
Powering future

Coming Out In Midlife – Lesbian Verses Straight Dating

In some ways, finding a lesbian date is similar to finding a male date. There are the same anxieties, the same butterflies, and the same places to go (movies, dinner, clubs). They are getting to know each other and looking for that special someone. But if you’re new to the lesbian dating scene, there are also some key differences to keep in mind.

For starters, you can feel totally free to ask another lesbian woman out. No more waiting by the phone hoping the guy will call you or feeling like you’re being too pushy if you call him. You are free to take the initiative if you are attracted to a woman. In fact, if you don’t act, you may lose!

Next, there is the factor of safety. While it is possible to meet a woman who is unbalanced, most women will not be completely dangerous. You can feel a little more comfortable meeting a woman and not have to worry about being assaulted. While violent crime can occur, it is a bit more unlikely in this case.

In heterosexual dating, many women expect the man to pay for the dates. In lesbian dating, paying for the date can be awkward. No rules. If you initiated the date, you may want to pay. Or your date can offer and insist. Or you can split the bill. The only caution here concerns the obligation. If you go on extra dates and she continues to insist on paying, she may be too nice, rich, and able to afford it, or she may be trying to establish a controlling relationship. Beware.

Another difference in lesbian dating is the age factor. In heterosexual relationships, men are often older than women. This typically limits the age range of your dating pool to the number of years of age difference you’re comfortable with. If you’re comfortable with a 10-year age difference, you’d look for men between your age and 10 years older. In lesbian relationships, there is no such distinction. You can date women significantly older or younger than you. In our example, if you’re comfortable with a 10-year age gap, this means you have 20-year-old women in your dating pool! That is, if you are 40 years old, you could look for a date between 30 and 50 years old.

One last thing to keep in mind. Sex… in lesbian relationships there is no fear of pregnancy. This means there is no contraception. It can be quite a liberating experience if you’ve never been in the situation before. It can also lead to a physical relationship starting before you’re ready for it, so be careful. Another note on sex: while HIV/AIDS is less prominent in the lesbian community, safe sex is still recommended to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like genital warts and herpes. On the lighter side, you never have to worry about your partner having a problem with erectile dysfunction!

If you’re coming out for the first time in middle age, you’ll now be a little more prepared about what to expect in the world of lesbian dating. Have fun exploring!

The Benefits of Boxing For Weight Loss

Boxing For Weight Loss

Boxing is a great exercise for weight loss, and can provide a variety of benefits. For one, it relieves stress. While boxing is not a contact sport, its mental and physical nature keeps you engaged and motivated. It also allows you to use your entire body weight as exercise, which is a great way to burn fat while at the same time balancing your mood.

Not only can boxing help you lose weight, but it can help you learn new skills. The exercise will also boost your self-confidence. Boxers often find themselves falling in love with the feeling of getting fit and empowered. The sport also trains the heart, which helps the body manage energy. Therefore, boxing can help you lose weight by giving you more energy and a happier self-esteem.

Boxing exercises will not only help you lose weight, but they will also help you build lean muscle. Boxing will help you get well-defined arms, chests and abs. This will boost your metabolism, which means you’ll burn more calories than you normally do. If you’re looking to get in shape, boxing may be the perfect exercise for you.

lose weight with boxing

The physical activity of boxing is extremely demanding. It requires intense coordination and engages every part of the body. Your core, upper body and lower body will have to work hard in order to perform each exercise correctly. Therefore, it is important to follow proper form while boxing. It can reduce your body fat by burning hundreds of calories in an hour.

The Benefits of Boxing For Weight Loss

Another great benefit of boxing for weight loss is its high-intensity cardio workout. It burns body fat, boosts upper body strength and mood, and improves fitness. It can be a fun and effective way to lose weight. But it requires dedication and lifestyle changes in order to see results.

weight lose

Boxing also burns more calories than other forms of cardiovascular exercises. A single session can burn up to 1000 calories, while jogging or walking can burn around 200 calories. Because boxing involves all the major muscle groups in the body, it helps you lose weight faster and more effectively than other forms of cardio.

In addition to losing weight, boxing also increases muscle mass. Although it does not show up on the scales, building muscle is good for your health. It will also make you feel leaner and more toned. It also improves your reaction time and coordination. In addition, boxing also improves your stamina.

boxing for weight lose

It is important to remember that weight loss is based on the difference between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn. Every activity requires some caloric expenditure, and more energy-intensive activities require more calories. Each pound of fat contains about 3,500 calories, so if you want to lose a pound of fat, you will need to burn off more calories than you consume. Exercise is one way to get your body to use stored fat for energy.

Михаил Шулик о том, где работают бизнес-аналитики в странах Балтии

где работают бизнес-аналитики в странах Балтии

Если вы подумываете о карьере бизнес-аналитика, вам может быть интересно, где находятся лучшие возможности для бизнес-аналитиков. Прибалтийские государства относительно малы и подвержены влиянию России, но это не помешало им вступить в ЕС и НАТО. С 2004 года страны Балтии оставались частью ЕС и НАТО, но Кремль различными способами стремился сохранить свое влияние в регионе. Эти усилия включали диверсификацию энергетики, кибернетические и пропагандистские наступления и усиление присутствия НАТО.

Михаил Шулик напоминает, что все больше компаний в странах Балтии прибегают к дистанционному найму для заполнения вакансий. Например, количество удаленных сотрудников в Эстонии в первом полугодии увеличилось на 213%. Латвийские предприятия также обратились к удаленному найму, чтобы заполнить вакантные должности. Эта тенденция помогла этим странам привлечь больше иностранных специалистов.

В то время как Россия имеет значительное присутствие в регионе, страны Балтии также добились значительного прогресса в противодействии российскому влиянию на своих соответствующих рынках. Хотя Латвия, Литва и Эстония продолжают покупать российский газ, они добились успехов в диверсификации своих энергоснабжений и построили новую инфраструктуру, чтобы подключиться к европейской энергосистеме. Третий энергетический пакет ЕС от 2009 года (версия Общего рынка ЕС) предписывал «разделить» газовые рынки стран Балтии, чтобы обеспечить честную конкуренцию. Процесс разделения завершился в Эстонии и Литве к 2017 году.

Михаил Шулик о том, где работают бизнес-аналитики в странах Балтии

В результате влияние Москвы на страны Балтии наиболее заметно в энергетическом секторе. Все три прибалтийских государства зависят от российской нефти и газа для удовлетворения почти 90% своих энергетических потребностей. Эта зависимость усугублялась энергетической инфраструктурой советских времен и нехваткой внутренних природных ресурсов. В ответ на эту ситуацию Москва использовала нефтяные санкции и нарушения для продвижения своих интересов в регионе.

В то время как влияние российских вооруженных сил в регионе невелико, Россия предприняла шаги, чтобы изменить их стратегическое направление, чтобы избежать прямой конфронтации с силами США и НАТО в регионе. Несмотря на это, страны Балтии по-прежнему готовы столкнуться с враждебной гибридной тактикой. В результате специалисты по стратегическому планированию должны рассматривать регион как потенциальный театр военных действий.

Россия сохраняет свое влияние на страны Балтии через традиционные и альтернативные средства массовой информации. В странах Балтии русскоязычные телеканалы более популярны, чем национальные. Ранее в Латвии был заблокирован русскоязычный телеканал РТР. Кроме того, средства массовой информации в России склонны политизировать этот вопрос. Кроме того, он обвинил Эстонию в русофобии.

Sing in harmony with yourself: learn to record your voice on your PC and sing with it!

Have you ever been singing a song by yourself and you could hear the harmonies that were “supposed” to be there but weren’t? every time i sing Take it easy, of The Eagles, I arrive at the choir and I imagine that I have Don Henley and Timothy B. Schmidt at my side. Without the vocal harmonies, the song just doesn’t have the same impact, the same magic.

Imagine trying to make Kansas’ Continue Wayward Son, only! I do not think. The same goes for Bohemian Rhapsody, for Queen. There are certain songs that just can’t or shouldn’t be performed without those magical voices. So what the hell do you do about it if you’re a solo artist?

Well, for live performances, you’re pretty much bound to have to get a few other singers for harmonies. Actually, depending on how technically savvy you are, there are little machines that can split your voice and play it back as harmonies, but that’s another thing for another article. And trust me, it’s a huge pain to get decent results. Yes, I have tried it; No, I don’t anymore ;).

However, you can record yourself singing harmonies to yourself (yourself?), right now if you wish, with tools you probably have at home. As long as you have a PC with a sound card, an mp3 player and some kind of microphone. Those little $4.00 PC mics are fine to start with… no seriously, I’m serious. If you have the things I mentioned and want to try them out right now, all you need to do is download the open source audio program called Audacity from their Sourceforge site on the interwebs.

The reason I said you need an mp3 player is because of the headphones or earphones, not the player itself. Plug those headphones into the (normally) green hole on your PC’s sound card. (“hole” = “cat” if you insist on using technical terms). You may need to unplug your speakers first, which is fine. Then plug the microphone into the pink hole… I mean… plug in the sound card.

You only need to configure a couple of things in the software before you begin. Open Audacity and go to Edit/Preferences to open the Audacity Preferences window. Check the box next to “Play other tracks while recording a new one.” Then click “OK”. Next, access the “Sounds and Devices” window from the Windows Control Panel. The icon looks like a gray speaker. Go to the tab marked “Audio” and in the section called “Sound Recording”, click the “volume” button. That will open the Windows Mixer”. Look for the channel that says “Stereo Mix” or “Wav Out” (depends on what sound card you have), and check the “Mute” box on that channel. Just close Windows Mixer and are you ready to rock!

Record the melody by boldly pressing the button with the big red dot. An audio “track” will appear as if by magic. Start singing into the microphone. When you’re done, click the Audacity button with the big yellow square (meaning “stop”). Go back to the beginning of the song by clicking the Audacity button with the double purple arrows pointing left. You can now add a harmony by simply pressing the red dot button again and singing along with your recorded voice on the first track. Do this as many times as you like (there’s no practical limit in Audacity), for a 3 or 4 part harmony. Hell, become a choir. I once became an abbey of chanting monks!

That’s all about it. You just sang harmony with yourself and didn’t spend a penny! There are many things you can do to improve the sound once you’re done, such as reducing noise, panning vocals left and right, etc. If you’re interested in learning about that and many other cool things you can do with that recording studio you didn’t know you had, check out our tutorials on the Home Brew Audio website. The first video tutorials are free, and subsequent lessons are only $7.00 each. Other lessons will show you how to create a voiceover with music behind it, how to create loops, and how to edit audio, make multitrack recordings, and more. The tutorial that covers the things we did in the article is there too, in case you were wondering ;).

So come and visit us at Home Brew Audio. Health!

jake weston

Money Saving Tips for the Smart Shopper

Most of the secrets to paying less involve planning ahead when to shop, where to shop, and how to shop. Here are some ideas to help you start pinching every penny.


1. Shop at a “pack your own” grocery store. You can save a lot on shopping at these types of stores. The difference is considerable, look in the phone book or online for stores in your area.

2. Sign up for club cards. They are usually free and make you eligible for certain discounts, so why not join? Some stores that have these cards keep track of your purchases and when you reach a certain level you will get another coupon on top of your savings.

3. Buy meat in the market. In addition to fresh meat and incredible prices, in a meat market you decide how much you buy. There is no pre-packaging here. If you want 3/4 pound of ground turkey, that’s what you’ll get.

4. Shop at a bakery. You can buy bread here for about 1/3 the price of your average grocery store. Also at discount prices there are cookies and cakes to go. The items you find here are as fresh as those from the grocery store.

5. Use those coupons. This is probably the most obvious way to save. Your Sunday paper is usually full of them. Take those extra five minutes to delete them. If you’re looking for a specific coupon, try the manufacturer’s website.

6. Keep an eye out for candy sales after the holidays. Normally, this is how my family buys our candy. On the first day after the holidays, prices typically drop by 25-50%. Days later, they will reach 75%.

7. Join Sam’s Club or Costco. They have membership fees, but they sell just about anything for a lot less money. They not only sell food, but also offer jewelry, clothing, video games, and holiday items.

Home’s products

1. Try a dollar store. Before you shop anywhere else, try the dollar store. Many sell name brand products for as low as a dollar.

2. Be creative when looking for coupons. If you can’t find that particular article in the Sunday paper, call the toll-free number on the packet. They will often send you some coupons just for asking. Don’t forget to search the internet. Try here http://www.onlycoupons.com.


1. Are you in a group qualified to pay less? Look inside. You may qualify for lower prices if you are low-income, disabled, veteran, senior, or active in the military.

2. Ask the electric company about discounts based on income. If you qualify, ask if there is a program that reimburses part of your gas and electric bills once a year. These savings can add up to hundreds of dollars a year.

3. Cable companies sometimes offer discounted services to certain people. Seniors, military, and low-income families can get lower rates. Check local provider websites or call.

4. Sign up for Self Pay. Ask if there is a fee waiver for those who have their bill withdrawn directly from checking accounts. You’ll also never have to worry about late fees again.

5. Bundle the services together. If you get cable and Internet from two different providers, find out if you can switch to a plan that combines the two for lower rates than paying separately.

6. Delete the landline. If you have a cell phone and don’t need it for the Internet, consider ditching it entirely.


1. Points of sale. In some cases, you can save 25-75% more than in regular department stores.

2. Stock up on basic foods. Items like socks and underwear have regular sales at significant discount prices.

3. End of season sales. Long before the seasons change, seasonal clothing hits clearance. New season products arrive months in advance, hence the sales.


1. Try eBay. Be careful because you are buying from people you don’t know. But eBay offers new toys at discount prices, sometimes much cheaper than in stores. Always check shipping costs before placing your bid.

2. Timely purchases. Buy Christmas toys early. Preferably before Thanksgiving. Research the item online to see where you can find the best deal. Or you can call stores in your area to find out their prices to compare. If it’s a must, you’ll probably save a lot of money if you wait.


1. Store connections. Find a gas station that is part of a grocery store. These places are normally at least several hundred cheaper than their competitors. Some also have club cards that allow you to earn extra pennies per gallon when you buy groceries from them. When purchases reach a certain level, another fuel discount is earned. The good thing is that these club cards are usually free.

2. Do not refuel on Saturdays. In some areas, gas will go up on Saturdays and just before holidays. Planning ahead will be helpful.

3. Avoid freeway gas stations. Gas stations at the motorway exit tend to cost more than a few corners down the road. They know they’ll catch travelers who don’t want to stray too far from where they’re supposed to be. But driving an extra block or two takes little time and gas and can certainly save you a lot.

4. Comparison store. Don’t be fooled by those TV commercials that claim they have the cheapest insurance out there. There are great companies that charge significantly less, but your driving record and credit history also factor into the deal.

5. Waiver Program Surcharge. Ask your insurance if they have this program. If you have been accident free for a certain amount of type while you were insured with them and then have an accident, your rates will not increase.

6. Security and anti-theft functions. Air bags, anti-lock brakes, factory-installed seat belts, and daytime running lights not only increase safety for you and your family, they may also qualify you for a discount on car insurance. Also, most insurers love anti-theft devices. In some states they have certain features that may allow you to have a 25-35% discount.

Health care

1. Avoid the ER Most of our trips to the ER do not require emergency care. But they end up costing us much more than a regular visit to the doctor. Find any urgent care center in your area now and use them instead whenever possible. You could potentially save up to 70%.

2. Go to health care clinics. Try to avoid injections from your regular doctor. Health clinics usually have a fixed fee that is very cheap.

3. Use Generic Medications whenever possible. Before you leave the doctor’s office, ask about a generic brand. There is no difference in quality, but there may be a big difference in price.


1. Find a spay/neuter clinic. Check the yellow pages to find a low-cost clinic. They usually offer more services, like injections and other minor procedures.

2. Shop online. Many pet medications, such as flea treatment, dewormers, and heartworm pills, cost much less. Remember that a reputable site will ask you for the prescription before you can fill it.


1. Shop online at Half.com. There is a wide range of music here. Vendors sell items ranging from fair to like new. You will most likely get what you expect because sellers work hard to maintain a good reputation with buyers.

2. Try eBay. You may find an even better deal because you bid on items. Always check the shipment. Some sellers like to increase shipping costs to make more.

3. Join a bookstore discount card program. With every purchase, you’ll receive a 10% discount off the regular price. Some charge a fee, but for avid readers, the fee is well worth it.

4. Check travel discount websites. While you’re at it, make your reservations online to save a few bucks or more.

5. Kids stay/eat free. Most hotels do not normally charge for taking children with you. But first check what is considered a “child.” The age limit is between 16 and 19 years.

6. Frequent stay programs. If you travel frequently, check the hotel you like to stay at for frequent stay programs, similar to frequent flyer programs. You can earn free nights and other benefits.

Wearing and trying to combine a teal tie

Teal is the color that has a greenish hue combined with blue, while some describe it as a darker version of turquoise. But, in general, color has two attributes combined in proportion, namely green and blue. Wearing teal colored ties is generally an option because it’s your choice what kind of fashionista you think you are, as long as it shows how you feel and the image you’re trying to portray, then it’s already part of the trend. The best way to start selecting your fashion is to look at your complexion and overall complexion so that you can fully match your outfits. Now, when you go to combine teal silk ties with the rest of your fashion, it’s basically the same thing. If your goal is to achieve a classic and conservative goal, the best colors to pair with teal are gray and charcoal on the suit and white on the shirt.

There really aren’t any big restrictions as to how you’re going to wear your teal silk tie, but one of the most basic things is that when your tie is patterned, don’t wear a patterned shirt or vice versa. There is a reason that there is such a thing as mix and match and that is to provide you with the foundation on which you can see which would match perfectly. You can experiment with colors and styles, but not to the point of overdoing it. Teal neckties show coolness and freshness due to the color combination. It closely resembles the color of the ocean when the water is too deep where blue meets green. You should combine it with light-colored shirts and dark-colored suits such as navy blue or the gray-black combination. You can go for very light pink, light yellow and white shirts if you want to look very professional yet elegant and fashionable.

If you seem confused about how to wear and match your teal tie, it would be best to make sure you have enough time to play with the colors in front of a mirror to get an overview of how it will look. Your tie serves the sole purpose of enhancing and bringing life to your otherwise boring outfit. You should not fight for attention, but rather complement the ones you already have. This is the reason why the tie is usually worn after putting on the shirt. This is because your tie acts as the aesthetic accessory that is supposed to make your overall outfit look better. Even if you are not a fashion conscious person, you may still want to look good and create an impression for your colleagues, superior and even your date.

There are three basic things to remember when matching any tie: the color, the pattern, and your personality. Most guys already know this basic information, but what they don’t really know is how to play around with shades and patterns and make sure they fit your personality perfectly. Remember, it is inevitable that people will label you, your attraction and how you carry yourself. The worst thing you would look like when you combine colors inappropriately is to become a clown. Learning to wear the tie and combine it with suits and shirts is quite easy if you check the color scheme and find the complementary ones.

The benefit of LinkedIn for actors and other industry professionals

There is no doubt about the importance of a well-crafted social media profile for professionals in today’s world. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+ are some of the most popular social media platforms that anyone with an internet connection can create. They are also the most thought of in terms of presence. But what about LinkedIn? I remember when LinkedIn first came out. I didn’t think of any of that, but I set up a profile anyway. Today, LinkedIn has over 477 million profiles ranging from individuals, companies, and groups. It is the number one professional networking platform in existence today. If the number of users isn’t impressive enough, the number of profile views for the first quarter of 2016 was 45 billion!


Why not? Seriously, in today’s world, what’s wrong with wasting time setting up your professional profile? Outside of my rhetorical question, let’s look at the practicality of what LinkedIn really is. Your LinkedIn profile serves as a digital resume. LinkedIn features help you organize your career and help you keep track of all the projects, experiences, volunteer work, and education you’re involved with. LinkedIn helps others who may be interested in working with you get a quick snapshot of who you are: your approach, your character, and your experience.

Being an actor, you are in one of the most competitive industries. Anyone who has been in the entertainment industry for any length of time knows that it is all about networking. It’s about who you know and the projects you’ve been a part of. Sure, posting videos on YouTube helps, having a Facebook fan page helps, and possibly even your own website. Social media profiles like Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram and others help to engage with your audience and fans as well as increase your marketing. But what about your professional image? The fans are great, however you are in the “show business”. The most important part of that term is “BUSINESS”. If you’re not developing your professional and business side, it doesn’t really matter how many fans you have because the fans won’t have anything to admire if you don’t get a job.


The best aspects of LinkedIn is the ability to showcase projects, write articles, get endorsements from your peers, and receive recommendations from those you’ve worked with. Casting directors, producers and filmmakers always have a ready supply of talent. The same with Agents and Managers. Whether you like it or not, you need to show them why you’re worth their time. You may be able to act or sing, hit the mark or deliver on a dime. But, you are not the only one. More importantly, if you can’t show up for work on time, cause trouble, or have an attitude, no matter how talented you are, your personality will overshadow all of that. We all want to work with professionals. They want to know who YOU ​​are. This is where LinkedIn can serve you the most.

EXPERIENCE SECTION – The best part of this section is the ability to highlight the experience you have. Are you with an agent or a management company? What work have you done in the past that is related to the industry or otherwise? What did you do? How did you do it? You learned? What skills did you acquire? This information is great for someone looking to work with you.

PROJECT SECTION – Like a resume attached to the back of a Headshot, projects can be displayed on LinkedIn under the experience you coordinate with. For example, he works with the ABC talent agency. While you were there, you were chosen for project 1,2,3. You worked with the XYZ actor/director/casting director. You have the ability to describe the character you played and other details more fully than you could on the back of your resume.

BACKS – We all have abilities. Some skills fit directly into our field of work, others outside of our field of work. Different experiences and projects make us use different sets of skills that we possess. The Approval section shows your most prominent skill set. Additionally, this section allows friends, peers, and networks to endorse those skills. There is nothing more powerful than others saying… yes, he/she has these abilities and they are developed to the point that I am willing to endorse and recommend them for it.

RECOMMENDATIONS – Imagine working with an actor like Leonardo DeCaprio or a director like Stephen Spielberg and they give you a recommendation because of their work ethic or performance on set! That kind of backing would do wonders for your marketability. People like to work with nice people. The best way to show that you are such a person is through recommendations. This section highlights who you are beyond your performance. It illuminates your character, your behavior and your work ethic. My advice is to increase your recommendation as much as possible. It only benefits you in the long run.

VOLUNTEER SECTION – Do you like charities? Are you involved with non-profit organizations? Why are you involved and what do you do with them? LinkedIn gives you the ability to talk about the charities you work with. Can you imagine what this does to your likeability factor? Can you imagine how this will help you stand out above the rest and the opportunities that can arise from this section alone?


Different social media platforms serve different purposes. Most focus on gaining followers, sharing their thoughts or moments in time. Others try to show their professional experience. LinkedIn has become the platform to show your professional side. The best part of LinkedIn is that it continues to grow. You have the ability to link your profile to other websites and social media platforms (IMDB, website, fan page, etc.), you have the ability to take the time to develop a quality digital resume that will be accessible to those interested in working with you as you build a history of sponsorships, recommendations, articles and experiences. Do not do what I did and wait to develop your profile. Get started today!


Remember, it’s about promoting your professional side. Throwing out some half-baked information just to have it is not going to work well in the long run. An old saying in the restaurant business is this… “Presentation is everything”; that is, you may have the best tasting food, but if the presentation is poor, the food won’t taste as good. This is because we eat with our eyes first. This is no different with your resume or your profile. You want it to stand out and you want it to be as professional as possible. So here are some tips to help you.

1.PHOTO – If you don’t have a photo, you don’t have a profile. As an actor, getting a professional headshot is part of the business. Especially if you are a young talent, every time you update your Headshot, you should get in the habit of updating your LinkedIn photo with the new Headshot.

two. BACKGROUND IMAGE – LinkedIn’s new design allows for a background image. Use this feature! It adds a unique touch to your profile and allows you to express yourself. Just make sure to keep it professional.

3. ITEMS – LinkedIn allows you to write articles. This is a great way to express yourself and your experience. Writing updates when you finish a project talking about your experiences can be very helpful. Writing about things that matter to you will also help others learn more about you and the kinds of projects that will really help you shine. Plus, every time you post an article, your connections automatically get a notification. This increases your presence in your industry.

NOTE: B.Be sure not to post restricted or non-disclosure information about any project you’re working on… If you have any questions, first contact your agent, manager, or legal professional. Better to be safe than sorry.

Four. SUPPORT OTHERS – Help your fellow actors! They are fighting just as much as you. If you work with someone who you think does great work or has great character, please let others know! Believe me, they will think highly of you and I can guarantee that they will be equally as willing to endorse and recommend you in return.

5. STAY PROFESSIONAL – Whatever you do, keep professionalism top of mind for LinkedIn. It’s not about harassing casting directors or filmmakers to be in your next movie. It’s not about posting what you did over the weekend or badmouthing others. Believe me, social networks, in general, are a double-edged sword. You shouldn’t do this on any of your platforms, however, LinkedIn is the last place you want to do it. You will be blacklisted faster than you think!

3 healthy snacks for kids to pack this summer

Summer is just around the corner – it’s a great time to get creative with our kids’ snacks!

Here are some healthy snacks for kids that are perfect for hot sunny days:

Fresh summer fruit popsicles

What do you need:

  • 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
  • 1 peach, diced
  • 1/2 watermelon, pureed
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 handful of fresh cherries, pitted and chopped

Prepare a dozen popsicle molds, then divide the cut fruits to fill each mold. Pour the watermelon puree into each popsicle mold, filling to the top. Place a popsicle stick in each and freeze for at least 6 to 8 hours, or until ready to serve.

For easy serving, run each of the frozen molds under warm running water for a few seconds before removing for the kids to enjoy.

Sweet N Healthy Granola Bars

What do you need:

  • 1 1/2 cups of almonds
  • 1 cup of walnuts
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips (preferably sugar free)
  • 2/3 cups of pistachio
  • 1/3 cup Sukrin clear fiber syrup
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds, chopped and cooked
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, chopped and cooked
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, chopped and cooked
  • 3 tablespoons Sukrin Gold
  • 2 butter spoons
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the Sukrin syrup, Sukrin Gold, ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, and salt. Stir well. Boil for 2-3 minutes until the mixture has thickened. Add the cooked nuts and seeds, stirring to coat with the mixture.

Remove from heat and place mixture in a 9×3 baking dish lined with parchment paper. Place another piece of parchment paper on top and press down to spread the mixture evenly in the baking dish. Let cool for 10 to 15 minutes, then refrigerate for 15. Cut into bars, then refrigerate for another 15 minutes.

Store granola bars in an airtight container.

easy apple cookies

What do you need:

  • 1 apple (green or red)
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • Mini chocolate chips (preferably sugar free)

Core the apple and cut into “circles.” Spread peanut butter on top of each apple slice, then sprinkle with chocolate chips. Do this for each slice of apple. Refrigerate for at least 5 minutes before serving for added enjoyment by the kids on a hot, sunny day.

Preparing healthy snacks for children is not complicated at all. If you prepare delicious and healthy snacks, they will no longer become junk food.

Does Garcinia Cambogia still work for weight loss in 2021?

As of this writing, it’s the first week of January 2021. And as we all know, it’s the time of year when everyone makes New Year’s resolutions to try and become the best version of themselves.

Do you want to know one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions?

If you guess “weight loss”, then you are definitely right.

But here’s the thing, losing weight is an uphill climb for most people. In fact, MANY people struggle to lose weight and are always looking for an edge and this is where an effective fat burner like Garcinia Cambogia comes into play.

Garcinia Cambogia is actually a supplement that is made from a fruit of the same name. The fruit itself has been around for centuries and is used in dishes such as curries and soups in India and some Asian countries. However, it was in 2012 when a famous doctor referred to Garcinia cambogia as the holy grail of weight loss that its popularity began to skyrocket. However, 8 years later, things are a bit different.

So does Garcinia Cambogia extract still work for weight loss in 2021?

To answer that question, we must first know why Garcinia works. Has anything changed?

Well, Garcinia Cambogia extract contains an active ingredient known as Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA for short. This is the main ingredient that gives Garcinia Cambogia its weight loss properties. Scientists have discovered that HCA can help people lose weight in three main ways. Is it so:

1. HCA helps suppress appetite

As long as you take Garcinia Cambogia at the recommended dosage, you can expect to feel full faster and for longer periods after eating. As a result, you will eat less on a daily basis, which will lead to an overall caloric deficit, which is the main requirement for weight loss.

2. HCA acts as a fat blocker

Whenever you eat a lot of carbohydrates (carbs), unless you are very active, most of those carbohydrates will be converted to fat by an enzyme known as citrus lyase and stored. However, HCA has been shown to inhibit the action of this enzyme, allowing you to use the carbohydrates you eat as an immediate source of energy.

In the long term, you’ll find that you gain less weight because you’re actively using carbohydrates for energy instead of storing them as fat.

Keep in mind, however, that in this case Garcinia Cambogia will be more beneficial for a person who tends to eat a lot of carbohydrates on a daily basis. For people following a low carb diet such as the ketogenic diet, Garcinia will not benefit in this case.

3. Garcinia cambogia increases serotonin levels

The #1 leading cause of weight gain is overeating. There’s just no way to say this nicely. If we eat too much, the excess food will turn into fat and be stored. It’s just a biological process. And do you know one of the main causes of overeating?

If you answered eating emotionally, you are correct!

But here’s the good news. Garcinia Cambogia has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain. And without getting into too much scientific jargon, serotonin is a form of neurotransmitter that increases mood to feel good. Simply put, the higher your serotonin levels, the less likely you are to feel depressed and indulge in emotional eating.

This could be said to be a win-win. You feel good more often while getting closer to your weight loss goal.

So, let’s wrap up and answer the question: Does Garcinia Cambogia still work?

And the short answer is yes.

Although several years have passed since the product appeared on the scene, it is still one of the best-selling “fat burners” on the market. HCA is a proven ingredient to combat weight loss and even other products have started incorporating HCA as a main ingredient.

However, there is a caveat. You see, there are many brands on the market, some of which are not worth the ground you walk on. Therefore, you must be very careful to do proper research before choosing a brand to go with.

Florida Non-Resident Adjuster Licenses: A Guide to Licensing

The Florida All Lines adjuster license is the highest level of license for the claims profession in the state of Florida. The Florida non-resident license is available to residents of other states under certain conditions.

In all cases, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and a US citizen or lawful resident alien authorized to work in the United States. Upon application for the license, the applicant will be required to submit fingerprints for a background check. A conviction for a felony or other ‘crimes’ of moral turpitude will normally disqualify the license applicant.

If the applicant is from a state that requires adjusters to be licensed, that applicant must be licensed from the home state before FL will issue a non-resident license. If the applicant is from a state that does not require adjusters to be licensed, that person is eligible to apply for the FL All Lines license.

To qualify for licensure, an individual must take and pass the state exam, or qualify through a designation, such as the Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation offered by the University of Central Florida/University of Florida Insurance. The ACA Designation will excuse the applicant from the need to take the state exam.

The Florida license is sought after by those in the insurance industry due to its reciprocity with other states. In other words, once a person holds a Florida license, that same person will be eligible to obtain a license in other states with no requirements other than the filing of an application. Texas is one of the Florida reciprocating states and between Texas and Florida reciprocating, an applicant will be eligible for a license nationwide with very few exceptions. A list of Florida’s reciprocal states includes:

Arkansas: Independent Only

Connecticut: Independent, Public, and Business

Georgia: Independent and public adjusters only. (No license required for Company adjusters)

Illinois – Public Only

Kentucky: Independent, Public and Business

Michigan-Public and Independent

Minnesota-Independent and Public

Mississippi: Independent Only

New Mexico – Independent and Company

North Carolina: Independent, Public, and Business

Oklahoma: Independent, Public and Business

Oregon: Public and Independent

Pennsylvania – Public

South Carolina: For Businesses and Independents Only

Texas-Independent and Company

West Virginia – Independent, Public and Business

For more information on licensing, see the Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation information on the University of Central Florida website or call: (407) 927-1235. The license application is located online at the following web address: