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Children and food for better dental health

Children and food for better dental health

In order to provide your family with solid nutritious food in this day and age, it means being willing to look beyond the nearest grocery store. Stores today are full of foods that have had their processed nutrition removed. Find good whole food or health food stores and look for foods high in fiber and nutrients and low in chemical additives and sugars.

essential nutritious food

Children are in their growth stages and therefore require foods from each food group to maintain proper health. Include carbohydrates, proteins and fats in each meal. Typically, a child’s diet has a higher concentration of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain starches and sugars, some harmful and some essential. Complex carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruits are more beneficial, while starchy carbohydrates in pastas and breads are more problematic.

All types of foods and snacks can cause tooth decay. Cookies, candies, pastries and cakes get the most attention when looking at foods that cause cavities. However, fruit, milk, peanut butter, pretzels, chips, and juice are just as bad. Regular eating habits along with regular brushing habits will go a long way.


Water is a topic so often overlooked in nutrition discussions that I want to pay special attention to it here. Children will naturally appreciate water. Their bodies want it. Give your child water to drink instead of flavored beverages of any kind. Most people don’t get enough good water in their bodies.

Water is a natural lubricant and cleanser. It is a necessary catalyst for most essential metabolism in the body, as well as acting as a cleansing agent to remove waste and toxic materials from cells and the body in general.

Today, most water sources need additional filtering to make sure it doesn’t contain more harmful ingredients than good. Bottled water is an alternative, although it can be expensive. Good inexpensive water filters can be found with a little research and are well worth the effort.

Finally, just drinking water during and after eating will wash out your mouth and help dilute any remaining food substances, greatly reducing your risk of cavities.

Tips for maintaining good dental health in children

* Avoid giving sticky foods such as raisins, honey, caramel, syrups and molasses to children. Otherwise, insist that your children brush their teeth immediately after eating such foods.

* Give them raw vegetables and fruits as snacks. Vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, pear, celery and melon stimulate the secretion of saliva during the meal. This helps remove the sugars present in these fruits and vegetables and prevents the build-up of food residue.

* Give cheddar cheese as an alternative snack or for lunch. This triggers the formation of saliva and helps wash away food particles.

* Give children water instead of juice or soft drinks. Juices and soft drinks have high levels of sugar. Soda also has carbolic acid, which is extremely destructive to teeth. It is also useful to dilute fruit juices with a little water.

* Use a fluoride toothpaste if you choose for brushing. Fluoride helps improve enamel hardness and prevents tooth decay. Flossing removes food deposits between teeth where brushing can’t.

* It is best to brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day and preferably also after meals and snacks. Drink a lot of water!

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