
Powering future

Xbox 360 has three flashing red lights

Xbox 360 has three flashing red lights

Do you have the Xbox 360 with three flashing red lights? If so, then I am going to give you three options on how you can fix your Xbox problem. I won’t leave you hanging, and I’ll make sure to tell you the pros, cons of each option.

The first option is to send your 360 to Microsoft. This option is great and the advantage of this option is that you know your Xbox will be fixed once it is shipped to you. However, there are two big drawbacks if you decide to send your Xbox to Microsoft. The first disadvantage is that you have to pay them $140. There are three or four games that you can buy with that money. Also, you’ll have to wait six weeks until you get your Xbox back… I don’t know about you, but that’s a long time to not be able to play your favorite game.

The second option that I am going to tell you about is NOT RECOMMENDED. You may have heard of this option before. It’s called the “towel trick.” What you do is wrap your Xbox in towels and then turn on your 360. As a result, your Xbox overheats. What this “trick” is trying to do is re-melt the solder. Why would you want to re-melt solder? You want to do that because it repairs the electrical connection and therefore fixes your Xbox 360 with three flashing red lights. This method actually works for about two weeks… But eventually it will permanently destroy your Xbox because it heats up other important connections all meant for your Xbox causing them to not work.

The third and final option is to get an Xbox repair guide. I recommend this method to anyone facing the three flashing red lights issue. An Xbox 360 repair guide will walk you through step by step how to fix any of your 360 problems. This is going to be your best bet. For many reasons… One of the main reasons is that you can fix your Xbox in less than an hour with a repair guide. Plus, getting a repair guide saves you over $120.

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