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Money Saving Tips for the Smart Shopper

Money Saving Tips for the Smart Shopper

Most of the secrets to paying less involve planning ahead when to shop, where to shop, and how to shop. Here are some ideas to help you start pinching every penny.


1. Shop at a “pack your own” grocery store. You can save a lot on shopping at these types of stores. The difference is considerable, look in the phone book or online for stores in your area.

2. Sign up for club cards. They are usually free and make you eligible for certain discounts, so why not join? Some stores that have these cards keep track of your purchases and when you reach a certain level you will get another coupon on top of your savings.

3. Buy meat in the market. In addition to fresh meat and incredible prices, in a meat market you decide how much you buy. There is no pre-packaging here. If you want 3/4 pound of ground turkey, that’s what you’ll get.

4. Shop at a bakery. You can buy bread here for about 1/3 the price of your average grocery store. Also at discount prices there are cookies and cakes to go. The items you find here are as fresh as those from the grocery store.

5. Use those coupons. This is probably the most obvious way to save. Your Sunday paper is usually full of them. Take those extra five minutes to delete them. If you’re looking for a specific coupon, try the manufacturer’s website.

6. Keep an eye out for candy sales after the holidays. Normally, this is how my family buys our candy. On the first day after the holidays, prices typically drop by 25-50%. Days later, they will reach 75%.

7. Join Sam’s Club or Costco. They have membership fees, but they sell just about anything for a lot less money. They not only sell food, but also offer jewelry, clothing, video games, and holiday items.

Home’s products

1. Try a dollar store. Before you shop anywhere else, try the dollar store. Many sell name brand products for as low as a dollar.

2. Be creative when looking for coupons. If you can’t find that particular article in the Sunday paper, call the toll-free number on the packet. They will often send you some coupons just for asking. Don’t forget to search the internet. Try here http://www.onlycoupons.com.


1. Are you in a group qualified to pay less? Look inside. You may qualify for lower prices if you are low-income, disabled, veteran, senior, or active in the military.

2. Ask the electric company about discounts based on income. If you qualify, ask if there is a program that reimburses part of your gas and electric bills once a year. These savings can add up to hundreds of dollars a year.

3. Cable companies sometimes offer discounted services to certain people. Seniors, military, and low-income families can get lower rates. Check local provider websites or call.

4. Sign up for Self Pay. Ask if there is a fee waiver for those who have their bill withdrawn directly from checking accounts. You’ll also never have to worry about late fees again.

5. Bundle the services together. If you get cable and Internet from two different providers, find out if you can switch to a plan that combines the two for lower rates than paying separately.

6. Delete the landline. If you have a cell phone and don’t need it for the Internet, consider ditching it entirely.


1. Points of sale. In some cases, you can save 25-75% more than in regular department stores.

2. Stock up on basic foods. Items like socks and underwear have regular sales at significant discount prices.

3. End of season sales. Long before the seasons change, seasonal clothing hits clearance. New season products arrive months in advance, hence the sales.


1. Try eBay. Be careful because you are buying from people you don’t know. But eBay offers new toys at discount prices, sometimes much cheaper than in stores. Always check shipping costs before placing your bid.

2. Timely purchases. Buy Christmas toys early. Preferably before Thanksgiving. Research the item online to see where you can find the best deal. Or you can call stores in your area to find out their prices to compare. If it’s a must, you’ll probably save a lot of money if you wait.


1. Store connections. Find a gas station that is part of a grocery store. These places are normally at least several hundred cheaper than their competitors. Some also have club cards that allow you to earn extra pennies per gallon when you buy groceries from them. When purchases reach a certain level, another fuel discount is earned. The good thing is that these club cards are usually free.

2. Do not refuel on Saturdays. In some areas, gas will go up on Saturdays and just before holidays. Planning ahead will be helpful.

3. Avoid freeway gas stations. Gas stations at the motorway exit tend to cost more than a few corners down the road. They know they’ll catch travelers who don’t want to stray too far from where they’re supposed to be. But driving an extra block or two takes little time and gas and can certainly save you a lot.

4. Comparison store. Don’t be fooled by those TV commercials that claim they have the cheapest insurance out there. There are great companies that charge significantly less, but your driving record and credit history also factor into the deal.

5. Waiver Program Surcharge. Ask your insurance if they have this program. If you have been accident free for a certain amount of type while you were insured with them and then have an accident, your rates will not increase.

6. Security and anti-theft functions. Air bags, anti-lock brakes, factory-installed seat belts, and daytime running lights not only increase safety for you and your family, they may also qualify you for a discount on car insurance. Also, most insurers love anti-theft devices. In some states they have certain features that may allow you to have a 25-35% discount.

Health care

1. Avoid the ER Most of our trips to the ER do not require emergency care. But they end up costing us much more than a regular visit to the doctor. Find any urgent care center in your area now and use them instead whenever possible. You could potentially save up to 70%.

2. Go to health care clinics. Try to avoid injections from your regular doctor. Health clinics usually have a fixed fee that is very cheap.

3. Use Generic Medications whenever possible. Before you leave the doctor’s office, ask about a generic brand. There is no difference in quality, but there may be a big difference in price.


1. Find a spay/neuter clinic. Check the yellow pages to find a low-cost clinic. They usually offer more services, like injections and other minor procedures.

2. Shop online. Many pet medications, such as flea treatment, dewormers, and heartworm pills, cost much less. Remember that a reputable site will ask you for the prescription before you can fill it.


1. Shop online at Half.com. There is a wide range of music here. Vendors sell items ranging from fair to like new. You will most likely get what you expect because sellers work hard to maintain a good reputation with buyers.

2. Try eBay. You may find an even better deal because you bid on items. Always check the shipment. Some sellers like to increase shipping costs to make more.

3. Join a bookstore discount card program. With every purchase, you’ll receive a 10% discount off the regular price. Some charge a fee, but for avid readers, the fee is well worth it.

4. Check travel discount websites. While you’re at it, make your reservations online to save a few bucks or more.

5. Kids stay/eat free. Most hotels do not normally charge for taking children with you. But first check what is considered a “child.” The age limit is between 16 and 19 years.

6. Frequent stay programs. If you travel frequently, check the hotel you like to stay at for frequent stay programs, similar to frequent flyer programs. You can earn free nights and other benefits.

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