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Cook brown rice for a healthy life

Cook brown rice for a healthy life

Brown or brown rice has garnered a lot of attention recently as a super healthy food. Almost everyone now knows that this type of food is better than the white variety. The main reason is that the darker types of rice are made from whole grain. Therefore, it retains all of its vital nutrients, which are stripped out in white varieties (and white bread).

Brown rice can be part of a lifestyle change, including becoming vegetarian or even vegan, and eating whole food products and possibly going meatless and dairy free. But even if you don’t want to go that far, you can start by eating darker types of rice.

Eating brown rice, like eating black bread, is an acquired taste. If you keep eating it for a while, you’ll get used to it. Children should be exposed to the flavor at an early stage, otherwise some may find it difficult to start using it.

Brown rice is chewy because it keeps the bran. Therefore, it maintains the vitamins and fiber, which are discarded in white rice.

While it’s best to eat whole grains that aren’t overcooked, I’ve found it’s easier to get used to if they’re overcooked and mushy. That provides an easier transition from white to brown rice.

Studies show that certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer, can be affected by a high-fiber diet. The bran in whole grains is a great source of fiber. Not only does it help reduce the chance of cancer, but it also helps with bowel movement. Also, brown rice is filling and that can induce weight loss as you lose the desire to eat faster.

Brown rice is rich in antioxidants. While we give the antioxidant importance to berries, brown rice ranks right up there with berries in antioxidant properties.

Brown rice is an excellent baby food as it is full of nutrients, minerals and fiber, and it also provides intestinal regularity for babies.

The sugar in brown rice is released slowly, making it a perfect product for diabetic patients. People who regularly consume brown rice can lower their chance of diabetes by a substantial portion.

Brown rice also helps control cholesterol and reduces the chance of type 2 diabetes.

To cook brown rice in a rice cooker, wash and soak the rice for about an hour. Use hot water. Then add 2.5 cups of water for every cup of rice.

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