
Powering future

Stepping strong

Stepping strong

Walking in high heels is a problem for many women. Some women take heels naturally. They can move around in them with absolute style and even run around in them if need be. Others, it seems, need not only hours of practice but also advice from internet experts to stay upright in something taller than a pair of sneakers. However, I do not make any judgement, since I belong to the latter category. I reserve the dubious pleasure of heels for special occasions, like weddings. It has not yet been decided whether my own wedding will deserve the same honor.

It would take weeks of practice for me to feel confident enough to walk, or preferably glide, down the aisle in heels, especially in an expensive white dress, with 70 or so guests watching. I wish your stars would look up to me and not grimace as they try to stifle laughter at the sight of me staggering like an ostrich on stilts.

Women can take comfort in the fact that they are not alone in their quest to strut elegantly down the street. Men also turn to the World Wide Web for advice on how to wear high heels. Highheelspassion.blogspot.com has an article specifically about high heels for men. It includes all kinds of tips that are very useful for anyone who wants a higher view.

For example, they say that when you start a life in heels, start small, in tiny heels, work your way up to wedges, and only then tackle stilettos. They also advise that you try on the heels to see if they are not too high for you before you buy them. The test is simple, while wearing the shoes, stand on a level surface with your knees straight. Raise up on your toes so there is an inch between your heel and the floor. If you can’t do this, you know the heels are too high.

Other helpful tips for men and women include taking smaller steps when wearing high heels. The higher the heel, the shorter your steps, so try not to stride, you’ll end up looking like a gorilla in disguise. Put the heel down first and then the ball of the foot. Don’t kick your whole foot down at the same time. You’ll also look more elegant and your hips will sway more naturally if you put one foot in front of the other and keep your toes straight.

Practice walking on various surfaces, not just the carpet in your hallway. Walking on wood is different from walking on grass or gravel. Follow the Boy Scout motto: be prepared for anything. Preparation will help you avoid falling flat on your face because you didn’t think to walk on cracked pavement.

Those who aren’t confident enough to take on heels needn’t fear, as the internet is full of other equally valuable tips. If you still haven’t figured out how to walk in those pesky flip-flops, a quick search online will see that you start on the right or left foot; it really depends on you.

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