
Powering future

Your personal health and lifestyle agenda for 2017

Your personal health and lifestyle agenda for 2017


The most popular excuse for not committing to New Year’s resolutions is lack of time, a form of resistance that could be tempered by providing relevant information. Your Personal Agenda (PA) 2017 is a tool designed to invite you to create and build your path to success for 2017. To obtain the best results, your actions are optimized when they correspond to your level of prevention. This article introduces the concept of your Personal Agenda for 2017. The specific steps are to assess your goals, plan, set up a personalized plan, a daily formula, and implement your resolutions.


The Health Prevention Model classified three degrees of physical illness.

Primary prevention: a person has no symptoms.

Secondary prevention – a person is at risk, symptoms appear.

Tertiary prevention: symptoms disappear completely.

The objectives of your Personal Agenda are based on your self-assessment:

Primary Prevention (P1) – You are healthy and happy.

Secondary prevention (P2): You have concerns about your well-being.

Tertiary Prevention (P3): You are diagnosed with one or more conditions: Your life needs adjustment.

Rest assured that your success is not based on your level of prevention, but on the belief that you can and want to improve your life, regardless of your level.

I propose corresponding goals: physical goal (PO), emotional (EO), social (SO) and a work goal (WO), an extension of SO – goals that will be applied at a level of prevention in your plan.


Get a notebook or journal, your PA 2017 to be. Some recommendations apply to everyone. The guide for customization is included in Daily Formula.

Preparing for your PA 2017 will likely involve changes. The changes are often challenging. There is no urgency to start until you are ready. Before you start, prepare for the changes according to your personal readiness and your PA 2017. There is no time limit, neither good nor bad. Each step is a small success towards a satisfactory result.


The blueprint defines your physical, emotional and social situations. Take your self-assessment. Record your results (PA 2017).

Physical Target (PO)

PO1 – You are satisfied with your physical appearance and your health.

PO2: You need to lose or gain a few pounds or you may be at risk of developing a health problem.

PO3 – You have developed a serious condition that affects your physical appearance. (Obesity? Anorexia? Bulimia? Skin disorder?)

Emotional Target (OE)

EO1 – You feel mostly emotionally balanced and happy.

EO2 – You feel good but occasionally experience emotional ups and downs.

EO3 – You feel mainly depressed and/or experience extreme mood swings.

Social Objectives (SO)

SO1 – You are satisfied with your family/personal relationships and your circle of friends.

SO2 – Your family/personal relationships or your circle of friends need improvement.

SO3 – You feel alone and/or misunderstood.

Work Objectives (SO)

WO1 – You are satisfied with your educational/professional achievements.

WO2 – Work is good, pays the bills, but…

WO3 – You are totally dissatisfied with your educational/professional achievements.

Select your level of prevention that best defines each objective. Enter it in your PA 2017.

daily formula

The guidelines are based on your circadian (24-hour) cycle, a kind of bodily regulator based on physiological, environmental, and cultural preferences.

Therefore, buy a notebook to design your PA 2007. Evaluate your level of prevention based on your goals. Observe your circadian cycle. The next article will focus on establishing your daily formula.

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