
Powering future

Life crucified to abandon everything for Jesus

Life crucified to abandon everything for Jesus

Jesus said in Luke 14:33 So also, whoever of you does not abandon all that he has cannot be my disciple. Jesus has expounded a teaching from Luke 14:26 to 14:32 and now he says this. Let’s take a look at what Jesus says and means by this statement.

In Luke 14:26 Jesus says that unless you hate your mother, father, sisters, brothers, wife, children, and even your own life compared to your love for Jesus, you cannot be His disciple. Jesus means that your love for Him must overshadow your love for anyone else who is dear to you, and even your own life. If you can’t make the decision to follow Jesus to do a certain thing when your entire family is opposed, Jesus makes it clear that you are not really His true disciple.

In the next verse, verse 27, Jesus says that serving Him with your whole life and being a true disciple of Him comes at a cost, and that cost involves taking up the cross of personal death for yourself and your own desires and choosing each day. instead of following Him and the principles of His Kingdom.

Jesus goes on to say in verses 28-30 that if you don’t die to yourself and make great sacrifices to live the crucified life and thus become set apart and holy before others, the world will laugh at you and call you. justly. you are a hypocrite who takes His name but will not go through hard effort to become like Him.

In verses 31 and 32, Jesus goes on to say that you are in a real war with the flesh and temptations and that most of you have given up the fight without knowing that you have. He says that instead of fighting with the help of the Holy Spirit and with the power of His blood, they have given up the fight against sin and allowed sin and their flesh to rule their bodies. He says that if you want to live for Him you have to get up and really fight.

Now that we know everything that has happened before, we can see what verse 33 says when it says, “So also, whoever of you does not abandon all that he has cannot be my disciple.”

You have to give up your life in the flesh.

You have to give up your own selfish desires for the things of the world.

You have to decide to follow Jesus no matter what your family says.

You have to follow Jesus even if your family and loved ones are not with you.

You have to obey Jesus every day and walk the way his teachings command you.

You have to walk in the Light of His Truth and take up your cross.

You have to obey Jesus and the Bible and repent of all your habitual sins and free yourself from a life of sin for years and become a saint.

You have to abandon the incorrect teaching that says that you cannot be holy and even less sin and live a life of holiness.

You have to give up your television time and spend time in the Word, in prayer, and doing things for the Kingdom.

You have to abandon friends who will not follow the same path as you.

In short, to sum it all up, you have to radically change the way you have been living and abandon everything related to that life and apply all your free time, your resources and your efforts to serve God. If you can’t do all of the above, you are not the disciple of Jesus.

The proper Christian life is rare. Holy men and women of God are rare. people who serve God with all their time, all their resources and every breath are truly rare on this earth. You may not even know one. When you are living the crucified life, your life sees results and you see the fruit of what you are doing.

I preach a difficult message and share it not to condemn you, but to convince you to come before God and repent in tears. I do not share this to look good, I only share it because I am called to be a Teacher and teach people the truths hidden in the Word of God.

I know that many will read this and reject it. I write this and I dedicate my time to the 20% that will be condemned and will change.

If you think you have abandoned everything, I doubt that you have. But if you have and agree with what I have said here, I would love to hear from you in a comment.

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