heard a line and that was the father.” of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of my father speaking”.